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Project Design Technology Foundation to Year 9 Scope - Speech or Presentation Example

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The paper “Рrоjесt Dеsign Tесhnоlоgy Fоundаtiоn tо Yеаr 9 Sсоре” is a  meaningful variant of presentation on technology & design. The task involves in this unit deals with design, creativity, and technology works for year 9 students…
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RОJЕСT DЕSIGN TЕСHNОLОGY FОUNDАTIОN TО YЕАR 9 SСОРЕ STUDENT NAME INSTRUCTOR INSTITUTION DATE OF SUBMISSION The project /Unit Validation The task involves in this unit deals with design, creativity and technology works for year 9 students. Concentration in engineering systems will give a glimpse of design process necessary for students’ experience. Students will have an opportunity to research on design briefs, components, systems, product aesthetics and techniques. These are essential facets for students undertaking a course in VELS level 6.the task will run and conclude after 10 weeks duration after which students are supposed to participate as a group in the process of design, production, analysing and evaluation of project work. The selected work topic is supposed to reflect designed and built work for a single person kit. This will incorporate launch of electronic mechanism. The task will mainly concentrate on students’ participation in a collaborative process with the aid of design briefs, research, testing and evaluation of project work. This selected work topic will students an opportunity for students to experience other strands, dimensions and domains which falls in the structure of VELS. The elements of the structure include communication, the process of thinking, information communication technology, mathematics, science and interpersonal development. Safety in the workshop requires efficient use of workshop facilities to ensure minimal injuries for users of the workshop. Sustainable and environmental consideration will be necessary for students using certain materials in the workshop. This task will be a group activity, which will aid students to enhance negotiation skills. This will focus on ability to complete work and process of democracy to enhance working in the required time frame. The group will be composed of persons of different races, gender and the learning differences. This process of learning and task will prepare students to further their studies within VCAL/VCE with appropriate skills so that they can be prepared to join employment workforce. The task will give students an opportunity an opportunity to show case their learning experiences. This will depend on the manner in which ideas and views are expressed. Student’s safety is paramount and this will depend on existing safety standards in relation to industry and information. The information will be obtained from Work safe victoria. Prior to student’s acceptance within the programme they will be requested to sit an examination on OH&S to establish their current safety standards relating to workshop and environment. Learning Styles The learning style will require students to concentrate on multiple intelligences and materials. The materials and student intelligences will be presented to accommodate students with different learning styles. The materials will include written text with pictures, text, internet and Google sketch and electronic/mechanical information videos. Students with varying learning differences like surface and deep learners will be required to participate in group activity to increase communication and interpersonal skills throughout the programme. VELS Documentation Design, Creativity and Technology – Level 6 Learning focus Students specialise in certain areas of technology and design. This will assist them achieve level 6 standards in design, creativity and technology. Areas of specialisations will include material areas such as textiles, plastics, food, ceramics and metals. Some of the other students will focus on technological systems such as electronics, mechanics, and computer controlled systems. Specific technology or design areas include home economics, horticulture, furniture, robotics and agriculture. The study will involve design of the research problems with different design briefs in the context of transferring then to the place of work and broadening the community scope. Student design briefs will require open-ended design guidelines. The design briefs will need consideration of investigative aspects of aesthetics and functions. Discriminative thinking and desecration of students will address complex, ethical and controversial technological and design issues such as use and selection of materials. Students will develop capacity to model, assemble and dissemble systems and products. There is need for verbal communication of ideas with the use of 2-D and 3-D dimension drawings and this will be done using computer aided design (CAD). Students in teams and individuals will investigate creative and critical thinking approaches to innovative technological aspects. The products include educational games, solar panel cars, education toys, local kindergarten equipment and resource management. The approach will assess and explore past, present and future potentials and consequences of technology on environment, society and culture. Students will be expected to construct efficient and safe products, prototypes and models with specific standards. The students will be required to wear protective equipment and clothing for safety precautions. . Students further develop skills in using a range of techniques, equipment, tools, some of which are complex; for example, the lathe, computer-aided milling machine, and vacuum former. The task will provide students with opportunities to develop skills in suitable material ingredients and system components. There is specification of precision and accuracy in regard to risk assessment processes. Students will be required to make adjustments to tools and equipment carries maintenance work. They learn to use resources and time economically through minimising incidences of wastage. Students are encouraged to document their design, production and evaluation activities in an electronic or manually-produced portfolio. They participate in and lead discussions on evaluating their own and other people's thinking in relation to creative and innovative products. Through creative processes, reflection and evaluation, they examine and acknowledge a range of perspectives, and consider the value of diverse opinions about design and technology. Students develop appropriate evaluation criteria and use them to assess design ideas, choice of materials/ingredients and/or systems components, production techniques and/or performance of a system. They learn to analyse and evaluate a new material or process and discuss innovation and emerging technologies in primary industry or the manufacturing industry. Standards Investigating and designing At Level 9, students will identify considerations and constraints within a design brief. Relevant information will aid in identification of needs of different client group needs. Students will generate a variety of possibilities, use of technical language and justified selected alternatives. Information regarding properties of materials and relation between input materials, processes and outputs will assist in making critical decisions. ICT equipment, tools and procedures will assist students to support design planning and development. Producing Level 6 students will be required to implement production processes safely, accurately and in a responsible manner. Students will produce systems using complex tools, equipment, machines and system components with precision. Clear explanations will provide precision about suitability of system components, techniques, energy requirements and characteristics of materials. Production methods will incorporate changing circumstances in technology. Products will be of high quality, meet functionality expectations and performance requirements for outlined design briefs. Analysing and evaluating At level 9, students will use evaluation criteria they had early developed and critical analysis of processes, system components, materials and appropriate change suggestions that would result to improved outcomes. Safe testing methods will be used in the analysis. The analysis will relate to results/findings designed systems. The analysis process will synthetise available data conduct trend analysis and make conclusions on legal, social, environmental, cultural and impacts on design products and systems. Evaluation will be on emerging manufacturing technologies in the industry Ten week unit of work (VELS level 6 progression point 5.25) Week Curriculum Focus Activities and Content Resources Assessment VELS 1.1 50 min Communication of project investigation, design ideas and assignment outcomes Students will be introduced to group discussion, launch of project kite and past project experience Whiteboard, butchers , pens, markers, papers Assessment will be based on collaborative discussions, design, and investigation task At this level, students will require design, creativity and technology to identify needs of users 1.2 100 min Clarity on students understanding of PPE requirements and safety while in the workshop Set up of students safety standards and workshop environment Summary of theoretical assessments, PPE and students workshops assessment of workshop safety is in worksheet 1 DC&T Level 9 is the process which is used to determine the probability that people may be exposed to injury during workshop sessions 2.1 50 min Design constraints, considerations and concepts will be introduced guideline for kite launcher design brief, and research existing design briefs and related research information from the intranet Theory room, computers, pens, whiteboard, butchers paper, , markers, The formative assessment will portray insight of design briefs in production DC&T Level 9 Relevance of design brief to the actual research. Understanding of design and its requirements Week Curriculum Focus Activities and Content Resources Assessment VELS 2.2 100 min Research and communicate design ideas relating to launch of design kite Students are required to research & document available launchers, size, weight of research, cost and safety of workshops Theory room, markers, computers, whiteboard, pens butchers paper Work sheet 2 research on kite launchers or rocket launchers, part % of the investigation and design task DC&T Level 9 Research on relevant design brief. 3.1 50 min Effective response to design briefs Engage groups to collect information in relation to design, weight, project launch kite Theory room, markers, computers, whiteboard, pens butchers paper Work sheet 3 mind mapping the design, materials, aesthetics, part % of the investigation and design task English Level 9 Group discussions will engage on comparison ideas, justification of design ideas 3.2 100 min Evaluation and analysis criteria will be developed conduct an investigation into security, materials, connectivity, workability and weight Workshop, PPE, machinery. Hand tools. Measuring equipment assessment based on design and investigation task % DC&T Level 9 decide on materials, systems components and techniques Week Curriculum Focus Activities and Content Resources Assessment VELS 4.1 50 min Consider investigative constraints and designs and their evaluations Group activity and brainstorming sessions will consider design briefs Theory room, markers, computers, whiteboard, pens butchers paper Work sheet four Brainstorming group assessment, part % for analysis & evaluation Communication Level 9 Students experiment with communicating complex ideas in a variety of ways 4.2 100 min Development and justification of a preferred design alternative from a range of choices & evaluate group collaboration for particular designs for the kite launcher Theory room, markers, computers, whiteboard, pens butchers paper Work sheet five formative assessment, part % for investigating the design task Thinking Processes Level 6 Reflection, evaluation and metacognition 5.1 50 min Investigate the design for the preferred option & evaluate Conduct group discussion & select your preferred option, students will be required to sketch their alternatives on the right worksheets. Theory room, markers, computers, whiteboard, pens butchers paper Work sheet six used for summative assessment for preferred option, part % design & evaluation outcome Interpersonal Development Level 9, students will work collaborative teams Week Curriculum Focus Activities and Content Resources Assessment VELS 5.2 100 min Production task outcome - Constructing products and systems Google sketch will offer preferred alternative design process Computer room w 10, video using Google sketch, head phones Work sheet 7 assessment, part % production task ICT - Level 9, students are advised to use a range of ICT tools 6.1 50 min Production task outcome -Students are required to make products/systems that are of quality, aesthetic, functionality and performance & then evaluate them Group activity - produce a production plan for kite launcher -fill in work sheet eight & submit paper, pens, theory room Work sheet 8 -Formative assessment, part % production task DC&T Level 9 -accurate implementation of production processes 6.2 100 min Production task outcome - Students are required to make products/systems that are of quality, aesthetic, functionality and performance & then evaluate them With the use production plan, constructing kite launcher in the workshop environment Workshop, PPE, machinery. Hand tools. Measuring equipment Evaluation tick sheet For production process, part % production task DC&T Level 9 -students will produce products/systems with the aid of complex equipment, machines, materials & systems components, tools with precision Week Curriculum Focus Activities and Content Resources Assessment VELS 7.1 50 min Evaluation outcome - students will analyse processes and e There will be a self-evaluation of kite launcher by the students Production evaluation form and pens Formative assessment part % evaluation task CD&T Level 9, Use previously developed criteria will be used to analyse the process 7.2 100 min The necessary modifications will suggest the required changes Group activity and discussion will propose required changes for the production of kite launcher Theory room, computers whiteboard, butchers paper, pens, markers part % production task Communication - Level 9this level requires student’s demonstration of comprehension of existing relationship between form, content and mode. 8.1 50 min Management and organisation of production stages Students to give production feedback Classroom, pens, paper, Formative assessment part % evaluation task Thinking Processes - Level 9, there are specific terms for the process of thinking Week Curriculum Focus Activities and Content Resources Assessment VELS 8.2 100 min Production task outcome - Students are required to make products/systems that are of quality, aesthetic, functionality and performance & then evaluate them With the aid of production plan, students to constructing kite launcher in the workshop environment Workshop, hand tools PPE, machinery, Measuring equipment Evaluation tick sheet For production process, part % production task DC&T Level 9, students to produce products/systems with the aid of complex tools, equipment, machines, materials & systems components with precision 9.1 50 min Evaluation and analysis Personal account in relation to the group experience and this is to be sent via email to the teacher Computer room w 10, Assessment requires students focus on production plan DC&T Level 9 Students to make relevant suggestions for changes to improved outcome 9.2 100 min Production task outcome - Students are required to make products/systems that are of quality, aesthetic, functionality and performance & then evaluate them With the aid of production plan, students to constructing kite launcher in the workshop environment Workshop, PPE, machinery. Hand tools. Measuring equipment Evaluation tick sheet For production process, part % production task Interpersonal Development - Level 9 Requires appropriate behaviour during students interactions Week Curriculum Focus Activities and Content Resources Assessment VELS 10.1 50 min Usability of systems mad products will be tested and analysed kite will be tested in a controlled environment PPE, paper, School oval, pens, notebooks Formative assessment part % evaluation task CD&T Level 9, Students will be required to use safe testing methods 10.2 100 min Evaluating task -Establish relationship between systems/products with the main purpose of design Final evaluation of kite launcher by students Theory room, markers, computers whiteboard, butchers paper, pens Part % of the analysis & evaluation task using the final evaluation form CD&T Level 9, Critical analysis of processes, components, and materials which were used. Design Brief year 9 students’ level 6 Kite flier is a used by people of all ages. For the production of the kite, we require materials such as metal, PVC plastic; remote control unit, hinges, screws, springs electronic solenoid and wire for the launcher, and wood. The kite launcher project b will face some challenges. A built unit is required by the 9th week. The built unit ought to weigh less than 5kgs.there is need for provision to fold it to a size of 600*300 mm. there is a usability restriction of 7years.$200 is the price ceiling for the kit. Work Sheets 1: Pre-test for workshop safety 1 what does PPE stand for? 2 Can all material (liquid, solid) be placed in the hard rubbish bin? 3 What is essence of testing and tagging electrical components before they are used? 4Why is it unsafe to run leads & hose on the workshop floor? 5 Is there is a reason to enter workshop without PPE? 6 can students work alone in the workshop? Work Sheets 2: Research from internet for kite launchers or rocket launchers Are there existing kite launchers? Record the web site here for future use What is the size of kite launcher? What is the standard weight? State the materials for the kite launcher Briefs explain how the kite launcher is secured on the ground Briefly explain the launch mechanism and operation of kite launcher Are you aware of rocket launchers? What is the rocket size? What is the rocket weight? State the rocket launcher materials Work Sheets 3: Mind Maps Here are some different examples of mind maps you could use for the project. Mind map as much information as you can gather within the group on the attached work sheet Work Sheets 3: Working in your groups, see what information you can collect and gather for kite launch project mind map. Work Sheets 4: Brainstorming Considerations group activity 1 state the height allowance for kite launch in order to be declared a success 2 briefs explain the safety and security requirements for the launch kite 3 which is the best material for propulsion? 4 what is the best material for the launch pad 5 Is it possible to fold the material? 6 comment on the appearance and colour of the finished kite launcher Work Sheet 5: Brainstorming within the group Think of all possible design options and try to sketch them not overemphasis on the quality of designs, just consider the constraints and considerations of design briefs. Work Sheet 6: evaluate your preferred design option. Sketch your final design choice list the size, weight, materials, launch trigger mechanism and securing the launch pad to the ground. Remember to reflect back to the design brief regarding constraints and considerations. Work Sheet 7: Create working drawings on Google sketch, print of final production drawings and glue to space below. Work Sheets 8: Map out your production plan for the remaining 8 weeks remember to evaluate after every week. Step One: Step Two: Step Three: Step Four: Step Five: Step Six Step Seven Step Eight Work Sheets 9: Self-evaluation form for your finished kite launcher Briefly comment on the group working relationship Was this a realistic project for one to participate? Comment on design brief, weight and size considerations of the finished project Comment in safety issues in this project State challenges during testing stage Conflict resolution mechanisms in the different stages Comment on necessity of continuous evaluation of project Give opinion in relation to finished kite launcher Elevation grading matrix for final grade, (project kite launcher) 10 8 6 4 2 Did the launch of kite meet the deadline? How effective is the kite launcher? Was student conflict resolution effective? How safe were the students during the project? Do you think the kite launcher was aligned to the kite? Total /50 Graduate Diploma Technology & Education LESSON PLAN 1 Name: Paul Grace Lesson No: 2.1 School: Topic: Kite Launcher Learning Area: Design, Creativity and Technology - Level 6 Date: Year Level: Year 9/Level 6/Progression Point 5.25 Duration: 50 minutes Learning Outcomes: Students will be introduced to the concept of a design brief, designing, producing and evaluating VELS references: Standard by level: level 6, year 9-10 Domain: Design, Creativity and Technology Dimension: Interdisciplinary Learning Assessment: 1: Formative assessment will be based on demonstrative understanding and the importance of the design brief in production process. 2: Question and answer session with students. 3: Give feedback to students concluding the lesson Time: Min Procedure 5 Min Mark roll and introduction to project kite launcher 5 Min Hand out students their design brief and deliver an overview of the project design brief 10 Min Introduce students to different materials to be used in the project, through audio/DVD format 10 Min Teacher to inform and explain to students, the constraints and considerations of the design brief for the project 10 Min Students to research information from internet relating to materials, fixings and design briefs 5 Min Teacher to evaluate and assess students understanding of the design brief through open forum discussion with students 5 Min Teacher to conclude lesson informing students to the projects time frame and lead students into the next lesson “conducting research” Teachers Resources: Theory room. Computer and smart board for DVD, design brief handouts, whiteboard, DVD on materials and their use. Student Resources: Project note books, pens, butchers paper, markers Teachers Reflection: 1: teacher feedback during the project 2: state difficulties during the project 3: were the students fully engaged? 4: modalities for effective student learning during the exercise 5: moral lessons from the lesson Supervising Teachers Comments: Graduate Diploma Technology & Education LESSON PLAN 2 Name: Lesson No: 3.2 School: Topic: Kite Launcher Learning Area: Design, Creativity and Technology - Level 6 Date: Year Level: Year 9/Level 6/Progression Point 5.25 Duration: 100 minutes Learning Outcomes: Students will be in the workshop environment, investigating materials their strength, weight and evaluating their use in the project VELS references: Standard by level: level 6, year 9-10 Domain: Design, Creativity and Technology Dimension: Interdisciplinary Learning Assessment: 1: Evaluative/ Diagnostic assessment, demonstrating and understanding and the importance of materials and their use in design and production . 2: Question and answer session with students. 3: Give feedback to students concluding the lesson Time: Min Procedure 30 Min Mark roll and induct students to the workshop environment, fire evacuation procedures, fire extinguishers, safety rules relating to workshop, PPE, induction for the safe use of machinery, and hand tools, first aid 10 Min Students to cut a one metre length of pine test its weight and strength using scales and hydraulic press for its breaking/fracturing point 10 Min Students to cut a one metre length of tubed plastic testing its weight and strength using scales and hydraulic press for its breaking/cracking point 10 Min Students to cut a one metre length of 1.5mm tubed steel testing its weight and strength using scales and hydraulic press for its bending/ sheer point 10 Min Students will connect/join timber using nails, wood screws hinges and screws evaluating the best method to use for construction 10 Min Students will join plastic using screws, nuts and bolts, metal straps with screws to determine the most appropriate method for production of the kite launcher 10 Min Students will join metal tubing using screws, nuts and bolts, metal straps with screws to determine the most appropriate method for securing/joining metal tube for optimum fixing 5 Min Clean workshop and pack up all tools and equipment to the storage area 5 Min Formative assessment with a group discussion students instructed to bring their material test notes to next theory class Teachers Resources: Workshop, equipment, hydraulic press, hand tools, drill press, PPE, first aid kit Student Resources: Project note books, pens, PPE Teachers Reflection: 1: what went well and why 2: what was difficult and why 3: how engaged where the students in the workshop 4: what else you could have done to improve the students’ learning and evaluation 5: what I learnt from the class Supervising Teachers Comments: Graduate Diploma Technology & Education LESSON PLAN 3 Name: Paul Grace Lesson No: 4.1 School: Topic: Kite Launcher Learning Area: Design, Creativity and Technology - Level 6 Date: Year Level: Year 9/Level 6/Progression Point 5.25 Duration: 50 minutes Learning Outcomes: Brainstorming group activity, considering the constraints & consideration of the design brief VELS references: Standard by level: level 6, year 9-10 Domain: Design, Creativity and Technology Dimension: Interdisciplinary Learning Assessment: 1: Work sheet four brainstorming group assessment, analysis & evaluation, work sheet four to be handed in for assessment 2: Question and answer session with students. 3: Give feedback to students concluding the lesson Time: Min Procedure 5 Min Mark roll, hand out worksheet four to students 5 Min Discuss with students question 1, how high will the kite need to be lifted for a successful launch, students to take notes 5 Min Discuss with students question 2, how will the launch pad be secured to the ground, students to take notes 5 Min Discuss with students question 3, what will be the best material for propulsion e.g. spring, bungie cord and students to take notes 5 Min Discuss with students question 4, what is the best material for the launch pad, students to take notes 5 Min Discuss with students question 5, can it be designed to be folded up 10 Min Students to conduct research on internet relating to the proposed questions on worksheet four 5 Min Students to fill in worksheet four with their preferred option design 5 Min Conclusion discus the import of research for design process Teachers Resources: Theory room, Computers, worksheet four handouts, whiteboard, markers Student Resources: Project note books, pens, previous notes, and design brief Teachers Reflection: 1: what went well and why 2: what was difficult and why 3: how engaged where the students 4: what else you could have done to improve the students’ learning 5: what you learnt Supervising Teachers Comments: Graduate Diploma Technology & Education LESSON PLAN 4 Name: Paul Grace Lesson No: 5.1 School: Topic: Kite Launcher Learning Area: Design, Creativity and Technology - Level 6 Date: Year Level: Year 9/Level 6/Progression Point 5.25 Duration: 50 minutes Learning Outcomes: Investigate the design for the preferred option & evaluate for preferred option VELS references: Standard by level: level 6, year 9-10 Domain: Design, Creativity and Technology Dimension: Interdisciplinary Learning Assessment: 1: Work sheet six to be used for summative assessment 2: Question and answer session with students prior to worksheet handed in 3: Give feedback to students concluding the lesson Time: Min Procedure 5 Min Mark roll, hand out worksheet six preferred design option to students 10 Min Discuss with the students the constraints and considerations and end user profile of the finished product 10 Min Open discussion to choose the preferred design option, students referring to their project notes 10 Min Students to work in a group to hand sketch their preferred design option to work sheet six 5 Min Students to notate the preferred option with estimated dimensions for product size and weight 5 Min Teacher collect worksheet six, summative assessment evidence 5 Min Conclusion feedback to students on their choice of the preferred option and lead into next lesson the production process with evaluation criteria Teachers Resources: Theory room, worksheet six handouts, whiteboard, markers Student Resources: Project note books, pens, previous notes, and design brief Teachers Reflection: 1: did students work well together 2: was there any difficulties and why 3: how engaged where the students 4: what else you could have done to improve the students’ decision making 5: what could I have done different Supervising Teachers Comments: Bibliography Read More
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