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Analysis of General Electric International Inc - Report Example

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This paper 'Analysis of General Electric International Incorporated' tells us that the energy generation company that has been selected for discussion is GE which is a multinational company in America. It has been incorporated in New York and headquartered in Fair Field. GE has been ranked among the fortune 500 companies…
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Analysis of General Electric International Inc
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Energy generation industry Contents Introduction 3 Task Industry report 4 Analysis of the structure of industry 4 Identification and of the structure 4 Reasons for the structure 5 Possible future structure of the industry 7 Effects of structure on strategy decisions 8 2.Contribution of the sector towards the economy 10 a)Analysis of contribution of sector 10 b)Appropriate data and other evidence 13 3.Sustainability targets on business plan 14 Task 2: Reflection 18 1.Application of Theoretical principles of economics and strategy in a business environment 18 2.Ability to evidence personal learning and development After going through the course of the assignment, I acquaint assessment of a company portfolio by going through literature review of the background of energy business, the energy market as well as the elements contribute the generation of revenue to the Company. The assignment has broadened my vision that the core element of business is trading. The trading of GE is diversified from exchange of knowledge (the building of oil and gas pipeline and maintenance), the buy and sale of goods (from procurement of coal or natural gas for power generation to supplying of electricity). By going through the energy utility sector of the USA it is found that the Energy utility sector of the USA was previously a regulated monopoly. However that has changed over the recent years as new companies have entered into the market due to the market opening up and new companies have entered into the area. The factors that have helped new companies to enter into the area of electricity generation are that the cost of electricity generation has decreased. This has led to better economy of scale even for the small companies. Another area which has led to more no. of companies coming in the electricity generation and distribution sector is that improvement in technology has reduced transportation and distribution cost of transporting electricity from one region to another. There have been many factors that have contributed to the growth of electricity sector and generation in the USA. The factors are innovations, basic conditions, globalization, market structure, corporate behaviour, public policy, industry performance and corporate governance. Due to the different factors that contribute to the growth of the industry the industry has to take different steps in order to maintain the profit levels and revenue of the industry. The factors that the industry has to take in order to maintain the profit level is due to the fact the annual growth of the electric is constant and at low levels the utility company has to reduce the cost in order to increase the profit levels. The utility company can reduce the cost at input level. The company can reduce the cost by implementing procurement cost. It was also found that the industry was previously regulated monopoly and the current market condition in the USA in the Utilities sector is that of a competition market. The main reason behind this as has come out from the analysis is that it was previously thought that the operational efficiency in the utility sector was only achievable through large companies which could correctly implement economies of scale due to the high scale of investment that is required. However the scenario has changed in the recent years as more no. of companies has joined the sector due to lowering of cost due to technology innovation 22 Conclusion 23 Introduction The energy generation company that has been selected for discussion is General Electric International Inc (GE) which is a multinational company of America. It has been incorporated in New York and headquartered in Fair Field. GE has been ranked among the fortune 500 companies. GE is a technologically advanced company and it deals with providing financial services and also engaged in manufacturing and developing the products which are required for generation, transmission, distribution, as well as the utilization of electricity. The products and services in which the company deals includes hydro-power generation, conventional gas or coal fire power generation, security technology, aircraft engines, business and consumer financing, medical imaging and other industrial products. GE has been focusing on continuous improvement to secure interest of its investors while sharing their success to stakeholders includes customers and employees for future growth and development. General Electric is able to remain competitive in the economy or in the market with continuous refinement in services and through technological advancement in products to secure the market. . GE also involved in building, moving and curing the world through its power supply and it is regarded as the market leader in the changing and developing market of the world. The management of General Electric is engaged in designing the solution for technology for the distribution, transmission, optimization and conversion of electrical power in the energy intensive industry of General Electric. The main divisions of GE include the oil and gas, aviation, transportation, health care, capital and energy management. General Electric provides a basis for the modern and luxury life. By comparison of 2003’s performance, GE has increased its revenue by three times in the year 2013 and it is expanding its market share in many countries like Indonesia, Algeria and Turkey. GE is developing strategic partnership with Kazakhstan. The renewable energy generation business that is carried out by General electric is growing and developing along with the growth of the UK economy and also the global demand for the generation of clean energy. GE is focusing on the expertise and the resources for solving the various problems that are associated with the society and their customers. Task 1: Industry report 1. Analysis of the structure of industry Identification and description of the structure Electricity industry in the United Kingdom is made up of different stakeholders and companies that serve mainly through three different channels mainly generation, transmission and distribution as well as product sales to be used in industrial, commercial and domestic market. There are public institutions that regulate the energy sector of United Kingdom. According to survey in 1996, there were about 3200 utility companies which were much smaller in size engaged in power distribution. Among these electrical utility companies, those engaged in electricity generation were less than 1000. Most of these utility companies were private owned and only 10 of them were owned by federal government. The electricity transmission network in UK is controlled by regional transmission organizations or independent system operators. These organizations are mostly not for profit organization and are aimed at providing indiscriminate access to all the suppliers in order to facilitate competition. All the organizations and utilities are controlled by different public institutions with some of the functions overlapping with each other. The government of UK frames general policy for the electricity sector through Department of Energy. The government makes environmental policies for the sector through Environmental Protection Agency. The consumer protection policy in this sector is designed through Federal Trade Commission. The regulation of nuclear power operators in respect of operations, maintenance and safety are under the jurisdiction of Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Economic regulation of the electricity sector is being governed by the Public Utilities Commission. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the other hand looks after inter-state transfer and transmission of electricity. Fossil fuel is one of the most important sources of generating electricity. In 2006, 70% of the total energy generated in the United Kingdom was through fossil fuel. Among the rest of the energy sources, 20% was generated through nuclear energy, 7% through hydro power and 3% through renewable energy. Among the major changes in the electricity generation side, the share of renewable energy in the electricity generation has substantially increased from 2006 onwards and continues to rise further. The renewable energy sources for generating electricity, wind and solar contributes as the major energy sources. Most of the investment on the electricity sector in the United Kingdom is financed by the private sector companies through a mix of debt and equity. Some investments are also financed by the general public through the taxes which they pay, which is indirectly used to subsidize electricity for the low income household, support the renewable energy sector or subsidize research in this field. Reasons for the structure In the early years of the 20th century, the vertically integrated utility companies produced about 2/5thof the electricity requirements of the country. At that time, several private companies had their own electricity generation centres where they generated the electricity that was required for them. Then came a time when the utilities started installing more generators and transmission lines. However, the convenience and economical factor had facilitated the owners to switch from self owned power generation to buy electricity from the utilities. After the electric motor was developed, the scale of use of home appliances by the households increased many folds. This in turn led to the fact that the demand for electricity subsequently skyrocketed and so did the share of the utilities in the generation of electricity also increased. The locations of most of the utilities were franchise areas which mostly constituted of municipalities in the early years. As the service areas of the utilities were designated an automatic obligation that arose was to serve customers inside the territory. As the number of utilities increased, the government considered the need of laws enforcement to govern the utilities in respect of social interests. The laws were initially implemented in few municipalities and then followed by similar laws by other municipalities. The laws gave the state power to regulate the traffic of the power produced, financing and service, authority to franchise the utilities and being able to establish a utility accounting system. One of the main reasons why the electricity generation was kept in the hands of the selected few and a system of regulated monopoly was followed, the government believed that the benefits from centralized source of power supply include operation of electricity generation, transmission and distribution of electricity would be low cost and efficient. However the existence of monopoly in any sector was not permitted by law. Hence it was felt necessary to regulate the monopolies. Under the circumstance, the regulation helped in protecting the interest of the consumers, providing reliable and fair rate of return to the utilities. As a result of this entire rate based regulation was introduced. Another development that was taking place at the beginning of the 1900s was that electric utility holding companies controlled a large portion of the generation. By the year 1921 about 94% of the electricity was generated by privately held utility holding companies while only 6% of the total electricity was generated by publicly held utilities. Approximately 74% of the total power generated in the Unites Kingdom was generated by 16% of the holding companies. The formation of utility holding companies to look over the subsidiaries was thought to be beneficial for the development of industry according to prevailing market and economic considerations. However, these holding companies, most of them are International enterprises, were in a position to exercise their right over their subsidiaries in order to meet corporate objectives. The result was that the customers would have to pay exorbitant prices for the electricity (Greer, 2010). As a result the government had to come up with rules in order to regulate the generation industry. Possible future structure of the industry The power generation industry in the United Kingdom is changing rapidly from an industry that was regulated monopoly to an industry which is based on competition (Navigant Consulting Inc., 2013). The electricity industries in UK including power generation, distribution and transportation of electricity have been dominated by large vertically integrated investor owned utilities. It was considered that a centralized source for supplying electricity with total solution which is a system comprising generation, distribution and transmission of electricity would reduce overlapping functions to reduce double handling and thus maximizing the overall efficiency in each process from power generation to distribute it to the end users. This was a source of natural monopoly (Berg, 2005). It was also felt that large centralized power plants were among the most effective and efficient in producing and distributing power to the customers. The larger power company have more resources to improve the productivity by re-engineering process to process. In respect of asset value, the larger companies with bigger supplying network and the bigger plants and equipment enable stronger financial support from banks. The financial conditions enable those larger power generation companies having a superior position in competition than the smaller operators. However the industry is now characterized by the entry of many enterprises which are engaged in generating and marketing wholesale and retail electric power (Energy Information Administration, 2000). In the present scenario it is found that these small generating companies are progressively merging into the market share of these large Investor owned utilities. Effects of structure on strategy decisions The UK electric utility sector is facing a sea of changes. For long the UK electric utility market was nothing more than a regulated monopoly (Glaser, 2011). However the coming of new companies in the energy utility sector means that the market place has changed from a regulated monopoly to a competition based market place. In the current market scenario there are many factors that are at play in the electricity sector in the UK (Griffin and Puller, 2009). These factors interact and counteract with each other to shape the industry and provide grounds where companies have to take new strategic decision to survive and keep its place in the market. Figure 1Factors in the electricity utility sector The various factors that work together to shape the industries are as follows. Innovation: It was previously thought that electricity generation and transmission requires huge capital investments and so it would be for the best of the industry if the sector is dominated by a few large companies. However technological innovation has ensured that the cost of generating power can be reduced drastically (Jamison and Castaneda, 2011). The technological innovation has also made it possible for the customers to get the power that they require according to their desire. This in turn has increased competition by allowing more companies entering into the market and has opened the market to make it a more competitive market rather than a regulated monopoly one (Berg, 2012). Other factors that have contributed to the new market place are change in the basic conditions, globalization, public policy, market structure, corporate behaviour, industry performance and corporate governance. After decades of growing at a moderate growth rate the UK electric utilities sector is poised to grow at a rapid rate. The sector is gearing to face challenges in the coming years to cope with rapid changes of marketing environment. In view of the upcoming challenges, it is required that much of the existing infrastructure is either improved or modernized. As new methods of generating power from sources such as shell gas is developing the traditional models of electricity generation is being questioned. Another factor is that the annual growth of electricity demand has remained low and that means the revenue has remained low. The utility company has to carefully plan and exercise cost control strategies in order to boost their bottom line or in other words profit levels. Currently the focus is to implement saving techniques that go beyond conventional methods of strategic sourcing. The new sourcing methods are category management related. However it is found that the power generation industry has been relatively slow in implementing changes. Not many companies have invested in supply chain among the power utility company (PWC, 2015). The next main step on savings can be achieved through category management. Some of the categories where strategies can be applied are turbine maintenance, IT service etc. 2. Contribution of the sector towards the economy a) Analysis of contribution of sector As different countries in the world strive to emerge from the effects of global recession, the countries in all parts of the world look for sectors that can contribute to increase GDP, improve domestic performance and creating job opportunities for employees. One of the sectors that showed resiliency throughout the recession in terms of energy demand and prices has been the energy sector. So the policy makers in the countries where there is a potential to produce energy look up to that sector as a driver of growth. For most of the countries however, energy sector has a relatively modest contribution towards GDP. The contribution of electricity sector to GDP is large only in those countries where the contribution of oil and gas sector is large (Johansson, and Nakićenović, 2012). It is also found that the contribution of the sector to the economy is larger than the sum of its parts. Another point to be noted is that energy is an important input to all the goods and services that is produced in the economy. It is for this reason that it is required to maintain stable energy prices are required so that the economic growth may be reignited, sustained and expanded. The broad supplier network and the multiplier effect are also factors that drive the influence of energy sector on the economic growth. The industry has well skilled workforce and the high capital spending that flows through the economy and creates jobs and development in seemingly dissimilar sectors. A country’s ability to exploit on supplier network and multiplier consequence rests on the capacity of labour as well as industrial market. Many countries which are rich in resources struggle to maximize the economic benefits that can be derived from the resources by encouraging growth of related industries. In USA the electricity sector in particular with the generation transmission and distribution forms part of the broader utilities sector. The contribution of the utilities sector to the US GDP as a whole has remained low historically at about 2%. However after 1997 the contribution of the utilities sector to the US GDP has never reached the 2% mark. The contribution of the utilities industry to GDP has decreased recently. The contribution was 1.6% in 2007 and 08 and increased to 1.7% in 2009 before increasing its contribution to 1.8% in 2010 and 11. The contribution of the utilities sector to the GDP again decreased to 1.6% o GDP in the year 2012 and 13. The energy sector makes an important contribution in recovering from the global downturn. The oil and gas industry in US is important bright spot in the economy that is still struggling to find the footing. The gas and oil sector of the US grew at the rate of 4.5% in 2011, as compared to the overall GDP growth of 1.7%. In oil and gas extraction sector in USA technological advances have led to remarkable increase in employment. The innovations in renewable energy sector have also led to employment improvements in the sector. However the multipliers in the power sector have been effected by and are sensitive to domestic supplier network. Energy sector in any country is the undoubted driver of economic growth. It is the government’s duty to enact policies that encourages growth of this sector. The US government has several committees and departments that enact policies to look after the energy sector including regulation of pricing. Increasing the no. of people employed by the sector may not a right goal to pursue however as this may have a negative effect on the productivity of the sector and increase the prices. b) Appropriate data and other evidence The following table illustrates the value added by the utilities sector as percentage to the total GDP of United States (BEA, 2013). Sector 2000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 Utilities 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.6 It is to be noted here that the utilities sector consists of the following a) Electric power generation b) Natural gas distribution c) Water sewage and other systems year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Utilities 202685 201352 229998 235074 237514 250785 266986 272036 264576 276662 The above table shows the value added (in millions of dollars) by the utilities industry in USA. Real value added by industry (BEA, 2014) As seen from the above picture which shows the contribution of the Utilities industry’s real value contribution to GDP has also decreased from 2013 to 2014 which has contributed to the overall fall in GDP. While demand for additional utilities especially energy generation increased in the period but the cost of input during the period also increased owing to the increased cost owing to increase in energy, materials, purchased services in the production process. This entire factor caused the value added by the industry to drop. 3. Sustainability targets on business plan GE is operating for more than 130 years with the advancement and innovation in its technology and providing new and developed products and services to its customers. While GE also focused on sustainability and it is included and complemented with its business strategy and culture. It has improved its sustainability condition by focusing and emphasizing on the challenges that improves the thinking and the course of action. It provides sustainable solution that will contribute towards the growth and development of the economy (Lantos, 2001). The business plan that is formulated by the government to attain the sustainability target is focussing on the external forces that increase the attractiveness of the company that will affect the market growth, entry barriers, market size, overall risk and segmentation of the company. The internal factors of General electric are focusing on the competitive strength that comprises of the brand strength, innovation, quality, profit margin. The Company is adopting strategic business plan before entering a new market and expanding its area of operation. The strategic business plan has been formulated in accordance with the Mc Kinsey matrix model for assessing the strength and the benefit of the strategic business unit. The business plan mainly focused on market attractiveness and competitive strength. The market attractiveness of the company mainly deals with the external factors or variables. The factors or the variables that is included in the market attractiveness consist of market growth rate, market profitability and the market size. The external variables include the overall risk, pricing trend. Apart from the external and the internal variables or factors the other factors or variables for the market attractiveness mainly includes or comprises of the differentiated products and services, distribution, segmentation and technological growth and development. The competitive strength of the company mainly focuses on the various internal variables for overcoming the barriers or the obstacles related to the competitors and the market. Therefore it is required to consider the various internal factors or variables that comprises of the customer loyalty and the market share and its growth. The application of the Mc Kinsey matrix by GE applied for assessing the strategic business unit. This matrix is considered as a good indicator for determining the fact that whether a market is required to enter into the market. This matrix is considered important in determining the performance of the company in a specific and particular market. Figure 2: Mc Kinsey Matrix GE applies the General Electric matrix or the Mc Kinsey matrix only to determine the market attractiveness, to determine the growth rate of sales but as a combination of various factors for estimation of the future growth of the business. The various factors or variables of the company are determined either objectively or subjectively (Rasiel, 1999). The various factors that is required to be considered for maintaining sustainability by General Electric are the rate of growth of the company, the nature of the business and its operation, determining the size and the structure of the market, the entry factors and the various social considerations related to it, the extent of completion subject to vulnerability. The factors that are required to be considered for gaining the competitive advantages are location and distribution network, market share and capacity, management skill, technical excellence and the location and distribution and on the basis of this framework, the rates or ranks each of its segment or area of operation every year. GE generally makes plan for generating profit or revenue out of its operation but it does not focus on additional and extra investment. The business plan that is formulated by the government for achieving its sustainability target is based on focusing on the business unit objectives, corporate objectives and specific divisional objectives. The corporate objectives mainly include the mitigation of the risk and reducing the cost of operation, focusing on the commercial efforts. The specific divisional objectives includes simplifying the business, operating with excellence and expertise, perfection in the work and the most important objective that is the business unit objective deals with the efficiency and effectiveness in the performance which will lead towards the growth and development of the company and also focusing on innovation and development in new technology. The business plan of General electric is focused on the three important steps that are identifying the opportunities, narrowing the focus and prioritizing the various scope and opportunities. The government has set sustainability target on GE with the objective of realizing the vision for the growth and development in the economy and overcoming the deficit. The government has adopted sustainability target for developing its policies and procedures in the process of buying the goods and offering valuable services. The public sector is provide with the authority of encouraging the suppliers in making the products and services sustainable for focussing on the efficiency on the energy and reducing the waste. The sustainability procurement mainly deals with reducing or decreasing the cost to be provided to the buyer for lifetime. The procurement of sustainability projects by the companies or the organization will contribute towards the increase in efficiency and reforming the agenda of the government and also innovation of the agenda. The organizations are expected to use the Government Buying standard for complying with the Greening Government Commitments. The organizations are expected to publish the reports on their impact on supply chain activities. The government has also introduced the Sustainable procurement programme for the public for organizing training programme to the people who are associated with the organization. The government has established and considered the Gross domestic product as the indicator of sustainability. In order to increase in the transparency in improving and achieving the sustainability targets the environmental Audit Committee and National Audit Office has focussed towards the development of sustainability programme. The GE is required to contribute or generate revenue of $ 156 billion. Task 2: Reflection 1. Application of Theoretical principles of economics and strategy in a business environment Economies of scale determine the effectiveness and the efficiency in the production and operation of the company and it establishes the relationship between the economics and strategy in the business environment. The company uses economies of scale for gaining the advantage or benefit. The application of economies of scale has benefitted the producer to produce the products at a lower cost through the production of additional unit of output at a lower cost. The benefit in the application of economies of scale is that when the new competitors decide to enter into the market they will have to incur higher cost of production because they will have lower economies of scale. The economies of scale have positively and favourably affected the General electric company. GE provides more innovation and it focuses on the technology advancement and development of the company. GE experiences the advantage of the economies of scale with the fast and rapid decrease in the average cost incurred for the production of energy. The economies of scale have very little scope for the introduction of force competition in the generation of power and energy in the general electric company since it might be economically wasteful. The government mainly regulates the monopolist producer in each of its segment. GE emphasizes on innovation and better performance at a lower cost. Through the application of economies of scale general electric is capable of providing clean energy that can be competitive in the environment. INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Figure 3: Economies of scale of general electric The economies of scale have facilitated general economies of scale for the innovation and development in the technology and the recognition towards innovation in the competitiveness in the clean energy company. The economies of scale provide the increase in the efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out the production process in case of increase in production or sales of the company (Bernard and Semmler, 2014). 2. Ability to evidence personal learning and development After going through the course of the assignment, I acquaint assessment of a company portfolio by going through literature review of the background of energy business, the energy market as well as the elements contribute the generation of revenue to the Company. The assignment has broadened my vision that the core element of business is trading. The trading of GE is diversified from exchange of knowledge (the building of oil and gas pipeline and maintenance), the buy and sale of goods (from procurement of coal or natural gas for power generation to supplying of electricity). By going through the energy utility sector of the USA it is found that the Energy utility sector of the USA was previously a regulated monopoly. However that has changed over the recent years as new companies have entered into the market due to the market opening up and new companies have entered into the area. The factors that have helped new companies to enter into the area of electricity generation are that the cost of electricity generation has decreased. This has led to better economy of scale even for the small companies. Another area which has led to more no. of companies coming in the electricity generation and distribution sector is that improvement in technology has reduced transportation and distribution cost of transporting electricity from one region to another. There have been many factors that have contributed to the growth of electricity sector and generation in the USA. The factors are innovations, basic conditions, globalization, market structure, corporate behaviour, public policy, industry performance and corporate governance. Due to the different factors that contribute to the growth of the industry the industry has to take different steps in order to maintain the profit levels and revenue of the industry. The factors that the industry has to take in order to maintain the profit level is due to the fact the annual growth of the electric is constant and at low levels the utility company has to reduce the cost in order to increase the profit levels. The utility company can reduce the cost at input level. The company can reduce the cost by implementing procurement cost. It was also found that the industry was previously regulated monopoly and the current market condition in the USA in the Utilities sector is that of a competition market. The main reason behind this as has come out from the analysis is that it was previously thought that the operational efficiency in the utility sector was only achievable through large companies which could correctly implement economies of scale due to the high scale of investment that is required. However the scenario has changed in the recent years as more no. of companies has joined the sector due to lowering of cost due to technology innovation Conclusion This report deals with the electricity company in the America. The company chosen for analysis in this report is GE. GE which started as an electricity company in initial phase and was formed by the merger of different companies by Thomas Edison has gone on to become one of the largest conglomerates in the world. The company is not only in the list of Fortune 500 companies but the subsidiaries of the company are so huge and profitable that some of them too are fit to join the Fortune 500 list. The electricity industry in the United States is composed of mainly three sectors that are Generation, distribution and marketing. Out of the total no. of utilities that were related to power in the United States maximum of the company were engaged in transmission of power and only few were engaged with generation of power. It is also found through the course of discussion that previously most of the power generated by the utilities in the power and electricity sector in the United States were done so by selected few number of companies. In other worlds electricity generation in the United States was previously through regulated monopoly. However a rapidly changing scenario has introduced many changes and has led to the influx of, many players in the sector. The main factor that has contributed to this change is the rapid technological innovation that has reduced the cost of producing electricity. Faced with the sea of changed the utilities are now being forced to implement several strategic changes in order to boost profitability. References BEA, 2013. Gross-Domestic-Product-(GDP)-by-industry data. [Online]. Available at < > [Accessed 6 March 2015] BEA, 2014. New BEA data provide insights on how harsh winter impacted industries in first quarter. [Online]. Available at< > [Accessed 6 March 2015] Berg, S. V., 2012. Strategic Adaptations: Lessons from U.S. Electricity Industry in the 20th Century. [Online] Available at [Accessed 27 February 2015]. Berg, S., 2005. Measuring and Mitigating Regulatory Risk in Private Infrastructure Investment, The Electricity Journal, 18(6), pp. 36-45. Bernard, L. and Semmler, W., 2014. The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Global Warming. London: Oxford University Press. Energy Information Administration, 2000. The Changing Structure of the Electric Power Industry 2000: An Update. [Online] Available at [Accessed 27 February 2015]. Glaser, A., 2011. After Fukushima: Preparing for a More Uncertain Future of Nuclear Power. The Electricity Journal, 24(6), pp. 28-35. Greer, M., 2010. Electricity Cost Modeling Calculations.MA: Oxford. Griffin, J. M. and Puller, S. L., 2009. Electricity Deregulation: Choices and Challenges. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Jamison, M. A. and Castaneda, A., 2011. Reset for Regulation and Utilities: Leadership for a Time of Constant Change. The Electricity Journal, December. 24(4), pp. 86-93. Johansson, T. B., and Nakićenović, N., 2012. Global energy assessment: toward a sustainable future. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Lantos, G.P., 2001.The boundaries of strategic corporate social responsibility. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 18(7), 595-630. Navigant Consulting Inc., 2013. Evolution of the Electric Industry Structure in the U.S. and Resulting Issues. [Online] Available at [Accessed 27 February 2015]. PWC, 2015. Category Management: The next generation of revenue. [Online] Available at [Accessed 27 February 2015]. Rasiel, E., 1999. The McKinsey Way. New York: McGraw Hill Professional. Read More
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