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Organizational and Human Resource Systems - Google - Case Study Example

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Effective human resource management practices can help an organization to enhance effective business operation practices. Organizational structure can be considered as one of the…
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Organizational and Human Resource Systems - Google
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Organizational and Human Resource Systems Table of Contents Introduction 3 Discussion 4 Advantages and Disadvantages 9 Recommendations 11 Conclusion 12 References 14 Introduction Human Resource management can be considered as one of the important departments of an organization. Effective human resource management practices can help an organization to enhance effective business operation practices. Organizational structure can be considered as one of the important aspect within the HRM of an organization. Organizational structure can be considered as a formal arrangement of several jobs within a particular organization. Organizational structure also can be considered as an important aspect of an organization’s design. Organizational structure can be divided into two different types, such as flatter organizational structure and taller organizational structure. Both these organizational structures have individual advantages and disadvantages. The nature of global business environment is changing frequently. Most importantly, several leading organizations around the globe are trying to develop and implement unique strategies in business operation process in order to gain potential competitive advantages over the other competitors in the market place. It is discussed that HRM is an important department within an organization. Effective HRM practices generally help an organization to maintain effective workplace environment within an organization that enhances positive business outcome. Effective human resource management practices also can help an organization to main an effective relationship between the top level management and employees of the organization. These things also highly depend upon the effectiveness of organizational structure and organizational design. The specific structure of an organization allows taking organizational decisions specifically. Google is one of the largest multinational corporations based in United States of America. The organization has expertise in internet-related products and services. These include search-engine, software development, cloud computing and online advertising technologies. This essay will analyze organizational structure, strategies and HRM practices of Google. Based on this analysis, this essay will determine the negative and positive aspect of the organization structure and will also provide recommendations for future improvement. Discussion Leading organizations around the globe are trying to capitalize on the potential opportunities that have been created due to globalization and technological advancements. Google can be considered as one of the leading multinational organizations in this world that have effectively developed and implemented innovative strategies in business operation process thanks to the consideration of technological advancement in each and every business operation process. It is true that the organization has gained huge popularity in this world due to its adopted and implemented innovative strategies in business operation process (Vahlne, 2006, p.5). The job seekers and college graduates always seek for working in prestigious organizations, such as Google. The unique organizational structure of Google also can be considered as one of the major reasons behind the success of the organization. It is true that the organization has adopted and implemented competitive strategies in human resource management process in order to gain potential competitive advantages over other competitors. First of all, the organizational structure and design of Google will be discussed in this essay. It has been discussed earlier that there are two types of organizational structure that cab found in an organization. It is either flatter organizational structure or a taller organizational structure. The management of Google has developed a flatter organizational structure. The management of the organization has developed this type of organizational structure in order to develop an effective workplace environment within the organization. The organization was established and developed in the year 1998. Since then, the organization has constantly taste success due to this specific organizational structure and design. In this contemporary era of competitive business environment, Google is considered as one of the largest employer within the industry. In addition to this, the organization has taken several initiatives to maintain the large employee strength of the organization. In terms of flatter organizational structure, the organization does not believe in hierarchical structure (Ting, 1998, p.6). According to the management of the organization, too much centralization and workplace stress can hamper the effectiveness of the workplace environment. It can also reduce the performance level of employees. As a result, the organization may lose its competitive edge to its other competitors operating in the global market place. The management of Google is operating with its flat organizational structure from its initial year. This specific organizational structure has helped the lower level of employees to communicate freely and independently with the top level management. Most importantly, the employees of Google are heartily welcomed to the strategy development and decision making process by the management of the organization. It is one of the major reasons behind the success story of Google. Most importantly, the organization’s major vision is to consider the motivation and self-confidence level of employees in workplace for better business outcome (Tripples, 2006, p.2). There are two types of management approaches in the human resource management practices. One is old school management approach and the other is new school management approach. These two approaches have own individuality. Organizations generally consider traditional strategies and practices under old school management practices. On the other hand, some organizations consider contemporary and innovative strategies and practices under new school management approach. Flat organization structure in an organization can be considered as a result of the consideration of new school management approach. Google has adopted this strategy in order to be competitive and leader within the global market place. In addition to this, the organization also has developed conflict free workplace environment in order to take care of the needs and motivation level of the employees (Soliman, 2009, p.17). Intelligence, innovation and creativity are the three major aspects of the business policy of Google. The organization has developed flat organizational structure and design in order to boost creativity and innovation. In addition to this, the management of Google has eliminated each and every barrier between the employees and top level management through this flat organizational structure. This specific structure has helped the organization to motivate the employees to generate and share innovative and creative ideas with the top level management of the organization. It has automatically improved the workplace performance of the organization. In addition to this, the management of the organization also has enhanced collaborative workplace performance through this specific organizational structure (Maruyama, 2004, p.27). It is true that global business environment has become highly competitive. Google has developed and implemented unique human resource management strategies in organizational operation process to make sure the competitive advantages over the competitors. Innovation and creativity of employees are the major success mantras of Google. According to the management of the organization, it is highly important to motivate an employee to enhance effective workplace performance. Google generally hires, recruits and selects knowledgeable employees to strengthen the workforce. In addition to this, according to the flat organizational structure, the employees can degenerate innovative ideas in each and every business operation process. Continuous innovation and effective strategy development process has helped the organization to maintain its leading position in global market place. The workplace of Google is highly preferred and loved by the employees across the globe as the organizational management always takes care of the workplace stress (Lu, 2008, p.12). The organizational management has incorporated several unique policies in human resource management practices. Time Off for employees during working period can be considered as one of the most innovative ideas that have been employed by the organization. The engineers in Google are allowed to spend their time in individual interested projects within the office hours. This much liberty helps them to stay refreshed and stress free. The organization has several products or service portfolios, such as Android Application, Google News, You Tube, Orkut, Google Books and many more. These are the result of the generated innovative ideas of the employees within the workplaces (Laurent, 2006, p.5). The management of the organization has developed employee centric human resource management policies. It actually helps the employees stay motivated during working hours. Even after the office hours, the employees of Google are very much loyal and devoted to the organization. They love to work under such enterprise. The management of Google has a clear strategy and vision for the team members within the organization. Flatter organizational structure and design allows the organization to ensure upper-level and lower-level feedback for both employees and management of the organization. In addition to this, the management of the organization conducts monthly survey to determine the comfort zone of each and every employee within the organization (Jones, 1999, p.8). The management of the organization has divided its teams into different small sections to enhance good communication between the employees and team management. Most importantly, it is the support of the organizational leaders that motivate each and every employee to focus on the job role and job responsibilities. Employee motivation generally depends upon several facts, such as job role, flexibility of work, support of the management and effective work culture of the organization. The organization culture of Google is employee friendly. Most importantly, the flatter organizational structure and employee centric human resource management policies generally support the employees. It reduces the level of job stress of the employees. According to the motivation theories, an individual generally expects different types of motivational support from the employees during different time in workplace. These are motivation regarding physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, needs for self-esteem and needs for self-actualization (Gupta, 2004, p.31). The flatter organizational structure of Google generally helps the employees to fulfil the needs quite significantly due to supportive leadership styles and employee centric organizational culture. The business strategy of the organization is to motivate the employees to generate creative and innovative ideas and apply them into the business operation practices. Most importantly, the management of the organization always tries to lead the global market place through innovation and creativity in product and service portfolio. Most importantly, the organization is getting success in it. The organization has effectively adopted and implemented differentiation and business diversification strategy. In the global technology industry, Google has made its own benchmark and the organization is trying to maintain its leading position with the implementation of innovation and creativity in business operation process. Human Resource management generally plays an important role in the success of the organization as they take care of the comfort zone and flexibility of the employees. Google is few of those, whose work culture drives their employees to perform effectively (Guest, 2007, p.19). Moreover, different types of unique human resource management policies generally help the employees to think and apply their ideas innovatively. Strong creativity and innovation is the major aspect of the business strategy of Google across the world. This business strategy will strongly relate with the organizational structure and human resource management practices of Google in which the employees are allowed to be creative and innovative. The specific flat organizational structure helps the organization to develop strategy quickly as the management allows the employees to share their views and ideas. Moreover, constant bottom-up and top-down approach helps the organization to develop a better communication approach between the employees and the top level management of the organization. Most importantly, this organizational structure helps the employees to share their innovative ideas and views with the management directly. Effective and environment friendly workplace environment helps the organization to develop strategy and take decisions quickly and effectively (Gephart, 2004, p.9). The organization used to invest huge amount of money to develop effective and employee centric policies. It is true that the organization believes in creativity and innovation. The organization also has considered advanced technological applications to evaluate the motivation level of employees as the management of the organization thinks that innovative and creative business operation practices only can be enhanced through employee motivation and high employee retention. It is clear from the above mentioned facts that the management of Google effectively follows it developed guidelines and employee centric policies. The flat organizational structure and employee centric human resource management policies have helped the organization to maintain high employee retention rate within the industry across the globe. It is true that there are some advantages and disadvantages of this specific organizational structure that are discussed below. But, one thing is clear that Google has succeeded to maintain its leading market position and competitive edge in global business environment through the flatter organizational structure and employee centric human resource management policies (Fairclough, 2005, p.24). Advantages and Disadvantages There are several advantages and disadvantages of the flat organizational structure and design of Google. In terms of advantages, Flat organization structure has helped Google to boost the motivation level of the employees. According to this organizational structure, the employees are free to generate and share their innovative and creative ideas with the top level management. limited hierarchy in the organizational structure has helped the organization to bring pace in the decision making process as it enhances efficient and quack bottom-up and top-down communicational approach. The management of Google has decentralized entire organizational operation process (Eisenhardt, 1989, p.16). This decentralization has helped the organization to motivate employees to participate in the strategy development and decision making process. Most importantly, it has helped the organization to overcome several workplace conflicts. Moreover, this specific organizational structure has brought flexibility within the organization. Flatter organizational structure can be considered as both time and cost effective as it reduces the decision making and strategy development time. In addition to this, each and every employee in Google takes their job responsibility with freedom. It actually helped the employees of the organization to increase their motivation and self-confidence level. Individual leadership and effective communication among employees are the major consequences of this flat organizational structure of Google. The most important business strategy of Google is to integrate innovation and creativity in business operation process (Dunning, 2009. P.12). this specific organizational structure has helped the organization to be creative and innovative in workplace. Moreover, effective employee centric human resource policies have helped the employees to perform according to the needs of the organization and have justified the effectiveness of flat organizational structure of the organization. In terms of negative impact, it can be stated that Google has to face some issues and challenges due to the specific flat organizational structure. It is true that, decentralization enhances efficient and time effective decision making and strategy development process. But, the management of the organization has failed in some cases to control the discipline and behaviour of some employees within the workplaces. Too much decentralization cannot be good for any organization. Chaos during strategy development process and conflict of self-esteem among employees has created some issues for the management in recent past (Bass, 2001, p.11). It is true that the organizational management constantly evaluates and checks the motivation level of the employees but these issues are affecting the overall workplace performance and workplace environment of the organization. Recommendations It is clear from the above mentioned facts that despite the advantages, the organization has to face some issues die to this particular flat organizational structure of Google. Following recommendation plans will help the organization to overcome the ongoing issues and maintain its consistent growth rate in near future. First of all, it is highly important for the management of the organization to develop some disciplinary policies for employees in order to maintain sustainability and peace in the workplace environment. Too much decentralization can affect the entire organizational culture. Google is a multinational organization. Therefore, collaborative workplace performance and effective workplace diversity is highly important for the organization. Therefore, some strict regulations and policies are needed to maintain an effective workplace environment. Secondly, it is highly important for the management of Google to organize training and induction programme for each and every employees quarterly in a year in order to boost the morale and motivation level of the employees. In these programmes, the organizational leaders and management should try to create examples in front of each and every employee to focus on organizational goals and development process. It will surely help the organization to eliminate ongoing issues. Thirdly, it is also important for the organizational management of Google to focus on strengthen of the workplace. The human resource team of the organization should take the responsibility to enhance clear and transparent recruitment based on behaviour, knowledge and flexibility of the employees. Last but not the least; it is highly important for the management of Google to focus on the continuation of the integration of innovation and creativity in the workplace. It is highly important to support and motivate each and every employee of the organization top stay positive and generate innovative ideas in order to maintain effective business performance and competitive advantages. Conclusion It is clear from the above discussion that organizational structure can be considered as one of the important and effective aspect of human resource management field. The organizational structure, design and human resource management practices of Google has been analyzed, evaluated and discussed in this essay. Being one of the leading multinational organizations, the organization has maintained an effective contemporary management approaches in its overall business operation process. Google has maintained flat organizational structure throughout the year. Decentralized decision making process is the key to success in global business environment. The organization has effectively focuses on the motivation and self-confidence level of employees. Creativity and innovation are the major two approaches of the business process of Google. Therefore, the management of the organization backs employees to generate and share innovative ideas with the top level management of the employees. There are several advantages and disadvantages of this flat organization structure. It enhances the decision making process and strategy development process of the organization. In addition to this, this approach has also helped to retail its effective and skilled employees. In terms of disadvantages, lack of discipline in workplace may be the major disadvantage of this organizational structure. It is highly important for the organizational management to set some regulations to maintain effective and conflict free workplace environment. It will help the organization to maintain its leading position in global market place. Moreover, the management of the organization should also try to focus on strong differentiation and diversification strategy in order to increase its market share in global market place. References Bass, B., 2001. From transactional to transformational leadership. Organizational dynamics, 14(1), p.11. Dunning, J., 2009. Location and the multinational enterprise. Journal of international business studies, 19(1), p.12. Eisenhardt, K., 2009. Agency theory: An assessment and review. Academy of management review, 28(3), p.16. Fairclough, N., 2005. Peripheral vision disclosure analysis in organization studies. Organization studies, 8(3), p.24. 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