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The Expansion of the Air Transport Industry - Assignment Example

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This research will begin with the statement that the airline industry is considered as a vital component of a national economy, offering the service of transportation for people as well as goods across the globe facilitating economic augmentation…
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The Expansion of the Air Transport Industry
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Global Issues in the Airline Industry Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Minimizing Environmental Footprint At Airports 4 Noise Emissions 5 Ground Level Air Emissions 6 Water Pollution 9 Impact on the Wildlife 9 Climate Change 9 Interdependencies 10 Environmental Issues in the Airlines Industry of the Middle-East 12 Recommendations for Controlling the Pollution Caused by the Airlines Industry 14 Conclusion 18 References 20 Bibliography 23 Introduction The airline industry is considered as a vital component of a national economy, offering the service of transportation for people as well as goods across the globe facilitating economic augmentation. The industry of air travel persists to be a growing industry. It not only aids in economic growth but also international investment, world trade and tourism. Thus, it is considered to be vital in relation to globalization of a range of industries. A global growth of 7 percent each year in air travel was witnessed in the previous decade. Travelling by air was chosen by people across the world for business as well as leisure reasons. The accessibility to big aircrafts like the Boeing 747 made it suitable and reasonable for the purpose of travelling to fresh and striking destinations by people from various parts of the world. The governments of the developing nations acknowledged the gains derived from tourism which contributed greatly to their respective national economies. This encouraged the growth of various resorts so as to attract people from the wealthy nations of Western Europe along with North America as well (Stanford University, 2011). A noteworthy rise in business travel too was observed owing to the reason of globalization of industries in respect of their production chains, investments, customers and supply chains as well. The fast development of international trade in services along with goods as well as direct investments in the international level has been attributed as reasons for escalation in the business travel. Although it has been assessed that the financial crunch in the Asian countries would put a halt on the escalation for few years, the chief markets in relation to air travel would persist to be in and within Europe, Asia and North America (Stanford University, 2011). In spite of the bright prospects and growth, the industry is still facing challenges in terms of environmental impacts of the air transportation. The airline industry has been identified to be a major contributor towards air pollution because of the release of pollutants, noise pollution as well as water pollution too. Airlines have also been identified to be an emitter of greenhouse gases (Waitz & Et. Al., 2004). All these factors have called for measures and solutions that require to be adopted by the industry in order to prevent the damage that is being caused by it. Minimizing Environmental Footprint At Airports With the increase in air travel and in spite of the noteworthy efforts in lessening the implications, the environmental footprint of the aviation industry is even estimated to grow. The industry identifies the requirement of hands-on preventive measures to bring down the grave impacts and at the similar time acting in response to the increasing requirement of international air travel. It was found that the major portion of the impact on the environment takes place at the time of flight which is not in the reach of the airport’s control. Vital measures are being adopted in order to comprehend and bring down those impacts in a better way within the accountability of the airports’. Airports are also said to play an effectual role in assisting in reduction of the effects on the environment caused by others in the aviation business. The worldwide society is increasingly witnessing the troubles owing to the success of the airlines industry in the form of environmental impacts. At the international level, the consequences of the greenhouse gas and diminution in the coating of the ozone because of the releases in the high altitude are becoming a grave concern. Coming to the regional level eutrophication, acidification and development of trospospheric ozone owing to the release of air contaminants are the reasons of concern. Lastly, in the local level especially in the instant surrounding area of the airports, the impact on the probable health along with the consequences of noise as well as air contamination from the releases of nitrogen oxide, particulates and unstable untreated compounds are posing to be a great concern (Wensveen, 2010). Noise Emissions The sensitivity of noise as considered by people is reliant on elements like the incidence, the strength and the span of time for which they remain open to the elements. The noise emitted by aircrafts involving noise causes sleep trouble, unfavorable health consequences in the future and learning complexities. Trouble caused by aircraft noise persists to be the most distinct environmental consequences in and around areas surrounding the airports (Manzoor, n.d.). The results of noise pollution on humans have been studied to be hearing impairment, professed noisiness and irritation, ear pain, intrusion with message and language sensitivity, psycohphysiological responses at some stages in sleep involving results on the finger pulse, heart rate and respiration as well, cardiovascular consequences, sleep interruption, stress, psychoendocrine consequences, impacts on the physical health involving insomnia, loss of desire for food, irritation, queasiness, unsteadiness, headache and nervousness among others, productivity and performance of activities, changes in the social behavior and mental disorders (Manzoor, n.d.). Ground Level Air Emissions Pollution of air by means of transportation and industries no more remain a concern as pollution occurring from them have been limited to a large extent whereas, the ground level releases or pollution caused by the aircrafts are mounting each year. Airports are an important destination for buses and taxis among others which adds more to the impurities released by the aircrafts. Therefore, air pollution in the ground level remains to be a major unfavorable impact caused by the aircrafts. A range of impurities are released in the air which is quite injurious to human health. The results of such pollutants on the human health can be studied in details below: Carbon Monoxide (CO): This when released at soaring levels causes’ lethargy, dawdling reflexes, headaches, queasiness and at more soaring levels can even result to death. When released in low levels can also damage concentration along with the nervous system operations and might even result in heart pain for people suffering from coronary heart sickness (Manzoor, n.d. ; Whitelegg, 2000). Nitrogen Oxides (NOx): This damages the respiratory cell operation and also harms the blood capillaries along with the cells related to the resistant system. This pollutant might augment the vulnerability to diseases and intensifies asthma. Children when open to these elements might suffer from cold, breathing problems, coughs, constant panting and respiratory illness involving bronchitis (Manzoor, n.d.; Whitelegg, 2000). Ozone: Ozone when released in ground level decreases the operations related to lung for healthy people along with those suffering from asthma as well. It might augment the vulnerability to various infections and receptiveness to allergens like dirt and pollens among others. It might also cause annoyance in the nose, eyes, coughs, headache, chest pain, sickness, amplify the occurrence of asthma attacks and decreases the lung efficiency (Manzoor, n.d.; Whitelegg, 2000). Particulate matter (PM): Exposure to this pollutant results in a wide variety of indications similar to the other ones. Being exposed to this pollutant for a longer span of time can result in death caused from diseases related to heart as well as lung. This pollutant has elements like carcinogens which add to the likelihood of developing a hazardous disease like cancer (Manzoor, n.d.; Whitelegg, 2000). Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC): This type of pollutant involves various numerous chemicals most of which are known as hydrocarbons. These might result in skin annoyance and breathing problems. Being open to these elements for a longer period might damage the functions of the lung as well. It involves compounds like benzene which might result in leukaemia (Manzoor, n.d.; Whitelegg, 2000). Sulphur Dioxide (SO2): This causes annoyance in the lungs and is also related to chronic bronchitis. People already suffering from asthma are especially susceptible and a minimum exposure to this particular pollutant is capable of causing an attack. The gravest consequence takes place when this pollutant is engrossed by a particulate substance and is breathed in taking it deep to the lungs. When released in high levels, it can cause extensive death as well as sickness (Whitelegg, 2000). Water Pollution The quality of the water also gets affected by the various releases from the constant activities related to the industry like washing, construction, fueling and maintenance among others. The water pollution caused from the discharges as a result affects the human health as well and thus, the discharges should be treated before releasing them into e.g. the seas (Whitelegg, 2000). Impact on the Wildlife Airports are generally situated quite far from the main city because of various reasons like space and most importantly to prevent the population from the direct emissions of the harmful pollutants. As a result, there have been constant clash between the wildlife and the aircrafts causing deaths. The air and noise pollution also have an effect on the wildlife resulting in unfavorable conditions for them to survive. This is threatening the sustained existence of various species (Whitelegg, 2000; Waitz & Et. Al., 2004). Climate Change The issue that remains to be one of the most hesitant consequences caused by the airline industry or rather by the aircrafts is the alteration in the climate. In the European nations, it is measured to be the most significant damage caused to the environment by aviation whereas, in the US it is still observed to be less significant and vital compared to the consequences of noise and air pollution. It has been a proven fact that the chemical emissions from the aircraft and their physical outcomes are thought to affect the climate by many scientists. Scientific evaluations even propose that the produced or emitted chemical and their respective physical consequences owing to aircrafts are so much that it might pose an inconsistent consequence on the climate in relation to the each unit of burned fuel in comparison to the global sources (Whitelegg, 2000; Waitz & Et. Al., 2004; Manzoor, n.d.). In the year 1999, a special study on the airlines industry performed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted that the airlines were accountable for around 3.5 percent change in the climate in the year of 1992. These predictions revealed that the pollutants released in the air by the aircrafts contributed towards causing alterations in the climate to a large extent. The released pollutants in the air reacted with the elements already present in the air and resulted in the climate changes. The alterations in the climate can be attributed to the airlines industry to an extent of 3 to 15 percent (Whitelegg, 2000; Waitz & Et. Al., 2004). Interdependencies Air quality, noise and climate consequences of the airlines industry are an outcome of a set of operations as well as technologies that are to a large extent mutually dependent on each other. Thus, the measures to prevent the effects in one area could have adverse effects in the other different areas. For instance, the technological as well the operational preventive measures in order to bring down the noise pollution could cause more consumption of the fuel, therefore augmenting the consequences of the airlines industry on the climate alterations as well as on the quality of air. The interdependencies of the emissions make it complicated to alter the structuring plans of the engines as a part of the alleviation strategy. This happens as they compel an exchange in between the single pollutants and also in between the noise and the releases. As of date, the interrelationships among the different technological, policy and operational choices and the complete economic outcomes related to such choices are yet to be properly evaluated (Whitelegg, 2000). Environmental Issues in the Airlines Industry of the Middle-East UAE in the Middle-East is progressively becoming one of the most preferred tourist destinations especially Dubai. The airlines industry of UAE is escalating rapidly and is contributing a lot towards the national economy. It is trying to become the most important freight and passenger hub by designing various important plans. The International Airport of Dubai holds 105 airlines and recently went through a huge expansion which incorporated the structure of a fresh third passenger terminal, a fresh cargo terminal involving a cargo ability of 3 million tons each year by the year 2018 and more two fresh open spaces. The number of people visiting the country increases by a significant percentage each year. Owing to this more and more flights are operating every day and the frequency of the flights is augmenting as well. Dubai has successfully made its name as a trade hub and a popular tourist destination. Establishing itself as a trade hub has increased the number in business travels. It is needless to add that the popularity of the country and the occurrence of flights to carry more and more passengers are creating a significant impact on the environment of the country due to the emissions caused by the aircrafts (The Library of Congress, 2007; Malty & Dillon, 2007; Raey, n.d.; Chaaban, 2006; Dubai Airports, 2011). In the present years, the global public worries on the worsening quality of air and the related local as well as global consequences have increased considerably. The emissions caused by the airlines pollute the air with harmful chemicals and components that could prove to be fatal for the human health. It is because of the fact that human lungs inhale around 15kg of air every day in comparison to just 1.5kg of foodstuff along with 2.5kg of water. This affects the tissues in the human lungs which are quite sensitive. Moreover, in the UAE, which is mostly desert, the polluted air is carried fast to other areas too which is hard to keep away from. The air pollution remains to be a grave issue in the UAE and in Dubai as this is the air that is breathed in by the people which affects their health adversely. The releases from the airlines are also contributing to the discharge of greenhouse gases which is compelling alterations in the climate along with the running down of the layer of ozone which is said to defend life from harmful UV rays projected by the sun. The grave consequences of air pollution are resulting into chronic sickness, negatively affecting the workers performance as well as the productivity, death, hospital admittances, lessening visibility and also lessening or decline in the level of IQ. Numerous untimely and pre-natal deaths have been attributed as an outcome of air pollution in the UAE. Around 90 percent of the whole releases of carbon monoxide in the UAE have been observed to be because of activities related to transportation and the airlines industry contributes largely to it. In addition to the air pollution, noise pollution caused by the airlines also persists to be a concerning factor. Water is already a limited resource in the UAE and the clean water is being polluted with harmful wastes and chemicals from the aviation industry as well. Therefore, the environmental effects of the air transport industry in the UAE and in Dubai are quite evident (The Library of Congress, 2007; Malty & Dillon, 2007; Raey, n.d.; Chaaban, 2006; Dubai Airports, 2011). The airlines industry or the flights cannot be stopped so, it is important for the government to undertake preventive measures so as to restrict the various pollutions caused by the air transport industry. Various preventive measures are being practiced by the government already to control these pollutions like setting the specifications for different kinds of emissions and constant checking of the quality of air among others. Preventive measures to limit the noise pollution have already been implemented by the government like manufacturing aircrafts that emit less noise. Measures to control water pollution are also undertaken. Controlling the air pollution would also mean that the alterations in the climate owing to the pollutants can also be controlled to a little extent (The Library of Congress, 2007; Malty & Dillon, 2007; Raey, n.d.; Chaaban, 2006; Dubai Airports, 2011). Recommendations for Controlling the Pollution Caused by the Airlines Industry The effects of environmental noise caused by the air transport industry involves landing as well as taking-off of the aircrafts, utilization of the auxiliary as well as the taxiing power units, maintenance and examination of the aircrafts, noise related to the operations carried out at the airports like examination of the engine, the utilization of the ground power units and also the activities related to the construction work. Noise interruption, which is calculated with regard to the people open to the elements of a given level of noise, largely at big airports that are situated closely to the main populations. Ironically, such airports are supposed to be the majorly preferred by the traveling people (Barrington, 2011; Luther, 2007; Yilmaz, 2008; The European Patliament, 2011). There has been some decrease in the levels of noise owing to the implementation of fresh lot of quieter aircrafts and by putting an end to the employment of old aircrafts. However, these enhancements are being made up for by the expansion in the air traffic along with the infringement of metropolis on the airport. Taking a glimpse into the prospects of the future, possibilities associated with fresh noise concerns have been predicted to come into sight (Barrington, 2011; Luther, 2007; Yilmaz, 2008; The European Patliament, 2011). The noises emitted from the aircrafts can be alleviated by engaging activities related to the origin of the noise alongside the trail of transmission among the origin and the people witnessing the effects and at such places or locations where the people get affected. Certain levels or specifications have been set for the intensity of noise that is to be maintained by the airlines companies. Manufacturers along with the assistance of the research groups have been constantly working to build less noise constituent technology which would help in bringing down the levels of noise by certain degrees. Employment of certain aircrafts that are comparatively noisy than the others have been banned in certain airports in order to reduce the noise pollution. There have been introduction of charges that are levied for those airports which do not employ measures to mitigate the noise or prevent it (Barrington, 2011; Luther, 2007; Yilmaz, 2008; The European Patliament, 2011). Emissions in the air is associated with the airports are to certain extent indirectly related to the aircrafts involving equipments for floor support, generation plants used for stationary power and landside vehicles. Minor origins of air releases involve usual activities related to maintenance like aircraft refueling, fuel storage and practices related to fire training. Over all these years, there have been measures taken to restrict the harmful releases in the air by way of enhancing the use of fuel thereby decreasing the gaseous releases of CO as well as hydrocarbons (Barrington, 2011; Luther, 2007; Yilmaz, 2008; The European Parliament, 2011). The developers of airframes and engines keep on working in close association along with the agencies of government research in order to build fresh technologies that would be required further to alleviate the probable consequences of the airlines industry on the environment. It has been anticipated that the airlines companies are supposed to spend above 1 trillion USD in over 15000 fresh aircrafts in the coming 20 years. This would obviously result in noticeably enhanced competence and decreased levels of releases (Barrington, 2011; Luther, 2007; Yilmaz, 2008; The European Parliament, 2011). There are certain specifications that has been set with regard to the releases of nitrogen oxides and those specifications have been enhanced around three times during the previous decade in order to make the specifications more severe which would compel the use of the best possible technologies in emissions in the fresh products to be developed (Barrington, 2011; Luther, 2007; Yilmaz, 2008; The European Parliament, 2011). The airlines industry believes the climatic alterations to be grave concern and is strong-minded to find a solution to it. The industry is presently working on the development of carbon-neutral which implies that there would be no boost in the carbon releases in spite of the augmentation in the air traffic (Barrington, 2011; Luther, 2007; Yilmaz, 2008; The European Parliament, 2011). Conclusion The expansion of the air transport industry or the airlines industry and the local as well as the global consequences resulting from the operation of the particular industry has given rise to numerous grave concerns which needs to be resolved immediately. Measures need to be implemented which would assist in controlling the effects of the airlines industry in such a structure that would decrease the growth, decrease the impacts and also defend the health of the people along with the environment. The measures recommended which are likely to reduce the level and intensity of pollution caused by the industry are that an environmental fee should be levied on the emissions made by the aircrafts, the subsidies along with the tax exemptions should be put to an end, more severe standards or specifications for emissions and noise for the aircrafts should be set and also for the geographical regions surrounding the airports, advanced research and most excellent application assistance on substitution and also improved levels of data in the local environment and keeping an eye on the environment so as to notify the local inhabitants regarding the quality of noise as well as air. The above mentioned preventive measures need to be brought in such a way so as to provide enough time to the industry and its consumers to amend to the alterations. Education as well as awareness is quite significant in relation to the airlines industry. There would be numerous airline customers who would be ignorant of the impacts of the aircrafts and airports on the environment. Information needs to be made commonly accessible so that such groups of people have the related information or knowledge that is required in order to comprehend the altering circumstances of the airlines industry. Informed option is supposed to be the main constituent of the environmental policy. In one of the most recent scientific confirmations the contribution of the airlines industry towards the worldwide stock of greenhouse gases was revealed. It therefore directs to the requirement for an essential alteration in the public policy in relation to the airlines industry. The recent affects of the airlines industry and the predictions of the upcoming consequences sharply highlight the requirement for such a policy which would be reliant on science and which could introduce a repositioning of the airlines industry surrounded by the situation of sustainable growth and by the environmental purposes on the whole. Therefore, with the above recommended measures the pollution caused by the airlines industry and its consequences can be controlled to a great extent. References Barrington, G., 2011. Customs Simplification: An International Airline Perspective. The Airline Industry: A Case Study, pp. 81-105. Chaaban, F. B., 2006. Air Quality. Arab Forum for Environment and Development. Dubai Airports, 2011. A Report For Emirates And Dubai Airports. Oxford Economics, pp. 1-66. Luther, L., 2007. Environmental Impacts of Airport Operations, Maintenance and Expansion. Congressional Research Service, pp. 1-16. Malty, M. & Dillon, L., 2007. 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