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Professional Practice with a Specific Focus On Assessment - Essay Example

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The paper "Professional Practice with a Specific Focus On Assessment" describes that knowledge is power and having again went through another cycle of knowledge mining, the author became once more knowledgeable than before and has another experience to pass on to his students. …
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Professional Practice with a Specific Focus On Assessment
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Assignment Brief Introduction (approx 250 words Introduce your professional practice with specific focus on assessment. 2. Introduce the focus of your assignment in specifying that you will be discussing your own assessment process. 3. Explain which questions or issues you intend to address. My teaching profession includes subjects NVQ's and BTEC for level 2 and 3 students in FE college and work based learners. I specialize in Hospitality, particularly Front of House Operations. It involves the supervision of food and drink service and other operations relating to the Hospitality Industry. The specific courses I teach are NVQ 2 Food and Drink Service, NVQ 3 Hospitality Supervision and BTEC Nationals in Hospitality. The focus of my assignment is teaching NVQ both in the college and in the work place. Different assessment methods are used in the above-mentioned areas. For college students I based mostly on observations, presentations and project work. The complete opposite is for work based learners where the most appropriate methods are witness testimonies, products of work and accreditation for prior learning. With regards to the issues I intend to address are as follow: The advantages and disadvantages of criterion-referenced assessment, the assessment of validity and reliability (where demand from the government to meet targets forces from the colleges, to employ assessors lacking in competence, making assessment value to be questioned). Also I would like to address the current issues in assessment policy bureaucracy, the measuring and recording of assessment results reduces time spent with the learner, 'bums on seats' model forces colleges to accumulate quantitative achievement rather than qualitative ones. As result this makes the value of qualifications and achievement questionable. Identify and discuss range of concepts, definitions and principles covered in learning and assessment within your professional practice In the initial assessment, computer tests are used to identify the literacy and numercacy level of potential applicants, At the diagnostic assessment, the applicants are again tested on the computer, yet compared to previous ones, the applicants are to diagnose; going into the details to diagnose which are the areas that need to be addressed and then identify the support. For formative assessment, it is on going throughout the year both whether it be in lessons or at visits for WBL. Finally for summative assessment was used at the end of the unit or the whole course. It is also at the end of the unit, learners have to complete the underpinning knowledge test to prove their knowledge competence, norm referenced, criterion reference or ipsative assessment; Identify and discuss range of concepts, definitions and principles covered in learning and assessment within your professional practice In the initial assessment, computer tests are used to identify the literacy and numercacy level of potential applicants, At the diagnostic assessment, the applicants are again tested on the computer, yet compared to previous ones, the applicants are to diagnose; going into the details to diagnose which are the areas that need to be addressed and then identify support . For formative assessment, it is on going throughout the year both whether it be in lessons or at visits for WBL. Finally for summative assessment was used at the end of the unit or the whole course. It is also at the end of the unit, learners have to complete the underpinning knowledge test to prove their knowledge competence, norm referenced, criterion reference or ipsative assessment; Formal and informal assessment. I encounter informal assessment throughout the course by means of informal discussions and feedback; Self assessment and peer assessment Peer assessment is used more in college environment, and self assessment is used at the end of the lessons or in tutorials Analysis of your assessment process (approx 800 words) 4. Identify and discuss range of concepts, definitions and principles covered in learning and assessment within your professional practice The assessments of discussions are as follows: Initial assessment Diagnostic assessment Formative assessment Summative assessment Underpinning knowledge test Norm referenced assessment Criterion referenced assessment Ipsative referenced assessment Formal/ Informal assessment Self/Peer assessment In the initial assessment, computer tests are used to identify the literacy and numeracy level of potential applicants. Literacy test on the level of competence of my grip of the Language applied for. It segregates or rather isolates the mastery of the Language I am capable of in the fields as outlined: Vocabulary Power, Grammar, Picture and Words Identification Sentence Structure, Cloze Passages Short Essays The entries for answers are in the form of MCQs for all the fields except for the short essays. The duration of assessment is 1 hour with the option to edit the answers till the time of assessment is up. Numercacy test on the level of competence in Mathematical aptitude in the calculations in general. The areas where mathematical calculations are performed is as follows: Restaurant billings Income tax Cashier Food costing Hotel reservation Food and drinks retails The entries for answers are in the form of MCQs for all the fields. The duration of assessment is 1 hour with the option to edit the answers till the time of assessment is up. At the diagnostic assessment, the applicants are again tested on the computer, yet compared to previous ones, the applicants are to diagnose; going into the details to diagnose which are the areas that need to be addressed and then identify and support their choice, For formative assessment, it is on going throughout the year for both whether it be in lessons or at visits for WBL. Finally for summative assessment it was used at the end of the unit or the whole course. It is also at the end of the unit, learners have to complete the underpinning knowledge test to prove their knowledge competence, this is the most crucial test that reflect what the student knows up to date, before a pass or fail is awarded to the student. A norm referenced test /NRT is conducted to find an estimate of the position of the tested student among its peers. These tests set goals for students based on the average student's performance. A criterion referenced test is one that set goals for students based on a set standard (for example 80 words spelled correctly). An ipsative assessment is one that indicates a specific type of measure in which the students compare two or more desirable options and pick the one which is most preferred; it is used to find out the character traits of our students. With regards to formal and informal assessment, I encounter informal assessment throughout the course by means of informal discussions and feedback; With regards to self assessment and peer assessment, peer assessment is used more in college environment, and self assessment is used at the end of the lessons or in tutorials. Discuss different types of assessments for different purposes as they relate to your professional practice Underpinning knowledge tests used at the end of each unit is a requirement by awarding body to assess underpinning knowledge. Observation is the main method used in NVQ's which is the most valid and authentic way to assess skills. In addition at level 3, I use the product of work for assessment. As for WBL, witness testimonies are the form of assessment and one to one tutorial is used to assess progress (Horton, 1993). 5. Discuss the relationship between teaching, learning and assessment in measuring progress and achievement within your practice Teaching, learning and assessment is more of a cycle than a linear continuum that expresses the process of sharpening of knowledge in the one that is subjected to this endowment. It is through teaching that a student learn and to evaluate one's progress, assessment is performed. And the same cycle continues with the assessment becoming the inputs for teaching. Progress is measured using assessment- teaching-learning-assessment where at this point progress is compared to the previous assessment and constant improvement leads to achievement in the end (Aifl, 2009). 6. Discuss current issues in assessment policy and research which impact or condition your assessment process. I would like to address the current issues in assessment policy bureaucracy, where the measuring and recording of assessment results reduces time spent with the learner, 'bums on seats' model forces colleges to accumulate quantitative achievement rather than qualitative ones. As a result this makes the value of qualifications and achievements questionable. The rigidity of documentation will only look good on paper yet not really reflect totally on the real performance of students. However, losing track of records, proves costly for the student when certain traits are to be reviewed and only to be found missing. So necessary and minimal measuring and recording is effectively carried out when the recorder is disciplined and discerning enough to be trusted with such records (Davis, 1998). 7. Discuss how your assessment practice supports widening participation in meeting your learner's needs I have a few ESOL learners and when assessing their knowledge I allow them to complete the tests on PCs according to their preference. I also rephrase the questions to suit their understanding (Murphy, 1998). Evaluation of your assessment process (1200-1300) Evaluate your assessment process in focusing on the following: Effectiveness of theoretical models in assessing learning, teaching and achievement Assessment for learning should be included in effective planning of teaching and learning. To begin planning, the educator must provide chances for both student and educator information about advancing common learning goals. The flexibility to receive any ideas and skills from another must be present for mutual contribution to the common tasks. Strategies at the planning stage are to be included to make sure students pursue the right goals with understanding and the points associated with the assessment of their work. The way students receive feedback, or participate in assessing their learning and the way assistance is given to them in making further progress are included for effective planning and results. Secondly, concentrate on the way students learn in assessment for learning. There must be a common accord struck for both student and teacher in the process of learning where assessment is planned and when the evidence is interpreted for effectiveness. Thirdly, classroom practice must center on assessment for learning as the goal. Activities from teachers and learners in classrooms are assessed since questioning and putting into actions solutions demonstrate the knowledge, understanding and skills of students. Then all that the students say and do are observed and interpreted with sound evaluation on improved learning. As part of everyday classroom practice, making compulsory these assessment processes are essential as reflection, dialogue and decision making are what is going on. Fourthly, making assessment for learning a key professional skill for teachers will empower them in the whole cycle of teaching, learning and assessment; and also to feedback students with support in their self-assessment. Hence for the model to be on going, teachers should be continuing their development throughout their profession. Fifthly, being sensitive and constructive in assessing for learning must be observed since assessment affects emotionally. Teachers should be educated of the emotional impact their comments, marks and grades can have on their student's lives and should be as constructive as possible in the feedback that they provide. One way is to comment on the work itself and not on the person for constructiveness in learning and motivation. Sixthly, assessment for learning to be effective, students must be motivated. The seventh point for effective assessment for learning includes encouragements to learn in positive environment of emphasizing on one's progress and achievements as priority. What critical comparison with others does to students is demoralizing. This results mostly in withdrawal from class participation and from the learning process in areas where students are compared to as "lesser". In view of such threats, motivating environment must be maintained with assessment methods to protect the autonomy of students, and to constantly supply of constructive feedback. The eighth point involves commitment to learning goals and a shared understanding of the criteria by which they are assessed must be at the core of assessment for learning. The desire to excel in effective learning in students need to understand what it is they are trying to achieve - and want to achieve it. Understanding and commitment follows when students are involved in some part in deciding goals and identifying criteria for assessing progress. To do so students and educators discussing about them with common understood terms with providing examples of how the criteria can be met concretely, thus engaging students in peer and self-assessment. The ninth point for effective assessment for learning develops students' capacity for self-assessment towards independence. With independence students are able to seek out and gain new skills, new knowledge and new understandings. Thereafter with the ability to engage in self-reflection students can identify the next steps in their learning. The role of teachers is to equip students with the desire and capacity to be the master of their learning development. Assessment for learning if effective, gives recognition to all achievements of all students and also have for all students' opportunities to learn in the academic arenas. Effectively, it should enable all learners to achieve their best and to have their efforts recognized (QCA, 2009). Effectiveness of your own assessment strategies in meeting learners' needs in relation to their progress and achievement. My strategy is to give students constructive guidance about how they can improve as mentor. I provide them the information and guidance they need to plan their next steps in their learning life plan. My view is that educators should pinpoint the student's strengths and advice on how to develop them, and be clear and constructive on any weaknesses and how they might be addressed, and provide structured opportunities for learners to improve upon their work in both concrete practice and theoretical modeling. Strategies for resolving assessment -related issues impacting on your learner's progress and achievement The main issue in assessment is diagnostic and initial assessments process. Computerized tests are used to identify the student's level of literacy and numeracy that do not always give the accurate results as the answers can be guessed (Gipps, Murphy, 1994). As a result, learners often end up on the course pitched at the higher level than it suits them. Underpinning knowledge tests are not user friendly, the language used is difficult to understand, and therefore learners often fail the tests. In my opinion, teachers should be allowed to design their own questions to test candidates' knowledge. It seems that the teacher's opinion has very little influence to the learners' progress and achievement as they are technicians abiding to the governments and awarding bodies' rules (Filer, 2000). Conclusion (approx 250 words) How has this assignment provided you with insights into the concept, principles and practices of assessment in measuring learning and achievement With such an assignment, having concept, principles and practices first and foremost provide the feel of a measurable to describe one's achievements and quantify what one is endowed with. In the beginning, where the mind has no idea about what is going on, applying such forms of assessment helps one to articulate what is going on in the wordless mind. In other words, it gives speech to the ideas in the mind and the thoughts in the heart. The use of assessments I reckon provide a platform for the discussion and description of the innate skills, character, talents and expertise one is endowed with. When used in continuum, the learning and achievement of oneself receive a life long description and record of one's learning and achievement for evaluation. Keeping records can inculcate discipline and patience in oneself; thus acquiring values while enhancing my awareness of where I am presently in terms of my learning and achievement. I realize I owe to myself the duty of care to improve myself in the talents I am distinctively endowed with. My sentiments also go out to my students that they have to harness their strength to be faithful to their given talent as the assessments revealed. How did this assignment contribute to your continuing personal and professional development as a reflective practitioner in education As an educationist, I trust that knowledge is power and having again went through another cycle of knowledge mining, I became once more more knowledgeable than before and have another experience to pass on to my students. I am consoled that I can explore and in the process unearth my intellectual abilities to serve the education community. Again I do research as I take up this assignment, which I can share with my students the wealth of knowledge there are so eagerly hungry for. Assessment has become a new area of research to embark on for the betterment of an educator to find out the capable student among us and identify the weaker ones to build up their pitfalls and enhance their strengths. Maybe in my teaching method I will let them assess me so that I know what is in them they think of my teaching. Overall this assignment brief has been a thought engaging one and really feel glad that there we have such tools make available to us which we can know of another's state of capabilities and teach accordingly, especially this time with a grateful heart. References Davis, A (1998) The limits of Educational Assessment Filer, A. (2000) Assessment: Social practice and Social product Gipps, C. and Murphy P. (1994) A fair test Horton, T. (1993) Assessment debates Murphy, P. (1998) Learners, Learning and Assessment QCA, (2009) The 10 principles: Assessment for Learning, view on 4 May 2009 Aifl, (2009) Assessment is for learning, view on 4 May 2009 Read More
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