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Providing Workers with Better Chances of Being Well-Motivated for Better Performance - Article Example

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The paper "Providing Workers with Better Chances of Being Well-Motivated for Better Performance" is a good example of a business article. Performance Appraisal, this term has long been coined as one of the most important functions of management departments in several business and non-profit organizations…
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PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: Upgrading Procedures of Human Resource Management to Provide Workers with Better Chances of Being Well Motivated for Better Performance Performance Appraisal, this term has long been coined as one of the most important functions of management departments in several business and non-profit organizations. The idea is that every worker deserves to receive some ample attention so as to be motivated to work well for the basic functions of the organization and the missions that the entire team of workers are aiming to complete. Hence, discussing the different considerations that must be placed into constant attention when performance appraisal is being talked about calls for a better definition of what management is and how does this part of every business organization try to make amends in helping every person realize their importance to the company and thus be appraised with their performance for the organization that they are working for. Management is an important functional section of any organization whether in the business or educational industries. The main aim of this paper is to mainly discuss the essential role or function that managers play in the business industries and the education sectors of the society as well (Barkow, 1995, 64). To be able to briefly yet clearly define the role of the manager in a certain pattern that does help the readers gain a clear understanding of their importance in the companies or institutions, the author of this paper tries to breakdown the necessary informations that were garnered from the performed interviews. In addition, the said interview shall be summarized and analyzed in the paragraphs that would follow (McCoy, 1996, 54). To begin the discussion, it is important to first have a clear understanding on who a manager really is. His major qualities and his skills that are required for the excellence of the service that he is expected to render his organization shall be introduced and further discussed (Noe, 2004, 34). This is taken into consideration by the author of this paper to be able to outline the basic factors that contribute to the excellence of managerial applications that are supposed to be practiced by managers in every organization. Managing is a skilful job that requires a person to have his own operating skills. His ability to correlate with the subjects that he ought to manage is highly given importance by the organization (McNamara 1986, 45). This is the reason why managers are considered the main foundations of the people force of each organizational system. Usually managers are the ones who are assigned to take the position of the ‘leaders’ of any working team (Levin, 2001, 34). Hence, to be able to become a fine manager, there are necessary skills and characteristics that are needed for a person to be a competent manager. Someone that an organization would actually value so much; listed herein are the CHARACTERISTICS of a competent manager according to Levin (2001, p43-46) Firs it is that of the character of having the ability to show empathy: Empathy is a feeling that a person has towards people who are oppressed and feeling low. At some point, this feeling is referred to as being able to “become as other”. Hence, if a person is able to feel how his subordinates feel, he would normally be able to take responsibility of the duties that a manager should complete. Another is the manager’s ability to understand the needs of others: Mostly, this ability is highly connected with empathy. However, it requires more than just the feeling and the concern. It requires further research that must be done by the manager himself. A close look on the demands of the people would naturally help in the consistency of the role of the manager in an organization. It has been mentioned earlier that they are expected to oversee the process that could help in the improvement of the relationship of the upper sector of employees towards the lower level of workers. Hence, to be able to do so, the managers are expected to have an exceptional ability to understand the needs of other people. The ability to care for the needs of the organization is also a part of the primary characteristics that a good manager should consider so as to be able to establish a fine sense of motivation for the appraisal of the performance of the people who are working under him. It is necessary that managers are aware of the missions, the objectives and the idealisms that their organizations uphold for their clients or stakeholders at that. Hence, by knowing so, they are able to balance the ways by which the organization has been able to create ways to serve the demands of their clients and the demands of their own organizational sections. One more consideration to give focus to is the manager’s capability to Control Organizational assets even at the middle of pressure: The need of having a competent manager is especially important during times that the organization comes under pressure. The capability of the person to have a direct control on the people and how they are supposed to deal with the situation shall be of great use for the whole organization. One of the most important characters of a good manager as repeatedly mentioned earlier is his capability to provide motivational strategies to the employees. Why? Motivation of the people is essential. The motivational strategies involve the salary scheduling and the way by which the employees benefit from working well for the company or organization id a part of this sector of their job. Hence, the capability of a person to create ways to motivate the people would not only being great rewards towards the employees themselves, but also towards the organizational heads and board members or owners. This managerial task indeed requires a strong skill of persuasion and authority at the same time. A person’s ability to wake the employees’ sense of urgency regarding emergency situations that puts the whole organization at stake would indeed make him a competent manager. Yes, managers need to have the right skill to be able to appraise the performance of the employees in the best manner available that would give protection not only to the values of the employees themselves but as well as that of the values of the organization that they are all appointed to work for. Some of the skills include the application of authority with firm. TO be able to control others, a manger must possess a certain level of authority. This would help others identify him as a personality who is exacting respect and obedience from his followers (Adonis, 2009, Internet). As said earlier, it is a manager’s task to have a strong control over his colleagues. Hence, his ability to show authority would make it easier for him to persuade others to understand his idealisms and follow through accordingly to his command. It is also important that a manager gains that ability to justify leniency at some points for the organization’s sake. At times, some organizational situations require a certain level of leniency (Armstrong, 2003, 54). The ability of a manager on knowing which interest should be valued first during situations that would compromise his position as a manager of the organization and as a manager of individual workers shall be the basis of knowing who a competent manager is. The ability to understand and balance the interests of the organizational administration and the lower-level employees is always a part of the manager’s role as the linking factor between the employees and the administration, assuring the lower end of the organization that their values are well considered as they are indeed the bloodline of the company. Everyone is expecting to be served. This is the essence of being able to manage an organization. Once the manager is able to provide the organization and its employees the kind of service that they need form the management team, the co-existence of the people operating for the organization could be assured to grow even stronger (Grensing-Prophal, 2002, 34). As outlined above, there are necessary skills that a manager should posses. Hence, once the said specific characteristics are found in a person, a managerial success could be assured. With the outline of the needed characteristics of an excellent manager, the necessary responsibilities of managers could then be further defined. According to O’Malley (2001, p. 54-65), an International authority on scientific management and human relations, there are six major responsibilities and objectives that define a competent manager. On is to promote the practice of scientific management in a certain country: This refers to a fine pattern that has the possibility of being a model or pattern to other managers, which they could follow for the completion of their duties towards the organizations that they ought to work for. Another is to professionalize management and industrial engineering: Management is a science, and practicing it requires a certain level of fervent observation that would help in the progress of the strategies that management applies. Professionalizing the pattern and making the necessary progressive changes for the systems used in human resources control would increase the competency and the trust that organizations put upon the shoulders of the management teams. It is also important for a manager to undertake and encourage research in industrial management: Further studying the necessary factors that contribute to the effective application of managerial processes, it could be seen how the managerial positions and roles could still be further enhanced. Hence, conducting researches on the said matter shall equip a competent manager with further skills, which he could use in his job. Meanwhile, providing technical guidance and leadership to practitioners and students of management and industrial engineering is also one of the manager’s practical tasks towards the organization. This involves the ability of the managers to give their subordinates with the necessary knowledge they need to be able to operate well for the organization’s sake. Once the managers are able to help their subordinates with the necessary points of consideration that they have to take for their job positions, it could be expected that other employees would be motivated to have the leadership essentials that they need to continue being highly useful for their organization. The said major missions and objectives that are outlined herein are indeed a pattern of the ideal points of consideration that managers should think about and apply as they complete their duties towards their stakeholders (SDA, 1998, Internet). For this particular reason, the enhancement of emotional intelligence among the workers of particular business organizations are pursued in an aim of creating proper senses of realization on the part of the people involved in the work completion considered. It is indeed clear to anyone leading an organization that individuals making up the organization have a great contribution to how far the organization is going to progress with regards to its existence in the global market. Certainly, this is a key that identifies individual employees as one of the important factors of ‘blood vessels” of any business organization aside from the company consumers themselves. Through rigid research and study procedures, business experts found out the emotional intelligence plays an important role in producing fine and highly motivated employees. What is emotional intelligence and how does it affect a person’s ability to work? How far has emotional intelligence proved to be effective with regards to organizational progress in the past years of the business industry? These questions and more shall be tackled on section that follows. Emotional Intelligence is known as the ability, the capability of an individual to asses himself towards a certain situation (Armstrong, 2003, 45). Hence, through the utilization of the skills provided to an individual by Emotional Intelligence (EI), he is able to understand how he is supposed to react on the situations that he meets in his daily activities. Basically, Emotional Intelligence is an important factor that needs constant consideration when the issues of performance appraisal among employees come into practical discussion. Likely, the idea is that enhancing the emotional stability of the employees is actually a positive process of motivating personnel in organizations to work well in their appointed tasks. It could not be denied that the entire procedure of enhancing the basic sources of satisfaction on the part of the employees working toward the goal of the organization that they are unified with. However, to be able to know more about how this inculcation of EI for the sake of enhancing the people’s performance for the business, it is important to see how EI directly affects individuals professionally which shall be discussed clearly in the paragraphs that shall follow. What are the basic effects of the inculcation of emotional intelligence among workers and their perception of excellence at work? They begin to develop particular characteristics such as having the capability to accurately perceive emotions in one’s self and others. This is the ability of an individual to understand the emotion of a colleague helps him further enhance the camaraderie and relationship that he has towards the people in his workplace thus creating a more workable environment not only for himself but for the others as well. They also develop the use of emotions to facilitate thinking. It is very important for an employee to show empathy towards his colleagues to be able to develop fine relationship with them. A person who has EI has the capability of using this emotional skill to set a pattern by which he is able to live with the individual characteristics of each person in his working environment using his emotional capability of feeling accordingly to what they are feeling in the same way regarding a certain situation. Employees begin to understand emotional meanings. At many points of consideration, working conflicts and other working issues involving employee-management interaction, emotional meanings are rampant. Understanding them would help every member of an organization give way to the fact that everybody is entitled to feeling the way they do due to the idea that everybody perceives different situations on different ways. And lastly, they are able to manage emotions successfully. One’s ability in managing his ability would naturally help him understand his capability of stretching his patience towards different situations that involve him in his workplace or in his social connections. Being able to manage his emotions would naturally help him develop better relationships with people in his job. In many ways, it could be said that EI is a vital part of producing competitive employees in a certain field of expertise. Emotionally intelligent employees are able to adjust well with the changes that the company has to take in consideration to be able to attain success. Hence, this ability of the employees would help in the pursuance of reaching the goals of the organization especially in accordance with the profit gains of the company. It is also very important to see that EI in every employee is not that easy to find. It is not an innate characteristic that an individual develops from birth. On the other hand, it requires effort from the organizational management when it comes to the enhancement of the said ability. Certainly, the training programs and the awards systems that are formulated by the administration to support the said employee development processes would indeed helping creating employees who are confident among themselves and are able to use their emotions as an asset for the company’s success. Effort and money may be needed by such programs, however, it should still be remembered that the results or the return of such programs are better and would result to higher profit than that of the amount spent in acquiring such types of employees. Being emotionally intelligent is indeed an asset for an employee, thus, having a pool of employees who are able to use their emotional intelligence at work is also an advantage for any business organization (Kirkpatrick, 2006, 45). This is the reason why in this study, the importance of such intelligence is pointed out to be an essential part of any organizational success. Yes, considering programs that enhance emotional intelligence among employees is a two-way street benefit on the part of the organizational management team. Though the application of the said process, the organization is not only ensured of having better performing employees, but the employees themselves are given better chances of realizing satisfaction over the things that they are doing for the organization as it is. Since the proofs of the said claim has been clearly laid down in this study, it could then be noted that there is nothing that a company would lose if they are going to invest a minimal amount of their business capital in producing programs that are highly motivational for the employees. These programs would naturally enhance the emotional intelligence of each employee force that makes up the organization. As a result, it could be expected, that companies investing in such type of employee motivation would receive fine returns as their employees would become more competent of working with their colleagues and their regular clients as well (Smither, 2008, 43). Having such type of employees would ensure the company of having clients who would keep on coming back not only for the products that they serve but because of the services that they provide in a highly competitive way. Truly, with the collaboration of extensive and expansive managing skills on the part of the authorities controlling a particular working team and the application of programs that enhance emotional intelligence among workers, performance appraisal procedures become a great source of company success. It is through the establishment of camaraderie among workers and the administrative personnel making up a particular for-profit or non-profit organization that these groups of workers become successful in reaching their goals towards the future. With people well motivated whose performances are appraised with recognizable work satisfaction, it is by no means expected that business organizations would continue to grow towards massive development in the future. 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Creating an "Open Book" Organization: Where Employees Think & Act Like Business Partners. AMACOM Publishing. McNamara, J. Regis. (1986). Critical Issues, Developments, and Trends in Professional Psychology: Volume 3 (Professional Psychology Update). Praeger Publishers. Noe, Raymond Andrew. (2004). Employee Training and Development with Powerweb Card 3/e. McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 3 edition. O'Malley, Michael. (2001). Creating Commitment. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 1 edition. Promoting a Good Working environment.(1997). Awake! Brooklyn New York Publishing. Brooklyn New York. The Society of Design Administration. (1998). Handbook of Design Office Administration. Wiley; Bk&Disk edition. Appraisals lack one thing: performance. Performance appraisals are a wasted opportunity, writes James Adonis. (August 12, 2009) CONDUCTING PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS: Management and Team Leadership. (August 12, 2009). 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Performance Appraisal: State of the Art in Practice (Siop Professional Practice Series). Pfeiffer Publishing. Read More
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