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Sporting Goods Store - Assignment Example

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This paper “Sporting Goods Store” discusses the importance of Influence, its importance in the leadership and the outcomes of the Influence. The paper tells us that why we influence people and what are the motives behind it, and it also tells us that what the purpose of influencing others is…
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Sporting Goods Store Case Study AFFILIATION: Table of Contents Influence 6 Leadership and Influence 6 Influences and their outcomes 6 Influence attempts and its purpose 7 Influence that is based on reasons or emotions 7 How does it work? 8 Marwell and Schmitt’s 16 8 Reward 9 Punishment 9 Positive Expertise 9 Negative Expertise 9 Liking 10 Gifting 10 Debt 10 Aversive Stimulation 10 Moral Appeal 10 Positive Self-feeling 11 Negative Self-feeling 11 Positive Alter-casting 11 Negative Alter-casting 11 Altruism 11 Positive Esteem of Others 11 Negative Esteem of Others 12 Infulence outcomes 12 Resistance 12 Compliance 13 Commitment 13 Most common tactics 13 Pressure 13 Assertiveness 13 Legitimating 13 Coalition 14 Exchange 14 Upward Appeals 14 Ingratiating 14 Rational persuasion 14 Persoanal Appeals 14 Inspirational Appeals 15 Consultation 15 Power relations 15 Planning influence strategies 16 Assessing yourself 16 Perceived Weaknesses 16 Encourage Team work and Employees 16 Address negative actions 17 Case Study 17 Coercive Power 18 Expert Power 18 Informational Power 18 Reward Power 18 Connection Power 19 Referent Power 19 Consultation Tactic 19 Personal Appeal Tactic 20 Rational persuasion Tactic 20 Ingratiating Tactic 20 Upward Appeals Tactic 20 Exchange Tactic 20 Coalition Tactic 20 Legitimating Tactic 21 Assertiveness Tactic 21 Pressure Tactic 21 Reference List 22 This paper discusses the importance of Influence, its importance in the leadership and the outcomes of the Influence. The paper tells us that why we influence people and what are the motives behind it, and it also tells us that what the purpose of influencing others is. The paper also tells us that how we can influence people by using Marwell and Schmitt’s 16 ways of influencing others. It also tells an insight about different Influence Tactics that are used by the Leaders and Managers. The paper also discusses the Power Relations, the use of power by the Leaders and Managers, and discusses different types of powers that are used by the Leaders in the light of a case study at the end of the paper. It also discusses that, Influence is the key qualities of Leaders and they Influence accordingly with the personal or overall interest in mind. It gives the good insight into the priority areas of Influence and what is the effectiveness level of different types of influence tactics. Influence Influence is a powerful tool that is used for mastering to control others physically, mentally or socially. It is a tool used by many leaders, teachers, managers, and political leaders for taking control. It is the capacity with which one can have an effect on others. The effect could be on the character, development, or behavior of someone/something. Many times, the effect itself is the influence. Influence can be with the people, with different things. The influence induces change in the opinions, needs, behaviors, goals, mind sets, and values. Leadership and Influence To be a successful and effective leader, it is very important that one should have a necessary influence to implement effective decisions that everyone perceives as necessary. The exercise of influence is involved in Leadership as one person over the others, so the quality of leadership is the determinant of organizational and managerial behavior (Johnson, Mathe, Paul, & Wallace, 2011). No matter how much research is done, there is still craving for more insight into this field that how actually leaders influence others? What is the importance of influencing others via different means? There are studies that show how the leader influences has significant impacts on the effectiveness. Some authors define leadership as; it is the first and the foremost process of influence. The leaders also must be aware of the dark side of leadership which may have very detrimental effects on organizations ( Kets, 2006). Influences and their outcomes Sometimes, the tactics that are used by a leader is considered as un-ethical even with the positive outcomes. Sometimes, they are considered as an effective way of implementing decisions, or motivating individuals in a specific work environment. There are times when the same outcome is achieved by applying different influence tactics, and there are situations in which you may get different outcomes even when one applies the same influence tactics, and it depends mainly on the nature of the situation. Influence attempts and its purpose There is a point of view that ensures that effective leadership is; when people are influenced in a way that is only beneficial for the organization and ethical for them. However, there is an opposing view to this fore mentioned view that discusses the influence in the attitudes and behavior of the followers, regardless of the real intention of the influence. The leadership may have multiple motives, and it is difficult to find out the true motive behind influencing others. There are examples that despite having a good intention of influencing others in a positive way, there are certain outcomes that are detrimental. While, there are times when a leader wants to influence others, solely for personal intentions, but it turns out to be beneficial for the organization and the followers as well. Influence that is based on reasons or emotions The past studies showed that an effective leadership is to influence the followers so that they must respond and cooperate in order to achieve the shared tasks effectively. Until the 80’s, the value of emotions was taken into account for effective influence and a key for the success of the organizations. The recent conceptions of the leadership emphasize more on emotions instead of reasoning. It says that the value based leadership, and emotional influence can result in the exceptional outcomes of the organizations, and a positive growth. How does it work? Leaders and organizers use different tactics to influence people around them, and this influence could be on the person above them or below them. The type of influence depends on the demand of the leaders and organizers. For e.g. a manager in an office want to influence people to: Modify plans, schedules Approve/Support manager Accept/carryout the tasks Provide information Discontinue inappropriate behaviors Whereas, in the community setting, a leader may want to influence people in order to: Increase commitment towards goal Increase outcome of decision Increase pressure to get something to be done accurately Gain support Marwell and Schmitt’s 16 As discussed earlier, the influence tactics that are used may have positive outcomes or they may have a detrimental effect that depends on certain factors and situations. Marwell and Schmitt’s 16 is the taxonomy of the 16 important influence tactics that helps to bring positive outcomes. Considered unethical by some, it still is effective in many work environments. As a starter, it is still used in the modern researches for influence. They later broke down the 16 into different clusters and dimensions for further assistance. The Marwell and Schmitt’s 16 are: Reward It is the rewarding attitude that influences others. By telling the followers that you are going to grant an extra treat will always help in controlling the situation and make effective implementation of order. For e.g. a leader saying that, I will grant you an extra pay for this work. Punishment Punishment is also an effective way of influencing others. In an organizational setup, there are times when we use to hear that, the CEO, or Boss is quiet angry today, or he/she is not satisfied with someone’s attitude or behavior. With this news, everyone get conscious, even willing to work under tight schedules. Positive Expertise Positive expertise is to speak as an authority on a subject in a positive manner, or at least to deliver out the positive outcome. It is showing the follower that good things are going to happen if you do this task, or you will be having a good time with the organization if you do this thing. Negative Expertise Influencing others is sometimes hard. We don’t know the exact temperament of others and their psychology and nature. Still a leader or a person who influence expects that the follower listens to what is being asked. Negative expertise is also speaking as an authority on the subject, a threat that persuades others/followers to work effectively and efficiently otherwise, there will be detrimental consequences. Liking Liking is also an important motivation factor that helps to even convert the weakness into strength. It is important sometimes to motivate others, even if they are not doing the work completely accurate, and it works in most settings. Gifting The idea of granting or gifting the follower in certain situations creates a bond that is loyal and helpful in many settings. It creates a situation that the follower will feel to comply or to reciprocate later, with a positive response and sometimes, a better response. Debt Debt is also a good way to influence others. Recalling what you did for your follower in times of need, or even recalling other influence tactics such as; gifting, and positive expertise in front of others create an impression that compels to act accordingly, to act efficiently. Aversive Stimulation Aversive Stimulation is a very important tool to influence others/followers in many situation. Letting others remind that the misery, the punishment or the negative impression will continue to prevail unless you act as a good worker, or unless you do the required task in a way that is demanded. Moral Appeal Moral Appeal is a very positive, mild and effective way to influence others. It is a powerful aspect that let others realize that the way (followers) they are complying, is not up to the mark. It is a very effective aspect as it in most settings, changes the mind-set, thinking patterns of the follower that helps in long term positive and effective response. Positive Self-feeling This feeling helps to motivate others. It helps them to stay focus and this aspect is goal oriented keeping in view the pros of staying focused. The leader for e.g. says to the follower: stay focused, concentrate on the task only and avoid the different diversions. Negative Self-feeling Negative Self-feeling helps to keep the follower’s track on the right path. The leader makes the follower aware of the cons of doing the things their way, or doing the tasks in an undesired way. They instruct that; you will not feel good if you do this task like this. Positive Alter-casting It creates the positive feeling about a certain task, and instructs the positive outcomes of the task. It tells the follower, the moral duties of doing the right task and getting a better result by doing it. For e.g. good follower does it like this? Negative Alter-casting It creates the negative feeling about a certain task, and instructs the negative outcomes of the task. For e.g. bad employee or bad follower would do this task like this, so you ought not to do this, instead you complete this task like this. Altruism Altruism is an art of creating a U-Attitude environment in a work place. By U-Attitude means that the leader is mild in his /her tone and ask with the attitude of, “Do me a favor”. This creates a soft corner even for the workers having a negative attitude for work or for people around. Positive Esteem of Others Everybody loves self-respect, just like everybody loves to be loved and adored by others. In a work environment and in most situations whether it is said or not, we all are in a competition with the people around us and one feels uplifted and motivated if he/she is praised in front of others. Negative Esteem of Others If people feel negative about you, then you are attentive enough not to commit such mistakes that cause this effect. This motivation of not being wrong in front of others is very important in gaining the respect and self-esteem. Leaders use this tool to gain confidence on the employees and followers. For e.g. using words such as; everyone will feel bad about you, your impression is not well within this group etc. will make the employee feel bad about his attitude towards work, and the outcome impression, hence, compliance in a positive manner will be the result of this technique. Infulence outcomes There are three types of influence outcomes. These outcomes are dependent on the response of the followers. The three possible outcomes are: Resistance The person resists your efforts and is repulsive to your infulence. This resistance has serveral forms that includes the person: Refuse outright, to agree to your attempts Make excuses Persuades you to withdraw an attempt to influence Delays acting on your influence Ignore your efforts Tries to do something else, instead of exact command, willingly Compliance The follower in this category accepts the influence but he is unenthusiast and apethical about it. In this apect, the leader is successful in changing the attitude, but not the behavior of the follower. Commitment This degree is the most effective as compared to the above mentioned two degrees. This is the situation in which the follower agrees to your influence and commits to do the aloted task, accordingly. Most common tactics The most important and common tactics that are used in a setting by the leaders/organziers/heads/CEO’s are given below: Pressure In this tactic, the behavior includes demand or threats to support a proposal. The level of effectiveness is low. Assertiveness Behavior in this tactic includes repeatedly asking, making requests, setting timelines, expressing anger. The level of effectiveness is low. Legitimating In this tactic, behavior seeks the followers to comply with their situation or position. The level of effectiveness is low. Coalition In this tactic, the behavior seeks other aid to persuade them to do something. The level of effectiveness is Low. Exchange In this tactic, the behvior makes explicit promise that others will receive rewards or tangible benefits. The effectiveness level is Moderate. Upward Appeals Behavior seeks acceptance of those that are higher in positions/posts prior to making a request. The effectiveness level is Moderate. Ingratiating Behavior pursues to get others in a pleasant mood to get things done. The effectiveness level is Moderate. Rational persuasion Logical arguments are used by the behavior to persuade the follower that a request is viable. The effectiveness level is Moderate. Persoanal Appeals Behavior in this aspect seeks other compliance by showing a U-Attitude. The behavior persuades them by making special requests in order to win compliance. The effectiveness level is Moderate. Inspirational Appeals Behaviors asks for compliance and obedience by making inspiratational and motivational speech or statement. Behavior makes an emotional request or proposal that arouses enthusiasm. The effectiveness level is High. Consultation Behaviors seeks guidance and consultations with the follower on how to reach out for the task goals effectively and effeciently. The participation and collective decision making will help a lot. The effectiveness level is High. Power relations Power relations are about controlling others. This concept deals with how different individuals, preferably groups in a certain region or area, control other groups and people. Understanding the power relations is very important, just like understanding that how the power is used in specific setup. The control and use of power can be positive, or negative. The power relation in an organizational setup often refers to discrimination and inequality. The power relations are based on the constructive and destructive role in an organization, and in a professional setup. If power role is constructive, then the organization will certainly grow economically and sustainably, and vice versa. The distribution of power between the genders is also considered as the power relations. Managers in large organization needs power to influence the employees and the hiereachy downward. The studies show that a socialzed power orientation results in more effective outcome as compared to the personalized power orientation. Planning influence strategies Planning the influence strategies is an important leader quality that requires careful consideration and observations. The positive influence plan can change the course of the organization and may take it to new heights. The results are increased productivity, satisfied employees and customers, profit, and your company acts as a magnet to the new customers. Planning the positive influence strategies requires careful considerations, time management, and research work on organization, pros and cons of the products and services and above all, dedication. The positive response, the effective compliance of the followers and employers, are gained by implementing effective influence strategies which can be done by doing the four important things first: Assessing yourself It is important to assess yourself. Assessing one’s self behavior, positive attitudes, patience and norms makes us the ideal role model for our company. One must avoid the pessimistic language that drives the employees away and make them feel negative for the leader/Manager. Perceived Weaknesses It is important to write down all the perceived weaknesses of one self and of the followers. Brainstorming, the ways to improve the attitude will surely help in improving the optimistic workplace, with loyal and dedicated employees. Encourage Team work and Employees Encouraging the employees to work as a team is very important aspect for business success. Guiding them to demonstrate positive behaviors will encourage them to be disciplined and dedicated. Applying zero tolerance towards office politics and gossips will help add value to encourage the employees, concentrating on the allotted tasks instead of time waste. Address negative actions It is important to address negative actions committed by the employees as this will cause the whole office environment engaging in vague and useless discussions and a whole lot of productive time will be wasted. This will also have a detrimental effect on the office culture. Hold a one to one (personal) conference or discussion with the employee, and try to put things on the table again. Case Study The case study shows a young man named Bill Thompson, age 25, a new manager for the Sporting Goods Store in Vermont. He has an employee record of 4 years with the company that has national chain of Sporting Goods Store. He also has 2 years of experience as an Assistant Manager before he is assigned with this new managerial post. Although his experience as an Assistant Manager includes the minor administrative duties and this is his chance to prove that he is a good manager. The profits in the store (located in Vermont) are not up to the mark and it will be a challenge for Bill to improve the conditions of the Store and raise the profit to considerable value. Bill also has identified some problems with the store’s workers and the Ski’s department manager. Bill needs to apply his learned skills to improve the situation of the Store. The following questions need answers: Q.1 How much of each type of power does Bill have at this time? Powers come in different forms and the leaders and managers must know how to handle them. The each type of power and the Bill’s grip over them are discussed below: Coercive Power It is the power with which a manager/leader leads by force and by threats. It is a rational use of power and one doesn’t get any respect in return. The loyalty of the employees is mostly likely to be compromised. Bill has the power as a Manager to act with Coercive power and he can do it to lead by force, but In this situation he can’t, because the turnover rates are high in this Store and Bill is the new manager that needs to win the hearts of the employees , along with making more profit. Expert Power It is the power in which the Leader/Manager thinks that he has a superior knowledge and skills. Of course, he has it, as he is the new manager of the Store and he can use it wisely to analyze the problems and issues with the Store and why the profit is not substantial? Informational Power A power Leader/Manager has, in the form of information that is needed or wanted by others. At this moment, Bill has a limited Informational Power as he is new to this Store and only brief introduction to the Store and the employees is made to him. This is also a short term power that has less value and credibility. Reward Power A power Leader uses to motivate followers/employers to in terms of increment and rewards. Bill has this power because he is the new Store Manager and he has a say in the Employee Annual Appraisal report that can increment the Employee’s pay scale. Connection Power It is a power in which a persona gains a compliance and attention by simply acquaintance with a powerful person. This power is very limited with Bill, as he is new to this job and just got posted to the Vermont Store, and he has a challenge ahead to increase the Profit of the Store as well. Referent Power This is the most strongest of the powers. Bill has this power if he shows a positive attitude and dominating personality traits. It is the ability to convey the sense of acceptance, and sense of approval. Q.2 what influence tactic could be used in this situation to influence Sally? Explain what you would actually say to Sally in the process of using each Tactic? The Inspirational Appeal is the ideal influence tactic that could be used in this situation. This tactic has high effectiveness. Sally knows that Bill is new in Store, and she would be impressed by Bill, with use of this tactic. The emotional request will arouse passion and enthusiasm towards the job. She will be motivated that with little help and proper concentration towards job, Sally can improve the overall sales by not wasting the customer peak hours time. Instead of other distraction in which Sally is presently involved, she will try to overcome the problems and distractions which will help her surely getting more customers/satisfied customers. Bill would say; Sally, with your more concentration towards the job, we can get more sales and more profit. You just have to realize that your department is the strength of the Store and together, we can achieve it. Consultation Tactic Bill: Sally, what do you think, where is the problem? Why aren’t we getting good sales in the Ski Department? What are the problems in the rest of the Departments? Let’s discuss together. Personal Appeal Tactic Bill: Sally, I am requesting you to please concentrate on the job instead of distractions. It is my personal appeal to you, that by avoiding the distractions and attending the customers with enthusiasm, we are going to get better sales and profit. Rational persuasion Tactic Bill: Sally look, because you are not concentrating on the job, instead you waste a lot of time attending your friends and discussing Ski, there are many customers on the waiting line and they get annoyed by this behavior, hence they leave the Store complaining things about us. So, would you please try to avoid this and get to work whole heartedly? Ingratiating Tactic Bill: Sally, You are a good manager, and you have enough talent to take this profit to new heights. Let’s discuss the previous problems we are facing and the prevalent issues that are causing low profit. Upward Appeals Tactic This requires the prior approval of people that are upwards and then, the leader makes request. Exchange Tactic Bill: Sally, If you concentrate more on your work and less on the distractions, then I promise you a good appraisal and hence and increased salary, that is for sure. Coalition Tactic Bill: Sally, would you help me in analyzing the problems we are facing with the profit of Ski department? Legitimating Tactic Bill: Sally, you are in a position to rectify the mistakes and short comings, you are the Ski department manager and only you can do it. Assertiveness Tactic Bill: Sally, I am asking you again to please get back to work and avoid distractions, we are already heading towards the end of season and our sales aren’t high enough to be marked as “good” again. Pressure Tactic Bill: Sally, This is the last warning, get back to work otherwise, you will be facing detrimental consequences. Q.3 what should Bill does to improve store performance? Bill should do the following things to improve store performance: Plan influence strategies Do some research on other departments of store as well, find out the problems and check for the possible solution He should exercise his power efficiently Enforce rules and regulations that everyone should follow Discuss the problems and short comings in arranged meeting with the employees He should maintain proper check and balance, monitoring on the employees Ensures the customer satisfaction and customer demands are in consideration Do the SWOT analysis for the store Make the employees realize that what are the short comings and how they can be avoided Be a good team player, lead the team as a true leader that can influence Reference List Ask. (n.d.). World-view. Retrieved April 16th, 2015, from Ask: Dictionary. (2015). influence. Retrieved April 16th, 2015, from dictionary: Grenny, J. (2009, June 5th). Leadership: Intentional Influence. Retrieved April 15th, 2015, from Bloomberg: Gross, C. 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