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The Caymus Vineyards - Essay Example

The paper " The Caymus Vineyards" tells that  Caymus Vineyards uses the skimming strategy for pricing its products. Their products are of limited range and are priced relatively higher as compared to its competitor. The price position, more or less, has been stable over the years…
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The Caymus Vineyards
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MARKETING Caymus: The Caymus vineyards, situated at Rutherford – California, were set up in the year 1972, by the Wagner family on the familys Rutherford property and today it is considered to be one of the most coveted brands in the industry (Caymus, 2008). Pricing: Caymus Vineyards uses the skimming strategy for pricing its products. Their products are of limited range and are priced relatively hihger as compared to its competitor. The price position, more or less, has been stable over the years. The pricing structure in the wine industry is mostly dependent on and influenced by market segments . Place: The channels of distribution adopted by Caymus Vineyards is strong and efficient. They mostly follow the on – premise distribution model, particularly fine dining. Their brand of wine is available in all fine wine shops as well as several other retail specialists. The Caymus vineyards do not dependent on a few large accounts but believe in strong market penetration. Promotion: The Caymus vineyards are spread on several acres of land and they capitalize on this strength to create a strong visitor experience. The wine is often mentioned, in special wine and food publications along with other national and international media. Product: The product is mostly known for a handful of varietals and have a huge brand presence. It has immense product appeal and often perceived to be of high stature than its actual worth. 2. Mount Veeder Winery: The Mount Veeder Winery located at Napa Valley was established in the year 1993 and is considered to be one among the best wide producers of the country. Pricing: Product pricing is often associated with the brand image as well as the overall quality of products. In conjunction with this trend, Mt.Veeder wines are highly exclusive products priced at mid to high range prices, priced at $80 per bottle (750ml) and $ 960/Case (12 – 750ml) this wine is pitched as an exclusive product (Mount Veeder Winery, 2008). Place: The Mount Veeder Winery indulges in exclusive distribution as opposed to selective distribution of their products and hence they are available at all the fine wine shops, restaurants and other retail outlets. Deep market penetration is their sole objective and hence product visibilty has been given more significance to promote and elevate their brand status. Promotion: For promoting their products the “push” strategy is being used whereby their primary distribution channels such as restaurants are constantly pressurized to promote their product. Rather than marketing the product to directly to the customers, the Mt.Veeder Winery pushes their product through distribution channels who further market it to their customers. Product: The range of products offered, although limited are of excellent quality and are styled to appeal to an exclusive category of customers. 3. Kendall Jackson: The Kendall Jackson Winery, is a family owned business, involved in wine making for nearly three decades now. Established in 1982, the Kendall Jackson wines have been coveted as the one of the country’s most favorite wines (Kendall Jackson, 2008). Pricing: They have a range of products priced from low to high level, however their low to middle tier wines priced under $15, were relatively less popular than its upper price level products priced in the range of $18 - $20. Place: The company markets its products through almost all the distribution channels available including restaurants, retail store, e- stores, as well as licensed distributors. Promotion: The K-J brand of wines promote their products smartly by indulging timely, in innovation in terms of both product as well as marketing. They capitalize heavily on the strengths of e-commerce boom and market their products aggressively online. Product: The K-J brand of wines offer a wide range of products suitable for all types of customers in various countries including United States, Japan, Britain, and are priced according to each market segment from middle tier to upper level prices. Works Cited: Caymus, (2008). Caymus Vineyards: Overview, viewed: November 4, 2008, from: Mount Veeder Winery, (2008). 2004 Mount Veeder Reserve, viewed: November 4, 2008, from: Kendall Jackson, (2008). Kendall Jackson Vineyards, viewed: November 4, 2008, from: <> Read More


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