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Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Premium Gym - Example

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The paper "Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Premium Gym" is a wonderful example of a business plan. Mission statement premium Gym aims at providing the best services that will meet the community need for a healthy lifeVisionPremium Gym offers a holistic approach in exercise aiming at improving health awareness in the society alongside very strong commercial opportunities…
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Premium Gym Students name Supervisor’s name Date Business Plan Premium Gym Address Line Sydney, Australia Telephone Fax E-Mail Contents Premium Gym 1 Business Plan 2 Introduction 5 Executive Summary 6 Premium Gym description/ Business overview 7 Premium Gym-description of the project 8 Problem statement (specific needs) 9 Market research 10 Innovative ideas to solve the problem 11 Market size (Target persons) 12 SWOT analysis 13 Revenue generation 14 Utilization of funds 14 Costing 16 Evaluation 17 Conclusion 17 References 18 Mission statement Premium Gym aims at providing the best services that will meet the community need for a healthy life Vision Premium Gym offers a holistic approach in exercise aiming at improving health awareness in the society alongside very strong commercial opportunities. Goal The main goal is a generation of revenue through the provision of gym facilities The goal- to reduce cases of obesity, suicide, homicides and accidents among members of Sydney, Australia. Values The facility will be run on the following core values: integrity, hard work, honesty, service Objectives a). To Provide physical fitness programs to the community thus reduce obesity instances b). To provide counseling and training needs for the unfit individuals in the community as well as other members to reduces cases of homicides and suicide c). To provide the Improvement of the physical health of the individuals of the community d). The organization targets to have generated half of the money granted within the first two months e). To establish a recreational facility for leisure and fun Introduction In the modern world, the rate at which people are suffering from lifestyle related diseases is increasing at an alarming rate. Due to changes in eating habit and lack of body exercises, many people are suffering from lifestyle related conditions like diabetes, obesity among many other diseases. Obesity has become a great issue that needs serious attention. The government as well as the world at large should be aiming at curbing the existence of obesity in our society. Obesity has become a global issue that needs serious attention. Today, the condition cuts across all ages, and even children are most hit as early as ten years of age. Due to changes in lifestyle, most people are busy and rarely engage themselves in activity related exercises coupling with the high-fat containing meals. Due to the increasing number of obesity-related cases in the modern society, there is a need of coming up with ways whereby the community members will be required to engage in exercise related ways to improving their health and health behaviors.' Gyms form the greatest part of these ways and projects that need to be established in the society so that the societal members can engage in. This project is helpful, as it will create awareness to the general population on the importance of exercise to an individual’s health. The Gym in addition to being an exercise center and awareness center it will also form the best place for socialization as people will be meeting and socializing in the facility. The project needs funds from an outside source so that it can be established. Thus, convincing business plan is needed to bring conviction to the funding agencies to release funds adequately and in the right time to fund the project. Funding agencies want their grants to produce maximum impact. Thus, the proposal should disseminate methods of maximum utilization of funds with accountability. Executive Summary This is by provision of information in the grand proposal that makes it more appealing and convincing to the funders. A good statement need is provided, and it provides a rationale and background for the proposal. It establishes the importance and needs of the project. Objectives and goals of the grand proposal are included and are measurable, attainable, specific, and time-bound. The methodology and ways to implement the project gives an insight of how the problems addressed are solved. The evaluating tools are well outlined and analyzed. Premium Gym business proposal lists the objectives of the facility that aims at achieving the true purpose for which the gym is to be set up. Premium Gym description/ Business overview ‘Premium Gym’ is a problem-based project that will help in solving health related issues of residents of Sydney, Australia as well as generate income to the organization. The gym facility is to be by a newly formed health organization in conjunction with other stakeholders who would like to be on board. The project is an innovation that will be aiming at creating easiness in life, leisure, and work for humanity to the community. The project incorporates the use of new-technological tools in the gym as well as use of social media and internet to enhance the promotion of its activities. A program description is included addressing the problems that the organization intends to solve forming the background and the rationale of the program. It provides an adequate perspective in evaluating the objectives, procedures, methodology and dissemination. The Gym will be located at the central heart of Sydney- Australia so that it can be the equidistance to all people of all lifestyles. Premium Gym-description of the project The organisation will provide a fitness programs to the community members of Sydney, Australia. The program plans to include the provision of a gym facility to the community. The facility is to serve all the members of the community with special attention being addressed to the unphysical fit individuals like the overweight and obese individuals. The facility will prove to be beneficial to the community since it will help in the reduction of the rate of suicide, homicides and accidents associated in the program (Andrews et al., 2005). Counseling and training programs are to be provided to the people to increase their awareness and education on physical health. This is important for them to be able to establish a relationship between health and fitness to improve their quality of life. The main aim of the program is addressing unfit behaviors in the community and emphasizing on the important of fitness as well as helping in the reduction of obesity and other health related issues associated with sedimentary lifestyles i.e. suicide. Majority of the people will be willing to use the Gym facilities to improve on their fitness health since there are no any gym facilities available in the area (Andrews et al., 2005). The Gym‘s main objective is to bring attention and create awareness of this lifestyle disease and how to address it. For the project to be effective and embraced by the entire community, it must be able to accept and draw people to engage in exercise related behaviours. The gym will also be offering free health education for free to all people who will be coming for the sessions so that people can be knowledgeable enough to take responsibility for their health. Premium Gym believes that for the world to fight lifestyle disease, people must be enough and should be willing to take a huge step towards taking control of their health (Sharp & Robinson, 2005). Therefore, it is deemed necessary in addition to people coming for exercise-related activities health education insemination is also vital in helping to curb obesity. People will be taught and will be eager to know the importance of exercise-related activities and the need to take low fat containing foods (Sharp & Robinson, 2005). Problem statement (specific needs) The problem to be is solving health and fitness issues in the community. There is no any health and fitness program present in the locality. Majority of the people around living unhealthy life’s with no exercise to improve on their health. Research conducted in the area show obesity and overweight is a major issue at hand that is affecting people in the area. The most affected with obesity and overweight issues are adults and aged population of both genders. The children are the least affected but report cases of overweight in relation to their ages. Most of the people live a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical fitness programs in the area it is worsening the situation at alarming level. The organization intends to serve the entire community without excluding anyone both men and women, children and elderly as well as target its members from different levels of life without discrimination. The Gym facility will help improve the relationship between fitness and health to the residents. Research has helped in knowing that the main reason as to why people are not on the importance of taking full responsibility of their health is because they are not aware of the importance of a healthy life, and in addition most people find it hard to fix activities in their daily busy schedule. This factor acts as the main reasons as to why obesity cases are soaring high to huge figures in the community. The gym will aim at addressing these factors to the community. The facility will act as a place where people will be free to come and do exercise related activities and provide health messages to these people. When the community is enough, and the problem addressed adequately, people will start taking health on their hands and be conscious about their health. Market research Majority of people are middle-income earners with only a few wealthy, and the rest are low-income earners thus the reason as to why they are facing the problems. Most people lead a sedentary lifestyle especially the elderly. No emphasis has been attached to health and fitness among the residents. Therefore, such issues as obesity and other health related problems like high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes illnesses. Limited resources and poor access to care and services make the situation worse. Lack of stable sources of income due to the high unemployment rate among the residents is also an attribute (Salvatore & Marecek, 2010). Members of the organization will benefit from its facilities; hence, it will help in the reduction of low job turnover due to suffering from such related health conditions. Obesity and overweight concerns affect the way of life of many people living in Sydney, Australia and its environs. They spend much of their income seeking health care that majority cannot afford. The teenagers suffering from overweight related issues face a lot of stigmas in a social gathering and at school and reports reduced performance at school. The project will not be run by the organization solely, if or it to be and prove beneficial to the community members it must be a project that will be accepted by the community members. The community must be p[art and parcel of the project. They have to be that the project is theirs to run and not for the organization. They have to know that the project will not exist and if it exists it will ultimately fail to achieve its intended objectives if they do not fully participate and collaborate effectively. Therefore, the community members must be employed in the facility to run the project and to head most of the positions so that they will feel that the project in their environ is theirs. When the community takes full ownership of the project, they will strive hard to improve as well as to maintain it. Therefore, the project will be a success in the end if it is managed and controlled by the community members. Innovative ideas to solve the problem The organization provides fitness programs to the community. This will be available to all without any exclusion of obese and non-obese individuals, women and men, young and elderly, rich and poor or even races. Social awareness programs will help increase awareness of obesity as a social issue. The organization will provide counseling programs to the community to increase awareness. The organization also will collaborate with the health care providers in the provision and delivery of the health care needs. It is also imperative to know that working together with health care facilities will enhance the continuity of care from the hospital to the gym facility setting. The health care providers will also be involved in counseling and educating individuals as part of activities to be. This includes counseling members on eating appropriate diet and ways of reducing their calories. The idea of incorporating health facility with the gym is to bring the ideas of science on diet and exercise issues to the community. The health workers will help in convincing the community that they have to take full personal responsibility of their health. They will convince the community that health is universal, and each person must strive to have a healthy life. It is also important to note that the presence of health workers in the Gym will help to pass a great message to the community on the seriousness of the health matters and the need to come for health education as well as gym related exercises (Pascual et al., 2009). Market size (Target persons) According to the estimated samples, the market size is vast. The program will enable school going teenagers to keep themselves busy and avoid bad company that will lead them to breaking the law, having suicidal thoughts, reducing the incidences of homicides as well as associated accidents. From the population about a third are teenagers who need recreational facilities. Majority of the affected with obesity are adults and aged population of both genders due to the sedimentary lifestyle among the members. Thus, this will be of great benefit to help the community members of Sydney, Australia (Halliwell et al., 2007). The users of the Gym facilities are to pay a subsidized fee for them to use the Gym facilities. This will help in running of the Gym activities, as well as maintenance of the Gym facilities. The gym will target the youth and school going children as well as the unfit individual who will benefit greatly from the facilities to be. Due to the huge market size, the Premium Gym will prove to be effective in the long run. It will act as the best opportunity brought to the community aiming at solving the community’s health-based problems. External environment Lack of adequate funds to start and operate the program is a major problem facing the organization. In terms of technological innovation, the program ought to use modern Gym facilities that will help in attracting a number of a number of customers. Use of the social media and website is also essential in marketing. The environmental conditions of the area favor the facility i.e. Warm climate that is cool for the program. Majority of residents in the area live a sedentary lifestyle, and the fact that there is no health and fitness program means that the program will attract a great number of customers. Therefore, the selection of the area where the facility will be is vital for the survival of the project. Hence, Sydney Australia is the best location of the gym can be up since it has the population target as well as the favorable climatic condition for the project to survive. SWOT analysis There is no any other Gym facility in the area. This is a major strength as there is no competition for the service. The organisation also has qualified staff and management to run operations of the facility. A major weakens for the program is a lack of adequate funds to run and start the operations. Revenue to fund for the project will be through funding. The organisation has written a grant proposal to the government asking for funds that will later be on small installments. It will be possible to pay the debt once the gym starts accumulating money. Effective goals and objectives in a grant proposal for a program are stipulated to seek funding. The facility also lacks amenities such as streams rooms and private personal training studio that will be incorporated later. Opportunities involve taking a chance by the company to provide the service as there is no completion that will be of great benefit to the community members. The availability of social media and good website facilities provides opportunities for the organisation to utilize to expand its service. Threats include future competition that may possibly arise in the future and lack of cash flow (Gao & Peng, 2011). Revenue generation The organisation is eligible for the grant money by the government to start up the project therefore funding will be from grant money. The organization has written a grant proposal to the government asking for funds that will later be in small installments. It will be possible to pay the debt once the gym starts its operations. It is also important to note that effective goals and objectives in a grant proposal for a program are stipulated to seek funding. It is also imperative to note that the money offered through grant is not sufficient enough to start putting up the facility, hence the organization must rely on outsiders for donation and funding in order to enable the project to run smoothly until completion. Therefore, the organisation must not depend solely on the grant money instead should move steadfastly to seek financial assistance from funders and well-wishers. The money that will be through the funders will be summed up with the grant money to help in the establishment of the premium gym facility in Sydney -Australia. The goals and objectives will help in providing a description of what the organization hopes to accomplish with the project. They will also help in spelling out the specific outcomes and results to be achieved by the project and are linked to the problem statement. Goals are broad-based with a long term and ideal outcome in mind while objectives are narrower; concrete and measurable thus represents a step towards the accomplishment of the project. Utilization of funds Funds will be in the buying of new gym equipment and facilities. It will also be in the establishment and renovation of the gym building. Funds will be used to pay the gym training and counseling facilitators. In addition, the funds will be used in the publicity and marketing of the gym facilities to promote its services. Moreover, the start-up funds will be used in the maintenance of the gym facilities during the first two months. Apart from the general building of the facility, the gym must be operational throughout the year. For it to run continuously, all the gym workers must receive incentives for the hard work and commitment they are going to show towards the operational of the facility. For every incentive, these members will be receiving it is that there will be an improvement in the general output of their work, and more people will be happy to join the facility for both exercise and health related education. Strategies of attracting people For the enterprise to be a success, people must be involved because they are a source of revenue to the enterprise. Capital that is is crucial in running of the gym facility, as well as the maintenance of the equipment. Strategies are put in place to attract members to the facility. This is through the promotion of the facilities offered in the gym. Achieved through the engagement of the mass media and internet services. This is by advertisement to create awareness and attract people via radio and television programs. Therefore, more people are attracted to the gym, and maximum profits are. By charging low prices for the use of the gym, facilities help attract more customers as it is available for use by anybody. The power of attraction also lies upon the members who will enroll in the facility. Since these people hold the greatest power of conviction to other members of the community, there is a need to maintain high-quality standard of operation and public relations. The facility equipment must be every time and must be operational at all times so that more people can be attracted to the facility (Conman & Roman 200). Costing The costing of the premium gym project will depend on the scale and how complex the structure will depend on the architecture. The equipment’s to be will require a considerable amount of money together with the employee's monthly income. The total cost projection to build up the gym will be as follows; materials cost Rocks $ 120 Cement $ 350 Misc $ 150 Total materials $ 620 Labour $ 4,500 Total Labour $ 4,500 Equipment Trailer $ 35,500 Spade, Fork, Shovel $ 250 Wheelbarrow $ 100 Safety Clothing/ Equipment $ 200 Water blaster $ 625 Business cards $ 110 Total equipment $ 36,785 Gym equipment Treadmills Weights others Total gym equipment $ 3,500 TOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT $ 45,405 Evaluation Specific evaluative tools are put in place to ensure success in the project. Evaluation of success’s achievement involves evaluating of the goals and objectives set whether they are being achieved. Correct and sensitive tools of evaluation are set for evaluation. Periodic evaluations are to be done after every month as they help determine whether the project is heading in the right direction. Corrections and adjustments are to be provided as they are essential in tracking back the project to its path. Conclusion Treatment of the problems encountered by people will provide great benefit to people as well as the community and organization. This will enable the residents improve the quality of life as well as save on the income of seeking health care. Effective planning is the key for success of the project. Innovative ideas are important before the implementation of the project to ensure it produces success. Before getting a grant, it is needful to have a conclusive evidence to back your request so that the request should have a chance to be accepted. Enterprise promotion is very essential to ensure the attraction of appropriate customers. In addition, evaluation helps tract project to its tract in attainment of its stated goals and objectives. Effective planning is key for any program. Innovative ideas are important before for the implementation of the project to ensure it produces success. The Premium Gym facility will be very beneficial to the residents of Sydney, Australia. It will help reduce the incidents of obesity as well as those of homicides and suicides through counseling programs that will be available in the facility. References Andrews, G.J., Sudwell, M.I. & Sparkes, A.C., 2005. Towards a geography of fitness: An ethnographic case study of the gym in British bodybuilding culture. Social Science and Medicine, 60, pp.877–891. Coman, A. & Ronen, B., 2009. Focused SWOT: diagnosing critical strengths and weaknesses. International Journal of Production Research, 47, pp.5677–5689. Gao, C.Y. & Peng, D.H., 2011. Consolidating SWOT analysis with nonhomogeneous uncertain preference information. Knowledge-Based Systems, 24, pp.796–808. Halliwell, E., Dittmar, H. & Orsborn, A., 2007. The effects of exposure to muscular male models among men: Exploring the moderating role of gym use and exercise motivation. Body Image, 4, pp.278–287. Pascual, C. et al., 2009. Socioeconomic environment, availability of sports facilities, and jogging, swimming and gym use. Health and Place, 15, pp.553–561. Salvatore, J. & Marecek, J., 2010. Gender in the Gym: Evaluation Concerns as Barriers to Women’s Weight Lifting. Sex Roles, 63, pp.556–567. Sharp, H. & Robinson, H., 2004. An ethnographic study of XP practice. Empirical Software Engineering, 9, pp.353–375. Read More
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