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Dr. John Waltman HERE 6/27 Walmart Proposal and Analysis Dr. Waltman, The purpose of this particular proposalwill be to seek to engage the reader with a better and more complete understanding of some of the realities that face the Wal-Mart Corporation within the current era. As a function of seeking to analyze any corporate entity with regards to the factors affecting it on an external level, it is necessary to engage in a PESTEL analysis. Within such an understanding, it will be the intention of this research proposal/memo to seek to investigate some of the following areas with regards the external factors impacting upon Walmart:The means by which the firm is seeking to integrate in other nations and operating within a litany of different political environmentsThe shifts in the global purchasing power that has occurred since the global financial collapse of 2007/2008The way in which the Walmart Corporation has sought to lesson the negative impact of brand image that has so pervasively affected them within certain demographicsThe means by which Walmart has sought to leverage the technological revolution to present its goods and services to an entirely new client base via their websiteThe means by which Walmart is engaging with environmental issues, both as a means of boosting its overall image, and as a means of affecting a change with regards to the way that it has traditionally engaged in businessA discussion and analysis of some of the more salient and pertinent legal issues facing the retail giantIt is the hope of this author that by engaging in each of these forms of analysis, the research will be able to provide a clear and definitive understanding of some of the changes that are currently being effected with regards to the way in which the entity in question engages in business and seeks to promote itself and its business model to new clients and into the future.
The overall timeframe that the project will analyze will be within the past 4 years; also reflected in the up to date nature of the data sources which have been utilized the inform this piece (presented below).With your approval, this project will continue and seek to leverage the resources that have been provided in the appendix as a working bibliography/reference list as a means of drawing a further level of analysis upon the subject matter that has thus far been introduced and briefly discussed.
ReferencesBarbaro, M. (2012). WAL-MART: A GIANT GONE GREEN. Saturday Evening Post, 279(2), 68-104.Basker, E. (2013). The Causes and Consequences of Wal-Marts Growth. Journal Of Economic Perspectives, 21(3), 177-198.Boudway, I. (2012). Labor Disputes, The Walmart Way. Bloomberg Businessweek, (4309), 57-60.DATAMONITOR: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (2011). Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. SWOT Analysis, 1-13.EIDELSON, J. (2013). Walmart Workers Walk Out. Nation, 296(1/2), 11-15.Featherstone, L. (2012). Walmart Exposed.
Nation, 294(21), 4-6.FEATHERSTONE, L. (2011). WALMART V. WOMEN. Nation, 293(3/4), 5.Ford, R. (2011). Beyond Good and Evil in Civil Rights Law: The Case of Wal-Mart v. Dukes. Wall Street Journal, 32(2), 513-529.Goetz, S. J., Rupasingha, A., & Loveridge, S. (2012). Social Capital, Religion, Wal-Mart, and Hate Groups in America*. Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell), 93(2), 379-393. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6237.2012.00854.xHanan, J. (2009). The Ecology of Empire: Capitalism, Sustainability and the Multitude.
Conference Papers -- National Communication Association, 1.Hicks, M. J. (2009). Wal-Mart and Small Business: Boon or Bane?. Review Of Regional Studies, 39(1), 73-83.Lafferty, B. (2011). Wal-Mart outshines the rest. (cover story). Wall Street Journal, 11(16), 1-13.Luo, X. (2010). Product competitiveness . Wall Street Journal, 38(3), 253-264. Matusitz, J., & Lord, L. (2013). Glocalization or Grobalization of Wal-Mart in the US? A Qualitative Analysis. Journal Of Organisational Transformation & Social Change, 10(1), 81-100. doi:10.1179/1477963313Z.
0000000007Miller, J. (2006). Whats Good for Wal-Mart…. (cover story). Wall Street Journal, (263), 12-28.Oberholzer-Gee, F. (2010). Wal-Marts Business Environment. Harvard Business School Cases, 1.Ping, X. (2013). Wal-Mart: refocusing resources where it matters. Wall Street Journal, 5(10), 55.
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