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Methods of Supply Chain Management - Research Paper Example

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The intention of the present research "Research Methods of Supply Chain Management" is to explain the process used to ensure that no one is harmed or suffers adverse consequences from research activities. The writer describes the role of research for business organizations…
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Research Methods of Supply Chain Management
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Processes used to ensure no one is harmed or suffers adverse consequences from research activities The importance of research in the contemporary business world has resulted to increment of budgetary allocation to cater for research and development by most companies in order to obtain as much data as possible. In addition, organisations value the data that is generated by their customers since it acts as guide on the quality and quantity of the products that companies need to produce so as to meet customer’s demand. In the process of undertaking research be it qualitative or quantitative, the aspect of ethics should not be overlooked. One of the major causes of the tension during research lays on the ability of the participants to maintain confidentiality and the objective of the research to make general observation for the good of others (Donald & Pamela 39). Ethics in research entails all the strategies undertaken to avoid harming others. Through effective application of research ethics, harm on the research subjects can be avoided. One of the importances of adhering to research ethics is to promote the objectives of the research. These include truth, evading errors and promoting knowledge. In addition, ethical adherence ensures that all values that are critical to a collaborative work are maintained. This is based on the fact that research involves cooperation between different people with diversified perspectives. Similarly, upholding ethics in a research ensures that researchers are held accountable by other researchers and members of the public. This paper seeks to explain the process used to ensure that no one is harmed or suffers adverse consequences from research activities. Obligations and rights of parties in a research In most research work three parties are involved. The parties include the researcher, research subject or the respondent and research sponsor. The interaction among the three partners is guided by various ethical issues. In order to avoid any harm during the research, it is vital for each party to uphold certain obligations towards other parties (Donald & Pamela 58). Ethics in qualitative and quantitative research Qualitative research entails the research that is undertaken with an aim of understanding the behaviors of individuals. In addition, it entails the studies done in order to understand human thinking, culture among other non tangible aspects. Quantitative research on the other hand involves use of statistical data to make a conclusion. During qualitative research, researchers are responsible for maintaining the private or sensitive information that is generated from the research subjects. There are three major problems that affect the qualitative research and effective application of ethical practices may greatly eliminate any negative repercussion on the parties concerned. These problems include the relationship between the participant and the researcher, research design and the subjective interpretation of the data by the researcher. Ethics during the process of data collection One of the major roles of the qualitative research is to study and describe a phenomenon that is depicted by research subjects. In order to obtain valuable data, researchers use either observation or interviews. Emic perspective entails the researcher’s interpretation of the experiences that are generated through observation or listening to voice of research participants in the natural settings (Donald & Pamela 16). By accepting the emic perspective, the researcher recognizes the subjects as autonomous and is ready to share the information with the researchers. In this regard, it is the duty of the researcher to ensure that a balanced relationship exists. This will ultimately lead to trust, motivation to disclose information and awareness of the ethical issues in the research. It is worth to note that unlike in the quantitative research, qualitative researchers are not able to predict how the data will be collected through observation or interviews. However, it is imperative for researchers to anticipate the harmful effects or the benefits that may arise from the interview (David 35). For example, an interview conducted on the victims of war may trigger painful memories that may result to the participant being distressed during the interview. At this point, the researcher is faced with an ethical dilemma of either stopping the interview or continuing with it with an aim of gaining more information regarding the research topic. If the researcher continues with the interview, it indicates that the value of the data obtained from the interview outweighs the distress portrayed by the participant (Donald & Pamela 21).It is important to note that a qualitative research is aimed at creating self awareness and acknowledgement, healing as well as sense of belonging. It is ethical for researchers to stop such interviews and assist the participant to seek for counseling from professional. In this way, the researcher indicates that he or she is aware of the rights of the participant. One of the major areas that highly require ethics to be adopted is in the nursing research. An interview conducted to gather information concerning the health of individual is usually characterized with confidentiality, privacy and informed consent. Based on the information a researcher dealing with health issues obtains from the respondents, laws adopted by various countries requires such researchers to report the cases of drug traffic, child abuse and other vices to the authority. When undertaking participant observation, it is essential for researchers to fully disclose to the subject the purpose of the research. In addition, researchers should provide adequate information that ensures protection of participants. In the same way, during the collection of data it is the obligation of the researchers to give details of how the research will be undertaken, how to access the subjects, informed consent and the manner in which the data will be stored. Ethical principles Autonomy During a research it is the duty of the researcher to respect the participant involved in the research. This entails recognition of their rights including being given the right to withdraw or participate in an interview (David 19). In order to ensure the rights of individuals are taken into consideration, it is vital for qualitative researchers to provide a significant balance between under informing and over informing the participants. To ensure the aspect of consent in a research, it is fundamental for participants to be allowed to voluntarily participate in the study. Beneficence Beneficence entails preventing harm for other and doing good to them (Donald & Pamela 37). The principle of beneficence stipulates that it is vital for the researchers to have moral obligation of overseeing the consequences of revealing the identity of the participants involved in the research. One of the strategies that researchers adopt is pseudonyms. This strategy is however not applicable in a small community where the participants can be recognized in an easy way. It is imperative for the researchers to restrict the circulation of such studies. It is also fundamental to protect the identity of the participants during the publication of the research results. This means that all the participants should be informed of how the results will be published. It is worth noting that the identity of the participants in some cases can be known even if the data or the quotations are used to report. One of the major ways through which anonymity and the confidentiality of the data provided by the participants can be breached is by legal authority (Donald & Pamela 24). For example, government authorities may authorize the researchers to give report on the elder or child abuse. In such cases, researchers should be informed that such information is no longer confidential. In this regard, the researcher’s obligation to protect the rights of the participants is not compromised. Confirmability is another important aspect that should be emulated by a research. This entails the documentation of the all the activities that have been carried out within the research. Through proper documentation, other researchers are able to use the data thus raising another ethical dilemma regarding the aspect of the privacy that has been guaranteed by the researchers. The aspect of confirmability argues that it is vital for the participants to be informed about the possible use of their data by other researchers (Mavinic 8). In addition to protecting the participants from harm, the principle of beneficence supports the security of the well being of the research subjects. Basically, beneficence involves two crucial aspects that include minimizing possible harms and maximization of possible benefits. In their efforts to decide what is beneficial to the participants, researchers in most cases expose the participants to the risk that harms their personality. It is therefore the duty of a researcher to determine when it is justifiable to forego the benefits based on the researches involved. Hippocratic Oath that is used in the nursing profession is one of the aspects that apply the principle of beneficence (Farnell and Lewis 69). Similarly, the principle of beneficence affects scientific research and particular projects. Regarding the scientific research, members of the community are obliged to be informed of the current and future benefits that are derived from improvement of social factors and psychotherapeutic aspects. Justice To ensure that the interests of the researchers and the rights of the participants are equally treated, it is fundamental to adopt the aspect of fairness. This entails avoiding the abuse and exploitation of the research subjects (Donald & Pamela 14). In order for the qualitative researchers to display the aspect of justice during their research, they should consider the contribution of the participants during the study. Additionally, researchers should take into account the extent to which the research subjects are susceptible to the results of the research. For example, if a researcher notes that a particular section of the research is based on the facts or information contributed by the participant, it is ethical to notify the participant prior to the publication of the report. This will enable the research subject to grant permission for the use of his or her contribution. In the same way, a researcher should conduct a discussion with the participant before using the information derived from the participants. Justice in research is also implemented through consideration of the ideas and contribution of the disadvantaged members of the society including the prisoners, children and the sick. It is imperative to note that most of the conclusion done from the quantitative and qualitative research affects the entire community regardless of whether an individual participated on the research or not. It is therefore the obligation of the researcher to ensure that all the needs of all the members of the community are taken into account. This will create immunity on researchers in case of future litigation with the members of the community or the government authorities. Conscious of compound roles In their strategies to generate more information from research subjects, psychologists enter into relationships with their participants. It is essential for such researchers to avoid multiple relationships that can harm other or affect their professionalism. For instance, when recruiting students for a Psychology unit or an experiment it is vital for tutors to create the aspect of voluntarism during such experiment. In the same way, the course supervisor should indicate in the course outline in case the participation is mandatory. The various roles undertaken by researchers should not jeopardize the differences that exist between themselves and the students. In addition, the researchers should not use their influence to force students undertake extra courses without their consent. Following informed-consent rules It is important for the researchers and the participants to emulate the aspect of consent in order to ensure that there is voluntary participation and that the participants are aware of the benefits and risks associated with the research. According to Donald & Pamela 32, research subject should have all the necessary information that is required to propel their willingness to participate in a research. In the same way, researchers must provide the research designs in such a way that the participants can understand especially during filling of the questionnaires. In order to avoid harming the research subjects, David 47. stipulates that researchers should inform the participants the objective of the study and the procedures that is to be followed during the research. In this way, the participants are motivated to provide more information to the researchers. Upholding privacy and confidentiality Qualitative and quantitative researchers should uphold privacy during their studies. To generate more information from sensitive topics, it is critical for qualitative researchers to avoid awkward questions that may hinder the role of participants in the research. Researchers are also required to emulate excellent methods of recruiting participants during a research. This is based on the fact that the participants have the freedom of choosing the amount of information that they will reveal to the researchers during the studies (David 21). In the case where a researcher is being assisted in the research, it is fundamental for the senior researcher to give his or her colleague a letter that indicates the objectives of the research which is in turn distributed to the participants. The researcher is obliged to provide direct contacts that can be used by the research subjects as an indication of his or her accountability of the whole research process. Confidentiality during the research is also achieved through adoption of various factors as discussed below. Discussion with the participants on the confinement of the confidentiality It is paramount for researchers to discuss with the participants on the various issues that concern the security of the data that is generated by the participants. Most importantly, researchers must inform the participants on how the case materials, video recordings and photos will be used (Donald & Pamela 36). Awareness of government research laws It is paramount for researchers to be aware of the various types of laws that govern their research process. For example, Belmont report outlines ethical principles that researchers should follow during their studies. In addition, the report gives guidelines on how to address ethical problems that may occur during the research process especially when dealing with human subjects. Another example, of a law that should be followed by researchers is the Goals 2000. Goals 2000, which was established by US government in 1990s, stipulates that researchers should seek parental permission when interviewing children about their religion or private matters such as family life and sex (Goals 2000 act). Researchers should also take initiatives to learn on the various offenses that need to be reported to the government authorities during the process of their research. For example, researchers undertaking studies on the psychological matters in the hospitals should seek assistance from the department dealing with legal matters or from clinical officers in order to be aware of the appropriate legal actions that should be taken to deal with various cases that may affect the ethical issues during their research. Proficient security measures To ensure that data generated from the interviews and other sources of information are confidential, researchers should ensure that there is limited access to vital information from the participants. For example, if the data is stored in a computer system, researchers need to adopt passwords to avoid tampering of the data by third parties. Similarly, qualitative researchers should ensure that interviews which are focused at obtaining private information are done in secured rooms that are soundproof. In the same way, researchers using Web technology should ensure that adequate security is emulated especially when exchanging vital information with their participants through online. It is advisable that if a researcher is not competent in the use of internet, he or she should seek the assistance of someone else who is internet whiz in order to eliminate any chance of exposing the confidential and vital aspects of the electronically recorded data. Other important ethical practices in a research Objectivity and integrity Objectivity ethics depicts that researchers should avoid biasness in analyzing and interpretation of the data. In addition, researchers should avoid personal decision that may affect the reliability of the data provided by the research subjects. Objectivity is also ensured by disclosing all the financial contribution from the research sponsors. Integrity in research, entails acting with sincerity and adhering to the agreements that guide the researcher, participants and sponsors. Respect for Intellectual Property One of the major aspects that affect the quality of a research is lack of acknowledging of other people studies. In order to avoid harming other researchers, it is important to honor and respect their work. This is achieved by not using unpublished data, acknowledgement of studies undertaken by others. Basically scientific and social researchers should never plagiarize (Mavinic 7). Social Responsibility Besides achieving the research objectives, a researcher should seek to avoid harms that affect social life of the communities. In addition, a researcher should strive to improve the relationship among the various communities. This is achieved through undertaking public education and seminars. Upholding of ethics in animal research In the modern world, medical inventions and scientific research have greatly been enhanced by intensive animal research that has been undertaken by most countries. As a result of the animal research, the quality of life of many people across the world has improved due to the improvement of treatments and invention of new drugs (Donnelley and Nolan 47). It is therefore significant to appreciate the role of animals in improving life of human beings by upholding ethics during research. In this regard, majority of countries have established laws that guide researchers during their studies. For example, the UK Animal act of 1986 regulates the experiment to be undertaken on animals, the purpose of the research and the number of animals used in a study (Animals -Scientific Procedures- Act 1986). In US, researchers must comply with two major laws that were passed in 1985. These include Animal act and Health Research Extension Act. Conclusion The importance of upholding ethics in research is an important factor that the parties involved in a research should not neglect. Adhering to research ethics ensures promotion of the objectives of the research. Researchers who aim at obtaining adequate data during their studies are under obligation to inform the research subjects on the various aspects of the research. For example, most participants like to know how their information will be used and the security of their data. In this regard, a researcher has a duty of informing the participants on the use of the data and security measures put in place to avoid exposing the data to an authorized people. From the above discussion, three major aspects of ethics in research have been covered. These include justice, beneficence and autonomy. The participant consent is an important factor that determines the success of a research. This means that a researcher must emulate code of ethics that motivates the participants to give as mush information as possible. In their efforts to control research whether scientific or social, various governments have come up with laws that researchers should follow. This means researchers should always comply with such laws either through the help of clinical officers in case of health research or seeking legal assistance from lawyers and advocates. Even though most of the research is conducted using human beings as the subjects, animals are also adopted in the studies. It is therefore prudent to avoid harming the animals used in the research by upholding ethics during research. Some of the major animal protection laws that have been identified by this paper include UK Animal act of 1986 as well as US Animal act and Health Research Extension Act that were passed in 1985. Works Cited Animals -Scientific Procedures- Act 1986. Guidance on the Operation of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986. //, 18 Nov.2011. David, B. What is Ethics in Research & Why is it Important? New York: Macmillan Publishers, 2009. Donald, C., & Pamela S. Business Research Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2007. Donnelley, S and Nolan, K. Animals, Science, and Ethics Hastings Center Report, special supplement. May/June: 1-32; 1990. Farnell,. Lewis, R. Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality. New York: Kessinger Publishing, 2004. Goals 2000: Educate America Act. New York: US Metric Association, 2000. Nov.2011. Mavinic, D. The "Art" of Plagiarism. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 33: 3, pp. 3-11, 2006. Read More
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