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How Overstock Website May Utilize Its Strengths - Essay Example

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"How Overstock Website May Utilize Its Strengths" paper states that the most essential strength of the organization is that of offering products at low prices. This strategy enables the company to capture a large market share because consumers prefer lowly-priced goods over those that are highly-priced. …
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How Overstock Website May Utilize Its Strengths
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The company’s strength of differentiation also enables it to increase sales because different consumers purchase various goods (Overstock, 2014). The differentiation and low-price strategy may enable Overstock.

com to eliminate the threat of making low sales because of low consumer spending. This is because, through differentiation and low prices, the company attracts a large base of consumers (Dess, 2012). The company earns high sales when each of the numerous consumers purchases the goods that they prefer from the company’s online store. The high sales then enhance the company to reap high benefits that enable it to recover from the financial crisis of 2008. The strength of may enable the organization to take advantage of the opportunity that it has of increasing growth.

The company may expand into the offline market where consumers purchase goods from physical stores. This is because currently, the organization sells its products only to the consumers who buy from its website on the internet (Overstock, 2014). 

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