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The Success of Tony Deep and East Ends Foods Plc - Case Study Example

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The paper "The Success of Tony Deep and East Ends Foods Plc" states that East end foods Plc is business owned by Tony’s family that has been able to handle well its marketing, finances and research for it to maintain high standards of quality to maintain a high competition against its competitors…
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The Success of Tony Deep and East Ends Foods Plc
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Tony Deep and East Ends foods Plc affiliation Tony Deep and East Ends foods Plc Introduction The paper focuses on the company that I had the opportunity to interview and have a deep depth on how it started and carried out its operations to achieve the huge success in the middle of a competitive world. It was a great opportunity meeting the founder of East ends food Plc to get a brief information about his company. I also had a chance to learn on what methods employed to achieve success and maintain the high quality of products in the market. Business entry Tony Deep Wouhra is the founder as well as the chairperson of East ends food Plc. He is a great entrepreneur. The company finds itself among the leading specialists dealing with food in the Asia countries. It specializes in the production of paprika, chili and other blends of spices. Its supplies in the Asian stocks is great that independently goes over eighty percent of the east end range in addition to the major multiples in the United Kingdom. East ends food Plc have been experiencing this for more than four decades in the markets across the Asian countries before being acknowledged as the best company in the region. The founder, Tony deep, came to United Kingdom just as a migrant of economy. Four years after his entry, he decided to put up his ideas into a working business. Before starting this business, Tony had no previous business experience. He was just a migrant who was looking for better life opportunity in a foreign country. He had not owned any other company initially, and East ends foods Plc was his first company he was attempting to start. With the help of his brothers, Tony managed to develop his ideas into an international business that managed to focus in importing lentils, spices and rice among other things. In the early days of East Ends food Plc, Tony saw is it as an important element if he had to maintain the contacts of the farmers. In addition, train them on how to grow food using inputs that are natural and minimize any use of inorganic chemicals and the use of pesticides. As a result, East Ends food Plc products have virtually no trace of inorganic chemical or pesticide in the products that they sell. Developing successful business idea To his entrepreneurship approach that he was displaying during my conversation with him, Tony deep seemed to be having an inventor-researcher approach that he has been applying in the business progress and development. This approach has been effective to his business progress since he does not possess the skills that are needed to apply practically to help in turning his creativity into innovation. This approach, therefore, helps him bridge the gap of transformation to achieve his objectives. Despite this, Tony deep seems to be a man full of passion in what he likes doing best, he really loves his job and willing to spearhead it into great business world of success. His dislike on colours that are artificial together with the use of preservatives in packaging his products brings a new brand of products in the market that is different from other products. His products are different and free from any chemicals. To do this, Tony deep had to take a different step and employ scientific approach to research and develop products free from any chemicals and pesticides and whose aflatoxin would be controllable. It was a hard for Tony but within few years, after he started his scientific research his hard work was successful. Tony accomplished his objectives of taking away the practical that the farmers were using to grow their food and convincing them to follow his example of growing natural plants that are free of any chemicals (Burns 2011, pp. 23- 45). His idea was a success, and several farmers started employing his ideas in growing agricultural products to supply his east end foods Plc. Due to his new approach of business, this led to the development of a better taste and flavour being introduced ion the food that were being produced for the customer in the end. From this idea, the company realised huge growth in terms of the customers’ demands on the commodity in United Kingdom and across Asian countries making the company realise huge financial turnover. Tony deep has been able to assemble a huge and a working team that helps him manage the company successful. Currently, the company employs three hundred and fifty-two working staffs. His leadership skills and great critical thinking have made it possible to transform the company from an idea to a great business opportunity. Tony Deep has a great employee relation skill. He can bring his employee together and think like a team. In the process, ideas are generated on how the company can be into a great company in the business market. Tony has proved himself to be among the leading business entrepreneurs in the world. His long-term objectives of being becoming the leading producer and seller of clean products that are free from chemicals and pesticides drive the company into a great success. So far, Tony Deep has achieved his dream of producing and selling products that are free from any chemical. Despite this success, Tony is not yet satisfied. He sees a great opportunity in changing how the company works in order for the company to reach deep vast markets across the world. The leadership skill he has been employing since the company was formed has been a success. His transformational leadership skill has helped employees love him since he has proved to them to be a dynamic leader who has been reasoning together with his employees. The company has assembled the right management team to help it come up with new ideas. The management team is dynamic and composed of a variety of individuals who have different ideas that are positive. The management team is responsible for coming up with ideas on how to improve the blend of products and market supply through research. The research team is responsible for doing thorough research on growing and development of agricultural products that are free from chemicals. This is the main objective of the east ends food Plc (Zimmerer and Scarborough 2005, p. 142). The management is also responsible for studying and researching the market of the products and makes them suitable in term of quality development and improvement. The company management team takes the opportunity to analysing the needs of the customers by conducting research on the potential customers and finding out where the company’s products fits in the society. This has helped the company know its targets in the market and identify its weakness and areas of improvement. Through the identification of the right market niche, selling products to the right customers who have always been satisfied has been key to the company. Organization culture According to my research findings, the company- east end food Plc seems to be having a very strong culture. The culture of the company has been having a direct aim and ambitions on the company’s future and its competitive edge in the market. The company being more like a business being hold and operated by a family, here the employees are being seen as the company’s asset. This approach makes the company takes a step ahead. It does so by engaging its employees in training programs so that it can increase the level of performance of its business and maintain a leading edge in selling its chemical free products in the market. The company has extended its research to gain a competitive edge in the market. East end foods Plc Company is employing the use of technology in the investments made on its plant facilities so that it can be bale to improve the product efficiency of its outputs (Birley and Muzyka 2000, pp. 87- 98). The company experiences cultural challenges that are realistic; this makes the company have a successful completion of all of its goals. The company’s culture makes it friendly to the environment. The company also spends a considerable amount of time in training as well as educating its farmers on the importance of using organic farming in agriculture. The company does so to maintain the quality and brand of their products in the market. The company has employed three hundred and fifty-two workers so far. Since the company spends a lot of resources and time in training its staffs, the rate of employee turnover is low. The company retains its workforce in order to maintain its product production. The training programs being offered by the company together with good remuneration makes the employees feel part if the organization. The gaps between the skilled and the unskilled are by the frequent training programs being offered by the company. During the training programs, the staff members are made to understand the company’s vision and mission so that they can help them to work towards achieving them. The vision and mission statement of East ends foods Plc helps in guiding its employees towards success. The entire organization, from its management to the employees, all is motivated towards achieving the stipulated goals of the company. The organisation structure of the company has made it possible to incorporate the employees in coming up and providing ideas that can propel the company into further success. The organisation believes that the employees are company’s assets. Through this approach, employees are treated to be valuable people that needs frequent training in order for them to maintain their strong and valuable input in the production of the company’s products thus maintain the quality and brand. The organisation structure of East Ends food Plc Company has been a success. The company uses lateral and vertical communication where everybody is with mutual dignity and respect. This has helped the company a lot in retaining its employees who are vigilant and looking forward to seeing the company growing into a more successful business in the future. Growth and Maturity During its initial inception, East ends foods Plc has been having struggles during its early start-up days. At the tender age of eighteen years, Tony Deep was in need of a small loan from the bank. Unfortunately, he was not successful to acquiring the needed money because the bank refused to lend him out because Tony has no history behind him of running any single business. Today the banks wished to have lent East end foods Plc since the company has grown tremendously. In the early days of the company, Tony’s principle was simple when he started the company. He worked hard to ensure the company grows into a huge and successful business. His principle was that an individual should never purchase what he or she cannot afford. Tony Deep decided to put up his company in a community that was experiencing a large number of growing Asian communities. The company used this opportunity to advertise vigorously its products in the already growing market. Tony was social and had started developing a mutual relationship with the owners of the shops that were around since he had employed the use of door-to-door means of advertisement. This helped in marketing the company and its products in the end it was well recognised. The popularity of East ends foods Plc products started growing; this was helpful and advantageous to the company. Because it helped it to concentrate more in its market research and providing costs that helped tremendously in promotion to the company. East ends foods Plc is using many resources to enhance research in the aim of improving its market supply. By the time of its inception, so many companies were already in the market supplying similar products. Inorganic chemicals and pesticides are critical in the growth of these products. This was a good opportunity for Tony to strike. There was a gap in the community to solve the problem of the effects caused by plants grown using chemicals. The company started first by convincing the people on the importance of purchasing and eating foods that are not grown using the chemicals. Despite the good convincing power of the product in the market, the company had difficulties in penetrating the market. The market was deeply convinced of the other products. The company developed different brand of product that was not in the market at that time. Today, the company is working hard to enhance its products supply in the market to maintain its market share. For it to continue enjoying its market, the company must continue in engaging in researching more on its products to improve the quality and the blends being supplied. The market is ever changing. The development seen in the current market is forcing the company goes to its extreme in researching more on its products. Today’s population that constitutes the company’s market and consumers of its products is conscious of its health. People are becoming more knowledgeable and conscious of what they are eating. For a company to satisfy the consumers, its products must be free of any chemical that is believed to be causing health effects to the body (Kuratko and Welsch, pp. 45-112). East ends food Plc introduction in the market brought a new brand of products to the consumers. The concept of new products and development of products is held dearly by the company. The company is aware that for it to retain the huge customer’s population it has to work hard to develop its products to match the demand and needs of its customers. The company has been spending time on how to diversify its products in the market. In the process, there have been introduction of several products including chillies, paprika among other things. The company is totally committed in the development of new product to improve its market diversity. This means that the company is putting up its structures on the ongoing research in the market that means that East ends foods Plc is among the leading innovators of the products in the sectors dealing with green foodstuffs. With the aim of improving its market quality and diversifying its products, the company is extending its tentacles internationally in helping it outsource new and better products to maintain customers’ satisfaction. Directors of East ends foods Plc travel and visit their suppliers personally overseas to ensure they select high-quality foods for the company. Since its inception, the company has been able to expand its range of stocks in the market. This has been possible since the company is working hard to invest in technology. In the process, a superior service is provided to the customers. The company anticipated new trends in the market thus promoting the growth and development of products that are excellent and of high quality that meet the needs and the demands that the modern consumers want. The company is aware of the ever-changing trends in the market, for it to have a competitive edge in the supply of its products, the company must engage in research to maintain the brands of stocks in the market. The company thinks it is in the last stage of the growth model. Before it reached the maturity stage, the company had to endure difficult times in the process. During its early days of existence, Tony had no funds to put up a business in place. He was forced to seek funds from different banks that ultimately declined since they believed he had no experience in running business. This was a setback to Tony’s idea. The survival stage too had difficulties. Tony had to put up his business in fast-growing Asia communities and despite this, he was still forced to do marketing from door to door. Success and take-off stages were a fast growing period for the company. The company had established its roots in the markets and its tentacles spread in the vast population. People were beginning to have trust, and the products were gaining trust from the majority of the population. The company did not slip to the previous staged die to the strategy it had employ to enhance its growth in the market (Kuratko 2011, p.8). Despite the company working hard in providing the best products in the market, the company was forced to recall nearly all its products batches of apricots dried seedless in 2008. That happened due to incorrect labelling that happened by mistake on their package. The reason for recalling the batch of product was because it was alleged that the products were having contents of sulphur dioxide that was likely to cause potential harm to its customers. This mistake would have made the company lose its customers and make a bad reputation to its long-standing brand of products. What the company had to do was to make an alarm to all its branches of stores concerning this issue and handle it with extreme and steadfast measure before reaching the customers. This mistake though light, it would have had a great impact to the company negatively because the publicity of the company would have been with. Despite this, the company was successful in taking the correct action before everything turned into a mess. Conclusion East end foods Plc is business owned by Tony’s family that has been able to handle well its marketing, finances and research for it to maintain high standards of quality to maintain a high competition against its competitors. Tony Deep has provided a culture full of honesty. In addition to this, the third work has also been cultivated in the workers. In the company, each employee is a vital asset. Therefore, the company growth is attributed in its business culture where the company works as a family rather than the linear hierarchy that most companies use. References Birley, S. and Muzyka, D.F., 2000. Mastering Entrepreneurship, London, FT/Prentice Hall, pp. 87- 98 Burns, P., 2011. Entrepreneurship and Small Business,3rd Ed.Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 23-45 Kuratko,D.F. and Welsch,H.P., 2003. Strategic Entrepreneurial Growth, 2nd Revised edition, South-Western, pp. 45-112 Kuratko, D.F., 2009. Entrepreneurship theory, process, and practice in the 21st century. Cengage, Learning; 8 Edition, p.8. Zimmerer, T.W. and Scarborough, N.M., 2005. Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 4th Edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Pearson/Prentice Hall, p. 142 Read More
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