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Career Assesment - Personal Statement Example

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Career Assessment Life offers a host of opportunities to individuals and on that token I am no exception. This is the reason why I have gained immensely from life and look forward to receiving the bounties in the coming days as well. For me, strong accounting knowledge has been my forte over the years…
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Career Assesment Personal Statement
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I have learned that accounting gives one the basics of life, and teaches an individual as to how one’s life domains would be handled. As far as the knowledge and skills are concerned, I have been lucky to comprehend the true meaning of life through my logical and mathematical skills. I am good at reasoning which helps me to differentiate things and thus become better with the changing times. I possess good analytical skills which make my life easy. It gives me a good enough understanding of the things that surround my life and more so the educational domains that center on the premise of bringing about a positive change within my entirety.

I can analyze things in such a manner that there are positives for one and all, as it assists me in a better planning pattern as far as the things are concerned. It gives me a good comprehension of how questions and solved and how queries are resolved in the most amicable manner. I opine that the logical repertoire that I possess within my folds is indeed my forte because it helps me disseminate information which is valid from the one that does not hold any weight. It allows me to gain an edge over other individuals because I believe that I am at a better stance than other under such logical reasoning structures and situations.

I have always yearned to achieve a great deal at the hands of the circumstances and situations that have been imposed on me or which have come upon me as a result of the life’s varied dimensions. I am thankful to nature for providing me a chance to be a part of this life as it has been one exciting challenge nonetheless. My skills and abilities are therefore very well placed and I would like to learn new elements and facets which would further boost my professional and educational experience in the days to come.

I have set both short term and long term goals for myself. The short term goals are for a period of 3 to 5 years and these help me derive the basis of success in the long run scheme of things. I have set for myself to getting the CPA license which will help me to understand the nuances of accounting in a much better manner. It will allow me to have my own place within the accounting field for all the right reasons. It will put me in a better stead with my compatriots who are in the same league and are a part of the accounting discipline.

This is something that I have planned for myself in the short term and thus remains my objective over the period of 3 to 5 years. Similarly, I want to get my Masters degree within auditing and taxation as these are some steps ahead of what I have learned within the field of accounting. It would give me the much needed mileage that I require from my accounting domains. It will also make me feel privileged of who I am and how I am able to share my expertise with the world around me. This will allow me to start working in an accounting firm and thus give me the much needed experience that I require for my entirety.

It would also make me feel as an important part of the accounting fraternity and make me understand the relevant realms of growth and development within this very field. As far as the long term plans are concerned, I wish to secure a job within IRS as an auditor because this is something that I would cherish to have for my eventual success. Therefore my short term and long term goals are well drawn out and I know for certainty that I am on the right track as far as my future domains are concerned. I

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