New York Case Against Intel Suffers Blows Article.
New York Case Against Intel Suffers Blows Article.
The NY Attorney General also claimed Intel’s act unfairly supported Intel’s position in front of its rival Advanced Micro Devices. Intel, however, denied all of these allegations and provides justifications for all of its acts, and proves in front of the court that the company was not intended to manipulate the customers or rivals. Intel also took the stance that the court could only ask for financial penalties and injections and not for the treble damages. This argument was accepted by the court and several claims against Intel were dismissed on the basis of this argument.
The article also discusses the impact of this proceeding upon the other lawsuits and the marketplace where Intel operates. The article has been chosen for the review because it clearly describes the legal aspect of a business issue by describing the details of the case. The article provides a real-life example of antitrust law and its implications for the business world.
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