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Miniaturization and Spatial Design - Research Paper Example

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Miniaturization enabled mass production of electronic products and revolutionized the semiconductor industry.  The application of technology and its relevance to interior design, spatial design and furniture are discussed in this paper, Miniaturization and Spatial Design…
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Miniaturization and Spatial Design
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 Introduction According to Brookes concise dictionary (p. 756), miniaturize means ‘to make (eg technical equipment) on a small scale or to make something very small; to reduce it significantly in size.’ Apart from the ornamental aspect of miniaturization, the use of less material in making a product and the space occupied has become very relevant for the technology to make rapid strides in electronics and other fields. The concept of miniaturization and the technology has impact on our day to day life in several ways and it is associated with the pace makers implanted in the body, mobile phones carried by the people and scores of electronic products used. Miniaturization enabled mass production of electronic products and revolutionized the semiconductor industry. The application of the technology and its relevance to interior design, spatial design and furniture is discussed in this paper. Miniaturization in lighting and furniture paved way for mass production and standardization, and the companies like IKEA market mini chairs and other mini furniture items. The market for landscaping products has been growing over a period of time, and miniaturization and modularization plays an important role in the expanding market. The economic and environmental changes offer scope for rapid growth for miniaturization in these sectors on account of the cost and space considerations in the backdrop of aggressive urbanization taking place throughout the world. The criticism by scholars like Paul Virilio and Jean Baudrillard calling miniaturization as unreal and ‘a process of depletion’ is not sustainable for the following reasons. 1. The ‘real’ size of the various products especially in the case of electronics and semiconductors cannot be specified. 2. Miniaturization involves minimal use of factors of production. 3. Miniaturization has not impaired the quality or efficiency, rather increased these aspects in the products. 4. Miniaturization enables mass production thereby decreases the cost of production. 5. Miniaturization leads to standardization with the associated benefits in trade and commerce. 6. Increasing competition for space due to urbanization calls for radical rethinking about miniaturization for practical solutions and better living. Interior design The emerging trends in interior designs are concerned with the efficient utilization of the space available. The space has become a prohibiting factor which invariably needs to be balanced with the size of the furniture, fixtures, household appliances and the other furnishings. The application of the concept of miniaturization either in homes or in an office setup becomes essential. This could be achieved without impairing the functional values of the various furniture and fixtures in interior designs. The developments in technology and the methods of production and processes have in fact increased the durability of the products with lesser maintenance cost associated with the usage. The interior products need to be designed to suit the available space in the modern homes. For example utilization of balconies which is smaller in size calls for innovative approach in designing and arrangement of the house hold products like furniture, hammocks, flower pots and lighting. The interior designing of the growing number of middle sized apartments with the space constraints needs to be approached in such a way that suitable layout is complemented with the positioning and a proper of mix of miniaturization of certain products to enhance the space utility and beauty with a greater degree of sense of proportion. This will enhance the utility of space by accommodating more products by effective usage of space with pleasing interior view. Terraces in the apartments are for the multi-family usage. Similarly in the case of condominium houses there is multi-family access to common facilities. The effective usage of the space with aesthetic interior design enhances the environmental beauty. Miniaturization can bring in optimum use with the products matching the environment and complementing each other with seamless integration without protruding effects which will ensure efficient use of the available space. Aesthetic criterion does not take into account only the functional aspects in interior design. The interior design and furnishings reflect the tastes of the persons, their social status and their cultural background. Therefore, changes in the living room are made after careful analysis of various factors. It is important to note that miniaturization should not be construed as cheap. It is not advocated by the designers on account of reduction in the cost of furnishing. In fact they would like to enhance the aesthetic aspects by blending miniaturization on suitable basis. For example maintenance of intricately carved ornate furniture or elegant furnishings may not be appropriate in an apartment occupied by a lower middle class family. The products in the living room should match with its size and proportionate to the lay-out. The miniaturization seeks to justify by being useful in achieving these objectives. The living room may just look bigger and spacious by simple interior arrangements viz. proper placement of the mirror, chairs of appropriate size, proper lighting and indoor plants. Standardization evolving in the industry makes the selection process easy because, depending upon the size of the halls or rooms furniture and other articles can be bought after giving allowance for special needs of the occupant. The cost of furnishing is not dependent upon the use of miniatures, but the quality of the articles including miniatures. For example, a good and cute miniature appropriately set in a living room can be more attractive than an imitation of the same cost. Appropriateness is the criterion in interior design and not the size. Whether the size is small or big it should fit well into the setting. Interior designs using diminutive lighting fixtures will be efficient in providing good light and unobtrusive at the same time. Unobtrusive ‘miniature recessed fixtures’ could provide even lighting. Growing miniature roses indoor has become a fashion. There are several types of miniature plants which offer greater versatility in their uses. Spatial Design Constraint programming techniques can be advantageously used to overcome impasse in all the spatial designs. The art of miniaturizing living trees called as Bonsai has its strong foundations on space utility and the need for variety. The variety within the limited space available could be achieved through miniaturization and even the living plants are not spared. The evolution of miniaturization could be traced back to the history of many ethnic groups or races. However, the availability of space has motivated the people of Japan to make rapid pace in the development of the concept of miniaturization. A country geographically smaller in size is endowed with abundant population. The aspirations of the people in possessing the facilities for use and enjoyment spurred them to make the articles, devices or grow plants of small size without compromising on utility factor. Therefore, the miniaturization needs to be the part of the spatial design to achieve the objective of aesthetic values and utility at the optimum cost level. It is in this backdrop, the contentions of Virilio et al with regard to miniaturization should be viewed for its relevance in today’s context. Contemporary housing has undergone significant changes over the period of time greatly influenced by the availability of space, need for varieties and the standard of living. The economic developments in the countries, rising levels of disposable income and the technological developments have brought about changes in the tastes and fashions of the consumers throughout the world. Increasing exposure to the media, consequently the cultural developments in the society have been instrumental for the changes in the life style of the people. The study of contemporary housing takes into account the environmental factors as well. The environmental pollution due to emission of greenhouse gases in the aftermath of Kyoto Protocol created awareness among the people about their role in the mitigation of the environmental negative impacts on the society. The contribution of the general public in the environmental aspects is closely related to landscaping. Efficient use of the land and its aesthetic appearance in relation to the environmental concerns made the people to focus their attention on ‘soft landscaping’. The use of plants in landscape design takes into consideration the ecological values of the plants, suitable field layer plants and availability of water resources. A comprehensive landscaping architecture has to take into account several factors such as the structure of elevation, ecological balance, size of the plants and the compound wall. For example, a compound wall for an enclosed space should not be too high to affect the look. A big enclosed area may appear to be small. An enclosed land with a big tree and a high compound wall will destroy the appearance further. The miniaturization is a concept which is not restricted to the size of the manufactured products alone, but it covers the plants as well, for example, the bonsai plants are miniatures. Designing takes into consideration the various features involved in relation to the overall structure. Landscaping needs to be compatible to the living space and preservation of natural character is important. The development and the use of land should be sustainable in relation to the environmental, economical and cultural factors. Miniaturization seeks to achieve better utilization of the land at the optimum cost with positive environmental impact and improved aesthetic values. Miniatures enable flexibility in restructuring and introducing changes in the landscaping in tune with the cyclical nature. The idea is to maintain the landscape with evergreen view. The sustainable development ensures the ability of the future generations to meet their needs. The spatial designs adopted vary from urban areas and suburban or rural areas. Preservation denotes limitations to changes. It should aim to preserve the ecological balance. Conservation requires changes for sustainable development. Landscape designs incorporating miniaturization is advantageously used for conservation of the land available. The advantages of the miniaturization in landscaping are as follows. 1. Each plant occupies limited space. 2. The plants consume less water. 3. The plants consume limited manure leading to cost minimization. 4. It makes re-planting easier. 5. It yields space for varieties in plants. 6. Greater exposure to field layer plants enhances the beauty of the landscape. 7. It makes the movement of horticultural implements easier. 8. Space for movement ensures safety by avoiding accidents. 9. The layout ensures flexibility in the gardening operations. 10. Laying of pipes or changes in piping system for drip irrigation can be done easily. The trends in interior and spatial designs are influenced by cultural shifts, consumption patterns, technological innovations in the industry, the size the family, social status of the family and the income levels. However, careful planning and judicious use of the space available using miniatures with a sense of proportion will enhance aesthetic values. The pictures given below illustrate the effect of landscaping design. The differences between the two pictures highlight the enhanced beauty after landscaping by using bonsai plants. The space available has been efficiently used with sense of proportion in the selection of small to medium sized plants in relation to the backdrop to enhance the beauty of the landscape. This has been achieved with minimum investment as could be observed from the materials used in redesigning the landscape. Space in the apartments is a constraint for engaging in gardening activities. However, corporate companies engage in research to obviate this problem. For example, Mini SOCKER Greenhouses of IKEA seeks to address this issue. “The SOCKER Greenhouse from IKEA can help maximize limited planting space, at least until we all have a collection of square meters to grow vegetables and fruits on. Designed to offer a space-saving solution for urban dwellers, the mini greenhouses from IKEA feature an adjustable roof with two operable glass hatches for positioning plants and ventilation. Seeds and sprouts will have no problem integrating in the powder coated steel framed greenhouses and the simple design can be easily used to adorn any tight corner space in the kitchen or be a part of a small indoor set of greenhouses in your naturally lit hallway” (Freshome - Interior Design & Architecture Magazine, 2013). Mini SOCKER Greenhouse Spending time with the nature, simply for the sake of health benefit it offers to a person, is well recognized by the people today. Emotional stress and depression are relieved in an environment which is natural. Landscaping plays an important role in this respect for a man’s association with the nature. When the land in urban area becomes scarce, judicious utilization of the available land is called for. A garden with few big trees in the backyard needs to be revisited for its rearrangement. Varieties of plants yielding flowers, vegetables and fruits for a families’ daily consumption could be grown by a family. Fresh vegetables, flowers and fruits from our own gardens are priceless as they are grown with our own efforts. There are numerous mini parks, or ‘parklets’ as they are called, have sprouted all over Europe in the recent years which suggest the changes in the thinking and attitude of the people towards nature. There are several products and plants ideal for balconies and kitchen gardens available in the markets now. Miniaturization and modularization of the kitchens in the homes has been actively pursued by the public for effective utilization of space. Health angle is also taken into consideration in a good interior or spatial design. Effective utilization of space also improves the health of the occupants of a house as it ensures free movement of the people which avoids accidents. Cleaning of the living rooms or work places becomes easier as the chances of dust accumulating under bulky furniture or fixtures and structures, is avoided. This will reduce the chances of allergies caused due to dirt or dust. When the size of the articles such as furniture, fixtures and furnishings are minimized, availability of more space is ensured for free flow of air. Proper circulation of fresh air into the dwelling units is very important from the health angle of the occupants. Furniture design The industry which has been mostly benefited by the concept of miniaturization is mobile telephony. ‘Walkman’ of Sony created revolution in the miniaturization which impacted the audio and entertainment industry positively. The role of miniaturization in the computer industry especially, semiconductor industry has been very phenomenal. However, miniaturization of the cell-phones has increased its usage by the masses throughout the world and created awareness about the miniaturization in human life among the people. Prior to the invention of TV the products in the households consisted mainly of furniture. Due to the acceleration in technological developments over the period of time as explained by Alvin Toffler in Future Shock, many new products like TV, Telephone, Audio and Video equipments have occupied the living rooms of the households, and the developments since the publication of the book Future Shock surpassed the predictions of the author. The availability of space for a family or business has actually shrunk over the period of time due to intense urbanization, and this has lead to extension of miniaturization into interior and spatial designs. The increase in population in some of the countries and the effect of urbanization in many countries has led to creation of apartments with several dwelling units within a huge housing complex with limited space for each unit. The interior and spatial design techniques have also been developed to keep pace with these environmental changes. The concept of miniaturization plays an important role in redesigning the interior in tune with the developments taking place in the space management. For example, SOHO (Small Office and Home Office) Office furniture combines aesthetics, modern style, fashion, and space management. Ergonomic chairs can be construed as a variation of miniaturization and it involves the concept of miniaturization as well. Standardization Packing and transportation of the household articles from place to place will be difficult if they are bulky. The cost of production significantly increases with the size. It is always difficult to fit in the bulky articles in the available space in the new place since the dimensions and the layouts vary from house to house. There are several reasons for shifting of the articles from place to place. 1. Shifting of the household articles consequent upon transfers from place to place on account of employment or business. 2. Shifting to a new apartment by the families who stay in rental houses. 3. Relocation caused due to marriages, child birth. 4. Shifting the family to new place of posting in the case of change of employment. 5. Moving into a bigger or smaller house due to increase or decrease in the levels of the family’s income. The resale value of the bigger size products will be less on account of less demand for such products. Therefore, disposal of the bigger size products at the time of shifting will also be very difficult. Miniaturization of the products has also led to combine the functional values of the different products in a single product. For example the mobile phones now serve the purpose of phone, watch, camera, calculator, torch light, audio and video for entertainment and internet. In fact the purposes for which the mobiles are now used as listed above are not exhaustive. The application of the technology for various other uses is also expanding. For example Global Positioning System (GPS) for location identification integrated into the phone are useful in several other ways. The main advantage lies in the portability of the product. The increasing use of laptops compared to desk top could be attributed to its portability. This is now happening in furniture industry. The light weight portable furniture is increasingly preferred for home and office use. Laptops, the smaller versions of desktops overtake desktops in sales due to its portability, and now tablet PCs which are still smaller with touch screen are hot in the market. The miniaturization in general makes a product capable of multi usage. When an article becomes smaller and smaller the product becomes easy to handle. For example, when a chair become smaller, it could be folded easily and converted into a teapoy. This flexibility is not available in the case of bulky chairs. The chair converted into a teapoy could be reconverted back into a chair which could be occupied by small children. In the absence of small chair, the children will occupy the big chairs which are inconvenient for them. There have been patents filed for multiple uses of chairs. Another example is sofa cum bed. Miniaturization gathered momentum in the furniture industry with lot of miniature items such as breuer chairs, desks, tables and shelves. For example, “IVAR shelving is cleverly designed, looking far classier than the price suggests; it is all wood construction and easy to assemble using IKEA's standard fixing system. Extremely practical and hard-wearing, IVAR is very good value too. A single unit can be enough storage for a limited space or the foundation for a larger storage solution if needs change.” (Ikea, 2010)  Source: IKEA, 2010 It could be observed that this miniature IVAR shelving can be easily assembled with the help of instructions given for this purpose. Apart from the furniture, the designing of the household products such as the air-conditioners, heating equipments and refrigerators are continuously undergoing changes especially in terms of size and power consumption. The portable air-conditioners are preferred by the families which are continuously on the move. Ultra thin wall mounted TVs really saves lot of space which was earlier occupied by bigger TVs mounted on the stands. The corners in the rooms are effectively used by properly designed ready-made shelves. The articles and devices need to be user and environment friendly, convenient and safe for working, relaxing or moving around, rather than remaining as status symbols. In the use and throw culture prevailing today, the products should serve the purpose for which they are bought. If miniaturized product is ergonomically superior for use in homes or home offices and increases the comfort level without affecting the quality of the output at a lesser investment and maintenance cost, it economically makes sense to use such product as it also increases the utility of the space. Do-it-yourself products increase creativity among the consumers. Miniaturization lends flexibility and versatility to the products and handling becomes easier. The adaptability of the products for various uses, as we see in the case of mobile phones, primarily a device for communication is now useful for variety of purposes, makes the consumers prefer miniaturized products. The cost associated with the products in terms of investment and maintenance is not prohibitive. The shrinking space in homes and offices in the urban areas necessitates portability of the articles and devices in tune with the changing requirements. The miniaturization with less weight also involves use of less power which decreases the chances for accidents and increases safety in homes and work places. Since miniaturization is associated with standardization, consumer friendly operations and mobility, the children can be easily trained in using these products, whereas in the case of bulky products the risk involved in using the products by children is very high, since they cannot move the products or manage the movement of the products. The miniaturization is associated with ‘autonomy’ and ‘personalization’. One need not go to telephone booths (anyway which has become a thing of past) and stand in queues for making calls anymore. He can use his own phone, in his own time and maintain privacy without disturbing the others. The other advantages include the recording of time of the calls made or received, storage of numbers within the instrument and so on. As in the case of phones, the other products have other advantages The concept of Virilio on miniaturization Miniaturization leads to mass production of smaller and smaller products. The technological advancements in miniaturization also lead to cost reduction as in any other production process since miniaturization is technology driven. The stereo images viewed through stereoscopes are miniatures, reduced in scale. There have been studies whether the dimension and standardization as related to stereoscopy can be applied to miniaturization. Pietrobruno (p. 175) stated “Because of its reduced scale, the miniature has also been regarded as an impoverished object that lacks value. This way of viewing the miniature emerges in the writings of Paul Virilio and Jean Baudrillard, who describe the process of rendering objects miniature through technology as a process of depletion.” The arguments about the disappearance of real or the miniaturization process dubbed as a process of depletion are in philosophical plane and not on the basis of advantages or disadvantages. The miniaturization or miniature has been associated with the feminism and relegated to the place of domesticity. At least to this extent we assume that miniaturization in interior decoration is admitted and considered as harmless from the philosophical angle. Virilio’s analysis of history and technology related to war might have shaped up his thoughts on urban planning. He (p. 10, 11) stated “The vast mob of homeless represented more than 10 per cent of London’s population of six million. They were not allowed to sleep at night anywhere…the contemporary architects and town planners had no more than anyone else been able to escape such psychotropic disorders. In fact, the constructivist aesthetic would forever continue to hide behind the banalisation of form, the transparency of glass, the fluidity of vectors and the special effects of machines of transfer or transmission.” It could be observed that according to this statement the urban planning needs to focus on miniaturization or put it differently, on efficient utilization of space in service of the people. The debate on stereo image or miniature and its association with masculinity or feminism is an academic exercise aiming to analyze the concept of miniaturization in philosophical plane. In the present day context it could signify the dominance of human power over the animate as well as the inanimate objects on the earth, and its control on modifying the other objects’ positions in tune with his needs. The economics of miniaturization especially in the computer age denotes power. “The stereo image as a miniature that connotes power has been suggested by media scholar Jib Fowles” Pietrobruno (p. 175) as well by several others even before the emergence of computers to dominance. When miniaturization was in evolving stages in the western countries the diminution in size would have constituted distortion in the minds of the people and make them regarded it as unreal due to manipulation of sizes which is against the natural law. Mostly these views are restricted to western scholars. According to Eias (n.d., p. 1) many authorities attribute the origin of bonsai and related art forms to China approximately 1,700 to 2,100 years ago. This art form migrated to other Asian countries and associated with the spread of Buddhism. Bonsai or naninized trees were for sale in florist shops in Paris at the time of the exposition of 1878 according to Carriere (1878). Munro (2005, p. 140) stated “Today, prosthetics are not simply limited to limb replacements, but include the implant of miniature devices, most notably, the use of pace makers to regulate the heart…According to Virilio, the body has been transformed into the last territory to be colonized.” The role of miniaturization would be inevitable for a faster and sustainable economic growth with the optimum utilization of the available scarce resources with minimum environmental pollution. This is on account of the fact that the miniaturization is associated with standardization and mass production. Wastage will be minimized in standardization and mass production. “Paul Virilio has described the emergence of a super city, which he calls the ‘omnopolis,’ essentially the result of the hundreds of millions of users who can participate in some way in the virtual world of the internet” (Munro, p. 131). In fact under the predicted scenario, the concept of miniaturization is unavoidable and inevitable considering the nature and size of the society. It is very important to analyze the causes for the attitude of the people towards miniaturization. The population density in the Asian countries is very high compared to the western countries or the US. In the case of Japan, the country is very small with huge population whereas in some of the western countries the governments encourage people to give birth to babies to arrest the negative growth in population. The space for living in Japan for an average family bigger in size is very limited compared to a western family. Therefore, utilization of available space is an important factor for a Japanese family. The bonsai plants represent their need to grow more plants in the limited space available. The views on miniaturization per se in the European countries in the computer age are not against it. Right from the pace makers implanted inside the body to the mobile phone and laptops they have accepted the concept wholeheartedly in view of the advantages attached to the technology. However, the need for miniaturization have not been keenly felt by the people living in spacious houses. The aggressive urbanization and the skyrocketing real estate prices in the cities have of late exerted pressure on their style of living. It is to be remembered that the multinational company IKEA which espouses the cause of miniaturization is a Netherland company. There is a perceptible shift in the ideological approach to the concept of miniaturization in the household products and interior and spatial designs in tune with the changes. The technological innovations reshape the methods of doing several tasks in homes and offices. The drudgery and exertion involved in the various tasks have been effectively reduced by simple mechanisms or miniaturization introduced in the devices we use in our daily life. The needs and preferences of the consumers are redefined and many products like telegraphs, carbon sheets, cassette tapes, filing cabinets in the offices, floppy discs, telephone directories, typewriters, and portable radios to name a few have become obsolete over the period of time. It could be observed that most of these products have been the victims of miniaturization. Conclusion Developments in nanotechnology take miniaturization to the atomic or molecular level. It is expected that nanotechnology may evolve into a fast growing science with the development of new components and devices with new uses. The range of application of the technology may vary from medical sciences, microbiology and electronics. Its extension into homes and offices may very well include growing mini plants in the home gardens and interior and spatial designs which will be likely to revolutionize the way people live. The concept or technology related to miniaturization is grounded on convenience and necessity whereas the views of scholars like Virilio are rooted in history on philosophical angle. The technological advances in the various fields aim at comforts to the consumers at a reasonable cost. Interior design and good landscaping keeps the environment cleaner and natural which improves the general health. Considering the aggressive urbanization in various countries of the word, there is great scope for rapid growth and development of technology relating to interior and spatial designs keeping in tune with the preferences of the consumers. References Brookes, I., 2004. Chambers concise dictionary. Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd. Edinburgh. Elias, T. S., n.d. History of the Introduction and Establishment of Bonsai in the Western World. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 January 2013]. Freshome – Interior Design & Architecture Magazine, 2013. IKEA’s Solution For Urban Garderners: Mini SOCKER Greenhouses. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 January 2013]. IKEA, 2010. Miniature IKEA IVAR Shelving. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 January 2013]. Munro, I., 2005. Information Warfare in Business: Strategies of control and resistance in the network society. Routledge. Oxon Pietrobruno, S., 2011. The stereoscope and the miniature. Early Popular Visual Culture. Vol. 9, No. 3, August 2011, 171–190 Virilio, P., 1994. The Vision Mission. Indiana University Press. Bloomington. Read More
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