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The Education Sector of Tanzania - Dissertation Example

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The core purpose of this project “The Education Sector of Tanzania” will involve proposing of an MIS model, which can be used to closely manage and monitor the Tanzanian education sector, towards realizing a reduction in the discrepancies…
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The Education Sector of Tanzania
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The creation of the MIS model will serve the purposes of empowering decision makers and the creation of capacity to deliver better education services across the sector. In the area of requirements analysis, the creation of the specification for the MIS model was executed through the incorporation of national and international standards of education, regarding the needs of the users of the Tanzanian education sector. Communication with the users was executed through interviews, as this model offered unbiased information on the viewpoints of the user population.

Feedback surveys were also helpful towards reaching the desired information base, as collected from social networking and other ICT-related data sites. Areas of constraints included the vague knowledge of the specifications desired by the user population, the unreasonable timelines of the end-users, and the communication gap between implementation teams and the end-user population. The rationales for the choices made were based on rationale capture and rationale representation, which were verified using argument-based choices.

The software requirements specification was designed to emphasize on and foster the usage of management information systems throughout the creation, processing, and consumption of information. Performance indicators revolved around the service delivery of service personnel to the documentation of students and offering a complete picture of the educations sector. The features of the model under implementation include capturing baseline statistics like the demography of users to school performance capacities.

Data flow across the sector was created to improve the practice and quality of management across the different user groups. INTRODUCTION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE MIS MODEL UNDER CREATION The education sector at Tanzania has historically faced numerous challenges, including the lack of basic infrastructure like electricity at local schools, and the in-availability of national funding to foster the educational management standards of these schools. One area that has been redundant in the Tanzanian education sector is the level of access to data and the infrastructure required to manage these databases.

Following these areas of deficiency, the Tanzanian sector, just like the case of other Eastern Africa countries, the respective education sectors have not been run and managed in a proper manner. The case is worse among the publicly funded schools, which fully depend on the input of the government – this happens in the area of implementations of technological infrastructure, steered towards educational improvement.

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