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Gray Marketand Expansion of Globalization Products - Assignment Example

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The author of the paper "Gray Market and Expansion of Globalization Products" argues in a well-organized manner that gray markets do result in companies losing out on profits and also further growth opportunities because of a perceived lack of quality products…
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Some potential customer resentment would still result even without a gray market, so not all of this negative impact can be directly linked to gray markets. The last point that you make about free market economies is right on the mark, and it would be interesting to research more about gray markets overseas where they are likely to flourish due to lax regulations.

Naturally with the expansion of globalization products will need to be tailored to local environments in order to be received by customers. You note that the North American website of Pringles offers the most product information and South America the least, but why do you think this is the case? Could it be that American shoppers are more informed and so demand greater knowledge about a product before purchasing it? It is good to see that you found out about the different flavored Pringles on offer in each market, but is there some common ground between the Pringles in all three markets?

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