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Methodological Issues of Research - Essay Example

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The essay "Methodological Issues of Research" focuses on the critical analysis of the major methodological issues of the research. The methodology followed to conduct research provides a scientific approach to a study. It helps in arriving at the most accurate results…
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Methodological Issues of Research
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Methodology The methodology followed to conduct a research provides a scientific approach to a study. The implementation of appropriate method helps in arriving at the most accurate results. Prior to following a certain methodology, it is imperative to understand the research philosophy. The approach and strategy of the research, data sources, confirming the validity of data and the sampling methods are the important constituents of the research methodology. Research philosophy provides an ideology to conduct a research. It is important to understand the philosophy of a research because the method of data collection and the information generated depends on the philosophy involved in a research. It provides an appropriate insight to study a particular phenomena and the method of data collection required for the study. The philosophy behind a research guides the researcher about various aspects of producing valid knowledge. ["A" level sociology A resource based learning approach, n. d] The three trends of philosophy involved in sociological research methodologies are Positivism, Realism and Interpretivism. Positivism mainly deals with proposing natural laws based on observation. [Samuel- Ojo, 2005]. Realism states that whatever appears to be real to an individual is a consequence of one's behavior. ["A" level sociology A resource based learning approach, n. d]. Interpretivism is mainly based on idealism that the various phenomena occurring in the world are interpreted through mind. [Interpretivism, n. d] The research philosophy of positivism mainly prevailed in the nineteenth and the twentieth century. This concept is most popular in the field of natural science. The origin of this ideology evolved due to the study of various phenomena in the world through human knowledge rather than dogma of religion. In order to attain fact about a particular aspect of study, observations are made related to that field of study. This methodology of research through observation is called empirism. Therefore, positivism developed based on certainty and universal explanations about particular phenomena. [Samuel- Ojo, 2005]. The major strengths of positivism are that the knowledge attained through this methodology is certain since it is not based on any speculations. It provides a logical end to any research. Contrary to this, since ideology of positivism mainly deals with observations it rules out the existence of unobservable phenomena or occurrences. [Rusbult, 1997] Realism is a research philosophy that "seeks to understand, the existence of an external and objective reality that influences people's social interpretations and behaviors but which may not be perceptible to them. It recognizes that people themselves are not objects to be studied in the style of natural science. "[Glossary, n. d]. Realism believes that phenomena can occur in spite of not observing its occurrence. It also believes that an object has certain properties associated with it that are independent of theoretical conceptions. These are some of the major strengths of realism. One major drawback of this research philosophy is that it is based on plausible doctrines rather than knowledge based on facts. The knowledge attained through this philosophy is skeptical and not certain since it is based on unobservable. [Boyd, 2002] Interpretive research philosophy states that the social world cannot be described without understanding the experience of the people and gives importance to human actions. This ideology produces scientific accounts of social life depending on the concepts and inferences drawn by the people. It generates theories based on the descriptions and experiences of people. Hence, this ideology is purely based on the understanding of the people about a particular concept and its interpretation by the researcher. It provides an in depth understanding of the blind beliefs and practices of daily life. There are structured procedures followed to understand the perception and beliefs of the people about a particular study. These are some of the advantages of this type of research philosophy and it stands apart from other ideologies. There are several criticisms associated with Interpretivism. This concept can be misleading because the perception of people about a certain phenomena or concept may be wrong at times. The reality may be different from the conviction of people. It ignores the possible sources of social changes in the world. [Interpretivism, n. d]. The next most important aspect of the methodology in a research is the research approach. Research approach is the kind of methodology implemented by the researcher to conduct a study. There are two types of research approaches-Deductive and Inductive approach. Deductive approach confirms the practical existence of a particular theory. It begins with the identification of a theory based on the area of interest of the researcher .There are certain hypothesis made based on these theories that are tested depending on the data obtained through the observations. Therefore, the hypothesis is tested by the specific data and this in turn confirms the originality of a theory. [Trochim, 2005] On the other hand, inductive approach begins with observations. The trends and patterns of this observation are measured. Based on these patterns some hypothesis is made and conclusion and theories are propounded based on these hypothesis. [Trochim, 2005]. In this type of research method, various observations are made about the occurrences in the world. The data are accumulated based on these observations Tables are drawn and graphs are plotted by the data obtained to understand a particular pattern. This is the most practical method of presenting the experimental results and interpreting data. [Graphs, n. d]. Depending on the pattern of these observations, hypothesis is made. Conclusions or theories are proposed based on this hypothesis. Data collection is the most crucial part of any research. The data obtained can either be qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative data are detailed and contextual. They can be described and manipulated numerically. The qualitative data can be converted to quantitative data by numbering similarities of the data and the number of times a particular aspect of the data appears. [Trochim,2005] Quantitative data are numeric in nature. It is based on qualitative judgments. The various numeric scales of quantitative data are dependent on the qualitative judgment because before assigning a particular scale, the researcher has to identify the feasibility of the scale for the intended concept, its reliability and consistency, how appropriate is the scale for the intended research. [Trochim, 2005]. An appropriate strategy can help the researcher obtain relevant data required for the research. There are various types of strategies implemented to conduct a research. They are historical method, descriptive survey method, analytical survey method , experimental method and case studies. Historical method involves an in depth understanding of the origin and the development of the chosen field of study. This provides a better perspective in understanding the culture, trends and future possibilities of the chosen topic. Both qualitative and quantitative data can be obtained through this strategy. Historical method begins with the identification of a historical problem or topic, gathering information, forming hypothesis and its relationship with the historical topic or issue, collection organization and analysis of evidences and recording conclusions that are narrative in nature. [ The historical approach to research, n. d] Descriptive survey method mainly deals with collection of data through observation made by the participants of the study. There can be differences in the data accumulated through this method since the perception and belief of the people about a particular concept vary. Questionnaire and interview are the main tool for gathering data for descriptive survey. [Edwards, n. d]. Analytical survey method mainly utilizes quantitative data and analyses them based on certain statistical tools. This method is primarily concerned with problem of estimation and statistically based hypothesis. The main utility of this method is to infer meaning through statistics and provides scope for further study. [Kennedy Western University, 2004, pg.15] Experimental method is another type of research strategy that is most commonly utilized in physical sciences. It is also known as the cause and effect method. It is mainly utilized to resolve a concern associated with a topic of study. Two groups with same characteristics are identified except one variable and one group is tested based on that variable. [Experimental method, n. d]. Case study method provides an in depth understanding about the topic of study. Personal discussion, mutual interaction, observation, or review of existing documents are the various data sources utilized to conduct a research in case study method. It explains the various aspects of study that a survey or any other research strategy may be unable to exhibit. If a particular research does not have a definite outcome then this method can help the researcher in identifying performance measures and provide a hypothesis for further study. This strategy helps in defining the relationship between various aspects of the study and perception of the researcher and people about a study. This strategy can be effectively combined with other research strategies. [Crawford, n. d] The research strategy employed to conduct a research provides two types of data -Secondary data and primary data. Secondary data are the data collected through previous researches in this field. This data is reused by the researcher to conduct further study. Secondary data are in the form of diaries, memoirs, biographies, letters, newspapers, journals, novels and literary reviews, handbooks, policy statements, planning documents, reports, historical, official documents , published and non published electronic sources. [Culbert, n. d]. Literary reviews can be attained from the published and unpublished work related to the field of study. Secondary data sources are of high importance to any research. There are important ideas that is gained about the research topic through the secondary data sources. It provides definitions, sampling and the words that should be utilized while framing questions pertaining to the research. It supplements the main research. It is the main source of attaining data for the research since the primary data sources are time consuming and in certain cases it may not be feasible to attain primary data. [Culbert, n. d]. Primary data is the data collected by the researcher by employing various strategies during the course of research. [Culbert, n. d]. Focus groups and structured questionnaires are some forms techniques utilized to obtain primary data. Focus group is the best method to understand the perception and beliefs of the people about the topic of research. The size of a focus group may vary from 6 to 12 people. The person who conducts the complete process of discussion in the focus group is called the moderator. The moderators do not present their view points about a particular issue however listens carefully to the discussions of the group. They should be highly skilled and motivated to conduct the discussions because essential resources from the focus groups can only be attained depending on this factor. " Focus groups are not polls but in depth, qualitative interviews with a small number of carefully selected people." [ What are focus groups n. d]. It is a kind of group discussion that generates ideas. There are lot of information attained through this method by sharing and comparing the viewpoints of the people. The participants of the focus groups are people with similar interests. The question formulated for the focus groups are generally open ended. The data attained through focus groups are recorded though video tapes, audio tapes and notes. [ What are focus groups n. d]. The advantages of focus groups are that it reveals a wide variety of information in a short span. It provides various unexplored dimensions of an issue or a topic of study through simple sampling technique. There are some disadvantages associated with it. Since the participants of the study are not selected randomly the data obtained by it cannot be generalized. The effectiveness of a focus group depends on the motivation and skills of the person conducting it. The data obtained by this method is qualitative and cannot be converted quantitatively. [ What are focus groups n. d]. Structured questionnaires are of various types. .They can be factual, opinion based, multiple choice or textual based. It is imperative to understand the aim of the questionnaire in order to attain best results from it. The most important factor to be considered are the way the data obtained through the questionnaire will be analyzed and the way it can improve the learning knowledge and its implementation in the research. [Milne, 1999]. Some of the advantages of structured questionnaires are there is a standard approach followed to obtain the response, hence the data are objective. The data can be quickly attained through questionnaires. Information can be collected from large group of people. There are certain disadvantages of gathering data through questionnaires. Sometimes the most important aspect of the study are not highlighted by the participants of the study. Since there is a standardized method followed to obtain response from the participants explanations of certain points are not provided. If the questionnaires are open ended then it takes a long time for data analysis. Due to too many questions in the questionnaires participants may not answer all the questions appropriately. Sometimes the participants of the study do not realize the importance of these questionnaires for the research, hence do not answer the questions honestly. [Milne,1999]. This often misleads the result of the research. The utilization of various data sources to conduct a research is called data triangulation. This method is the most popular and easy to implement. Triangulation method is mainly utilized in the qualitative study to check and establish validity of the study. It confirms that the finding of a study are true and certain. This method ascertains the fact that the results of the study can be applied to a real life scenario and the results are based on strong evidences. The method emphasizes the accuracy of the data and the results of the research. It develops the confidence of the reader and the researcher about the outcome of the study. [Guion, 2002]. Sampling method is crucial to any research. The sampling method involves the selection of participants required to conduct the research and to generate ideas and information about a particular issue or a topic. Non probability stratified sampling is one of the methods of sampling. Stratified sampling refers to division of the entire population of study into various subgroups or strata . The various segment of population are based on geographic location, size or demographic characteristics. It is imperative that the segments are heterogeneous in nature. [Stratified sampling,2005] . Generally in stratified sampling the samples are randomly selected. However for certain studies it may not be practical and theoretically sensible to do a random sampling. In non probability stratified sampling the samples are not randomly selected. This is the most feasible type of sampling method for social research. [Trochim,2005]. Non probability stratified sampling is economical. It is generally utilized when the population of study is wide spread. It helps in the generation of hypothesis and wide variety of ideas. [ Galloway,1997]. The methodology followed by a researcher is an essential aspect to conduct a study. The entire study is based on the appropriate implementation and the methodology followed for the research. Until the researcher utilizes the most appropriate strategies and techniques for the research the study cannot be accomplished. References Amy W Edwards, n. d, KanCRN Collabrative research network , Non experimental quantitative research viewed on 29th September 2005 Craig Rusbult, 1997, Should Scientific Method be EKS-Rated, viewed on 29th September 2005 David C Crawford, n. d, Introduction to Program Evaluation viewed on 29th September 2005 John Culbert, 2004, Sources & Uses of Secondary Data viewed on 29th September 2005 Kate Galloway, 1997, Non probability samples viewed on 29th September 2005 Lisa M Guion, 2002, Triangulation- Establishing validation of qualitative studies viewed on 29th September 2005 .Olusola Samuel-Ojo, 2005, Philosophy of security research viewed on 29th September 2005 Richard Boyd, 2002, Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy, scientific realism, viewed on 29th September 2005 William M K Trochim, 2002, Deductive and inductive thinking, Deduction and Induction, viewed on 29th September 2005 William M K Trochim, 2002, Types of data, viewed on 29th September 2005 The Historical Approach to Research, n. d, , viewed on 29th September 2005 Graphs, n. d, viewed on 29th September 2005 .Interpretivism, n. d, viewed on 29th September 2005 Glossary, n. d, viewed on 29th September 2005 The experimental method, n. d, viewed on 29th September 2005 What are focus groups, n.d, ASA series what are surveys viewed on 29th September 2005 Evaluation cookbook, 1999, Learning technology dissemination initiative viewed on 29th September 2005 Stratified sampling, 2005, What is six sigma viewed on 29th September 2005 Research methods, 2004, Kennedy Western university, pp.15. ["A" level sociology A resource based learning approach, n. d, Theories ad methods, Unit 3 viewed on 29th September 2005,+realism+and+interpretivism&hl=en Read More
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