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Marketing plan for a charter school - Essay Example

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This marketing plan is for Allegiance Academy for grades K-9, a public charter school, to be located in Tucson, Arizona It is a publicly funded school that, in accordance with state 
statute, has been granted a charter exempting it from state or local rules and regulations.  It is newly created and will be governed by a group of local educators…
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Marketing plan for a charter school
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1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MARKETING OBJECTIVES This marketing plan is for Allegiance Academy for grades K-9, a public charter school, to be located in Tucson, Arizona It is a publicly funded school that, in accordance with state statute, has been granted a charter exempting it from state or local rules and regulations. It is newly created and will be governed by a group of local educators. Our main objective is to recruit students to our newly established school. Like most Americans who have ancestors from multiple countries or even continents, charters were born of disparate theories, educating initiatives, and social philosophies. That diversity has been one of the greatest strengths of the big family that is the charter movement. But now public . policies ......certainly No Child Left Behind, but also the state standards movement that preceded it.........are forcing conversations long delayed. In the early 1990's, at the inception of charter schools, the bargain was set. These schools would be given greater autonomy and flexibility than traditional public schools, and in return they would be held accountable for getting better results in student learning. Just as critically, they would be schools of choice for everyone involved.........students, parents, and teachers. Two sides of the charter triangle........autonomy and choice.........have remained quite clear and without controversy, at least within the charter movement itself. Parents should have plenty of choices; and the more autonomy and flexibility, the better. It has remained clear that the charter model has succeeded in attracting applicants. GOODS OR SERVICES There are no other nonsectarian public schools of choice in this area. Charter schools operate with freedom from many regulations that apply to traditional public schools. The charter establishing each such school is a performance contract detailing the school's mission, program, goals, students served, methods of assessment, and ways to measure success. Charter schools are accountable to their sponsor (s) to produce positive academic results and to adhere to the charter contract. They are accountable for both academic and fiscal results to several groups: the sponsor that grants them, the parents who choose them, and the public that funds them. A quality charter school authorizer engages in responsible oversight of charter schools by ensuring that schools have both the autonomy to which they are entitled and the public accountability for which they are responsible. They should: Approach authorizing deliberately and thoughtfully with the intent to improve the quality of public school options Support and advance the purposes of charter school law Be a catalyst for charter school development to satisfy unmet educational needs Strive for clarity, consistency, and transparency in developing and implementing authorizing policies and procedures Be a source of accurate, intelligible performance-based information about the schools they oversee Be responsible not for the success or failure of the school, but for holding the school accountable for their performance Use objective and verifiable measures of student achievement as the primary measure of school quality and to Make the well-being of students the fundamental value informing all decision-making and actions RESOURCES NEEDED The governing body has purchased a vacant property located at 12345 Lane Drive in Tucson. Start up funds have been obtained from individuals, state planning grants, corporate grants, and entrepreneurs. Other resources will have to be explored. Fund-raising projects are in the process. Advertisements for staff has been placed in newspapers across the state and in educational journals and magazines. Current applicants are now in the interviewing process. A food vendor has been contracted for the lunch program. Insurance policies are in place for the building and the faculty and student body. The governing body has retained an attorney to deal with the legal aspects of said establishment. We have also contracted a local bus service for the students' transportation. Regions have been diagramed within a fifty-mile radius. The budget has allocated $2000 per school semester for three bus drivers and three bus monitors. The gymnasium is furnished with all necessary equipment for physical education classes. The basketball floor is regulation size, and the indoor swimming pool meets all requirements. A basketball coach and swimming instructors are being recruited, and the budget has allocated $10,000 for the first school semester for this purose. COMPANY DESCRIPTION Allegiance Academy is publicly funded, open to all students, and designed to meet parents' needs. It will be an appealing place for staff to work, for students to attend, and for parents to visit. We are operated by an array of non-profit groups. We are committed to improving public education and playing an important role in school reform. STRATEGIC FOCUS & PLAN ' GOALS Charter schools allow in-house decision-making, which eliminates the bureaucracy of getting things done, and leads to better communication among parents, students, and teachers. Decisions are made by the teaching staff, para-professionals, community members working in the school, and licensed educators, who will meet several times during the week. If a problem arises and you want to change something or bring in something new, it can be done immediately. CORE COMPETENCY Our uniqueness in this field is that no other charter school exists in the state of Arizona. SITUATION ANALYSIS Our strength is that there is no competition in this area. This can also prove to be a weakness, since parents will have no comparison to base their decision to enroll their children. The opportunity exists for students to excel academically in our environment. A threat exists because of the unknown. INTERNAL FOCUS There are three financial statements that are required: An annual budget A budget for the full term of the charter A monthly cash flow projection detailing revenues and expenditures In addition: An estimate of all public and private dollars available per student An itemized list of working capital and assets, including cash, bonds, and real estate EXTERNAL FOCUS Our outside CPA will furnish all required financial documents. He will also be responsible for the monthly cash flow statement. This will show the cash generated and collected from school operations. This statement will utilize the same income and expense as the annual operating budget. However, it breaks the information down into monthly columns showing whether the school will have enough money to pay its bills at the end of each month. Naturally, if the school's annual revenues arrive at the school later than its expenditures must be paid, the school will need working capital in the form of a short-term loan in order to pay its expenses on time. Our CPA will also develop a set of financial management policies which will specify who is responsible for preparing and monitoring the school's budget and how the powers of the purse are distributed within the school among board members, staff, and others. He will also be developing a plan for how financial audits will be cinducted. CONSUMER/SOCIAL COMPETITIVE We believe our governing body is comprised of experienced personnel with strong ties to the community. TECHNOLOGICAL We have funds in place to purchase state of the art technology. ECONOMIC We believe that providing grades K-9, this will provide a stable academic background for our students and their siblings as they reach of age. Our curriculum will provide a solid foundation to entry into their high school years. REGULATORY At the present time, our legal team is working diligently to ascertain all requirements are meant by state and local law. It is also possible that expansion could result at a future time. Drafting a charter is a complex matter. The purpose, content, and format of charter documents vary widely among states. Key components of a strong charter application include: a clear mission statement statement of why the school is needed description of the education program to be used learning objectives for students methods for student assessment financial plan and 3-5 year budget projection governance and/or organizational model personnel policies student enrollment and discipline policies facilities information insurance (as applicable) compliance with state and federal regulations, as well as with any other requirements reference to a pre-determined monitoring, evaluation, and renewal process COMPETITOR ANALYSIS At the current time, there is no competition. NATURE OF CURRENT/LIKELY COMPETITORS Competition will most likely arise in the future. By that time, we will have solid footing in the community and loyalty to the Allegiance Academy. You Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 Competitor n Core Strength Secondary Strength Next Strength Biggest Weakness Second Weakness Next Weakness Core Competency Comparison COMPETITIVE BARRIERS Goal is to enroll a minimum of 500 students upon opening the school, with 10% registered for each grade. COMPANY ANALYSIS OVERALL MARKETING STRATEGIES Student attendees will be recruited via newspaper ads, local magazine ads, kiosks set up at malls, ads posted in stores and other public establishments, and word of mouth. CO RESOURCES Seminars will be conducted throughout the region to inform the community who we are and what we hope to accomplish. CUSTOMER CHARACTERISTICS Our customers are seeking an opportunity for their children to be educated in a free, but structured environment. The parents we are seeking will be involved in all decisions, and possibly sit on the school committee board. POSSIBLE SEGMENTING DIMENSIONS Currently, the population in Tucson of 3 years old and over enrolled in school is 145,092. Nursery & preschool-7,240; Kindergarten 6,986; Grades 1-8-53,711; Grades 9-12-25,012; College-52,143. Tucson is the second largest city in Arizona, per capita personal income (2003) is $25,906. KEY INFLUENCES ON THE BUYING PROCESS Previous telephone surveys indicated that parents are open to an alternative to the public school system. TYPE OF BUYING SITUATION There is currently no alternative to the public school system. NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP WITH CUSTOMERS The charter school movement views autonomy as its most important animating principle. The open door policy to parents is quite appealing, and the opportunity for them to also sit on the Board pulls even more weight. SWOT ANALYSIS SUMMARY Strengths Weaknesses -Strength 1 -Strength 2 -Strength 3 -Strength 4 -Strength n -Weakness 1 -Weakness 2 -Weakness 3 -Weakness 4 -Weakness n Opportunities Threats - Opportunity 1 - Opportunity 2 - Opportunity 3 - Opportunity 4 - Opportunity n -Threat 1 -Threat 2 -Threat 3 -Threat 4 -Threat n SWOT Analysis Matrix MARKET-PRODUCT FOCUS MARKETING & PRODUCT OBJECTIVES The interest in a charter school has been well received. Advertising and kiosks in malls will promote enrollment. There is also the possibility of an outside sales team being formed. TARGET MARKETS Seminars targeted to parents of preschool children may be a prime target. POSITIONING Our kiosks and seminars will be scheduled for the Tucson and surrounding areas. PRODUCT & PRODUCT STRATEGY PRODUCT CLASS Academic results from charter schools in other states can provide a wealth of information to parents and be a dynamic recruiting tool. Standard curriculum will contain the following: Civics Dance Economics Foreign Language Geography History Mathematics Music Physical Education Reading & Writing Science Theatre Visual Arts CURRENT PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE STAGE. At this time, the charter has been written and approved. Staff interviews are being conducted, the lunch vendor is contracted, and insurance is in force. Faculty is certified, possess graduate degrees and are experienced. They are trained to identify learning styles, integrate students with various learning degrees, accommodate special needs students, validate emotional literacy, and comply with the standards of excellence set forth by the model school. Through surveys, numerous conferences and progress reports, retention rates, lesson plan review, observations, and self-evaluation lends itself to consistent instruction. Principals, Academy Directors, and Administrators are accountable to parents and students to quantitatively demonstrate achievement at all levels. Regular surveys open parent group meetings and consistent communication foster an environment that allows team building between families and school personnel to flourish. Parental participation is not only welcomed in the learning process, but required to ensure students meet their contracted codes of conduct, community service and performance goals. Technology in the classroom is integrated into all subject areas and links students to national and international learning media. Students will be producing daily assignments and reports per instruction. Student portfolios will be kept on disk for continual update and renewal. SPECIFICATION OF CORE & AUGMENTED PRODUCT Education with autonomy is stressed. Parents are also being recruited to serve on the Board of Directors. The operations stage includes the actual opening of the charter school with its inevitable unforeseen issues. It also includes establishing the culture of the school, clarifying the school's expectations and beliefs, and beginning to use data on student performance as the primary guide for school planning and policymaking. At this point, the work involved will be divided among the charter school teachers, administrator, and board. Several common areas of focus are: Formally open the doors and celebrate the commencement of the school Identify and address unforeseen glitches and constraints Transition the school's governance structure from the initial startup stages to one of ongoing policymaking and oversight Establish or formalize relationships with community groups, supporters, the sponsor district, the media. And other potential partners Refine curriculum and instruction Collect and interpret student performance and achievement data, using it as the foundation for ongoing planning and school policy development SUPPORTING CUSTOMER SERVICES NEEDED Dollars have been allocated in the budget for space rental to hold seminars, rental for kiosks, and to support an outside sales team. BRANDING Allegiance Academy will build its name on pledging "allegiance" to increasing opportunities for learning and access to quality education for all students, creating choice for parents and students within the school system, providing accountability for results in academia, encouraging innovative teaching practices, creating new professional opportunities for teachers, encouraging community and parent involvement in education, and leveraging improved public education. PRICE NATURE OF DEMAND School is not in session in the summer. However, the school building can be used for other youth activities. DEMAND & COST ANALYSIS Over two million dollars has been raised to get the operation going. A budget has been drawn to cover all expenses for two school years. A copy of the budget can be submitted for perusal. . PRICE FLEXIBILITY A combination pricing strategy has been put in place. PROMOTION Advertising Plan PROMOTION OBJECTIVES One of the most important factors in developing a viable charter school is the ability to recruit and retain students. Most of your financial support will come from the state and federal governments, based on a per-pupil allotment. It is critical that you understand how many students you need to support it, and are realistic about the level of interest in your program and your ability to recruit students. The law requires charter schools to give certain students priority, before accepting others by lot. These include: Pupils who are residents of the town in which the school is located, if the charter school is the only school located in a town serving pupils within a particular grade level Pupils who live within two miles of the charter school and the next closest public school is more than five miles away and Siblings of an enrolled pupil and foster children of that pupil's parents Each charter school may set its own application deadline and lottery date. When setting deadlines and planning recruitment activities, schools may want to keep in mind deadlines set by surrounding school districts. Advertising is in place in The Tucson Sun, The Tucson Village, and The Tucson News. PROMOTION BLEND Successful promotion requires blend of mix...........advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity, & interactive media. Three hundred sixty-two students have been enrolled. Our goal for the first school year is a total of 500 students. ADVERTISING Advertising is in place in newspapers and educational journals. Three seminars are booked for the next two months prior to school start date. $7000 was allotted for advertising; $2000 was spent. Both seminars are being held at White's Restaurant; appetizers are being served. Faculty members will be available for a Question and Answer period after the seminar. Leading educators will be conducting the affair. Invitations were sent to 2000 prospective customers. To date, 200 have confirmed attendance. Follow up calls are being made by volunteers. The newspaper ads are full-page and designed to attract the eye of every parent. They are quite informative and also invite parents to call the faculty with questions, attend our seminars, and to give input. The ads in the educational journals deal more intensely with the curriculum, and also invite parents to bring us their questions and ideas. PERSONAL SELLING Our outside sales team has recruited 200 students. Budgeting allocation for this quarter is $2000. This amount was allocated for payroll. Our sales team was recruited from local colleges. The team is comprised of six people. Each has their region to cover. The regions include all areas of Tucson and all surrounding areas in a 25-mile radius. SALES PROMOTION Our goal is to increase recruitment. Sales incentives are to be offered to our outside sales team within a budget of $1000 per quarter. Incentives can be in the form of a bonus, time off, or extra vacation time. Our kiosks are located at the seven malls in Tucson and its surrounding towns. They are appealing to the prospective customer. There is a variety of literature available, which was printed by a local printing company who donated its services. The kiosks will be manned by faculty members who will be able to any questions parents may have. Again, the parents will be asked to supply input. A tour of the school for prospective customers will also be held shortly after the seminars are conducted. This way, parents will get a preview of the school and can also meet all the staff. PUBLICITY Our local cable TV station has offered free publicity for The Allegiance Academy. Robert O'Berlin, the station manager, has volunteered to serve on our Board of Directors; his three children have been enrolled. PLACE OBJECTIVES Charter schools are expanding their services, growing into comprehensive community organizations. As neighborhood schools improve, fewer urban families are moving to the suburbs in search of quality public education. Many charter schools are purchasing or leasing and renovating vacant and dilapidated properties. Our building will be used for school sessions, after-school activities, and summer events. The building can also be utilized for fund raising events in the evenings and on weekends. Our cafeteria can seat 500 comfortably. The contracted food vendor, Melody's Catering, is a local establishment that has been in business for over twenty years. It has an excellent reputation, and its owners are involved in many community affairs. The budget has allocated funds for the staff of three cafeteria people. MARKETING INFO SYSTEMS NEEDED Forty computers have been donated to the school by a local business. Thirty-five computers will be for student use in computer classes. Five computers are allocated to staff use. These are state of the art equipment. Personnel is in place to manage the data base.. CRITERION MEASURES WITH OBJECTIVES The achievement-level design of the accountability system creates some challenges for new charter schools. Many charter schools purposefully recruit students who historically have been left behind by the traditional public schools; many of them are at-risk students. With these students entering years behind. This presents a unique challenge. It is important that we expect all students to achieve proficiency. Our goal is to be a role model for the entire public education system. Across the forty states (and Washington, D.C.) With charter schools, students on waiting lists are nearly 9 percent of total charter enrollment. In nine states the number on waiting lists exceeds 20 percent. By law, charter schools must have a fair and open admissions process, conducting outreach and recruitment to all segments of the community they serve. When more students apply than can be accomoated, many charters use a lottery to randomly determine which students are accepted. Many charter schools also have waiting lists. What child benefits from attending a charter school Children have many different strengths and weaknesses as well as many different educational needs. Every family has different priorities for their child's learning. Suitably, there are a variety of charter schools with a wide spectrum of programs, curricula, teaching methods, etc. With the unique needs of children and the wide variety of options, the process of searching and choosing a new school can be an overwhelming one. Thus, it is important to determine first the priorities of the child. A neighborhood school with a focus on safety and academic excellence creates conditions under which violence, drugs , and unruliness cannot thrive. Students are assimilated easily and unhealthy behaviors are targeted with intervention strategies early on. Mandated dress codes provide visual discipline. Strict conduct codes and behavior modification programs emphasize positive reinforcement and ensure a safe congenial atmosphere. Administration knows every student and their family through the accessibility afforded in a smaller environment. Charter schools have the ability to: Provide possible solutions to urban school challenges such as easing overcrowding, narrowing the achievement gap, and increasing parent involvement Provide additional educational options for parents Increase learning opportunities for all pupils, with special emphasis on expanded learning experiences for pupils who are identified as academically low achieving Improve teacher quality Encourage the use of innovative teaching methods Our seminars and in-house meetings will discuss all these topics at length. WORKS CITED August 2004 Hoover Institution "Charters as Role Models" by Michael J. Petrilli 2005 Multisensory Learnng Academy 2004-05 "Parent Cannot Envision the Community Without a Charter School" by Aurelio Huertas, Jr. NCREL Interview with Dick Raich, parent Meadowlands, MN The Center for Education Reform 2005 National Charter School Alliance St Paul, MN Read More
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