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Business Planning and Practice - Essay Example

The paper  “Business Planning and Practice”  is a worthy example of a business essay. Human resource involves the division of the company into various departments depending on activities relating to employees. The departments are positioned regarding knowledge, skills, and the motivation of the employees…
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BUSINESS PLANNING THEORY & PRACTICE Student’s name Course Unit Professor’s name University Town Date Human Resource Aspects Human resource involves the division of the company into various departments depending on activities relating to employees. The departments are positioned regarding knowledge, skills and the motivational of the employees. As such, the human resource technique is best known for its scarcest and the most crucial productive resources that create the longest lasting advantage for an operating company. Through the use of HR, it helps leverage legacy technology that is essential through the use of mobile application. As such the human resource aspects led to development of the mobile application that supports recruitment arena, for analytic purposes, performance feedback and employee time-and-attendance tracking. The findings indicated that employees are able to conduct the human resource transactions through the use of mobile application. Additionally, the application developed contributes towards performance management and record keeping. Based on the business plan, the employees are capable of to access the pay stubs, check the regular payments and the ease to retrieve the company business directory at any time irrespective of the location (Slack et. al. 2013) Additionally, the HR aspects through the developing of the mobile application led to the realization of employees and the organization leadership self-service having simpler, faster and more timely towards the assigned job duties. With an increase of frontline employees in companies, the app is essential for the workers to check for work schedules assigned and retrieval of ongoing information for the organization while on vacation. Arguably, embracing the HR aspects in the designed mobile applications, it impacts workers to easily access diverse information. It is achievable through mobile learning information highly interactive searchable content, videos and various surveys. As such, the approach indicates a greater opportunity to improve engagement by providing the targeted employees that makes them giddy with excitement (Barrow, et. al 2012) Digital Marketing As per the definition, digital marketing enables the product and services of an organization reaching out to consumers through various forms of marketing and the digital media. The technique goes beyond the use of internets and advocates for mobile phones SMS and MMS, social media marketing strategy and the search engine marketing (Stutely, 2012). Having a digital strategy allows the digital marketers to observe and analyze the various responses on the customer’s reaction towards the products and service of the institution by using the mobile application. Additionally, the company is able to asses what are the common apps and websites that are used commonly by the customers regarding the sales conversations. Based on the business plan, the company is expected to start as a small company hence intends t use the social media sites through digital marketing through advertisement integration. A good example is the use of the Facebook social media that mostly helps the company marketers to integrate the organization advertisement into the developed sales application of the company (Anthes 2011). As such, the approach provides a mutual benefit both for the organization and the use of mobile application. The approach makes the small business get exposure while the application receives fees from the users hence more funds are available to run the company. Regarding the digital marketing strategy, having a mobile application is not enough for the company. The success of a business plan in an organization embraces different multiple channels that basically integrates the company websites, email, the social media sites and the mobile into the company strategy. Additionally, the channels needs to be constantly managed and monitored to focus on the organization making a impact in the operating market segments. In the current corporate world, the business marketers are solely responsible for the cultivation of the digital marketing of an organization through interacting with customers on the business products and services being offered by the institution rather than posting the reviews of the company (Zheltoukhova &Suckley 2014). As such, the available mobile application contributes towards honesty, loyalty, transparency, personalized communication and various rewards for the company. This implies that a comprehensive business plan and a mobile application integrate all the above aspects purposefully for an efficient approach that ensures the continued success and the growth of the company. Focus Group Focus group entails the engagement of a qualitative research in which a group of people within or outside the organization are assessed on the opinions, perceptions, beliefs and attitudes towards a product, service, concept or the packaging style (Saunders et. al. 2012). The approach generally advocates for the problem solving of the company through market research, idea generation from the public and the possibility of forecasting the technique and sharing the view of a specific problem. To effectively achieve the new designed company objectives and goals, the designed mobile application needs to have the ability of preparing sessions, developing questions, planning the sessions and conducting the session purposefully to achieve the aspects of the focus group in the new organization basically on product and concept development for new services and varied ideas (Learn Higher 2012). The new organization is able to reach out higher population of people for the assessment of the new company products and service cheaply by the use of the mobile application. Additionally, the company is able to realize the new target market so as to enroll the business into functionality. The technique is mostly limited to the concept and ideas and not justify on how well the people intend to use the structured design. Conclusion Based on the analysis, the use of Human resource aspect proved to be more effectively to carry out the company objectives and realize its goal. It is through the human resource aspects that techniques like finance aspects, focus group and digital marketing are strategized and the available skills to be used contributes towards the success of the business plan and the implementation of the program. Additionally, human resource techniques cover a wider scope of the organization development hence targeting all essential requirements for the development of the new institution. Given an opportunity for the company to restructure a new business plan, it is wise for the development team to embrace both the traditional and modern approaches in designing and implementing the new business. Using both the approaches, the company is able to cover a wider scope of the target market and realizes the available opportunities on which market to operate. References List Anthes G (2011) ‘Invasion of the mobile apps’, Communications of the ACM, Vol 54, p16-18. Barrow C, Barrow P & Brown R (2012) The Business Plan Workbook, 7th edition, Kogan Page. Learn Higher (2012) ‘Ground rules for group work’, [Online] (accessed 14 July 2014). Saunders M, Lewis P &Thornhill A (2012) ‘Chapter 12: Analysing Quantitative Data’ In Research Methods for Business Students, Sixth Edition, Financial Times/Prentice Hall, p472-543. Slack N & Johnston R (2013) “Chapter 16: Project Management” In: Operations Management, 7th edition, Harlow: Prentice Hall, p495-533. Stutely R (2012) The Definitive Business Plan, 3rd Edition, Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Zheltoukhova K &Suckley L (2014) ‘Hands-on or hands-off: effective leadership and management in SMEs’, CIPD: Research Insight Report [Online] Read More

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