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Analysis of Delegation and Team-Building Theories in an Actual Workplace - Mcdonalds - Assignment Example

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The paper "Analysis of Delegation and Team-Building Theories in an Actual Workplace - Mcdonalds" is a good example of a business assignment. t is generally recognized that for a person to achieve appropriate learning, one must necessarily consider both theories — supposed to be an abstraction of reality and practice which presents factual information in the construction of different theories…
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INTRODUCTION It is generally recognized that for a person to achieve appropriate learning, one must necessarily consider both theory— supposed to be an abstraction of reality, and practice which presents factual information in the construction of different theories. In this sense, it is significant to analyze whether theories somehow truthfully correspond the real world. In order to materialize this notion, certain theories regarding team-building and delegation are examined in one particular Mcdonald’s workplace by means of critical observations of its various employees in both managerial and operation levels. Hierarchy of Franchised McDonald’s Restaurant The management team of a franchised McDonald’s is directly being handled by the owner operator in which he designated an operations consultant and a restaurant manager. These two managers are interdependent with each other in conveying vital information of the restaurant to continuously improve McDonald’s service. Unlike the operations consultant who does not have any subordinate, the restaurant manager, however, supervises two assistant managers and one manager trainer—who directs several McDonald’s crews. It includes the chief crew, regular crews and a crew trainer. The crew trainer is somehow responsible to the trainee, part-time, seasonal and probationary employees. (See Exhibit A.).With this kind of organizational structure, it is noteworthy to understand how the owner operator, as well as his managers, is able to conduct appropriate schemes in the delegation and team-building procedures. Also, what are the plausible theories which are employed? Do McDonald’s employees’ interactions factually express substantiation? DELEGATION Delegation is an essential process in any type business whether big or small-scale enterprises primarily because of various intricacies of responsibilities being encountered by the proprietor. It transpires upon designation of another individual in executing job on behalf of the owner. This can also be exercised in the middle and first level managements depending on the required personnel. Furthermore, this can be advantageous for the simple fact that it helps to surmount individual’s boundaries such as ‘time, energy, as well as talents’ (Lupia 2001, p. 1). In doing so, delegation amplifies the quantity of duties to be carried out. With this, various theoretical frameworks are being utilized by companies to guarantee the suitability of every delegated employee in an organizational structure. One of which is the Expectancy Theory of Motivation, a generally acknowledged theory in the study of organizational behavior in spite of some criticism that it is quite difficult to investigate particularly in workplace (Moorehead et al 1998, p. 151). . Expected Victor Vroom’s development of Expectancy Theory of Motivation generally states that in order for a person to be motivated, it is necessarily for him or her to know the intensity of wanting something and will be able to recognize the means of achieving it (Moorehead et al 1998, p.148). Wood, Wallace, Zeffane, Schemerhorn, Hunt and Osborn (1998, pp.185-186) further explain that expectancy theory inquires about certain forecast associated responsibility of an individual and with a fundamental question to be answered which is ‘What determines the willingness of an individual to exert personal effort to work at tasks that contribute to the performance of the work unit and the organization?’. With this, it would be of great assistance for a manager to be aware of (a) the individual’s conviction that working hard will facilitate different stages of employment performance to be accomplished; (b) the individual’s conviction that diverse outcomes or rewards from work is a consequence of the attainment of the different stages of employment performance, (c) the value the individual assigns to these employment outcomes (Wood et al 1998, p.186). In furtherance, Expectancy theory accentuates the relationships among ‘effort’, ‘performance’ and ‘outcomes’ which can be further observed through ‘Effort-to-Performance Expectancy and Performance-to-Outcome Expectancy’. This results to an either negative or positive outcome. Eventually outcome is said to have valences or the comparative ‘attractiveness or unattractiveness’ of an outcome to an individual’s perception (Moorehead et al 1998, p. 149). Actual McDonald’s has an excellent reputation regarding training its employees and an unambiguous and progressive career program which is being explained to every crew member at the very first day employment. At every stage of an employee’s career, his or her instruction is a combination of conjecture and realistic expertise and is being supplemented with a much greater responsibility as time goes by. Upon attaining a regular status in McDonald’s restaurant, every crew is entitled to opt for a higher position as trainee Manager. The regular crew’s appropriateness will be considered for a Trainee Manager's post by means of evaluating his or her capacity in the administration of other service crew. Also, his or her approach in handling product and equipment must convey excellent quality, service, cleanliness & value known as (QSC&V). This entails the crew’s inspirational longing to work. Furthermore, the crew should exhibit at the same time strengthening leadership performance through engaging to other crews including managers as well. In this approach, he or she will be able to achieve the dedication from other people. Hence; his or her awareness of McDonald's human resources policies together with its safety measures and will enable him or her to finish the first level of McDonald's Management Development Program (MDP) concluding upon undergoing the Basic Shift Management course offered by the McDonald’s head office which will eventually provide a certificate in retail supervision. Subsequently, he or she may opt for the next position as second assistant in which another level of performance based assessment and Management development program. This offers the stage to encounter higher responsibilities training crews, office security as well as the functions in stock. Then a crew may aim for another promotion which is to be first assistant and even further in becoming a restaurant manager. The assessment process is somehow the same with great emphasis on the leadership aspect of an individual at the same time increasing his or her responsibilities in accomplishing another assessment to gain another higher position. In line with this abovementioned occurrence in McDonald’s workplace, it somehow suggests that the Expectancy theory of Motivation is being employed in the delegation process. This specified career path enables any individual who is planning to work to assess his/her strength of wanting. This also provides enough information on how an individual be able to perform in order to achieve a favorable outcome. Being aware of the process of delegation of McDonald’s, a service crew even in a low level operations can readily assess the value of his/her future outcome given the chance of undertaking the evaluation all the way through the top level management. This has been supported by one of the 1st Assistant Manager saying that before she started working, she does not have any motivation to work, but soon after on, after as she was oriented with the career path program presented by her trainer, she felt enlightened of how she must perform and act in order to go through the evaluation process and achieve her desired position in the ultimate sense. Differences In understanding the liaison of Expectancy theory of motivation in the delegation process of McDonald’s, the similarities are quite noticeable. However, it presents weak evidence given various constraints. One is the fact that the career path program being utilized by the franchised McDonald’s Restaurant is created by its Head Office which was not asked relevant information in the conduct of this study particularly whether it employs the Expectation Theory of Motivation in the said program. Another is that there is only limited source of primary data that hinders the possibility of conducting statistical analysis to have well-comprehended relationship of the theory in a practical sense. Lastly, in relating the valences of outcome in this example only present a positive while the probable negative outcome which can be resulted from the said theory was not taken into consideration because of time constraint in observing a cycle of every evaluation of McDonald’s. TEAM-BUILDING Having delegated employees in different positions, it is equally important to take into consideration team-building process in order to ensure the harmony within the organization. It is often considered as the heart and soul of a company/organization having a collection of various individuals with varying degrees of skills, motivation, and strength among others which are indispensable to the survival of the group (Reese, R 2008). However, without the spirit of teamwork, life of an organization cannot possibly exist. Therefore, it is very much important to persistently innovate in bring team-building within the organization. Among various theories regarding team-building in which a manager may opt to choose Henri Tajfel’s Social Identity-Theory. It is quite appropriate to McDonald’s restaurant which can be considered small cluster in the same manner this theory is primary instituted through ‘minimal group studies’ (Bellanca, 2009). Expected The Social Identity Theory proposes that it is not enough to consider the psychology of an individual in the context of individuality but most importantly in viewing the sociological characteristics of an individual. This involves the reason behind an individual’s perception as member of a particular group which is the result of having a sense of belongingness in an organization (Theorieënoverzicht TCW, 2004). Tajfel further affirms that in an event when people were clustered based even in an insignificant conditions, its components demonstrated in-group preference though giving supplementary credits to ‘in-group constituents even though it may somehow lessen the economic benefits of every individual (Bellanca, 2009).. Hence, this type of practice of classifying oneself as constituent confers distinctive implication of a person’s conduct and eventually generating a much more encouraging social identity. This social identity, as it turns, subsequently happens to an essential feature of one’s self-perception. Consequently, newly integrated self-perception of seeing oneself as part of the group is much greater than seeing oneself apart from the group—in-group preference that improves one’s confidence(Bellanca, 2009). Actual McDonald’s organizational structure is characterized by its various modest clusters as exemplified in both management and operations level. Since most of McDonald’s employees started as a crew, conversely, most of its top level managers are reasonably familiar in the performance of every task. This can be very well discerned in daily in any McDonald’s branch—manager lending a hand to the cashier, cooking and even cleaning the table. Given this kind of attitude of being part of the group, no wonder that they were able to influence and inspire their crews as a whole. This will eventually lead to their members’ sense of belongingness within the team and perceiving social identity of one’s self in upon execution of task as a team. Differences Given the nature of McDonald’s management, it affirms the Social Identity theory in the realistic manner of McDonald’s team building. The self-perceived notion of being part of a group is clearly manifested among crew members. The only difference is that the theory itself is based only on real world without prior interruption to various aspects workplace. However, if the actual will be critically examined, one cannot deny the possibility of intervention from the managers themselves. This is because of the Management Development Program (MDP) offering various management courses that may present managerial theories. Assuming that the managers are well-aware of the aforementioned Social Identity Theory, it cannot be determined whether the said theory naturally exists in the real world. Recommendation In the above two illustrations theory in a workplace, it is undeniably needs a much comprehensive study in which it is feasible to determine the connection of theories in a practical sense. This can be done by acquiring adequate data and information through systematic means. The employees and workplace must be properly handle in such away that other variables may be controlled to accurately determine certain relationships. If this can be properly executed, then one can make appropriate judgment whether a theory is still valid or there is a need to be redefined it. CONCLUSION Indeed, some theories regarding organizational behavior may be are fundamentally based on real world scenario as demonstrated of both Expected Theory of Motivation and Social Identity Theory in McDonald’s workplace. In spite of its inadequate information and means of establishing a concrete relationship of its existence, still, this study deserves significant merits even in the context of qualitative analysis. Nevertheless, it presents a distinctive outlook of understanding theoretical framework in relation to the real world. References Bellanca, F 2009, ‘The Social Identity Theory’, The Teambuilding Company, Exeter University, viewed 28 May, 2009, . Lupia, A 2001, ‘Delegation of Power: Agency Theory’ in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Science Limited, Oxford, UK. Moorehead, Gregory & Griffin, R 1998, Process-based perspectives on motivation—the expectancy theory of motivation, in Organizational Behavior, 5th edn, Houghton Miffin, Boston, pp.148-152. Reese, R 2008, ‘Building the Spirit of Teamwork’, Team Building Workshops, Atlanta Netherlands, viewed 28 May, 2009, . Schemerhorn, JR Jr. 1996, ‘Leading: inspiring effort’ in Management and organizational behavior essentials, John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 98-113. Theorieënoverzicht TCW, 2004, ‘Social Identity Theory’, Universiteit Twente, Netherlands, viewed 28 May, 2009, . Wood, Wallace, Zeffane, Schemerhorn, Hunt & Osborn 1998, ‘Motivation theories’ in Organizational behaviour: an Asia-Pacific perspective, 4th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Brisbane, pp. 185-189. Appendices Exhibit A. McDonald’s Organizational Chart Exhibit B. Summary Landscape EXPECTED ACTUAL DIFFERENCES Delegation In Vroom’s development of Expectancy Theory of Motivation generally states that in order for a person to be motivated, it is necessarily for him or her to know the intensity of wanting something and will be able to recognize how to achieve it (Moorehead et al 1998, p. 148). Wood, Wallace, Zeffane, Schemerhorn, Hunt and Osborn (1998, pp.185-186) further explain that expectancy theory inquires about certain forecast associated responsibility of an individual and with a fundamental question to be answered which is ‘What determines the willingness of an individual to exert personal effort to work at tasks that contribute to the performance of the work unit and the organization?’ McDonald’s has an excellent reputation regarding training its employees and an unambiguous and progressive career program which is being explained to every crew member at the very first day employment. McDonald’s somehow suggests that the Expectancy theory of Motivation is being employed in the delegation process though its career path program. This specified career path program enables any individual who is planning to work to assess his/her strength of wanting and also enough information on how an individual be able to perform in order to achieve a favorable outcome. A service crew, for instance, even in low level operations can readily assess the value of his/her future In understanding the liaison of Expectancy theory of motivation in the delegation process of McDonald’s, the similarities are quite noticeable. However, it presents weak evidence given various constraints. One is the fact that the career path program being utilized by the franchised McDonald’s Restaurant is created by its Head Office which was not asked relevant information particularly whether it employs the Expectation Theory of Motivation. Another is that the limited source of primary data that hinders the possibility of conducting statistical analysis to have well-comprehended relationship of the theory in a practical sense. Team-Building The Social Identity Theory proposes that it is not enough to consider the psychology of an individual in the context of individuality but most importantly in viewing the sociological characteristics of an individual. This involves the reason behind an individual’s perception as member of a particular group which is the result of having a sense of belongingness in an organization. Tajfel further affirms that in an event when people were clustered based even in an insignificant conditions, its components demonstrated in-group preference though giving supplementary credits to ‘in-group constituents even though it may somehow lessen the economic benefits of every individual (Bellanca, 2009). Hence, this type of practice of classifying oneself as constituent confers distinctive implication of a person’s conduct and eventually generating a much more encouraging social identity. McDonald’s organizational structure is characterized by its various modest clusters as exemplified in both management and operations level. Since most of McDonald’s employees started as a crew, conversely, most of its top level managers are reasonably familiar in the performance of every task. Given this kind of attitude of being part of the group, no wonder that they were able to influence and inspire their crews as a whole. This will eventually lead to their members’ sense of belongingness within the team and perceiving social identity of one’s self in upon execution of task as a team. Given the nature of McDonald’s management, it affirms the Social Identity theory in the realistic manner of McDonald’s team building. The self-perceived notion of being part of a group is clearly manifested among crew members. The only difference is that the theory itself is based only on real world without prior interruption to various aspects of workplace. However, if the actual will be critically examined, one cannot deny the possibility of intervention from the managers themselves. This is because of the Management Development Program (MDP) offering various management courses that may present managerial theories. Assuming that the managers are well-aware of the aforementioned Social Identity Theory, it cannot be determined whether the said theory naturally exists in the real world. Exhibit C. Questionnaire Form To Whom It May Concern: First of all, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to conduct an interview for my study entitled ‘Analysis of Delegation and Team-Building Theories in an Actual Workplace’. The information regarding your organizational structure is very much essential and will be of great help in developing an in depth understanding of organization. Rest assured that your answers to this questionnaire form will be strictly used on the said study. Name of Company:­­­­­­­­­­­­­___McDonald’s Restaurant Date: May 30, 2009 Name of Supervisor:_____******____________ 1. How did you start working? Answer: I started when I was in college three years ago when my friends invited me. It was so exhilarating working together with my friends and at that sane time because we were just having fun at the same time earning some extra cash among other benefits. 2. What are your expectations before starting? Answer: Before I worked, I don’t have any expectations and no plans to devote much time since McDonald’s offers excellent systematic scheduling in which I have the freedom to allocate my time. However, my thinking changed after the orientation because they present a well-structured career path program. Here I was able to understand the value of working in McDonald and how to go through the various level of management team. 3. How did you meet your expectations? Answer: I just simply followed the guidelines of career path program maybe because I was encouraged by knowing what I should be done to achieve my goal. When I got promoted as Manager Trainee, it felt so much good that I have done something. It did not stop there as I faced additional responsibilities particularly in terms of leadership; but, McDonald’s Management Development Program (MDP) guided me on how to accomplish my new task. After quite some time, I managed to complete the second stage and was able to have the position of 1st assistant manager. 4. How is your organizational structure arranged? Answer: Since it is franchised (McDonald’s), it is being managed by an owner operator. He has an operations consultant and a restaurant manager. The restaurant manager has two assistant managers referred to as the 1st and 2nd assistant manager. Another is a manager trainee who directly takes charge of McDonald’s crews such as chief crew, regular crews and a crew trainer. The crew trainer is the one responsible among trainee, part-time, seasonal and probationary employees. 5. What standards or systematic procedures in delegating people in your organizational structure? Answer: The standard is being instructed by the McDonald’s Head office which is the McDonald’s Management Development Program (MDP) which includes various courses depending on the level of management. Also, the delegation process requires an extensive evaluation in terms of managing product and equipment in the most excellent manner of providing quality, service, cleanliness & value known as (QSC&V). 6. Now that you are supervising some of McDonald’s crew/employees, is it necessary team-building in managing your crew? Answer: Definitely yes since McDonald’s employees are clustered within the organizational structure. We surely work as a team. 7. If yes, how do you manage your people then? Answer: Since I also started as a crew, I’m quite familiar with the tasks to be performed by my crew. I continuously work as a crew at the same time having fun working with them. In this way, I inspire them to do their best at the same time gaining their respect and commitment. Here, it does not necessarily mean that whenever a person acquires higher position, he or she just needs to stand and instruct his or her crew. Whether a person is in higher position or not, he or she must still work even the most basic task of frying. Most particularly when there are many costumers. ____1st Assistant Supervisor******___ Signature of employee: Note: ******My resource person requested a strict non disclosure of personal information. Read More
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