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EBusiness and Ecommerce Management - Essay Example

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This essay "EBusiness and Ecommerce Management" discusses online business that is successful can prove to be difficult if the ecommerce principles are not correctly followed. Understanding and researching on the guidelines is essential since it makes one to implement an e-commerce plan…
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EBusiness and Ecommerce Management
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? Ecommerce Institute of affiliation A term ecommerce for any given type of business involves the transfer of business across the internet. Here, it is pertinent to note that ecommerce covers a wide range of business from the sites that are based only for consumer, music and auctions to goods and services that involve business trading between corporations. Currently, the above is one of the most important aspects of internet merge. Another important factor to note is the fact that ecommerce gives way to consumers to exchange services and goods electronically without berries of distance and time. In the near future, experts affirm that boundaries between electronic and conventional commerce will be blurred as business move unreceptively into internet operations. This essay will illustrate and report on how solutions for eBusiness can benefit organizations (Chaffey, 2011.p.123). Again, the report goes further to outline ecommerce essentials. The essay will cover wide range of topics as digitals marketing, innovation, privacy and trust, e-security, the use of social media marketing and lastly framework for customer relationship management. Most importantly, it is vital to reckon that B2B which is electronic commerce business unlike the usual electronic commerce between customer and business. It follows that the above type of business deals with thousands or even hundreds of business as either suppliers or customers. With the electronic use for the above transactions is far much better than the usual traditional methods business transaction. It pertinent to heed that commerce is usually cheap, more convenient and faster when it is implemented properly as opposed to the battering of products as in the traditional point of view. Considerably to some extent, the road to creating an online business that is successful can prove to be difficult if the ecommerce principles are not correctly followed. Understanding and researching on the guidelines is essential since it makes one to implement an e-commerce plan that will be successful. However, the above issue is one important reason that this reports is addressing. Before staging an ecommerce, it is vial for the company to identify the shopping cart. For an ecommerce to be implemented, it is worth noting that shopping cart software should be implemented. Precisely, shopping cart software enables the customers to purchase services and goods; the software can go further to tract customers and centralize all aspects of ecommerce to a one cohesive firm (Grappone, 2008.p. 12). After having an idea in mind on the type of shopping cart too implement, it is pertinent to choose the one that suits one’s use. Preferably, turnkey solutions are the proven software since they are cost effective in terms of building, maintaining and editing an online store. An online shopping carts work easily and effectively for instance, one needs to enter in any online store, access the products of his or her desire and then place it into the virtual shopping basket. Once through with the browsing, it is important to click checkout and what waits is a step that will enable the client to complete the tractions. Here the payment methods and information are provided. It is vital top find a niche production that clients cannot access in the shopping departments or mall before commencing an online business. After which the shipping criteria will be put into considerations. Another deal is the means of accepting the online payments. Online payments to some extent entail the acceptance of credit card and obtaining merchant account through a gateway that is online. Alternatively, payment methods will depend on the size of the site, for instance smaller sites usually stick to simpler payment methods lie the PayPal. Lastly, it is significant to have a good strategy for marketing that will drive the targeted traffic to your sites (Tapscott, p.12). Further means of enticing the customers who repeat can prove to be beneficial. Another advice to those who are new to ecommerce is that it is pertinent for them to keep a very simple site and pertinently one should heed his or her limitations. In the evolution of the ecommerce it is pertinent to follow the following stages. Before the development of the ecommerce, it is pertinent to realize that the following stages should be followed, consolidation, innovative and reinvention. A brief history has it that, innovation of an ecommerce took place as from 1995 to 2000. Here, idealistic visions and excitements were characterized; further quality information was available for both merchants and buyers. Ecommerce did not completely fulfill its vision during its first years of innovation and that is why another step came (Kirkpatrick, 2010. p.14). Ecommerce entered its second stage after the year 2000, and the stage was called the stage of consolidation. At this point, it is fortunate for many farms since they began using the web for the enhancement of the existing customer. With the les emphasize on the creation of new brands, ecommerce was forced to enter into third stage. After the above, it was pertinent for the ecommerce to enter third stage, which is reinvention, here it dealt with the social networks at great and web2.0 was invented. Ronseal makes wood stain and associated preservatives and these are retailed globally It is not easy to stage a business process online. According to experts, statistics illustrates that almost 75 percent of the entire business projects that individual’s tent stage usually fails. The failing is caused due to unrealistic expectations and poor planning on technology (Jelassi, 2008.p.12). For the wood stains, it is pertinent to host an online ecommerce that will ensure the cost and productivity gains are not lost due to the proper management of the implementations. Some of the factors to consider are the project scale, complexity of the project appropriate expectations and good resource commitment. Such an ecommerce company for making wood stain can face several pitfalls. The knowledge on installation process is essential in for the above business since it will involve a new online management for supply chain (McKay, 2004.p.15). First, for the above company to be successful a good knowledge on the ability of the system should be comprehensive and that the users should be sufficient in it. The company should not take too long for full operational solution to be at the peak. Further, it is pertinent to heed the amount of final implementation cost. Here, many tent to spend more to the extent that final implementation cost surpasses the full cost for implementation. Some of the problems to consider when making the wood stain are as follows: the senior managers should spend enough time in understanding and learning the solutions in the system. Another pertinent issue to consider is the ability of the employees adapting to the new solution of the wood stain to its customers. In most cases, the employees should concentrate on the systems’ productivity and efficiency. The ecommerce foe wood stain should consider the adaptively of the system since many IT infrastructures lacks the power to facilitate the ability of the new solutions. Among the many factors, it is pertinent to heed that ebusiness such as wood stains should be integrated with the current old portions of the systems in the company. However, the above will generate system and software incompatibility. It is pertinent for any given company to develop the scope first before staging the all system. Thus, it is important to involve technical support, the model of the business and lastly the end-users they are also important agents in the system development t. The basic scope for the hosting of the wood stains is outlined as follows; the single and most important goal of the comp-any should be implemented. Secondly, the critical solution that the problem will solve should be kept in mind. Third, it is pertinent to keep in minds the money and time spent should be put into consideration to identify whether it is justifiable for the system implementation or not. Fourth, another factor is the identification of the implementation milestones. The last issue is to choose a taskforce for the implementation process after all the relevant people are met. It follows that the above team should responsible for the implementing and development of the plan. It is also vital to assign both deadlines and resources. The above is the initial stage for the implementation process of the wood stain, And after the completion of the first process, it is pertinent for the developers to incorporate the senior management team for the reviewing of the progress. Up to that point, it is acknowledgeable that the fast part is over and which welcomes for the second section. Education and training is another pertinent factor that wood stain should put into consideration for the stability of the system. The above is needed since the system will work efficiently with the trained and well-educated staff. After education and training, the remaining bit is to ensure the implementation process. The strict predefined stages should be used for the implementation process. A senior management member, who approves the progress, approves all the stages. After implementation of the wood stain system, the developers should stage a post implementation process, which involves the end-users and the taskforce. The pertinent issue for the above is to ensure all those that involved in the project implementation are satisfied. Another notable point is that, for the succession of the ecommerce for wood stain to be fully implemented, it is very vital to heed the technologies that govern it. Additional option to consider is that, ebusiness can be a mere tool, and so they may not change everything radically that were the basis for business process. Another point to note is that, systematic management of the wood stain ecommerce is necessary as any other project. Sound business to get the ecommerce should be considered before a solution to an e-business. Further, the private exchange, e-market and the e-business are some of the solutions of the business, and the above helps an e-commerce to attract literally customers. The solutions above also aid in the streamlining of the vital business processes, and so the above remedy should top the list before the implementation process starts. The last things to do are to keep the eye on the competitor’s business strategies and new technologies. The above are essentials in the dealing of a new ecommerce in the market. Considerably, the company will not only stick on the selling of the wood stains but also the timber production stains. Some of the products will be the WP 100 series, TWP 200 series and TWP 300 series. The above are some of the products that the company should advertise so that customers can acknowledge the high quality with fewer prices that the company sells. Additionally, another pertinent issue in the development of the CEO’s business environment in today’s arena is as follows. Before staging the ecommerce system, is threat of the competitors, finding new opportunities and responsiveness improvement and the control of the cost. In addition, it is not worth forgetting the better service and focus of the customer. Sine it is wood stain industry, it is pertinent to acknowledge the fact the company will benefit on the following. Improved response ad speed, cost savings, improved information, communications and sharing of the knowledge. Inventory reductions, improved productivity and efficiency, standardization and harmonization of the procedures, better practices transfer, customer service that is improved and lastly the acquisition of the increased sales and customer just to mention but a few. The above is the benefit of the wood stain system of the ecommerce, which will be manifested if the system is correctly implemented. It is vital to know that the benefits above are not achieved by the technology but by the following factors. By addressing the following factors Technology, organization, business and people integrated as a whole and making the changes in all the dimensions. It is pertinent to note that internet is same like other information technologies, good implementation, change management practices and clear business objectives are necessary for the full reaping of the full benefits. For the implementation of the wood stain, the above will be the benefit of the staging it for use. Lastly, for the wood stain ecommerce to be fully implemented the following factors should be observed, customer relationship frame for management. The above will outline the choice of the customer interaction. Notably, the wood stain will interact with the web for good and standing relations with the customer. Again, another unforgettable issue is the social media marketing. For the above company to be effective it is pertinent for the managers to put into consideration for the social media marketing. It entails the achieving market communications through various media as well as branding goals. Another pertinent factor to consider is the digital marketing where wood Stain Company will be required to advance it organization as well as their brands using one or several digitals channels. Innovation is another pertinent issue in the process of translating the invention and idea into a service or a good. The good or service should create value which will attract customers to pay. Therefore, the wood stain company should embrace innovation to attract more customers to their site. On other hand, trust and privacy is a pertinent factor in the wood stain company. Here if the managerial team considers the above, then many people will be encouraged to venture into the online business. However, the above is a weapon that will attracts customers to some extend in the site of the wood stains. Lastly, it is pertinent for the security to be implemented in any given online business for the security purposes. The above prevents the hackers from getting into the sites. In summary, it is pertinent to note that to some extent the road to creating an online business that is successful can prove to be difficult if the ecommerce principles are not correctly followed. Understanding and researching on the guidelines is essential since it makes one to implement an e-commerce plan that will be successful. However, the above issue is one important reason that this reports is addressing. Currently, the above is one of the most important aspects of internet merge. Another important factor to note is the fact that ecommerce gives way to consumers to exchange services and goods electronically without berries of distance and time. In the near future, experts affirm that boundaries between electronic and conventional commerce will be blurred as business move unreceptively into internet operations. This essay will illustrate and report on how solutions for eBusiness can benefit organizations. Again, the report goes further to outline ecommerce essentials. The essay will cover wide range of topics as digitals marketing, innovation, privacy and trust, e-security, the use of social media marketing and lastly framework for customer relationship management. Lastly, it pertinent to heed that commerce is usually cheap, more convenient and faster when it is implemented properly as opposed to the battering of products as in the traditional point of view. Bibliography Berkun, S 2007, The Myths of Innovation, O’Reilly, New York. Bocij, P, & Greasley, H 2008, Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management for the EBusiness, Prentice Hall. Bouwman, et al, 2005,. Information communication technology in organizations: adoption, implementation, use and effects, Sage, London. Chaffey, D 2011, EBusiness and Ecommerce Management, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall. Chaffey, D, & Wood, S 2005, Business Information Management: Improving performance using information systems, Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd. Chaffey, D, Ellis-Chadwick, F, Mayer, R, & Johnston, K 2009, Internet Marketing: strategy, implementation and practice. 4th Ed., Harlow: Prentice Hall/Pearson Education Ltd. Clay, B, & Esparza, 2009, Search Engine Optimization all in one for Dummies. Wiley Pub Inc. Combe, C 2006. Introduction to eBusiness: management and strategy, Butterworth and Heinenman. Gansky, L 2010, The Mesh: why the future of business is sharing, Portfolio/Penguin group. Grappone, J, & Couzin, G 2008, Search engine optimization. An hour a day, Sybex. Grefen, P 2010, Mastering eBusiness. Jarvis, J 2011, What would Google do?: reverse-engineering the fastest- growing company in the history of the world, J Collins Business. Jelassi, E 2008, Strategies for eBusiness Creating Value through Electronic and Mobile Commerce Concepts and Cases, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. vol 15, Issue 1, p. 63. Jones, K 2008, Search engine optimization [electronic resource]:your visual blueprint to effective Internet marketing, Wiley. Kirkpatrick, D 2010, The Facebook Effect, Virgin books. Laudon, T 2012, CECommerce: Business. Technology. Society. Pearson, 8th Edition. Levy, S 2011, In the plex: how Google thinks, works and shapes our lives, Simon & Schuster. McKay, J, & Marshall, P 2004, Strategic Management of eBusiness. Tapscott, D, & Williams 2010, Macrowikinomics Rebooting Business & the World, Atlantic Books. Tapscott, D, & Williams, D 2007, Wikinomics How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, Atlantic Books. Tavani, H 2007, Ethics and Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and Communication Technology (2nd ed), John Wiley & Sons. Tidd, B, & Pavitt 2005, Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, Wiley.. Turban, E 2012, Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective and Social Networks, Prentice Hall. Read More
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