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Leadership across Organizations - Essay Example

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The paper "Leadership across Organizations" is a great example of a Business essay. Our mission is to promote integrity and honesty with our core values being integrity, honesty, accountability, and transparency. Our vision is to produce quality goods to meet the needs of the consumers. Our guiding principles are explained further…
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Student’s name Instructor’s name Course Date Leadership Task 1 Our mission is to promote integrity and honesty with our core values being integrity, honesty, accountability and transparency Our vision is to produce quality goods to meet the needs of the consumers. Our guiding principles are: To produce quality goods without defect and compete fairly with the competitors To respect the rights of every stakeholder associated with our company To provide accurate information on reports stating how the company progresses to the stakeholders Requirements from the team members include hardwork, competence, honesty in all their undertakings in pursuing the company goals and objectives. Task 2 Question 1 As a leader, I realized that there was a lot that I was supposed to do apart from providing the right guidance towards the achievement of our organizational goals. The crucial roles I had to play included the following: Communication- A good leader must communicate effectively with all the stakeholders in an organization (Amnon and Nir 1360). It involves written, verbal and online modes of exchanging information with members in defining the actions to be done. Therefore,our way of communication was open and honest which motivated the members present their views, either positive or negative concerning the organization performance. Opposing views were taken into consideration and dealt with because such are bound to pop up in an organization and can either catapult in the attaining of the set goals or can lead to a downfall of the organization if not well handled (Tony 274). Decision making- before implementing any decision, I was first of all required to project and determine its effect on the organization and the stakeholders at large. I had to carry research in every problem and include the members in assessing and narrowing down to one final solution Team building- this involved empowering team members towards the achievement of the set goals. As a leader, I had to keep them informed of every bit of issue arising, encouraging them and appreciating their participation towards the attainment of the set goals (Ian and John 102). Policy making should be dealt with to promote fair employment practices within and without the organization. As a leader, assisted by some members, we developed policies to run the team. These policies helped regulate both for the micro and macro environment of our organization. Strategy development is another aspect I have to consider to help run the organization (Abraham et. Al. 46). Due to ever changing challenges and how inevitable they are, I had to be informed both of the current and of the future needs of our organization. This calls for an effective strategic plan and putting it into action. Question 2 My involvement with workplace culture improvements came about through structuring policies that promoted the workplace culture after their implementation (Amnon and Nir 1374). For instance, a job well done was appreciated with incentives presented to the member who did it while shoddy jobs led to a punishment or redoing it. This in the long run made every member to learn how to give their ultimate best in every situation they were to handle. Some policies that were implemented came up as a view from the members in our organization. Some of the common challenges facing companies like absenteeism, lateness, drunkenness and other vices like fights were pointed out and clear punishments were developed. Severe cases like drunkenness or fights could lead to one losing membership with our company without any compensation. Strategy development was another aspect that aided culture improvement (Tim 628). This helped define the organization’s philosophy on workplace culture and provide a course that would be followed towards the achievement of the set goals. The strategy fused with itself other aspects in management like training members to help perform their jobs well. At the same time, this promoted the culture of the organization whereby new members would be trained directly or indirectly to fit in the company’s culture. The support I offered to members as a leader also helped develop the culture whereby they were motivated to follow suit after realizing that I was also responsible and supporting the team’s culture, just as other top leaders were doing. For a policy to be implemented without much resistance, the leaders were to be in the frontline in implementing it (Tim 630). Question 3 Technology boosted our progress as an organization whereby it simplified some aspects like communication. Being the leader, I was not obliged to appear in every area where members were working. Use of social sites helped conveymessages and get instant feedbacksthat I would otherwise be forced to walk and convey it in person. Also, e-learning helped in training members in areas they worked. Data could be sent to me for analysis via online databases and this ensured collaboration where our organization website could be accessed by every stakeholder and team member (Suzanne and Charles 378). As leaders we had to stay updated with the changing nature of technology and its improvement. Sometimes, there are tasks that could be handled from the comfort of the members’ homes. This meant that flexible programs were to be developed to help guide the members who would work from home. Every cloud having its silver lining, technology also came about with some disadvantages. Being a company full of young people, I realized that some members wasted a chunk of their good time while surfing the internet and chatting in social sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. This was to be handled by filtering and disconnecting the links to these social sites. Policies were then set against using the internet during working hours. Failure to adhere to the rule would lead to punishment. Understanding the global environment was another facet I had to deal with. Studying other organizations that were pursuing same goals like ours helped us project some of the common challenges affecting our business (Abraham et. Al. 33). By observing the companies that came up before ours, we did some studies and this gave us data on what we could do to avoid finding ourselves in a mess they ever found themselves in. This also gave me more ideas on what I could include in our strategic plan to meet our company’s objectives without much struggle. We therefore structured ways of combating such challenges. This also helped me to know the exact places we could get assistance or outsource services to help us if need arose (Tony 277). At the same time, this would be a motivation to our team especially by striving not only to meet the goals but to be above our competitors. Question 4 It once occurred that our procurement officer became sick and had to delegate his role to another member who had worked with him and it fell on me. Though there were members who complained of my promotion, they could not openly air it out. They had expected to be given that chance in preference to me. This forced me to join the top management and the first decision to make regarded the change of strategies and the stakeholders he used to work with. This was due to the fact that he used to procure items at a high cost yet there were other suppliers who could offer the same products at a cheaper price. I consulted the other top leaders and this had to be done as soon as possible as the goods and services were to be supplied to our company even in his absence. I had to find the new and cheaper suppliers and present their bids to the top management to convince them that my take was feasible. In connection to this, I was also to find the suppliers and procure their items. I was to be wise in handling the situation whereby I would then cancel the tenders of the expensive suppliers. This was a risk as the suppliers would not be happy to lose the tender abruptly. At the same time, we were not sure if the new suppliers would handle the contract of supplying the goods and services efficiently like the former. This called for a sure strategy lest the company fails due to lack of resources. The considerations we effected after consultation was to reduce the quantity of the exorbitant goods and services they offered and at the same time shift these quantities to the cheaper suppliers proportionately. This was to be done in a period of six months whereby the tender would have shifted wholly to the new suppliers. Fortunately, the strategy worked so well that the members really appreciated of the idea because more profit was made. Question 5 Trust is a very vital element in members in a company. One of the ways of building trust was to be transparent in everything one could do (Corrie 1151). It was normal for one to find himself in a mess or problem. In such a case, I encouraged members toadmit if they had done wrong and apologize with an honest and sincere humility instead of justifying oneself by giving excuses or lying to cover a wrong (Corrie 1139). Also, one was not supposed to backbite or discuss things behind a member’s back. Instead, if an issue arises amongst the members, they were to present it openly and solve it once and for all. This promoted integrity in the company’s stakeholders.On the other hand, members were supposed to be true to their words and let it be known what they stand for.This would help in dealing with grapevine or rumours that are bound to arise in organizations. For example, if a member is known to be coming to work early, there are high chances of disapproving a rumour that the person is fond of getting late to workplace due to personal engagements outside the company. In addition to that, members were to be consistent in their behavior and characters and show their expertise in their area of work and always aim at improving their skills and knowledge (Brigit and Lester 91). As a leader, I considered all members equal and treated them equally without favoring one to another and after clearly communicating our vision, I emphasized on pursuing shared goals instead of pursuing personal targets. This united members and promoted trust amongst the members. All in all, the company’s mantra was to do what is right even if it would pose a risk. Question 6 Assigning responsibilities to members in our company helped motivate them and also sharpened their leadership skills in the long run (Xin-an et. Al. 1109). This happened when there arose a need of researching on ways of improving our company. Each member was assigned an area to research on and compile a report to present before other members in PowerPoint. This was handled with a lot of gusto and after a short time, everyone had his report ready for presentation. Every member presented their ideas in the various fields and the others would assess their feasibility. At the end of the day, a general analysis was done by the top management and a report was compiled with new and technological strategies that on implementation led to an improvement in the working of our organization. Also, there was a tendency that some members could work well in some areas than others (Ian and John 106). For instance, some members were found to be very good at organizing social events and others were found to work better without close supervision. These members therefore were always given total responsibility when an issue of social retreat came about. They were to account on the resources used after the social event. The other group of members who worked well with minimal supervision were given a responsibility of working alone and work from anywhere in or without the company on condition that they meet a higher target. Also, their accountability would be based on their performance. Other members were found to be good at dealing with people. They mostly dealt with public relations and helped create a good image of our company. Question 7 The resourcing plan that was established involved a managing system that outlined the company’s long and short term plans, policies and regulations (Abraham et. Al 40). This would help track and implement such practices. It stored and analyzed data on external environment like competition, technology and skills available. It also analyzed the internal environment like the short-term plans, long-term plans and the strategies developed. It helped forecast the human resource needs by determining the number and type of members needed in future. This helped develop action plans basing on the data recorded in the system and identification of the actions to be given priority, the key players needed and barriers to success be identified. Question 8 Giving team members responsibility acted as a tool for motivating the (Tony 273). Challenging jobs required them to put all their efforts in performing the tasks which in the long run made them participate actively.Rewards involving cash and non-cash incentives also boosted the members’ morale in our company. We developed flexible working hours, printed T-Shirts for members, offered free tours to different regions to train for specific tasks and organized for parties during free time (Xian 1112).Recognition for jobs well done also motivated members. They would be given certificates and other gifts. Creating some fun within the job area motivated the members especially the youths. Task 3 Question 1 In order to serve as a role model, I will first of all lead by example. I will do my best in adhering to the organizations policies and values. I will also pursue further studies and training so as to perfect my skills and knowledge in the areas I work. This in itself will help me to embrace expert leadership in the organization (Tim 627). I will also ensure that my character is known so that the members may know my stand in the organization. Inasmuch as I may want to be a paternalistic leader, I may demand respect from them too, so that they may not become so used to me that they end up ignoring some basic things that I ask them to do. Question 2 Business networking is a convenient way of perfecting ones skills and knowledge through learning from the success of other organizations with similar goals. This in the long run will help to gain more clients which is good for the business expansion and is a better way than using other marketing also provides opportunities which can align with the business vision and this can lead to partnerships or joint ventures to help attain the goals at a faster rate. It also provides connections and helps one to tap indirectly and reach to other influential people all over the also initiates tapping of expertise and advice from likeminded business partners. Hanging around successful people also boosts one confidence and naturally leads to strong friendship bonds. Samples of networks I could join include joint ventures, partnerships and seminars. Question 3 SWOT analysis describes the strengths and weaknesses in the internal environment of a business organization and also explores the external environment by assessing its opportunities and the threats. This is a useful tool for strategic planning, problem solving and decision making. After the SWOT analysis, an organization can reaffirm its goals and capitalize on its strengths in order to beat the competitors and counter the threats by minimizing them and seizing opportunities that appear (Tim 624). Question 4 Goal setting helps to offer a clear focus on what is aimed at. This helps in setting up ways and strategies of achieving the set targets. It also helps to use resources efficiently whereby it minimizes wastage by aiming at optimum quantity needed. Goal setting helps in effective use of time where one is forced to plan and specify the things to be done and at what specific time. It is also easy to control and measure one’s progress in pursuit of the set goals. It also helps in decision making where it provides a structure to base upon when developing strategies and from a managerial perspective, it helps to communicate to the stakeholders on what is being pursued. Question 5 Legislation controls how businesses are done by imposing laws to govern them. For instance, consumer protection aims at protecting the consumers against manipulation by the business organizations. For instance, an act is set that ensures that the goods produced are of good quality before selling to consumers. Competition law as another piece of legislation ensures that industries offer fair competition towards each other through production of better quality goods at fair prices. Also, employment laws like health and safety Acts, equal pay act among sex discrimination Acts among others are developed to protect the health and rights of workers. Question 6 By identifying and differentiating the necessary from unnecessary things and eliminating the unnecessary in one’s personal and professional life. For instance, phone calls and social sites like Twitter and Facebook should be avoided. This at the end of the day helps reduce interruptions and deal with more important issues. Also, planning one’s time is a very effective way of saving time. This can be achieved by developed by specific short term and long term goals and starts by planning for one’s day-to-day endeavors. This in the end helps one to determine what he has accomplished or what he wasn’t able to accomplish. Inasmuch as multitasking is considered as an effective way of saving time, knowing when not to multitask is also important (Xian 1115). This helps not to start multiple projects and fail to bring them to completion. This can also build pressure on one’s program and become a source of discouragement rather than a time management strategy. Question 8 Great man theory states that leaders are naturally born with the capacity and with other inherent characteristics of leadership such as intelligence, social skills or charisma. On the other hand, behavioral theories states that leaders are not naturally born but are made and developed to lead through learning and observation. Moreover, management or transactional theories are based on rewards and punishments whereby it considers supervision is linked to good performance. Contingency theory opposes the three above by stating that leadership cannot be suited for a particular situation but is based on variables like leadership styles or qualities. Question 9 A great leader is highly ambitious where he knows what is to be done for the team he is leading to grow and develop. One should be humble and understanding where one doesn’t raise his profile so high even not to interact with the junior colleagues or other people below him. He should be patient so as not to rush in making judgment or decisions that may affect the stakeholders of his company. Humor is an element that will help one to mingle with others outside the professional life (Amnon and Nir 1360). One should be firm but fair in his undertakings when dealing with people. Above all, one should be a vision carrier to help the organization meet its goals. He should be a good listener to effect good communication with the people he is should be of great courage so as to tackle problems arising in the company. Accountability is another aspect one should have so as to gain trust from the people above him. All in all, gratitude is another element great leaders have where one is always ready to thank his people if they do something that deserves honor. Question 10 People resist change when the reason for the change is not clearly stated. They also resist change if they lack trust to the person initiating the change. Others have a fear of the unknown thus would not embrace change if it poses a risk. Other are used to the status quo thus cannot embrace new ways. Some may lack competence thus change may put them in a risk of losing their place in an organization. Some people may end up being overwhelmed if change is continuous. They may resist change if not informed of it before implementing it. Others may fear change of routines as they are used to their comfort zones. When rewards associated with the change are considered inadequate, people may resist change. Others, especially older people, may resist change if it is associated with digitalizing or embracing other technology because they are used to old ways of doing things. Question 11 One’s attitude is affected by how they used to react to change at a family level. For instance, people who used to live in one place and did their activities in specific places may find it hard to embrace change in an organization(Tony 273). Also, them that used to oppose change in their families may do the same in an organization. Question 12 People may resist change because of how they were brought up in their families. Some may do so because of incompetence as they would not be able to follow the new ways. Others may do their jobs but not to their best if the change initiated was done out of their will. Others may even resign their jobs or change the areas of work if the change seems to affect their personal peace. Question 13 People may feel awkward as they try to embrace new ways of dealing with things. Some may feel as if they have been left alone thus isolated from their colleagues. Too much change may make one become dysfunctional in the place of work. If one happens to take the pressure of change off, people will get back to what they were used to. Question 14 Ethics affect a business whereby one has to consider the stakeholders personal and family lives apart from expecting them to give their best in the job area they are assigned. They should behave well and interact with their fellow colleagues in a decent way (Amnon and Nir 1373). This will promote the growth of the organization and help pursue the set goals without straining a lot. Question 15 As a leader, I would ensure that the organization deals honestly in every aspect and adheres to the legal policies set by the government. The stakeholders should also try to sell the image of the company to the people in the society. I will compete fairly with other businesses like ours and ensure that the employees always do their best to produce excellent goods or services that attract customers. Works cited Abraham Carmeli, Asher Tishler, and Amy Edmondson. “CEO relational leadership and strategic decision quality in top management teams: The role of team trust and learning from failure.” Strategic Organization, 10 (2012): 31 - 54. Print Amnon, Boehm and Nir Yoels. “Effectiveness of Welfare Organizations: The Contribution of Leadership Styles, Staff Cohesion, and Worker Empowerment.” Br. J. Soc. Work, 39. (2009): 1360 - 1380. Print Brigit, Carroll and Lester Levy. “Defaulting to Management: Leadership Defined By What It Is Not.” Organization, 15, (2008): 75 - 96. Print Corrie, Stone-Johnson. “Responsible Leadership.” Educational Administration Quarterly, 10. (2013): 1177. Print Ian, Briggs and John Raine. “Rethinking leadership learning in postgraduate public management programmes” Teaching Public Administration, 31. (2013): 96 - 107. Print M. Birasnav. “Implementation of Supply Chain Management Practices: The Role of Transformational Leadership.” Global Business Review, 14. (2013): 329 - 342. Print Suzanne, Carter and Charles Greer. “Strategic Leadership: Values, Styles, and Organizational Performance. “Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 20 (2013): 375 - 393. Print Tim Simkins. “Understanding School Leadership and Management Development in England: Retrospect and Prospect” Educational Management Administration Leadership, 40. (2012): 621 - 640. Print Tony Bush. “From Management to Leadership: Semantic or Meaningful Change?”Educational Management Administration Leadership, 36. ( 2008): 271 - 288. Print Xin-an Zhang, Ning Li, Johannes Ullrich, and Rolf van Dick. “Getting Everyone on Board: The Effect of Differentiated Transformational Leadership by CEOs on Top Management Team Effectiveness and Leader-Rated Firm Performance” Journal of Management, 10. (2013); 1177. Print Read More
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