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Reviewing Results of Customer Service Delivery - Case Study Example

"Reviewing Results of Customer Service Delivery" paper gives a report of a mystery customer survey of three different mobile company retail shops. The survey investigates the customer satisfaction of service delivery, product display, and cleanliness of the retail shops of the three companies…
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Name of the student Name of the institution Name of the tutor Contents Contents 2 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Results of the survey 3 2.1 Bio data 3 2.2 Customer handling skills 4 2.3 Agent grooming and looking presentation 4 2.4 Problem solving skills 5 2.5 Speed of service delivery 5 2.6 Retail environment 5 2.7 Availability of the information 5 3.0 Discussion and conclusion 6 Bibliography 7 Appendices 9 Appendix 1: Questionnaire 9 Appendix 2: Results 12 Key: 14 Customer service delivery 1.0 Introduction This paper gives a report of a mystery customer survey of three different mobile company retail shops. The survey aimed at investigating the customer satisfaction of service delivery, product display and general cleanliness of the retail shops of the three companies. The companies were named A, B and C not real names. The researcher intercepted 22 respondents and they were asked their feeling and general take concerning the service they received. The study aimed at comparing the service delivery among the three shops and coming up with the best strategist on how to improve customer service delivery. 2.0 Results of the survey 2.1 Bio data The study investigated the user-ship of the three mobile phones. Company A had 54.5% pre-paid users, and 45.5 post paid, Company B had 50% of both users, while company C had similar results as B. For the three companies, most of the customers had secondary education and above consisting over 50% of the total users. The findings further show that the respondents are more or less equal across all ages. This indicates that the market activities shows target all age groups since all are users of the mobile product. The results further shows that most of the users as indicated in the appendix results are higher and middle class individuals who have the desire and ability to buy product services. The results gives the three company equal competitive age in the market hence equal playing ground for both. 2.2 Customer handling skills The study further sought to know the customer handling skills in the three different retail shops. For company A 82% (18) of the respondent agreed they were welcomed warmly while 18% (4) denied being handling warmly. A higher percentage 90% (20) of the client in company B accepted while only 68% (15) of company C accepted being handled warmly. For the serving on first come first serve, both companies recorded highest percentage of over 80%. This shows that the customers are queuing while being served by the customer attendants. The attention given to customers while being served varies from one shop to another with shop A recording the second best following company B which recorded the highest percentage of 72% (16) of serving the customers with the undivided attention. The customer’s further states that they are being thank after visiting the retail shop, which is 50% while the same number states that they were not thanked after they attended the retail shop. This is sign of reluctance in the part of the service attendance in service delivery to customers. 2.3 Agent grooming and looking presentation Using a riche scale, the surveyor requested the respondent to rate the agent politeness and courtesy. For the first company A, 12, 54% were strongly satisfied with the agent politeness and courtesy, similar number for company B and company C. a higher percentage were highly satisfied the general presentation and general look with the customer look. As shown in the appendices II, over 50% of the customers were highly satisfied with the effort which the agents were making to try and understand their problems. A higher percentage that is 45% (10) were not for company B was not sure whether the agent who served them was more helpful than other agents. 2.4 Problem solving skills On the agent problem solving skills, the respondent rated company A as the highest in terms of diagnosed the problem and giving the expected solution. Respondents from company C were a bit reluctant to answer the same question posting unsure as the answer. 2.5 Speed of service delivery For company A, 82% (18) of respondents were somewhat and extremely satisfied with the length of time they took while being served. For company B, 54 % of the respondents were somewhat and extremely satisfied with the length with the length of time while 70% of the companies C were satisfied with the time. Most of the clients further were satisfied with the queuing time for the three companies. 2.6 Retail environment For the three companies, the customers were kind of satisfied with the general cleanliness of the retail environment most citing well arranged with no dust. One customer quoted that there is need for someone who always attends to the customers giving them direction from the floor something which was lacking for the company B while present in the other two companies. 2.7 Availability of the information The customers were quite unsatisfied with the amount of information that were available more especially in terms of the availability of writing materials, lack of relevant brochures, leaflets, posters of the various product that they are selling. For company B, 43% of the clients were unsure of the availability of the information. The stationeries were quoted to be a major challenge across all the three mobile retail shops. This is lack of pro-activeness in the part of management to market their product within the retail shops. 3.0 Discussion and conclusion The introduction of smart phones has given mobile industry another chance to grow and develop. Consumer’s enthusiasm in Dutch has increased on the intelligent phones that they can easily personalize in terms of applications and functionality (Dabholkar 2015). Customer service delivery has taken a new dimension where customers are very keen on the services they get from the product service provider (Cermak, File & Prince 2011). From the findings, the study shows that thanking a client for visiting a retail shop plays an important role and the company image. A good services attract customers to visit the retail shop and attract more customers to visit the shop. The agent grooming and appearance improves customer confidence concerning the product. The customers should be presentable and good looking. The general outlook of the retail shop further play an important role concerning the sales and customer re-visit of the retail shop (Subashini, & Kavitha 2011). The arrangement of the product in the shop and cleanliness of the shop further gives an impression concerning the retail shop and product in general hence need to be taken into consideration. Information is always considered to be power hence there is need for the retail shops to avail information concerning the product they do sell (Cermak, File & Prince 2011). This will help the client to have information for the product, which they may not even and will give them a chance to make proper decision concerning the product they are intending to buy. Bibliography Cermak, D., File, K, & Prince, R. 2011. Customer participation in service specification and delivery. Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 10(2), 90-97. Dabholkar, P. 2015, January How to improve perceived service quality by increasing customer participation. In Proceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 483-487). Springer International Publishing. Subashini, S., & Kavitha, V. 2011 A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing. Journal of network and computer applications, 34(1), 1-11. Appendices Appendix 1: Questionnaire Mobiles phone shops INTERVIEWERS NAME RESPONDENT’S NAME RESPONDENT MOBILE NUMBER RESPONDENT OCCUPATION DATE TIME QUESTIONNAIRE SERIAL NUMBER USERSHIP EDUCATION LEVEL Pre-paid 01 Little/ No education 01 Post-paid 02 Completed standard 8/7 02 Secondary level 03 College certificate 04 College diploma 05 University + 06 AGE GROUP GENDER 18 - 24 01 Male 01 25 – 34 02 Female 02 35 – 44 03 45 + 04 DAY OF THE WEEK MONTH Monday 01 January 01 August 08 Tuesday 02 February 02 September 09 Wednesday 03 March 03 October 10 Thursday 04 April 04 November 11 Friday 05 May 05 December 12 Saturday 06 June 06 Sunday 07 July 07 SOCIAL CLASSIFICATION SEC INCOME BRACKET Fully qualified professional 01 AB HIGH OR ABOVE AVERAGE Senior manager 02 Senior government officer 03 Professor/ lecturer/ head teacher 04 An entrepreneur 05 White collar skilled worker 06 C1 MIDDLE AVERAGE INCOME Middle / Junior manager 07 Qualified technician 08 Graduate teacher 09 Owner of medium sized business 10 Skilled manual worker 11 C2 BELOW AVERAGE INCOME Foreman / supervisor 12 Clerical worker 13 Non graduate teacher 14 Owner of small commercial farm 15 Upper side semi skilled worker 16 D LOW BUT REGULAR INCOME ABOVE POVERTY LINE Servant in up-market household 17 Waiter in large establishment 18 Barber in large establishment 19 Plumber in large establishment 20 Unskilled manual worker 21 Informal sector trader 22 Unskilled manual laborer 23 E Very low and irregular income / below poverty line Irregular unskilled work with land 24 Street people 25 Unemployed with no income 26 Irregular unskilled worker with no land 27 QUESTION TWO ASK Q2 TO ALL CUSTOMERS SECTION A: CUSTOMER HANDLING SKILLS Q 2: THINKING ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE YOU HAVE HAD IN THE RETAIL CENTER, WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING APPLIED YES NO COMMENT IF AMAY 1. Were you welcomed warmly and guided to the correct counter / queue? 2. Were you served on first come first serve basis? 3. Did the agent who served you give you undivided attention and ample time? 4. Did the person who served you display his or her badge 5. Did the agent thank you or your visit and advice how to get future assistance? Question three Ask to all customers Section B: satisfaction rating of service element How satisfied were you with the following elements of customer service, based on your visit to this retail center? Scale: 1 extremely dissatisfied, 2 somewhat dissatisfied, 3 neither satisfied or dissatisfied, 4 somewhat satisfied, 5 extremely satisfied The staff 1 2 3 4 5 A Agent grooming and looking presentable B Agent’s politeness and courtesy C Agent making adequate effort to understand the problem D Helpfulness of the agent who served me E Agents were able to understand and solve your problem F Agent ability to provide clear answers and information to questions G The length of time taken while waiting on the queue H The length of time taken while being attended to by the service agent I General cleanliness of the retail center J Visibility and clarity of signage directing to counters and desk at the retail center K Availability of relevant branch L Aerated of the retail center M Adequate stationary like pens, posters among others Appendix 2: Results Bio Data   Company A Company B Company C User Ship       Pre-paid 12 10 11 Post Paid 8 10 11 EDUCATION LEVEL       Little/ No education 1 2 5 Completed standard 8/7 0 2 0 Secondary level 6 6 6 College certificate 4 4 6 College diploma 5 3 1 University + 6 5 4         AGE GROUP       18 – 24 4 9 6 25 – 34 7 3 7 35 – 44 3 4 5 45 + 8 6 4 Social class       HIGH OR ABOVE AVERAGE 6 7 8 MIDDLE AVERAGE INCOME 7 4 5 BELOW AVERAGE INCOME 3 2 5 LOW BUT REGULAR INCOME ABOVE POVERTY LINE 4 3 2 Very low and irregular income / below poverty line 2 6 2 Customer handling skills A   B   C   Yes No   Yes No   Yes No 1. Were you welcomed warmly and guided to the correct counter / queue? 18 4   20 2   15 7 2. Were you served on first come first serve basis? 20 2   18 4   20 2 3. Did the agent who served you give you undivided attention and ample time? 12 8   16 6   8 12 4. Did the person who served you display his or her badge 6 16   10 12   16 6 5. Did the agent thank you or your visit and advice how to get future assistance? 10 12   11 11   12 10 Service deliver and general outlook The staff A   1 2 3 4 5 Agent grooming and looking presentable 0 4 6 7 5 Agent’s politeness and courtesy 1 4 7 6 6 Agent making adequate effort to understand the problem 0 5 7 8 4 Helpfulness of the agent who served me 3 1 0 10 8 Agents were able to understand and solve your problem 0 0 1 10 11 Agent ability to provide clear answers and information to questions 5 0 0 7 10 The length of time taken while waiting on the queue 1 1 2 10 8 The length of time taken while being attended to by the service agent 5 1 0 10 6 General cleanliness of the retail center 3 4 1 10 4 Visibility and clarity of signage directing to counters and desk at the retail center 3 0 0 7 12 Availability of relevant branch 3 3 8 5 3 Aerated of the retail center 2 6 0 5 9 Adequate stationary like pens, posters among others 1 7 9 3 2 B C 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 0 4 6 7 5 0 4 6 7 5 1 4 7 6 6 1 4 7 6 6 0 6 8 5 4 0 5 7 8 4 3 1 0 10 8 3 1 0 10 8 0 0 1 10 11 0 0 1 10 11 5 0 0 7 10 5 0 0 7 10 1 1 5 7 8 1 1 2 10 8 5 1 0 10 6 5 1 0 10 6 3 4 1 10 4 3 2 3 6 8 3 0 0 7 12 3 0 0 7 12 3 3 8 5 3 3 3 8 5 3 2 6 0 5 9 2 6 0 9 5 1 7 9 3 2 1 7 9 3 2 Key: A: Nokia shop B: Motorola shop C: Samsung Shop Read More
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