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Negative Effects of Text Messages on Students - Coursework Example

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"Negative Effects of Text Messages on Students" paper dwells on the negative impact of text messages on students and their lives. These effects include the loss of attention in the class as well as home, the addiction to messaging and cell phones, cyberbullying, safety, and health issues…
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Negative Effects of Text Messages on Students
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?Running Head: NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF TEXT MESSAGES Negative effects of text messages on s In this paper the negative effects of text messaging on the students and their lives have been discussed in detail. These effects include the loss of attention in the class as well as home, the addiction to messaging and cell phones, cyber bullying, safety and health issues because of constant messaging, development of negative attitudes, decline in communication skills and affected writing and grammar skills etc. It is evident from the essay that although text messaging have made communication quicker and easier but it has severe and more distracting negative effects and these should be catered and curtailed in order to improvise the society and make the best out of technological advancements. Negative effects of text messages on students. The world these days is a technological hub identified by the increasing technological advancements and fast moving life. Everything is happening at once and everyone is doing everything. In the today’s world of fast moving life and advancements everything has become fast paced and small. Text messages are also an invention of the modern and fast moving world! Text messaging is being used as the most popular form of communication through cell phones (Short Message Service). Text messaging had been considered a blessing and was intended to make life much easier, simpler and quicker. However, there are many disadvantages and negative effects of text messaging that needs to be highlighted. Text messaging has ruined a person’s verbal and face to face communication ability. Communication is becoming more and more impersonal these days. It also leads to lack of concentration towards important chores; people pay less attention to task in hand and more to their cell phones and messages. Cell phones have become an important part of a person’s life these days and constant text messaging has become a drug! A person cannot live without these two even for a single minute. Text messaging and its innovative vocabulary and use of abbreviations have negatively affected the writing skills and grammar of the users. There are a lot of safety problems and health issues associated with constant texting. It has lead to a lot of accidents and diseases too. The most affected age group in this regard is the teenagers and students. Students face almost all the disadvantages of text messaging; they constantly suffer from lack of concentration and attention on their lectures while being busy in messaging during class and instead of listening to and understanding the lectures, the students are most likely typing a message to somebody. Campbell puts forward that although text messaging can be used to organize the students’ school life but it has negative effects too like disruptions to lessons, bullying, cheating etc. (Campbell, 2005) The students and teenagers are the most addicted class, spending one minute without cell phone and messaging is very difficult for them, making parents and teachers angry and concerned at the same time. Safety issues are also to be considered, too much involvement in reading or typing a message while driving or crossing the road leads to many accidents and statistics prove it! Text messaging is the number one contributor to the extensive use of abbreviations, misspelled words and slang language. The students are losing their grip on the usage, grammar, vocabulary and spellings. Many health problems are faced by teenagers as a result of constant text messaging, insomnia because of texting and keeping cell phone near bedside, muscular issues because of constant typing. Lack of attention in the class and at home Because of the availability of cell phones at all times and almost everywhere the teenagers and college students can easily talk to anyone and are able to communicate and connect with the friends as often and as much they want and that as a result leads to them losing concentration in the class and at home. This has become a major problem especially during school, teachers are constantly reminding students that they need to concentrate on studies and listen to the lectures and to put away their phones during class. Dansieh in his research identified that ‘beyond the text messaging effect on students, the general effects on the use of the mobile were particularly highlighted when 75% of lecturer respondents intimated the incidence of disruption of attention during lectures.’ (Dansieh, 2011) Teenagers tend to message more during the classes as it is quite easy to do so and they can easily get away with it by keeping their phones on silent mode. As a result, they are not paying attention to what is being taught and may not be doing any class work, or they could be using their cell phones and texting abilities to do cheating during a test or exam. They may also be making plans for outings or trips and in turn being rude to the teacher. The main reason for this is that texting is the easiest and the most convenient way of communicating in a classroom or during a meeting or at an office. Chances of being detected are also very few, therefore, people tend to go for it. Plus it provides a way out during a lecture that is boring or even difficult. Another reason for messaging during lectures is that students feel that they can easily multi task and can message and study at the same time, however, they do not realize that most of the time their full concentration is on the message and therefore, they waste their precious study time gaining nothing or may be fragments of the whole lecture ! This leads to the teachers being frustrated and the students losing more concentration, as they know it for sure that now when they do not like a lecture or a subject, there is a way out in the form of their cell phones, text messages and a huge contacts list. Therefore teenagers and students have a constant trouble focusing in school and concentrating on what is being taught there because of constant text messaging. Their interest can easily be diverted resulting in declining progress at school, grade, and quality of assignments, home work and knowledge curve. Addiction to messaging Take the cell phone from a student or teenager and cut them off completely form the constant connection and they will lose all their senses. The cell phone have become a necessity these days and mostly for the teenagers. They can live without food but living without the continuous communication is impossible these days for them. As rightly said by Campbell that, the use of mobile phones is now ‘an integral part of adolescents’ life.’ (Campbell, 2005). Many teenagers take their cell phones everywhere with them, let it be schools, sports practices, car (while driving), to bed and even to the bathroom. Most of them feel completely lost and numb when the phone service is cut for some time. Almost all these teenagers cannot picture their lives without their cell phones. They are constantly messaging and communicating with everyone at the same time. Although it is good, however, this leads to an ever increasing reliability and addiction of cell phones. This need to be in touch is increasing to an extent that teenagers sleep with their cell phones that leads to lack of sleep or decreased sleep and may lead to a lot of health problems ! Further, this ever increasing need to communicate and message all time is increasing the concerns of parents, guardians and teachers as it also leads to distractions from important tasks and lack of concentration. Text-message addiction has devastatingly negative effects of teenagers and students. The symptoms of text messaging as put forward by Quain are as follows: a) Too much text messaging with a loss of sense of time or neglect of basic duties, b) withdrawal symptoms, such as tension and anger, when text messaging was not allowed, and c) Negative consequences, such as lying, arguments, social isolation and fatigue. (Quain) Text-message users may develop the same kind of attachment to their phones that drug addicts have for their narcotics. Ravichandaran concluded from her research that ‘parents and caregivers are concerned that teenagers are addicted and obsessed with texting’. (Ravichandaran, 2009). Effect on communication skills Text messaging has made people comfortable with this type of communication and teenagers and students too prefer messaging over face to face communication and calls. As Campbell rightly highlighted that young people use technology and mobile phones to hide behind from emotionally distressing events such as breaking up or fights etc and sociologists argue that the more the teenagers will tend to text in such events then talk the more their capacity to interact with each other will be affected. (Campbell, 2005). This is because text messaging is more convenient and easier than face to face communication and calls. It is easier to get away with. In situations where explanations have to be made one liner text messages are used instead. People feel more comfortable sending a message then actually talking to somebody. As a result the oral and verbal communication skills are greatly affected. Teenagers tend to message each other even if they are sitting nearby or at the same place. Similarly all the plans are being made on messages than on calls. Teenagers are losing the knack of giving proper explanations on phone calls or face to face communications. Presenting positive arguments is also affected as students tend to prefer one liner responses to save their time and efforts rather than going into a detailed discussion of the fact supported by proper research. Further one more reason of preferring text messages over calls and face to face communication is that while texting one can easily talk to a lot of people on diversified topics. Teens are usually fighting with one person on a petty issue, probably romancing with someone else, discussing politics, a bad teacher, coming exams etc. And this is much more interesting than having to talk to one person on a call or on one topic in a face to face communication. Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying is a term that means using technology to intimidate others. Internet was first used in this aspect; however, with the advancement of technology and ease of availability of cell phone, text messages are used by teenagers and adolescents for terrorizing and intimidate their foes and it leaves more disastrous effects. Ravichandaran concluded from her research that ‘It was evident through the interview findings, that mobile phones are potent devices for bullying to take place’. (Ravichandaran, 2009). Teenagers and adolescents use cell phone and text messages to bully each other although face to face bullying is more draining and leads to increase levels of anxiety and depression and the consequences of cyber bullying are more severe and taxing as messages can be reread and memory revisited. Further because of the availability of cell phones at all the times, cyber bullying can be done at any time. (Campbell, 2005). Effect on vocabulary, writing and grammar skills Because of new texting language text messaging has brought a decline in spelling, choice of word, vocabulary, and writing difficulty. Texting does not always follow the standard rules of English grammar, nor usual word spellings (Vosloo, 2009). Because of limited word count and high SMS charges the SMS language was shortened and more and more abbreviations were used. Now this has been termed as SMs Speak or lingo. Terms such as “lol” meaning laugh out loud and “btw” meaning by the way are terms that only daily text-messaging users understand. Teenagers use some specific terms to let each other know if a teacher or parent is coming or nearby. These shortened forms and terms frustrate the adults as these are difficult for them to interpret at times when they are being sent a message with the same terms. This language in turn has made the youth used to of using the shortened forms of words and abbreviated terms. They even use it in their school assignments and exams. As rightly pointed out by Mphahlele and Mashamaite that ‘mostly, the SMS language affects two aspects of language proficiency stated above, namely, skills to express oneself eloquently through writing and skills and ability to use words appropriately in context.’ (Mphahlele & Mashamaite, 2005) Further, they make quite a lot of spelling errors because of using wrong spellings while texting. Because of this new language and use of different spelling for the word, the students’ use of English language is beginning to decline. Since punctuation marks are also not used while messaging therefore this leads to wrong punctuations while doing school work too. And rules of text messaging are entirely different and text messaging has its own language and writing techniques especially the use of abbreviated and slang language, symbols and visuals (smilies). And because text messaging ignores the traditional writing skills, grammar (use of proper parts of speech and sentence construction) and spellings it can easily corrode the writing skills of the students in many ways, including: Proper use of grammar; Spelling errors; Punctuation mistakes; and Use of unconventional speech (slang), abbreviations and shortened words. Further students who get used to the text language may face problems in understanding and comprehending their lecture notes and may get entirely a different meaning out of it. This problem is very difficult to cater as the students who realize and understand the difference between the actual English requirements for school or professional work are at times not able to identify the issues while proof reading their work as they become used to of seeing and writing text language that it does not at times seem like a mistake to them. Dansieh in his research identified that ‘the negative effects of student abbreviated writings in academic work according to lecturer respondents generally, were bad (52%), posed reading problems (33%) and delayed script marking process (19%).’ (Dansieh, 2011) Psychological development of teenagers and adolescents Teenage is the most crucial time for personality built up and development. What a person is at his / her mature age is because of what he learnt in teen age. Most of the teenagers develop in a same pattern and suffer the same crisis of adolescence including emotional outburst, temper tantrums, fighting the authority, running away from responsibility and most of all making their own decisions. However, the addiction to text messaging leads to constant communication between the teenagers and their parents as a result their decision making abilities might not develop as they should. They can contact anyone at the pressure time and hence their ability to deal with pressures is also affected. Further, one of the major contributors to the psychological and personality development of any teenager is the time spent alone. This leads to an adolescents thinking and pondering over future without anyone’s interference. The time spent alone also helps a person to realize his positives and negatives and to devise methods to overcome his weaknesses. However, cell phones and text messaging does not give a person his own time and hence the thinking process is greatly affected. Since, the students and adolescent is the most affected class; it leads to a negative aspect in their personality development. Therefore, it can be said that constant use of text messaging has a negative impact in the psychological and personality development of the teenagers and adolescents as it affects their decision making abilities as well as they are robbed of precious time that they can spend with themselves and improvise their character flaws. Health and safety Continuous, constant and repetitive use of text messaging have lead to repetitive strain injuries and physical issues and pain in the users thumbs and can cause temporary or permanent damage to the users thumbs. Further, certain researches also pointed out the fact that sitting or lying postures while messaging puts strain and pressure on body parts (neck, shoulders and back) and may lead to pain and discomfort. Moreover, constant indulgence and obsession with messaging while driving or walking on streets have led to many accidents and physical injuries as well as death! As identified by Hogan, Gilbert, Leckington and Morris in their research that ‘both instructors and students at Lane Community College believe that text messaging while driving is very dangerous, with 78% of instructors and 66% of students saying that it is as dangerous as drinking and driving.’ (Hogan, Gilbert, Leckington & Morris). Conclusion To conclude, text messaging is more destructive and distracting than convenient and quick. As Ravichandaran, in her research, identified that ‘a very high number of interview participants expressed the view that negative impacts outweighing positive purposes with teenagers’ mobile phone usage.’ (Ravichandaran, 2009) References Baharudin, R. & Zulkefly, S.N. (2009). Mobile Phone use Amongst Students in a University in Malaysia: Its Correlates and Relationship to Psychological Health. Retrieved November 14, 2012 from In this research paper is based on the study conducted by Sheereen N. Zulkefly from the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Universiti Putra Malaysia and Rozumah Baharudin from the Department of Human Development & Family Studies, Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia. The paper puts forward the extent of use of mobile phones amongst the students (in Malaysia) and its effect on their family, social and school life. Campbell, M. (2005). The impact of the mobile phone on young people’s social life. Retrieved November 13, 2012 from This paper was present by Marilyn Campbell from the School of Learning and Professional Studies Queensland University of Technology to the Social Change in the 21st Century Conference wherein she highlights the impact of the excessive usage of mobile phone (including text messaging) on young people, their relationships with their families, friends and school. Dansieh, S.A. (2011). SMS texting and its potential impacts on students’ written communication skills. Retrieved November 13, 2012 from In this article written by Soloman Ali Dansieh from the Department of General and Liberal Studies, Wa Polytechnic he has evaluated the impact of text messaging on a student’s writing skills. He conducted a survey and on the basis of survey results he reached to the conclusion that text messaging, although easy and convenient, but can have its bad effects too. Fischer, H.A., Holentunder, K.A., Lemanski, A.L., & Morelli, M.E. The Negative Aspects of Cell Phones: Interpersonal Communication, Effects on Youth & Academics, Health Risks, and Driving. Retrieved November 14, 2012 from This paper as presented by Heather A. Fischer, Kimberly A. Holentunder, Abigail L. Lemanski, and Mario E. Morelli from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater presents the negative effects of excessive use of text messaging and mobile phone on students. Many reasons are highlighted and discussed in detail in the said paper. Hogan, B., Gilbert, E., Leckington, M., & Morris, C. Text messaging: The effects on our society. Retrieved November 14, 2012 from This paper is based on a study conducted by Blake Hogan, Emily Gilbert, Meglanae Leckington, and Chris Morris which is based on a survey from the students and lecturers at the Lane Community College regarding the negative and harmful effects of text messaging and potential problem arising because of excessive text messaging. Mphahlele, M.L. & Mashamaite, K. (2005). The impact of Short Message Service (SMS) language on language proficiency of learners and the SMS dictionaries: A challenge for educators and lexicographers. Retrieved November 14, 2012 from This paper written by Mampa Lorna Mphahlele from the Department of Applied Languages, Tshwane University of Technology, Soshanguve Campus, Pretoria and Kwena Mashamaite from Sesotho sa Leboa Lexicography Unit, University of Limpopo, Polokwane, aims at laying down the effects of SMS language on language adequacy of the learners and the students and the role of mobile dictionaries in the improvement of their language. Quain, S. Negative effects of text messaging. Retrieved November 14, 2012 from In this short article Quain list down various negative effects of text messaging on the society in general and teenagers in particular. All the reasons are enumerated in the paper and then are discussed in detail by the writer, quoting the sources and researches where necessary. Ravichandaran, S.V (2009). Mobile phones and Teenagers: Impact, Consequences and Concerns - Parents/Caregivers Perspectives. Retrieved November 13, 2012 from This thesis paper was written by Shanthi Vaidyanathan Ravichandran from the Unitec Institute of Technology. In this paper the writer puts forward the parents’ and caregivers’ point of view and concerns on the excessive use of mobile phones by the teenagers. This paper puts forward the problems associated with the use of mobile phones as perceived by the parents and guardians, and the possible solutions. Rosen, L.D., Chang, J., Ervin, L., Carrier, L.M., & Cheever, N.A. (2010). The Relationship Between “Textisms” and Formal and Informal Writing Among Young Adults. Communication Research, 420-441. doi: 10.1177/0093650210362465. Retrieved November 12, 2012 from This research paper is presented by Larry D. Rosen, Jennifer Chang, Lynne Erwin, L. Mark Carrier, and Nancy A. Cheever and it presents the relationship between the text messaging and students’ grammar and writing skills. These relationships are analyzed in the paper on the basis of age, gender and writing styles. The University of Alabama Computers and Applied Technology Program. (2009). Text messaging and its effects on teens grammar. Retrieved November 12, 2012 from This paper as published by the University of Alabama Computers and Applied Technology Program the effects of text messaging on a students’ grammar and punctuation and writing skills is discussed. This is supported by an online poll conducted by edutopia, an educational website, for the purpose and the results of the poll are compiled as an evidence supporting the findings of this case study. Vosloo, S. (2009). The effect of texting on literacy: Modern scourge or opportunity. Retrieved November 13, 2012 from In this research paper issued by the Shuttleworth Foundation Steve Vosloo discusses the effects of text messaging and its effects on youth literacy, it lays down the negative aspects of text messaging on a student’s literacy and also highlights how text messaging can be used to enhance the students’ vocabulary, knowledge and writing powers. Read More
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