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Business Analysis for UOWD to Attract More Students - Case Study Example

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The major purpose for this report is to analyse data provided by UOWD marketing department in order t promote the University and attract the new undergraduate students to the university. In order to solve this problem, the report makes use of statistical tools, including…
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Business Analysis for UOWD to Attract More Students
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Business report for UOWD to attract more Executive summary The major purpose for this report is to analyse data provided by UOWD marketing department in order t promote the University and attract the new undergraduate students to the university. In order to solve this problem, the report makes use of statistical tools, including descriptive statistics, frequency distribution and ANOVA test to compare UOWD and the rest of UAE universities. From this it is two recommendations comes out: The institution should market itself to family households since it is there they have advantage over the other competitors in UAE; The institution should increase the number of seminars in order to increase the number of students getting employment. Introduction For every organization the core aspect evident in their strategies is an effective way of improving their profits through attracting as many as possible number of clients. As the result, the success or failure of a business relies on how they have maneuvered their way in attracting the clients through the use of qualitative and quantitative tools. The ability of a business to effectively use these tools determines the nature of competition they will face in a market full of the competing firms. Consequently, one of the effective way is for business to obtain data regarding nature of operation and then analyse it accordingly towards solving issue at hand. The major purpose for this report is to analyse data provided by UOWD marketing department in order t promote the University and attract the new undergraduate students to the university. This is after the realization that the nature of competition experienced within UAE market is so strong and unwelcoming. The competition is evident by numerous good institutions, both in the private and public wing competing for attracting more and more students. In which case, information regarding the performance of both UOWD graduates in addition to UAE graduates was obtained for comparison and analysis. For UAE, the average earnings of graduates, 1 year after graduation is $ 25489.9 annually with a standard deviation of 3129.58 and that 66% of all UAE university graduates are employed one year after graduating. In order to solve this problem, the report makes use of statistical tools, including descriptive statistics, frequency distribution and ANOVA test. The ANOVA test specifically help to see if there are differences in the earnings between UOWD graduates from different departments. Further, the results obtained are used to compare the whole university with those of UAE in total, particularly for the variability in earnings. Further, the report also presents a test carried out to find out whether the proportion of graduates who are employed after attending a seminar significantly increased. Result and findings Frequency distribution for quality department Frequency bin range 2 20000 12 25000 15 30000 11 35000 10 40000 0 45000 0 50000 0 More The table shows that in quality department, the earnings with the highest frequency of occurrence was between $25000 & $30000. This means that most graduates under this department were falling in 30000 payment. 20000 had the lowest frequency. IT department Frequency distribution bin range Frequency 20000 0 25000 0 30000 0 35000 9 40000 31 45000 10 50000 0 More 0 The frequency distribution table indicates that the lowest earner was in the group of $35000. further, $40000 had the highest frequency of the graduates. It means that for IT DEPARTMENT, THE GRADUATES WERE MOSTLY FALLING BETWEEN $35000 AND $45000 IN TERMS OF EARNING. Business department bin range Frequency 20000 0 25000 0 30000 37 35000 13 40000 0 45000 0 50000 0 More 0 indicates that the lowest earner was in the group of $25000 to $35000. further, $30000 to $35000 had the highest frequency of the graduates. It means that for Business Department, the graduates were mostly falling between $30000 and $35000 in terms of earning. Finance department bin range Frequency 20000 0 25000 0 30000 0 35000 0 40000 34 45000 16 50000 0 More 0 indicates that the lowest earner was in the group of $35000 to $40000. further, $35000 to $40000 had the highest frequency of the graduates. It means that for Finance department, the graduates were mostly falling between $35000 and $45000 in terms of earning. Testing if there are differences in the earnings between UOWD graduates from different departments. Hypothesis H0: the means for earnings between UOWD graduates are equal for all the departments H1: There is at least one department with different mean from the others Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance Marketing 50 1945064 38901.29 5357982 Finance 50 1930191 38603.83 6213470 Business 50 1425438 28508.75 4954964 IT 50 1885027 37700.54 5189103 Quality 50 1456445 29128.9 30000042 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 5.56E+09 4 1.39E+09 134.3605 1.43E-60 2.408488 Within Groups 2.53E+09 245 10343112 Total 8.09E+09 249         The above ANOVA test indicates that F>F crit. Therefore, this insinuates that there is a difference of earning between the departments. It is therefore suitable to reject the null hypothesis that states that the means for the earnings are the same. Consequently, it is confirmed that the means for all the departments are not equal hence there are differences in the earnings between UOWD graduates from different departments. Compare the variability of earnings between UOWD graduates (overall – not by department) and UAE graduates (overall – not by department) Anova test Hypothesis: H0: The earnings between the two categories is the same H1: There is variability in earnings between the two categories. Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance 2850000 5 4175000 835000 2.32E+12 40000 5 9275000 1855000 2.22E+12 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 2.6E+12 1 2.6E+12 1.145342 0.31575 5.317655 Within Groups 1.82E+13 8 2.27E+12 Total 2.08E+13 9         The above ANOVA table indicates that F< F crit. This therefore means that the means for the two universities in terms of earnings is same. The variance between them is little. Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted in this case that the there is no variability in earnings between UOWD and UAE. “Quality” graduates and “All other” majors in total For UOWD Anova: Single Factor SUMMARY Groups Count Sum Average Variance CATEGORY 2 7 7740000 1105714 2.04E+12 CATEGORY 1 7 1575000 225000 4.13E+10 ANOVA Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit Between Groups 2.71E+12 1 2.71E+12 2.608396 0.132269 4.747225 Within Groups 1.25E+13 12 1.04E+12 Total 1.52E+13 13         The F Read More
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