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Critical thinking and writing - Essay Example

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“Sharp Your Memory” Story Few months ago, I came across to a d Joseph, in my college, who was very sad because of his poor performance in the examination. He told me that he is an industrious student, but he fails to score good grades in the…
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“Sharp Your Memory” Story Few months ago, I came across to a d Joseph, in my college, who was very sad because of his poor performance in the examination. He told me that he is an industrious student, but he fails to score good grades in the examination because of his poor memory. I told the student about “Sharp Your Memory”, a medicine of our company named “Medicine for Health”. The medicine is a soft powder contained in a bottle, which has to take twice a day with milk. This medicine has the power to sharpen the memory and increases the capacity of long-term memory, which helps in remembering things easily.

He bought this medicine from our company and he regularly used it. As a result, his memory improves and he succeeded to score good grades in his next examination. I ask you to use sharp your memory by using “Sharp Your Memory”. In the following paragraphs, firstly, I am going to talk about our pricing, the target of the company, cost on investment and finally, merits and demerits of the medicine. Price The price of the medicine is in range of every person. The price of the medicine is $5 per bottle.

Why the price of the medicine low is that it is specifically manufactured for the students. The students can take benefits from it. They can make their educational career remarkable by good memory. Market or target This medicine is manufactured keeping in mind the general public who are struggling in the society because of their bad memory. It will particularly very helpful in for the students. To score a good grade in the examination of college is essential to get admission in a good university and to get good grades in university is essential to get a good job.

The grade scored in the university determines one’s life. Without a good memory, one cannot score good marks and our medicine will help in getting good grades by sharpening the memory. Therefore, the target of our company is students, and particularly, the students of college and university. Return on investment Our company has invested $300,000 in manufacturing this medicine. This investment includes the expenditures of the research, collecting raw material and other expenditures. The details about cost, expenditures and benefits are given below.

Price: $5 Cost: $3.5 Profit: $5-$3.5 = $1.5 Units to be sold: 250,000 Total Profit: $375,000 Return on Investment: $375,000/$300,000 = 125% Side effect Besides, one question comes to mind whether this medicine has side effect or not? It does not have any side effect. Why the medicine is free from side effect is that natural herbs manufacture it and no chemical is used in the manufacturing of this medicine. It is apparent that every person wants to be successful in his or her life. Think for a second.

Is it possible to be successful in the life without a good memory? Is it possible to perform outstandingly in the examination with a poor memory? Without a good memory it is not possible to be successful in life (Blackburn 154). Therefore, to become a successful person and to score good marks in the exams, use “Sharp Your Memory” to sharpen the memory and to get rid of the bad memory as Joseph has done. Works Cited Blackburn, Simon. Reason and Prediction. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1973. Print.

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