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Discussion What are some of the daily life experiences and/or challenges that presents obstacles to "Discovering Yourself? Please do not present very personal or intimate issues!!! My career as sales representative for St. Jude Medical has brought me into close contact with a good number of outstanding individuals in the medical community. Many of them have made significant contributions that have amounted to a great benefit to other people, which I admire. As a sales professional I am generally content with my chosen profession, save for the occasional misgivings if I might not have been good at something else.
Comparing ourselves with such people as successful and expert physicians makes us sometimes wonder if we had the opportunity to attain our full potential such as they had. Just as the Week 1 lecture stated, other people reinforced what we thought we should be in our lives by repetition and instilling strong emotions in us, but these may have actually distracted us from the aspirations we had for ourselves and for which we should have strived.One of the obstacles that hinders us from discovering ourselves is other people’s opinions which are dispensed as truth or wisdom, and which affect us well into adulthood.
Some parents tend to be quite hard on their kids in an attempt to mold them into good adults. Such discipline is good in some sense when it inspires children to strive harder and realize their capabilities. But when those people we look up to – parents, guardians, and role models – provide the wrong kind of influence or pressure, although they harbor the best of intentions, they are unaware that the young minds they seek to mold are actually hindered from discovering their true selves (Del Toro, 2009).
Del Toro, M S (2009) Parental Discipline Styles: A Study of Its Effects on the Development of Young Adults at the University Level. Retrieved 25 March 2013 from
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