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Harrison-Keyes Inc: Visions and Solutions - Essay Example

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The essay "Harrison-Keyes Inc: Visions and Solutions" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the visions and solutions of Harrison-Keyes Inc. Every organization's survival and success hinge on the success of its end product. The end product could be any physical product…
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Harrison-Keyes Inc: Visions and Solutions
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Running head: PROBLEM SOLUTION: HARRISON-KEYES INC. Problem Solution: Harrison-Keyes Inc. Goes Here of Phoenix Problem Solution:Harrison-Keyes Inc. Every organization survival and success hinges on the success of its end product. End product could be any physical products or even services that are offered. So, both the product and the services are the ‘keys’ for an organization, and that ‘key’ only opens the door of success or profit. So, for an organization to survive in a competitive market, and to increase its profits in an optimum manner, new products or services have to be offered regularly, at appropriate times. Harrison-Keyes, a global publisher of print products specializing in professional-level books, is now facing competitive rivalry from large book retailers. To neutralize the competition and achieve success, Harrison Keyes decided to implement CEO McGill’s strategic plan of entering e-publishing and publish e-books. But, as soon as the initiative was formulated and about to be implemented, it started facing problems from all the sides. So, this paper will analyze Harrison Keyes’ scenario, focusing on the issues and opportunities. Then the paper will also formulate the end-state vision and the optimal solutions. Describe the Situation Issue and Opportunity Identification Harrison Keyes’s wish to be a path-breaker in the field of e-publishing got the initiation with the decision of the management team to digitize its existing huge collection of books. Even though, it is a very good feasible idea, the initiative has some impeding issues. That is, this plan of Keyes’ management has evoked opposition from their main authors, whose works only Harrison Keyes is publishing successfully. The issue against e-publishing and e-books was mainly raised by Will X. Harper, one of the longstanding and successful authors of Harrison Keyes, who feared pirating of his works. The other issue that is dominating the minds of the Harrison Keyes’ management team is the utility of its offshore company Asia Digital. To assist in digitizing its books, Harrison-Keyes employed Asia Digital, but it was not meeting its deadlines and so they are not completing the processes aptly. Also, the software department hasn’t done the spadework to sell the e-books through their own website. These three issues are further amplified by media’s coverage of Harpers’ opposition to e-publishing. Even with theses issues impeding its initiatives, Harrison Keyes should continue because there is good number of opportunities awaiting it. With e-publishing becoming one of the crucial avenue for publishing houses in the new millennium, Harrison Keyes can go ahead with its plans to become a successful publisher of e-books by turning the above issues into opportunities. That is, with computers and internet becoming an omnipresent entity, Harrison Keyes e-publishing initiatives will have quite a good number of takers. Also, writers like Harper can be made to support their initiative by giving them assurances regarding anti-piracy measures. That is, if anti-piracy measures are taken by Harrison Keyes, it will not only assuage the writers, but also protect its properties or e-books from piracy, thereby opening up even more opportunities. Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas Management Team In the top management team at Harrison Keyes, the newly hired CEO Meg P. McGill is one of foremost proponents of using information technology as part of the business. Being digital-savvy, Meg only came up with the plan to enter the e-publishing sphere and pushed the other members at Harrison Keyes to make the move. But, even while holding this positive perspective, the main dilemma that arose in Meg’s mind is whether the reading public will be enthusiastic with this option. The perspective of Mack Evans, the software expert regarding the e-publishing initiative of Harrison Keyes is that the lack of software capabilities could delay the launch of the program, particularly the Harrison Keyes’ plan to sell the e-books through its own website. His knowledge regarding these software options appears to be outdated, his main dilemma is, the hardware component in the company could not be functioning at optimal level Authors The authors, who form an important stakeholders group, are not quite enthusiastic about the new initiative of e-publishing. Even though all the authors did not openly voice their opposition against the plan, Will X. Harper started it with a direct message to Meg, representing himself and few other authors. Harper is one of the senior most and also productive authors for Harrison Keyes. But his perspective and dilemma is if all the books, including his own works are made into e-books and sold through web, without any protection, it could be easily pirated, causing loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars. His other dilemma is, the new contract for the e-publishing initiative is riddled with loopholes and could be debatable in the court of law. So, the authors are quite skeptic about e-publishing and whether it can be done without piracy. Frame the “Right” Problem Harrison-Keyes, a global publisher of print products specializing in professional-level books, is now facing competitive rivalry from large book retailers. To neutralize the competition and achieve success, Harrison Keyes decided to implement the strategic plan of entering e-publishing. But, as soon as the initiative was formulated, it faced problems from all the sides. The problem that is impeding Harrison Keyes’ attempt to enter e-publishing in an effective way is its unproductive outsourcing arm, Asia Digital. Also, its regular authors are expressing concern over the piracy issues, with the in-house staff struggling to find a solution to launch online sales. Describe the “End-State” Vision The end state vision of Harrison Keyes will be on the favorable and optimal side, when every thing falls into its place. That is, the main end-state vision Harrison Keyes will want is to revitalize its functioning, by publishing e-books even while remaining a leader in the text book publishing. The other end-state vision is, Meg should be able to perform at her level best and also inspire her employees to perform. An important end-state vision, Harrison Keyes would wish to achieve is to assure the authors that their work will be protected in all the formats especially in digital format. If the authors approve the e-publishing initiative, Harrison Keyes can market their new format of e-books through advertisements and promotions mainly through the web. This will entice the customers and will bring in the revenue or profits. The success will also rub on the employees and they will also perform at the optimal level, actualizing its main end state vision of successfully publishing e-books and at the same time text books. Identify the Alternatives and Benchmarking Validation In the scenario, Harrison Keyes wishes to be a path-breaker in the field of e-publishing. Even though, it is a feasible idea, the initiative has some impeding issues. But, those issues can be overcome with the help of certain alternatives or alternative solutions. The first possible alternative that can be used in this scenario is going ahead with the launch of e-books through all avenues. That is, after digitizing all the books, they can be put on sale in their own website and can be marketed through all plausible mediums including other online website sellers. The second alternative is digitizing the books, but selling through other websites. That is, as the technical team is not ready to implement the plan of selling through their own website, it can be done through other websites. The third possible solution is digitizing only a portion of the books, which have been given approval by authors and keeping the other half as text books. Through this option, Harrison Keyes can sell only the books that are digitized by Asia Digital and don’t have to find a new publisher in a very short time, without analyzing all the criteria. Importantly, the approval from the authors should be achieved by adopting legal measures. Then these half-digitized e-books can be sold firstly through other online websites and then through their own website, when the technical problem gets solved. As in the Harrison Keyes’s fictional scenario, many publishing companies in the real world including HarperCollins also faced similar challenges in relation to their digitizing efforts or e-publishing initiative. HarperCollins Publishers is regarded as the leading English language publishers in the world. The company publishes wide range of books covering many fields with particular focus on literary fiction, business books authored by eminent authors and books for children. HarperCollins initiated its e-publishing initiative or was pushed to initiate by the steps taken by Google, the world’s leading search engine. That is, Google created a free online digital library by including many books from some of the major publishers. This non-commercial or free initiative of Google put many of the commercial publishing companies including HarperCollins under severe test. Even though many publishing houses sued Google, HarperCollins to counter this threat decided to launch its own commercial online digital store. That is, as in the case with Harrison Keyes (who launched its e-publishing initiative to beat its competitors), HarperCollins to nullify Google’s attempt and importantly to take the lead over its competitors launched the world’s first digital content warehouse by a publishing company in 2006. ( Through this initiative, HarperCollins was able to digitize and ‘stock’ around 12,000 titles ( The man who led this initiative with efficiency was Jane Friedman, the Chief Executive Officer of HarperCollins. He only advised and actualized the online library and even though HarperCollins faced the same problems like Harrison Keyes in relation to copyrights and royalties from the authors’ side, he was able to resolve it. By assuring the authors about the infallibility of their digital technology, Friedman was able to convince its authors to support this initiative. The eventual success can be gauged from the fact that this e-publishing initiative earned HarperCollins a revenue of $1 billion in its first year of operations (Swartz, 2006). Analysis of Alternative Solutions The goals of Harrison Keyes as mentioned in the table 3 are digitizing its standard text book, then launch of e-books, sale of the book in its own website and thereby take lead over the competitors. To achieve these goals, a good number of alternate solutions are available for implementation. The first and the highest weighted solution rated at 4.18, is digitizing only a portion of the books and selling those books through other websites and then through its own website (when the technical problems are sorted out). The reason why this solution is considered the most important alternative is because; it helps the Harrison Keyes to achieve its main goal of e-publishing through a less risky and at the same feasible route. That is, by putting for sale only a portion of the digitized book, Harrison Keyes can test the waters, whether it can succeed or not in this new initiative. Also, as its own website is not going to be ready, it has to depend on other websites and till then, it would be feasible for it to sell only a portion of the e-books. The second weighted solution at 2.59 is digitizing all the books but selling only through other websites. That is, as the technical team headed by Mack Evans is struggling to create the setup or software to sell the books through its own website, this solution appears a better one. “The e-commerce software that we had planned on using to sell the e-books directly from our Web site is still not functioning properly. (Case Scenario) The third best alternative is to digitize all the books and launch it through other merchant websites and its own website in course of time. That is, this solution placed at 2.35, entails to find a new outsourcing company to complete the digitizing process left over by Asia Digital and then launch all the books through the websites. Narrowed List of Alternatives Even though all the solutions favor launch of e-books, the three solutions differ in certain aspect. That is, the main assumption and constraint is, how much books needed to be digitized as e-books and sold, and importantly through their own website or third party website. Among these assumptions, the feasible and at the same time profitable assumption is, only the portion of books that have been digitized can be sold and then it can be sold through third party website and in course of time their own website. This assumption seems to be less risky and importantly will surely work. So, solutions which borders on this assumption can be selected. Identify and Assess Risks Even though, these solutions offer a favorable end-state, it has certain inbuilt risks, which could affect the feasibility as well as success of the solutions. When the third solution of digitizing all the books through other new companies is selected, it will bring up certain risks. As Asia Digital is not going to provide digitized books within the set deadline, Harrison has to look for other outsourcing options. And if they enter into a contract with other company in haste without analyzing all the criteria, then the outcome will not be on the favorable side. That is, time is very short for the launch of e-books, and so if Harrison Keyes decides to look for a new company, it has to make a quick decision compromising quality. So, if they intend to digitize all the books anyhow, it is fraught with risks. The second solution of digitizing all the books and selling through other websites is also inbuilt with risks. That is, selling Harrison Keyes’ e-books through outside online websites for longer periods will severely dent the financial outcome of this initiative, as Harrison has to pay a part of the profit to them. Finally, the risk associated with digitizing only half the books is, if the initiative picks up steam, Harrison will be left behind Make the Decision Harrison Keyes can achieve its end state vision of digitizing its text books, without any risks, by entering the e-publishing market in a segmented manner. That is, without entering the market in full pledged manner, Harrison can just digitize half of the books or take a portion of the books, digitized by Asia Digital. Then, it can sell these books through other websites, till its own website’s technical problem is corrected. Even after correcting its own website, it would be advisable for Harrison to continue selling its e-books through other well known websites. Develop and Implement the Solution This solution of launching a portion of e-books through its website and other website can be implemented by logically implementing every completed aspect. That is, as Asia Digital was able to complete a portion of the books, it can be sent to the Third party websites’ servers, after negotiating all the financial aspects. When those websites starts to publish these books, by prominently featuring in its website through keywords and other options, Harrison Keyes’ initiative will get a launch. Then as the process of sales is going on in those websites, Harrison Keyes can monitor it. And, if the sales are on the positive side, Harrison Keyes can quicken its work in its website, so it can launch the e-books any time. Evaluate the Results As mentioned above, the success or results of the solution can be evaluated by first monitoring the sales in the Third Party websites. Those websites would have been in the ‘public domain’ for many years or few more years, when compared to Harrison Keyes’ websites. So, those websites would be able to reach the customers in a more effective manner. Apart the sales results, the data regarding the number of searches done by customers of Harrison Keyes books, will also help it evaluate the results of the solution. Conclusion Harrison Keyes, a strong performer in the text book publishing market, wants to enter the new but the growing field of e-publishing. But, this initiative cannot reach its logical end without impediments. But, if those impediments are removed or solved, Harrison Keyes can take its product to top echelons, providing it with a larger profit. References Grover, R. (2006). Loud-and-clear verdict rattles Echostar. Businessweek Online. Retrieved April 30, 2008, from EBSCOhost database Stone, B., & Stein, R. (2006). Is TiVo’s time up? Newsweek, 147(12). Retrieved May 20, 2008, from EBSCOhost database. Swartz, N. (2006). If you can’t beat Google, join it. Information Management Journal, 40(2), 14. Table 1 Issues and Opportunities Identification Issues Opportunities Reference to Specific Course Concept The main issue is, authors working for Harrison Keyes became concerned that their works could be pirated by internet users. Along with this issue, the non-performance by Harrison Keyes’ offshore wing is also a cause for concern. Inside the organization, the production team was not able to create the software to actualize the online sales of e-books in its own website If all these issues are taken care and solved, Harrison Keyes has opportunities in the growing field of e-publishing. Also by safeguarding its e-books from piracy, Harrison Keyes can enhance its profits Table 2 Stakeholder Perspectives and Ethical Dilemmas Stakeholder Perspectives and Ethical Dilemmas Stakeholder Groups with Competing Values List: Group X versus Group Y The Interests, Rights, and Values of Each Group The Ethical Dilemma Based on the Competing Values Management Team Wants to launch e-publishing because of the opportunities that are available Conservative sales projections for e-books Authors’ concern about piracy and royalties Delay in the launch of online sales in its website Authors They are against e-publishing because they fear their works could be pirated Their main dilemma is, their works can be compromised, without any benefits for them Asia Digital and Customers Indirect stakeholders whose interests has to be taken care Asia Digital’s dilemma is whether they can re Table 3 Analysis of Alternative Table 4 Risk Assessment and Mitigation Risk Assessment and Mitigation Alternative Risks and Probability Consequence and Severity Mitigation Techniques and Strategies Digitizing only a portion of the books and selling those books through other websites and then through its own website The risk associated with digitizing only half the books is, if the initiative picks up steam, Harrison will be left behind Harrison Keyes will be left behind in the competition, with the competitors launching more e-books This risk can be mitigated if Harrison Keyes after perfect analysis, finds another company which can digitize the books Digitizing all the books but selling through other websites Selling Harrison Keyes’ e-books through outside online websites for longer periods will severely dent the financial outcome, as Harrison has to pay a part of the profit to them If there is minimum financial success, it will lead to the failure of the initiative This risk can be mitigated if Harrison Keyes perfects its software relating to online sales in its own website Digitize all the books and launch it through other merchant websites and its own website in course of time If they enter into a contract with other company in haste without analyzing all the criteria, then the outcome will be risky That company could also fail to digitize all the products within a set timeframe and even if it does, it could be of inferior quality This risk can be mitigate if Harrison Keyes finds a new company after thorough analysis and testing Table 5 Pros and Cons of Alternative Solutions Alternative Pros Cons Digitizing only a portion of the books Less risky Feasible and successful Will create the base to develop further Could fell short of books, if the initiative succeeds Need to suddenly find a new company Competitors can take the lead Digitizing all the books but selling through other websites Can be ahead of time There will be good collection of books ‘The books can be selectively sold based on the response of the customers If the initial sales on the negative side The invested effort and money could go in vain Minimal Financial profit, as they have share with their online partners Digitize all the books and launch it through other merchant websites and also their own website Can be ahead of time There will be good collection of books Will give it a good brand image If the initial sales on the negative side The invested effort and money could go in vain Minimal Financial profit, as they have share with their online partners Table 6 Optimal Solution Implementation Plan Action Item Deliverable Timeline Who is Responsible Get hold and prepare the portion of e-books, which were digitized 2-3 days The IT department Upload the e-books into the servers after negotiating the financial details 2-3 days Management and McGill with IT department Ask them to publish the books 1 day Management and McGill Marketing through various mediums particularly internet, print ads, etc For 1 Month Management and Marketing Department Launch the books in its own website After 1-2 month The IT department Table 7 Evaluation of Results End-State Goals Metrics Target To revitalize its functioning, by publishing e-books even while remaining a leader in the text book publishing The sales in the Third Party Websites To launch sales in its own website, at the same time maintaining sales in successful third party websites Meg should be able to perform at her level best and also inspire her employees to perform. If the e-publishing initiative takes off very well If success is actualized, it will inspire the employees, to perform even better Harrison Keyes would wish to achieve is to assure the authors that their work will be protected in all the formats especially in digital format If the authors give their consent to the initiative, after being satisfied with the ‘protections’ or assurance given by Harrison Keyes If authors are given royalty, it will entice them to further co-operate Read More
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