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Curriculum Development for CTE - Research Paper Example

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Individuals have found themselves searching for new skills that could be of help in venturing into new markets. They try a number of strategies of which a majority often fails, but few become successful. Therefore, professionals have invented various programs to assist individuals, more so students, to select their career easily and wisely…
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Curriculum Development for CTE
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The program ensures that it offers the necessary skills and certificates that students require in their careers. It contains a set of the curriculum which is structured to reflect on the basics that are taught during technical training of students. The printed materials used in the CTE program fully match the training requirements because they are in accordance with the syllabus so as to enhance cohesion and understanding of the basics by the students. The students passing through this program highly benefit from the verse academic and technological resources presented by the institutions offering this program.

This is because they gain the much needed first hand information on the basics (Wang & King, 2009). The equipments used in the CTE program are always technologically updated to ensure that the instructors teaching the program curriculum finds them efficient and effective to them and the students. This exposes students to the technological world and ensures efficiency upon sitting for the real classes. In most cases, it is the government that takes sole responsibility of sponsoring the CTE program for economical purposes.

This enhances efficiency on the part of the instructors as they have all the necessary materials; on the other hand, it takes the burden away from private individuals who are out to make profits, and to make it an affordable to every student. Its aim is to bring change in the educational subjects that are of immense importance to the economy. They aim at imparting students with such skills like engineering and medicine which are of meaning to the expansion of the economy technologically (Wang & King, 2009).

Reflections To evaluate the CTE program, the outcomes for the program must be measured for accuracy. This can be done through a survey, by conducting a research using a questionnaire to investigate the student remarks, or a sample research where samples of students are asked and data approximated. The CTE curriculum is aimed at helping students to acquire the basic skills through a clear organized and reflective program, which is its main purpose. The CTE program has tremendously assisted in my education because to a certain level the resources provided by the program have simplified my academic work, hence the accomplishment of school work accurately, efficiently, and effectively.

My technical institution is a beneficiary of the program, and I get the privilege to access various academic resources provided for the student’s purposes. These academic resources have boosted learning and grades in school. Initially, most students could not attain the results which were essential in taking a CTE course, but with the changing times, majority of the students in technical institutions have registered for CTE courses. An example is, before I was enrolled for a CTE course, I experienced certain challenges that denied me an opportunity into the program.

The most significant was my geographical area. It turned out to be one of my nastiest nightmares because the district I came from did not benefit from the program, since it was inaccessible due to a variety of reasons. In my view, all CTE programs should be incorporated to enable it maintain its viability in secondary school education in technical education. The program largely contributes in such fields like

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Curriculum Development for CTE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words.
“Curriculum Development for CTE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words”, n.d.
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