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Group Post - Research Paper Example

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Especially in the present age, when many countries around the world are still struggling with financial crisis’s effects, it is not a rational decision for the companies to outsource and widen the pool of unemployment for the local people. Obviously, outsourcing and brand…
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Response Especially in the present age, when many countries around the world are still struggling with financial crisis’s effects, it is not a rational decision for the companies to outsource and widen the pool of unemployment for the local people. Obviously, outsourcing and brand image in the customers’ view cannot be considered entirely separate aspects of an organization. Customers these days are educated and intelligent and know their rights and responsibilities. When they pay for a first hand service, they are not ready to accept any less than that.

It is not just about English being the first or the second language of the employees of a company, customers associate stereotypes and underestimate the foreign employees’ ability to understand their culture, and thus only want service from their local employees. Customer build their perceptions of a company’s corporate social responsibility based upon “all the information about a company that a person holds” (Brown and Dacin, 1997, p. 69). Drop in the number of American students that study Information Technology is a shocking fact and a strong reason for companies to stop outsourcing.

This shows how deleterious outsourcing is for our society in the long run. Response 2:I seriously doubt that outsourcing plays a role in increasing the quality of work. With outsourcing, employers have least control over the products’ quality since everything is being made abroad. Especially, when we talk about quality control, it means much more than just meeting the specifications to include the level of creation and innovation, and uniqueness in every item. It is so hard to keep all employees on one platform in outsourcing that such aspects are often neglected.

To say that the talent employers get through outsourcing is not available in the local market is underestimation of American local workers. Had foreign graduates been more capable, thousands of students would be going from America to those countries for studying every year rather than the other way round. Outsourcing is a fundamental reason for unemployment in America (Converse et al., n.d.). It cannot be said with utmost surety that the outsourcing company would always maintain competitive advantage.

These days, when economy has become very volatile and the value of currency is rapidly changing in different countries, if the value of currency of the foreign country starts gaining weight, the opportunity of outsourcing might eventually turn out to be a risk. Response 3:While that is the definition of outsourcing, this definition is not complied with in practice. A vast majority of the outsourcing firms hardly retain any responsibility for it while they transfer their operations to the third parties.

Outsourcing is also defined as “the decision by an organization to have all of its IT functions performed by a third-party outsourcing firm” (Wright, 2004). With outsourcing, the prime concern of a company becomes increasing the profitability of business. Retaining responsibility means catering for the void in job opportunities created because of outsourcing. Companies do not have outsourcing as the only option to gain in the markets from which they outsource. An American company with an all American organizational structure that establishes itself abroad holds value as an American enterprise and is trusted by the foreign consumers for its quality of service and durability of products.

References:Converse, R. et al. (n.d.). Outsourcing: Unemployment in America. Retrieved from, T. J., and Dacin, P. A. (1997). The company and the product: corporate associations and consumer product responses. Journal of Marketing. 61(1), 68-84.Wright, C. (2004). Top Three Potential Risks With Outsourcing Information Systems. Information Systems Control Journal. 5. Retrieved from http://www.isaca.


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