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Resource Management - The Key Requirements for Businesses in Different Sectors - Coursework Example

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The paper "Resource Management - The Key Requirements for Businesses in Different Sectors" is an outstanding example of coursework on business. Managers should come up with reliable strategies as well as user-friendly tools to help benchmark current as well as forecast future resource consumption. They should also implement resource efficacy and conservation measures…
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Name: Topic: Resource management Institution: Instructor: Course: Date of Submission: Task 1 The key requirements that businesses in different sectors Managers should come up with reliable strategies as well as user-friendly tools to help benchmark current as well as forecast future resource consumption. They should also implement resource efficacy and conservation measures. Before determining resources in an organization, it is important to conduct a business scan that focuses on recognizing the external aspects that may impact the workforce ability, operational needs including emerging issues. It is important for an external scan to consider the existing opportunities which can be of great benefit to the department. This will also enable one to identify potential risks that exist in the external environment which enables the firm to identify strategies to manage the risks (Warnock & Suszko, 2013, p. 87). It is also to conduct both current and future resource requirements which are often projected about the review of departmental priorities, objectives, goals as well as environmental scanning. It is also important to examine the outcomes of the gap analysis in order to attain the desired outputs in accordance to the departments (Bach & Edwards, 2013, p. 22). Bookshop business The book shops will sell different school books for all grades ranging from junior students to those in senior colleges. It will also include several childhood games and short stories besides those used in the curriculum. Five employees will help running the shop. The resources will therefore, include human resource, funds, energy, books and games for sale among other things. Restaurant business Type of resources includes energy, water, chemicals as well as consumables. In regard to the growing demand, many several guides on how to appropriately manage and conserve resources have implemented across the globe. The restaurants will include human resources, guest rooms, beds and entertainment systems among others. Beef industry Beef business continues to change in regard to changing consumer demands, as well as the growing competition from other businesses. However, the foundation of a feasible beef trading is effective and efficient resource management by cattle producers. Furthermore, unlike other agricultural enterprises, beef cattle owners have the capacity to effectively manage their herds to create the most profit of those resources. Therefore, the key to long-term profitability in the beef production business is to comprehend and management various resources including the production cost (Parry et al., 2013, p. 57). Task 2 Monitoring use of physical resources This is a small scale business that consist of cow-calf production frameworks, with around 20-50 productive males. The open, unpaved sections are common in cattle farms. Examples of such areas include feeding and watering points, pathways to the barns, and transition areas from the pavements to dirt as well as shaded animal areas. These sections need to runoff controls and their improvements will minimize the impacts of runoff into streams. The unpaved sections with high cow densities such as the open feed sections or the transition area from the pavement to the dirt should be underlined with appropriate surface materials to decrease muddy conditions. Similarly, dirt lots should be situated around 100 feet away from the perennial streams and around 25 feet away from the intermitted streams including the drainage ways. They should also have a long-lasting vegetated buffer. Basically, these should not comprise of unfenced stream or wet regions within their boundaries (Knight & James, 2013, p. 309-310). Cow lanes and trails are effectively monitored to provide smooth movement of cows from one padlock to another or from one pasture to another. Therefore, these lanes should follow the silhouette of the land and they as well far from the streams. Enhanced crossings in dry-lot regions where cattle cross a stream can assist in maintaining bank integrity as well as reducing soil erosion. Cattle farmers traditionally tend to depend on ponds, bayous, rivers as well as streams to gratify their livestock’s water needs. The water sources are convenient and reliable. However, if the cattle keep on accessing the rivers, streams as well as ponds can result to degrading of our ways. This can also lead to increased erosion, as well as deposition of residues in downstream waters (Bach & Edwards, 2013, p. 207-209). Resource wastage According to research, cattle tend to waste less hay if they are only fed on a controlled amount per day. Moreover, it is also possible for to influence the amount of hay wasted by choosing the right feeder. For instance, if use ring, cradle, trailer, as well as cone style feeders, the amount of hay lost includes 1.6, 3.3, 14.5, and 11.2 per cent respectively. Another way of controlling the amount of feed wasted includes reducing the amount time cattle spent to feed. A study carried out at the University of Illinois indicated cattle can be limited to a maximum of three hours of feeding and yet maintain acceptable performance levels. Similarly, potential pollution of the environment when feeding the animals is maintained through various ways such as shifting of feeding sites several times during a season. One can also compose these sites to destroy any harmful bacteria or even burn them at the end of every season. As a matter of fact decreasing the amount of hay wastes can enable one keep the environment clean as well as reduce on the funds for one’s business (Parry et al., 2013, p. 114-116). Costs of high profile technological failures Today, farmers face complex choices of choosing among a range of technologies and their uncertainties. The Silent Herdsman is a collar that often used to monitor the cattle’s movement. The farmers get alerted when the cows change their movement patterns. Increased movement shows that cattle are on heat and hence, ready for breeding. Similarly, in order to determine the amount of nutrients in the corn silage, one uses Harvest-Lab. It is important that one must come up with appropriate technologies to ensure sustainability. The cost of replacing such high profile technologies tend to be cumbersome for the business. Policy studies are also critical for guiding and supporting technological change (Martocchio, 2013, p. 111). Ethical and sustainable resources Use of pasture, as well as forage is one of the world’s commonly used beef produce frameworks. Through photosynthetic processes, the green plants tend syndicate nutrients retrieved from both the soil and sunlight to generate plant materials including compounds that are harvested and manufactured by the animal into palatable tissues. Therefore, successful livestock production often depends on forage programs that tend to produce large quantities of enough quality, home-grown feeds. Most of the percentages of the feeds tend to come from forges. Furthermore, forages offer benefits to the surrounding environment. For example, perennial forage species are often deeply-rooted and subsequently decrease erosion significantly and prevents the watersheds from flooding. Moreover, extensive root system of the forages tends to ass substantial amounts of soil to the organic matter. As a matter of fact, a two year perennial forage plant may return two times of the soil organic matter compared to the annual cereal crops (Martocchio, 2013, p. 216-217). Another benefit includes conservation of energy. Nutrient recycling retrieved from animal grazing tends to lower the amount of fertilizers used compared to crop production, as well as pesticide use that tends to be lesser on grasslands than other crop fields. The advantages of conservation tillage are many and they embroil; Reduction of fuel, time as well as labour needed to manage crops Decrease in machinery wear Timelier planting especially under wet soil conditions Enhancement of soil and water quality Decrease in soil erosion Decrease in water runoff including more efficient use of precipitation Enhancing of wildlife habitat. Task 3 Human resource planning in the workplace Planning is an important aspect of everyday activities. Businesses that fail to plan for their human resources tend to have fewer opportunities to endure future competitions. There are six main steps of human resource planning and they include; projecting, inventory, audit, human resource planning, action of the plan as well as monitoring and control. Forecasting Planning is never an easy process and therefore, it requires a concerted effort for addressing the complex challenges that come with it. It embroils gathering information that enables managers as well as supervisors make concrete decisions. The information is used for attaining the various objectives of the firm. Employees should have clear objectives and goals of the firm to help comprehend what the business wants to accomplish and the means to achieve it. For example, the beef industry may have a long-time objective such as establishing a new branch of beef production business within five years. Hence, the HR plan should outline a strategic mechanism that can translate planned objectives into planned results and budgets which can be calculated into numbers (White & Druker, 2013, p. 111-113). Inventory After establishing what the company needs, one can hire new employees. This is done in accordance to the required numbers, ages, locations as well as personal abilities. Skills list offers valid information on both technical as well as professional skills among other qualifications. It outlines the available skills compared to the anticipated HR requirements. Audit We no longer live in a stagnant world, and hence the HR is constantly changing. As a result, HR inventory collects data while the HR audit systematically examines and analysed the collected data. The audit team reviews the occurrences in the past as well as current issues in regard to labour turn over, gender groupings, training expenses, age and absentees. By examining such information, one can easily predict the future of the organization. HR resource plan Individuals form the greatest assets of any enterprise. The company is at liberty to create its employees as full pace in relation to individual abilities. The firm’s objectives should match to provide maximum scope for creating potential of its workforce. Hence, career planning is referred to as HR planning. Working out on plan As a company, one should know where you are heading by having backing from top management. The management team should have the necessary knowledge of the existing resources including financial, physical as human resources. Failure to attain the HR plan due to lack of experience or financial support, is considered as a serious constraint on the organization’s long-range plan. Therefore, the firm should have clearly outlined values, mission, goals, priorities as well as resource allocation. These should be accompanied by opportunities and strengths of the firm. The assess the staff against their work competencies to help focus their learning including development opportunities which enable them become ready for future roles in the company. This process should uphold transparency. Recruitment should base on merit, respect and justice (Demartini, 2013, p. 67-68). Monitoring and control It is necessary to control the programme after its implementation. The HR should follow up to evaluate personnel’s activities and identify any rising challenges. Theories of motivation at work Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs As a leader, it is important to comprehend the different ways of motivating employees at work. There are different theories of motivating employees such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Individuals have needs. Needs are things that one lacks in life. Therefore, this tends to drive desire that inspires one to satisfy that need. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs suggests that human needs are hieratically outlined. He argues that there are some human needs that are essential for everyone, and in their absence, everything becomes meaningless. As one satisfies these needs, they begin searching the satisfaction from higher-order of needs. Therefore, once one attains the lower-level of needs, they will no longer act a motivator (White & Druker, 2013, p. 300). Maslow categorizes these needs in five key levels which include; security, social, self-esteem, as well as self-actualization. The physiological, as well as the security needs of staff are fulfilled through payments and benefits. On the other hand, needs must on the higher hierarchy are fulfilled through various ways. For instance, business can fulfil employees’ social and esteem needs by funding them to secure a job with a non-government organization. The workforce attains a sense of social responsibility by participating in voluntary work, but yet security needs are fulfilled since they do not have quit a paying job to secure a volunteer position (Martocchio, 2013, p. 300). McClelland’s Achievement-Power-Affiliation Theory David McClelland’s motivational models emphasize on the need attainment, power as well as affiliation. McClelland stated that these needs are often based on employee’s life experience. Individuals who show a trend towards performance are driven by success than money. While, on the other hand, those who seek power are driven by more responsibility rather than money. Persons must need affiliations are inspired by approval. Therefore, as a manager, one should identify which of these needs most motivate your team (Bertelsen, 2012, p. 205). Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Frederick Herzberg's two-factor model argues that workers satisfaction and dissatisfaction tend to come from several areas. Managers should understand that satisfaction of employees often come from the existing opportunities within the job, for example, a worker’s belief in an opportunity for promotion. In addition, dissatisfaction comes as a result of Herzberg-definite "hygiene factor". In this case, the hygiene aspect includes salary as well as relationship with colleagues. If staffs get less salary than expected for their profession, one is bound to become dissatisfied in their role. Therefore, using a combination of both desired hygiene as well as opportunities increases workforce productivity and attracts future team (Browning & Morris, 2012, p. 100). The reward system In both beef and florist business the reward system is often decided upon by the upper management, the departmental manager however, decides on how to put in place the rewards of each department. Therefore, some problems occur when the departmental managers changes more often and each manager decides on his or her different ways of implementing the reward system. The rewards system of the above business comprises three types of rewards, which include profit and bonus sharing as well as tangible recognition. The profit sharing is paid along with the monthly salary (Demartini, 2013, p. 102-103). Basis for rewards Traditionally, most rewards are usually based on the kind of job. Indeed, with the exemption of bonuses as well as merit salary raises, the standard policy in most companies is to assess the work, not an individual, and then set the reward level. This is often based on the assumption that job value can be determined by identifying whether the employee carrying out the job has much as value as the company and the job itself (Thomas, 2012, p. 99). This assumption comes in many respects valid because through such approaches as job assessment programs it is possible to identify what other companies are paying individuals to do similar jobs. The system often assumes the business compensation expenses are not dramatically beyond with those of its competitors and offers a somewhat objective basis. Other rewards can include paying employees for the abilities they possess (Dessler, 2013, p. 100). Performance based Perhaps, it is important for the management to decide whether to rewards their employees based on performance or not. Once the decision is made, several features of the reward system should be put in place. The key alternative to basing rewarding one basing on a performance can be based on seniority. Most companies tend to rewards one’s performance, and they refer to such systems as merit systems. The total reward system The rewards system refers to the strategies that bring several components such as learning as well as development together with elements of the business environment, into a single benefit package. In addition, there are both tangible and non-tangible rewards are often considered valuable. Tangible rewards tend to arise from existing transaction between the employer and their staff and involve rewards such as bonuses, pay and other benefits. On the other hand, intangible rewards tend to deal with things such as learning, development as well as work experience. Examples of such types of rewards include opportunity to create, recognition from one’s boss and colleagues, individual achievements as well as social life. The major purpose of rewards is to optimize the positive effects that a wide variety of rewards can have on work engagement, business commitments as well as motivation (Knight & James, 2013, p. 211-212). Self-efficacy Optimizing teams in businesses is increasingly becoming more common in busy working companies. In such companies, it is important to put into consideration individual performance and satisfaction. Self-efficacy is an integral part of job satisfaction and personal performance. An individual can develop self-efficacy through mastery experience. The inactive mastery depicts repeated performance achievement that promotes self-efficacy. Negative mastery tends to reduce self-efficacy whereas a positive mastery promotes self-efficacy. Developing different experiences is the second most efficient way to create self-efficacy. Bandura argues that individual tends to evaluate their self-efficacy by comparing with other similar people. Bandura also states that one tends to improve their self-efficacy by receiving realistic encouragements. On the other hand, the increased dominance of team-orientation in most companies necessitates that one pays more emphasis to the existing business relationships based on the team environment (Dessler, 2013, p. 88-89). Use of physical resources against performance measures and procedures Performance measures is categorized into three groups, they include input, output and outcome measures. Input measures comprise of budgetary resources, materials, services, facilities as well as human capital. All shade structures provide shade for the cattle, protecting them from excessive heat. The cow lanes and trails have been repaired to enhance smooth movement of the animals’ from one padlock to another. The water sources such as ponds and bayous are strategically located to offer water for the animals. The ring feeders are used in feeding the animals. These help in controlling the amount of hay lost while feeding. Data analysis on employee’s performance Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) refers to a nonparametric approach that evaluates efficiency, through linear programming tools. This is a method that pools several inputs and outputs decision-making aspects into a single comprehensive indicator. The method aims at identifying decision-making units that generate the highest quantity of output by using the least amount existing of inputs (Browning & Morris, 2012, p. 200). DEA is used in evaluating staff performance in organizations that often use similar inputs of the production of similar outputs such as farms, shops and the like. This method offers a comprehensive index by consenting an objective evaluation as well as comparison of workers, regarding both their inputs and outputs. It can also handle multiple outputs as well as inputs simultaneously. DEA responds to the workforces’ anticipation by quantifying their limitations, overcoming the weaknesses of quality evaluation systems and does not rely on the units of measurements (Thomas, 2012, p. 217). Employee performance will assess through outputs with the largest effect on work motivation, commitments to the company, job satisfaction as well as employee turnover. DEA method for staff performance evaluation was incorporated in the beef company, which has 120 workers. Data collection is through questionnaires. After using classical output classical output oriented (CCC DEA approach in the beef business, out of 60 staff, 12 of them was fully efficient. For the remaining 48, we suggested taking measures to enhance their performance, such as having an education and training plan. Moreover, I realized that the time length of service holds a positive effect on team performance. This enhances their commitment to the company. The performance of staff who works for the form for over ten years, however, is deteriorating probably as a result of decreased work motivation. Therefore, it is important for the management to improve on their motivation strategies (Martocchio, 2013, p. 212). Effective use of human and physical resources The shade structures can be either permanent or portable framed with a mesh fabric to give shade for the cattle. The structures are part of a resource management framework that gives shade areas for cattle, helping protect the surface waters from causing pollution. They also protect the cattle from excessive heat. Ponds Rivers, as well as bayous are used as water drinking points for the animals. Cow lanes and trails ensure that the animals move smoothly from one pasture to another. They are located across the silhouette, far away from the water sources to avoid soil erosions. All employees on the farm perform their duties as required. Office workforce monitors all records of animal on the farm, whiles those at field level, and examines the animals (Bach & Edwards, 2013). How to increase efficiency There is no single way of improving efficiency and, therefore, one needs a number of strategies to achieve maximum profits. Efficient businesses tend to manufacture products, provide services as well as meet their goals with least efforts, expense or waste. This helps decrease costs and increase profit margins. One should focus on generating quality work with less effort in order to enhance efficiency at workplaces. One should also ensure that the physical environment is conducive for working. Calm, effective leadership and management stability also tends to increase workplace efficiency. The company should focus on eliminating communication hurdles from within the firm. Have a central structure that allows employees to store and share data on a central hub. One can also develop disaster management plan that can protect available assets from becoming damaged in case of a natural disaster. Last but least, focus on the key performance and productivity aspects that help the company achieve its goals within the stipulated time (White & Druker, 2013, p. 67-68). Conclusion In order to attain maximum profits, resource management should be both flexible as well as scalable to help support any arising changes and be adaptable to the changes. Therefore, efficient and effective distribution of resources requires that all resources match the needs of the business. It is also important for to both evaluate and document employee’s skills, competence and experience to meet the accepted standards of the business. Bibliography Browning, L. D., & Morris, G. H. (2012). Stories of life in the workplace: an open architecture for organizational narratology. New York, Routledge. Bertelsen, B. (2012). Everything you need to know about employee motivation. [Newmarket, Ont.], BrainMass Inc. Thomas, K. W. (2012). Intrinsic motivation at work what really drives employee engagement. North Kingstown, AudioGO. Martocchio, J. J. (2013). Strategic compensation: a human resource management approach. Boston, Pearson. Bach, S., & Edwards, M. R. (2013). Managing human resources: human resource management in transition. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley. Parry, E., Stavrou, E., & Lazarova, M. B. (2013). Global trends in human resource management. Dessler, G. (2013). Human resource management. Boston, Mass, Pearson Education. Warnock, C., & Suszko, A. (2013). Resource management. Wellington [N.Z.], LexisNexis NZ. White, G., & Druker, J. (2013). Reward Management A critical text. Hoboken, Taylor and Francis. Knight, E., & James, C. (2013). The Highlander's reward. Demartini, C. (2013). Performance management systems: design, diagnosis and use. Heidelberg : Physica-Verlag Read More
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