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Sustainability Framework on Apple and Samsung - Assignment Example

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This paper "Sustainability Framework on Apple and Samsung" will analyze two companies in the same industry in regards to their efforts to reduce environmental pollution. In addition, the paper will compare the sustainability framework suggested by Hart to the framework implemented by these two companies…
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Sustainability Framework on Apple and Samsung
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Sustainability frameworks affiliation Sustainability frameworks Introduction The modern environment has been polluted by large manufacturing companies which fail to observe pollution regulation policies. In an argument by Hart (1997) the environment pollution experienced is majorly caused by manufacturing companies. The level of organizational pollution is set to rise with globalization increasing market opportunities for production companies. However, consumers have a significant role to play if the trend has to be changed. For instance, manufacturing companies have put in place recycling centers, in their large markets. Consumers may purchase a product in which they will be able to dispose of responsibly after use. Recognition of organizations embracing environment sustainable frameworks is because climate change has become a significant issue in the society (Hart, 1997). A sustainable framework consists of Clean technology, sustainability vision, Pollution prevention and Product Stewardship (Hart, 1997). Thesis This paper will analyze two companies in the same industry in regards to their efforts to reduce environmental pollution. The analysis will be on Apple and Samsung companies. In addition, the paper will compare the sustainability framework suggested by Hart to the framework implemented by these two companies. Samsung sustainability framework History Samsung has been viewed as a leader in this particular industry. Since the creation of Samsung, a lot has been put in place to reduce environmental pollution. Samsung is a telecommunications company with a variety of products on its brand. Its major products are mobile phones, computers and other electronics. The company has a significant global market with target market across the globe. 70 % of all nations across the globe boast of at least one major Samsung outlet (Magureanu, 2013). For this reason, the production level of the business entity is significant considering the level of demand on its products. With a large production level, the levels of emissions in the practice are also high. For this reason, this organization has set strategies to reduce their emissions to the environment. Clean technology This is the ability of an organization to use technology that is environmental friendly. In addition, an organization should be able to develop approaches to technology that are environmental friendly. Samsung is developing technology that considers suitability to the environment (Magureanu, 2013). Comparing old and new products by Samsung, there are significant differences in the hazardous nature of the product. In an argument by Hart (1997) Samsung products are less radioactive even when disposed. Acknowledging that telecommunications equipment must be radioactive at a set level, Samsung has set objectives in creating more durable commodities to reduce the disposal level across the globe on its products. Samsung also increased its production of products with the use of green technology. For instance, the company launched Series of mobile phone tablets that have been created fully through green technology. In an argument by the CTS (2013) Samsung’s clean technology has developed in years. This has increased the way in which consumers perceive the business. One significant clean technology is the use of clean the cloud. The strategy has increased the level at which the growth of cloud computing has been used in the organization (Treacy, 2012). The application of this clean technology has been mostly used in the creation of smartphones. With these changes, Samsung has increased its production of smartphones. The move has been cited as a way in which Samsung has been inclined to change the negative trend of climate change (Kennedy, 2011). In addition, the components used to make Samsung have been made fully recyclable. One significant technology created by the Samsun Company is the creation of wireless phones which have minimized the amount of resources used in the creation of products (Magureanu, 2013). Future technology aimed by the practice is the creation of products of fully recyclable resources. The technology objective aimed by Samsung aims at maintaining objectivity and increasing their environmental performance. In an argument by Hart (1997) the success of the clean technology is the ability to increase environmental friendliness and also ensure the product significant in the market is maintained. In addition, with the direction environmental appreciation is perceived in Samsung one may point out that the business entity has high potential in ensuring their technology meet the environmental standard. The success of this dimension can be measured by analyzing the changes made in the products created by the organization. By this consideration, Samsung has created environmental friendly product without minimizing the level of their products efficiency (Samsung Securities, 2013). Sustainability vision Since its creation, Samsung has put in place measures towards safeguarding the environment and the society. This can be viewed as sustainability vision since it ensures that all strategies put in place have environmental benefits. Samsung has a vision on which the state of the environment is significantly considered. For instance, Samsung has put in place an Eco management vision aimed at putting in place procedures to safeguard the environment it interacts with (Magureanu, 2013). The vision was created with the dedication aimed at changing the trend experienced in climate change. Additionally, the practice has put in place a vision that has high regards on waste management. The main objective in Samsung is to achieve a 100% efficient waste management system. In addition to this vision, Samsung has introduced the creation of green products. The organization has also set a 100% efficient goal on the production of eco-friendly products (Magureanu, 2013). In 2011, Samsung has a record of 2,630 eco-developed products which are the largest in this particular industry (Magureanu, 2013). In addition to this achievement, Samsung has received 9 certifications from international bodies that have put efforts to eradicate the effects of climate change. From this analysis, it would be appropriate to argue that Samsung has been exceptional in attaining a sustainability vision. Additionally, Samsung has increased its level of social responsibility. In 2011, Samsung has increased its community contribution by 22.5% (Magureanu, 2013). The funding percentage is set to increase after each financial year in regards to the profits generated. The funds aided in the creation of the hope for children social contribution. This project is set to expand it to 55 more countries and finally to a global project (Magureanu, 2013). Pollution prevention Samsung being a manufacturing company, the expected level of omissions is significantly high. However, the level of omissions does not dictate the level of pollution an organization exposes to the environment. For instance, Samsung has focused on the creation of products that can be recycled and reused. In addition, the company has created green products that are eco-friendly. These two strategies have realty reduced the pollution of the environment through the disposal of radioactive products. Apart from the creation of these eco-friendly products, Samsung has created Green Houses Gases reduction facilities (Magureanu, 2013). These facilities reduce the amount of emissions released to the atmosphere. Apart from the reduction of emissions, the facilities clean gas produced from the company thus akin them less harmful to the environment. In an argument by Hart (1997) objectives aimed at reducing pollution should be created with the aim of prevention not controlling. Controlling pollution is an act whereby an organization releases hazardous emissions and then generates effective measures to reduce the impacts of the pollutant materials. However, pollution prevention is the avoiding the release of hazardous products to the environment (Hart, 1997). The strategies used by Samsung are pollution prevention strategies which allow the company to handle hazardous emissions before releasing them to the environment. This success can be measured by the way in which the company has minimized the release of hazardous effluents to the environment. Samsung has successfully managed to minimize their release of waste to the environment. In addition the minimal release, it is an agreeable trend that the manufacturer has been the most influential company in this particular industry in terms of pollution prevention. Product Stewardship Product stewardship is the act by which a product life cycle is made environmental friendly. In an argument by Hart (1997) an organization should be responsible for its product’s life cycle. In addition, the objective should be able to add value to the products (Orr, 2002). In Samsung thee two objectives have been met efficiently. The company has ventured in the creation of green products that are eco-friendly. These products have a lifecycle that has no negative impacts on the environments. Regardless of their life cycle, the products remain environmental friendly and consumer efficient. Additionally, Samsung has created a recycling system that allows its users to dispose of used products responsibly. Through recycling the life cycle of a product, it is not terminated in terms of usefulness. In addition, the value of this product is increased. This is because the after its expiry in the hands of the consumer, the company recycles it and uses it in the creation of another product (Magureanu, 2013). Samsung has also added value in its products by the creation of its green products. In addition, it has reduced the cost of its green products which have made them easily accessible by the consumer. These strategies can be described as the best approaches to achieve effective product stewardship (Hart, 1997). Apple sustainability framework History Apple Company has been one of the most successful organizations in the world. Since its creation, Apple has been significance has consumers have appreciated all products created under the brand Apple. With its worldwide recognition and appreciation, Apple Company has always felt an obligation to please its consumers with quality product that are created in regards to the trend in preference. Apple Company has grown to the market leader in the telecommunications industry. However, many competitors have emerged with more quality products. For this reason, Apple Company has realized the need to be environmental friendly as a marketing tool and sustain its business importance. Clean technology In an argument by Hart (1997) in most occasions the quality of products created in respect to the environment may be less efficient. For this reason, organizations feel reluctant to embrace the technology that may limit their products effectiveness (Hart, 1997). The same case was in Apple after the introduction of technology that may increase their environmental consideration but reduce their product competency. However, Apple was able to incorporate clean technology and at the same time maintain its product efficiency. Apple has now fully implemented the use of clean technology, and it is an obvious assumption that the company has created even more efficient products. For instance, rubber is a product in which its recycling may diminish its quality as well as its disposal poses great harm to the environment. For this reason, Apple has included technology that completely excludes the use of rubber. The company has created wireless gadgets and earphones which were using rubber for their creation (Mancilla, 2011). In addition, the company has greatly emphasized on the use of plastic in its creation that can be easily recyclable. Considering the abilities of Apple Company it would be just to argue that the organization has high potential in fully implementing clean technology in its systems. In addition, over the years the environmental performance of Apple products has been exceptional. The performance has been achieved without limiting its product efficiency (Glasser, 2003). The most significant clean technology application by apple is the use of solar panels for its smartphones. In future, Apple will put solar panels in its iPhones that will replace the need to use characters. This would limit its use of natural resources (Kennedy. 2012). In addition, solar panels incorporated in mobile phones would also minimize the creation of surplus products (Doyle, 2012). To measure the success of the use of clean technology and the potential to use this form of technology in Apple, one must consider the value of its commodities both in the environment as well as the consumer market. This has been a success as the organization has been cited as the leading role models toward the invention on clean technology (Mancilla, 2011). Sustainability Vision Apple Company has greatly changed their business approach in terms of embracing new technology, production and processes. After the problem of climate change has been made a sensitive issue, the organization has put in place mechanisms that aim at reducing pollution. The modern Apple Company shares a vision that aims at increasing the way in which the company handles climate change. The vision also includes the production of eco-friendly and market competency products. Apart from the environmental problems, the manufacturer’s sustainability framework has also an inclusion of social responsibility (Newport, 2003). Apple has taken part in projects that are aimed at helping the communities they interact with. Apple Company has also put in place an Employee Status Quo. This is an arrangement that requires the manufacturer to be bias in creating the composition of its human resources (Mancilla, 2011). For instance, the company has created equal opportunities to female employees as male employees that have increased ender diversity in the business entity. Additionally, Apple shares a vision to achieve a 100% efficient waste management program and a 50% energy efficiency improvement (Mancilla, 2011). In addition to these improvements, Apple also has an objective to transform all its products to be ecofriendly in a period of 5 years (Mancilla, 2011). Analyzing these steps by Apple one may point out that the organization has an exceptional sustainability vision. Pollution prevention In an argument by Hart (1997) the sole aim of an organization with a significant market regard would be to minimize its environmental pollution levels. The author further points out that considering the trend of climate change; it has become a mandatory requirement for organizations to stop polluting the environment (Hart, 1997). In Apple pollution control is not considered as much as pollution prevention. In situation where the organization has found it necessary to control pollution: it has put in place exceptional measures. For instance, Apple announced a free to all recycling system (Deutschman, 2000). Persons with ownership of Apple products may deliver them to be recycled without paying. This has greatly reduced the number of Apple products that are irresponsibly disposed. Additionally, the 100% vision of a waste management system is aimed at preventing environmental pollution from emissions from the company (Orr, 2002). The program aims at recycling waste that can be re-used and treating disposable waste before releasing them to the environment. In addition, the program also advocates for the creation of green products that would be fully recycled hence minimizing the quantity of disposable waste (Hertzfeld, 2004). By the creation of green products, the organization lowers the cost of waste management as well as the level of hazardous effluents available for disposal. Product stewardship Hart (1997) points out that companies should be responsible for the implications of the products they create and release to the consumers. Apart from the product, an organization should consider the implications of the processes that take to manufacture a product. Apple created wireless products as a form of product stewardship. These products take fewer processes and use fewer materials which minimize the cost of production and depletion of the resources required to manufacture the product (Young & Simon, 2005). Additionally, this strategy has added value to the wireless products at a much lower production cost. In terms of a product life cycle, Apple products have increased life cycle considering their wireless nature. In addition, the fact that the organization has an exception recycling system the life cycle of its products can be perceived as eternal. The success of this particular framework in Apple can be measured by the consideration of the success of its products to reduce their impact as well as reducing their creation cost. Considering these two requirements the framework has been a success. Why Samsung has a better sustainability framework In an argument by Glasser (2003) Samsung has a better sustainability framework considering the fact it has been awarded as the industry most environmental caution manufacturer. Different from Apple, Samsung is transparent in its production process. Apple is criticized for the manufacture of hazardous products. This has minimized the success of its sustainable products (Doyle, 2012). In terms of technology, Samsung has been more successful than Apple comparing the clean the cloud strategy used in the creation of its smartphones and Apple’s incorporation of solar panels in its phones. Glasser (2003) also argues that Samsung’s CSR strategies are the best in the industry. Conclusion By analyzing the sustainability frameworks of both Apple and Samsung, it is an obvious assumption that these two organizations have put in place mechanisms to increase their environmental relationship. Both companies have exceptional sustainability frameworks. However, Samsung has gained certification for its indulgence in changing the environment making its frameworks more efficient. References Clean Technology Solutions (CTS). (2013). With 1 MWh order, Samsung SDI and Xtreme Power Announce Partnership to Develop Innovative Energy Storage Solutions. Web. Retrieved from Deutschman, A. (2000). The Second Coming of Steve Jobs. New York: Broadway. Doyle, C. (2012). Apple reacts to Greenpeace over ‘dirty energy’ claims. Web. Retrieved from Glasser, H. (2003).Campus Sustainability Assessment: Knowledge Behaviour, Environmental and Sustainability Issues. Michigan: Western Michigan University. Hart, S. (1997). Beyond Greening: Strategies for a sustainable world. Harvard Business Review, 66-76. Hertzfeld, A. (2004). Revolution in the Valley. Boston: OReilly Books. Kennedy, J. (2011). Apple and Samsung plan solar panels for smartphones, tablets. Web. Retrieved from Kennedy, J. (2012). Apple promises to free cloud from coal but it’s still no diamond, laments Greenpeace. Web. Retrieved from Magureanu, L. (2013). Global Harmony with People, Society & Environment – 2012 Samsung Sustainability Report.Web. 16th Dec, 2013. Mancilla, N. (2011). Using GRI to Compare Apples to Apples in Sustainability Reporting.Web. 16th Aug. 2011.\ Newport, D. (2003). University and Sustainability Reporting: Adopting the GRI to Academia. Florida: University of Florida. Orr, D. (2002). The Nature of Design: Ecological Culture and Human Intention. Toronto: Oxford University Press. Samsung Securities. (2013). Corporate citizenship. Web. Retrieved from Treacy, M. (2012). Samsung Shows Us Just How Power Hungry the Cloud is in New Infographic. Web. Retrieved from Young, J. & Simon, W. (2005). iCon Steve Jobs: The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Read More
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