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Analysis of BMW Films - Case Study Example

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The "Analysis of BMW Films Case" paper examines new recommendations for McDowell, the sustainability of the company’s position, how the recommendation supports the long-term strategic position of BMW, and costs and trade-offs for the new recommendation…
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Analysis of BMW Films Case
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In a bid to improve its marketing strategy, the company established “The Hire” series of short films. This strategy comprised of ten-minute eight short films that displayed the value and quality of the mini-automobiles (Moon 2-3).

The strategy is said to have led to a significant increase in the company’s sales after its launch in 2001 and 2002. Besides the “the hire” series, various options that the company can take to consolidate its marketing strategy are paramount to maintain its market position and increase its success and performance in the automobile industry (Jham 2). 2. Issue a. New recommendation for McDowellConcerning an approach that can help consolidate the market position that BMW has had in their marketing and general growth, there is a need for the company to make a careful consideration of their previous action.

“The hire” series was an essential step that gave the company huge growth after its introduction in terms of average sales as shown. Exhibit 1. 1968-2000 U.S BMW Unit Sales in thousands (Moon 2003)Information from customers’ feedback has openly shown that they loved the approach and were fascinated by the driver character in the BMW films. As the company executive officer, there seems to be another opportunity to re-inventing the series. In this approach, the company should try to increase the amount of time, since people have been eager to know what happened to the driver in the films (Moon 10).

Here is the catch, the company should re-edit the strategy and include other characters that advance the promotional objectives of the company, and the results would surely be tremendous. Reasons for choice of strategy first option explains that the company should milk all the films available completely before re-introducing a new strategy. This is also the same idea in the second option; however, the third one talks of something different, a new version of the films. Rejecting the first two arises from the fact that they may not be any different from the current BMW films approach, for this reason, the company may not achieve much.

The fourth option recommends doing nothing, but watching as the events unfold, this is not a safe idea because other companies are trying their best to increase their market share, BMW, therefore, has the mandate to change its approach too.3. Sustainability of the company’s position The issues of whether the strategy will withstand the market forces in terms of competition depend on how the strategy will be redesigned. If the company increases the length of the films and other characters that advance its promotional objectives, it may be hard for the strategy to be imitated.

In addition, the company will have an advantage because customers have already associated the strategy with BMW. It is important to understand that even if other companies may want to imitate the strategy, the effect of conditioning on the minds of consumers will always make the associate it with BMW films. In this case, the strategy may end up backfiring on their competitors; the company should therefore adopt it. 4. Issue b. How the recommendation supports the long-term strategic position of BMW This strategy supports the long-term objective of the company to remain active and competitive in the changing times.

It is the best driver for guiding the company toward the achievement of its set long-term objectives. This is coming from the fact that customers have preferred the film approach, with most of them proposing the increase in the duration the films take to know the fate of the driver character (Moon 11).In this case, re-inventing the strategy will be necessary for the company to achieve its long-term objectives, as it will address its set objectives concerning its vision. In any case, the efforts that would be used in establishing another strategy can still be useful when applied in re-inventing BMW films for the future growth and development of the company.

Alternatively, the company may also be expected to increase its marketing costs to create awareness of the new approach. This includes marketing for the films in theatres and other places of entertainment that are frequented by people. 5. Issue c. Costs and trade-offs for the new recommendation In setting up the new strategy, the company will not require many resources for market research because they already have the previous information that they used when making the initial films.

One of the main resources will be skilled human resources that will understand the company’s future marketing aims and act out the new movies about those particular objectives. This is an important step for the executive officer because he can easily minimize the costs and maximize the returns from the new approach. In addition, he will be required to establish reliable feedback systems to take in feedback from clients on their reactions to the new strategy. Issue d. The rationale for the new recommendation The main aim of re-inventing the marketing strategy is for the company to maintain and increase its market share and position in the market.

It is important to note that with each passing day, companies are striving to manage the competition in the external environment. For this reason, the ability to maintain market share provides a company with much-needed competitive advantages. BMW has an obligation of remaining competitive and increasing its returns from the manufacture and sale of its products. In addition, the company should increase its operations and exploit new markets that are slowly coming up, thus the need to re-invent this essential strategy. 

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