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Analysis of Research Methods - Assignment Example

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The paper “Analysis of Research Methods ” is an excellent example of a business assignment. For individuals to embark on a high level of success throughout their personal and professional lives, an in-depth understanding of the concepts relating to self-development and the skills required to holistically shape a person forms an integral layer of learning…
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Reflective Report Name: Institution: Course Title: Tutor: Date: Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Analysis of research methods 3 Analysis of research methods with rationale for actual progress 4 Analysis of research methods with what could have been done differently 6 Client relationship (problems and solutions), group dynamics, project management 7 Critical analysis of interactions 8 Theoretical, analytical backing 8 Author’s own contribution to the group, as well as author’s personal development and learning 9 Critical analysis of interactions 9 Theoretical, analytical backing 11 Conclusions 11 References 12 Reflective Report Introduction For individuals to embark on high level of success throughout their personal and professional lives, an in-depth understanding of the concepts relating to self-development and the skills required to holistically shape a person forms an integral layer of learning (Callon, 1998). Likewise, an agenda of what the future prospective improvements will be for sake of developing personal and professional domains of life is are equally important (Kolb, 1984). My engagement with the module has been wonderful as I had a mixture of works to perform and so many areas of knowledge to explore. This report represents the author’s reflection regarding his experience in the client project. This is attained through an analysis of the author’s contribution to the project, the dynamics of the group work, interaction with the client, the research methods employed by my group and the management of this project. Moreover, to create a vivid picture, the critical reflection refers to numerous academic literatures to support my account and explicitly address my own experiential learning. Analysis of research methods If it was not for research, perhaps the human society would have not been at this present level. Research enables human beings to answer numerous answered contentions and topics. Over the years, research has enabled human society to respond to practical needs personal interest and curiosity (Patton, 1980, p. 41). In a broader perspective, social scientists normally engage with two broad categories of research methods. The first is the qualitative approach and the second is the quantitative approach. These approaches are utilized depending on the research topic, research question and the hypothesis. Qualitative methods consist of three kinds of data collection: the first in-depth, open-ended interviews; the second is direct observation, and the third pertains reviewing of written documents (Patton, 1980, p. 11). Our group conducted a qualitative research about the relationship between graduates, potential labour and the Co-operatives and inside track. The main objective of the research was to cause awareness for its business and get students aware of his business which is euro inside track a cooperative. This section examines research methods with rationale for actual progress and what would have been done differently in relation to research methods. Analysis of research methods with rationale for actual progress Research process is normally a complex and iterative process. According to Patton (1980), qualitative research process first starts with the need to conduct a research as result of research problem and definition of variables. In addition to the above, the researcher (s) has to state the intended purpose and objectives to be achieved. The second important aspect relates to stating of research question and or hypothesis. However, one will employ the use of hypothesis when there is enough information about the topic, when one wants to use samples and when one is willing to select a probability level prior to data collection. On the other hand, one uses research question when there is insufficient information available to formulate hypotheses, when one want to use population and finally, when the researcher(s) are not willing to prespecify a probability level at which the hypothesis will be considered supported (Patton, 1980, p. 37). In this step above, the group achieved all this intended steps by articulately stating the research problem, the objectives to be achieved by the study. However, the greatest undoing was in the research question. As noted above, one only uses a research question when they want to study a whole population and there is scant data about that topic. Thus, instead of research question, we would have used hypothesis. However the selection of the research question was based on the rationale that there is scant information about the study topic even though we did not intend to study the whole population. The next important step in the process is about reviewing related information. Before one indulges in this, there is need to state in prior the list of variables, population and techniques. This information to be reviewed can be sourced from other previous research works, journal, and organization files. However, one has to determine the source of the desired information, determine the location of the information, determine how to retrieve the information, and then lastly, conduct a review through reading and recording down the information. After this one would be in a position to synthesize the information and be able to determine the next step by maintaining the original discourse, abandoning the project or changing directions of the project (Patton, 1980, p. 97). This is where the group had challenge since there was scant data available and thus, in the final report the group did not have a chapter for literature review. However, literature review is important as it gives bearing on what direction the research should take. The next important steps entail selecting the type of research design. Research design in qualitative research method involves true experimental, quasi-experimental, non experimental and historical approach. The design is usually influenced by the type of information desired, availability of resources, and the degree of control a researcher has over the selection and assignment of the subjects (Patton, 1980, p. 134, 137 and 153). For the case of our group, the group engaged in a non experimental design. This was due to the fact that we did not have to include the highly controlled aspects which allow the researcher to assume cause and effect. Moreover, faced with time and money constraints, it would have not been prudent to engage in experimental design. The second reason for the adoption of this design was as a result of our inability to introduce research variable. However, the next big undoing was the inability of the group to state explicitly which kind of design they had adopted. The fourth important step in the process of conducting research relates to data collection methods. A researcher can collect data in numerous ways. The data collection methods include the use of instrument administration like questionnaire, interview, observation and examining of documents, materials and artefacts. In the research design, the group articulated clearly that they have used instrument administration in the form of questionnaire (Patton, 1980, p. 162 and 165). The design of the questionnaire was carefully made of individual questions, and a clear layout of the questionnaire form. The questionnaire that was produced was to find results on whether people know about the different cooperative business, the group then produced 100 questioners, which were then distributed to wide range of students, visitors, staff and friends. The final important phase which however for our case study was not significant was the statistical. This is as result of our study being non-experimental. Analysis of research methods with what could have been done differently As result of numerous observation in the above five paragraphs, one thing that I feel if we were given time would have been the formulation and subsequent testing of hypothesis. However due to scant data, it would have been wise for the group to have both the hypothesis and the research questions. The reason for this is that I feel using hypothesis gives a student an opportunity to sharpen his/ her analytical skills in the field of research. In addition, it gives the young budding researches opportunities to exploit numerous statistical testing tools. Lastly, by testing and accepting or rejecting the hypothesis gives a researcher absolute resolution about a phenomena. The next area that we would have done differently is in relation to research design. Our research design did not come out explicitly. One point of failure was the inability to state categorically the research design that we had adopted. The methodology is an important phase in the research since it will have bearing on which kind of data is to be collected, tools to be used and analysis to be done. Finally, the study the group conducted did not indulge much in terms of information review. Literature review forms the core of the research since it directs the researcher in terms of determining the next step by maintaining the original discourse, abandoning the project or changing directions of the project. Client relationship (problems and solutions), group dynamics, project management Over the years there has been overriding saying that customer is paramount. Moreover in a marketing perspective of creating value, firms/ organization develops goods and services to satisfy customer wants and needs. There is no important integral part of any organization more that the human resource. A united front of work force is one sure way to success while a disjointed one is a step towards failure. A manager should be able to inspire team spirit into the organization by instilling ethics, discipline, time management, consultation and motivation. Teamwork is the main reason behind the success strategy of any organisation, because responsibilities and development stages are shared among organisation team. Therefore, teamwork defined as” the work of a number of persons in close association as members of one unit” (Schiffman, 2004, p 17). On the other hand, work environment described as distressed where staff worked as individuals rather than a team. This section does a critical analysis of interactions and theoretical analytical backing. Critical analysis of interactions Interaction between firm and their client is critical for their survival. Any organization involved in producing goods and services should develop a good rapport between the management and client, employees and client. In addition, there is need for integration amongst employees and management. In order to attain the desired level of close interaction, the subsequent discussion explores the mode of operation adopted by the group so as to ensure close interaction within the group and with the client. The group was composed of 5 Members, one of them allocated to be a leader. We further decided to divide the group into 3 smaller teams. The teams respectively were: design team: 2 members, coding team: 2 members, documentation: 1 member. In order to ensure control of the progress, weekly meetings were conducted; by each week assessment was done on what needs to be done and changing direction if required. In addition constant communication was maintained with the client (Inside Track). Theoretical, analytical backing One of the premises that back need for close interaction is the consultation approach in management and towards mode of operation. The consultation approach is a technical skill being used widely by many organisations in the field of management and operations development, as the consultation concept includes how to conduct, describes and discusses expertise ideas to maintain organisation achievement (Kilburg, 2002). The author’s who is performing as a researcher applied the framework of consultation procedure, such as clarify the problem and create sustainable solution in relation to the study topic by investigating all different aspects of constraints which affected the efficiency and productivity of Inside Track Company process. The next backing is based on the information flow and feed back within and outside an organisation. Communication management, which includes internally, for instance between different departments of the company and externally such as customer and suppliers, is an essential for all types of organisation. Kotler et al. (2006, p 78) argued that “every company can and should improve the relationship between sales and marketing”, as there is a relationship between their functions by providing constant information regarding customers demands and feedback to support the company to establish and maintain its master schedule of production The final premise of developing a close work interaction is based on managing culture and diversity at work place so as to ensure optimum output. Culture defined as “that whole complex which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, laws, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by [individuals as members] of society” (Tylor, 1871, cited in Jain, 2001, p212). The increasing level of globalization and the mixed background of the group demonstrate the importance of managing cultural diversity within any work environment. Author’s own contribution to the group, as well as author’s personal development and learning Critical analysis of interactions The author own contribution was in terms of leadership. While leadership is wide and a topic of contention, I personally see it as a soft skill or people skill that is derived from interpersonal skills and cognitive power (Papulova & Mokros, 2007, p. 4). Why I take this stance is because there are some employees or managers are successful yet they have limited education (Ramesh, 2010, p. 3). There have been numerous theories developed to try and explore the concept of leadership in an organization. While there is formal educational training, those who make it are the one who are able to inspire and motivate her/his team. Motivation leads to higher synergy and thus successful results. The author as researcher was able to inspire and motivate group members on the need to work on a united front through various soft skills. In relation to personal development, I developed skills of how to interact with different people from different background. This in itself was a life time journey that exposed me of what is to be experienced in management of international corporations. Most of the students have come to study from various countries which have their own set cultures and norms, this way the experience provided me with great learning on the diversity and inclusion aspects of personality. I also identified my learning style which I actually did not know earlier and that is the learning style of pragmatist where I tend to explore things and learn new ways of doing the same work, focus on innovation and try taking risks though taking the start is often difficult for me. As a result of this exercise I learnt my strengths and weaknesses in the manner I never knew before. Following are some of my strengths that I identified during the research exercise: I learned that I am hands on person and get high percentage of things done when trying them out. I achieve the anticipated results even though I find it difficult in the start. I feel at home trying something new using my own initiative to achieve required results. I am good at resolving conflicts amongst the members of the team and therefore present solutions to the problems that arise from within the work group. I welcome constructive feedback and work upon the elements of improvement which are important. People trust me with their secrets as I consider empathy to be the integral ingredient of good relationships. Theoretical, analytical backing Problem based learning approach emphasizes the fact that the learner is responsible for his/her own learning. Problem based learning approach is used when such exercise closely match the types of problems student encounter in their professional work. The second premise is tied to the concept of applying general principles to specific problems produce better understanding of the general principles. Lastly, the approach develops good generic research and communication skills. Problem learning approach advances learning cycle which starts from identification of problem scenario, identifying facts, generation of hypothesis, identification of knowledge deficiencies, apply new knowledge and the abstraction (Hmelo-Silver, 2004, p. 237). According to me, this is what all of the exercise the group indulged in entailed. It was geared to holistically develop the student in terms of team work, critical thinking, and future expectations in the field, formulation of policies, leadership and analysis among others. Conclusions When I started this research exercise, it was like plunging in to the unknown territory. I was nervous and not that sure of the expected. With time after acclimatization all my fears were gone and the best started exposing themselves. The exercise was well organized, starting group formulation, the simulation program and lecture delivery format which made me feel comfortable. The arrangement of the outline was a plus as it tries to capture inner reflection and realities, and then merge them to a practical approach. I was amazed by this kind of delivery that moulds a person into an all rounder manager. This part of the report reflects to the best of my knowledge personal opinion and evaluation regarding my learning process. References Callon, M. 1998, The laws of the Market, New York, Wiley and Sons Inc Hmelo-Silver, C. 2004, Problem based learning: what and how do students learn? Education Psychology Review, 16 (3), September, pp. 235-566 Jain, S 2001, International Marketing, 6th Edition. USA, South-western, Thomson Learning. Kilburg, R 2002, “Shadow consultation: A reflective approach for preventing practice disasters”, Consulting psychology journal, Vol. 54 (2), pp. 75-92. Kolb, D. A. 1984, Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall. Kotler, P. Rackham, N. and Krishnaswamy, S 2006, “Ending the war between sales and Marketing,” Harvard Business Review, Vol.84, (7–8), pp. 68–78. Papulova, Z. and Mokros, M. 2007, Importance of managerial skills and knowledge in management for small entrepreneurs. E-Leader, Prague 2007. Patton, M. A. 1980, Qualitative evaluation and research methods. Newbury Park, Carlifornia, Sage Publications Ramesh, M. R. G. 2010, The ace of oft skills: communication and etiquette for success. Noida: Dorling Kindersly. Schiffman, R 2004, “Teamwork”. Chiropractic Journal, Vol. 19 (1), pg. 17. Read More
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