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Business Plan of the Salad Bar - Case Study Example

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The paper "Business Plan of the Salad Bar" presents the ideas for the restaurant segment. The Salad Bar would be set up as a sole proprietorship business by the owner. The aim of the Salad Bar would be to provide the best services to its customers by offering them an array of ingredients…
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Business Plan of the Salad Bar
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The salad bar would offer an eco-friendly ambiance to the customers in a plaza building, Masonville, North London Ontario. The salad bar would be offering over 50 ingredients for the salad and a choice of more than 18 dressing to go with them. The customers would be allowed to choose every ingredient of the product. Apart from these beverages and toast would be also available. The customers would be from any age group, especially the health or fitness conscious people, and those who prefer fresh ingredients to junk foods for the meal.

It would be better to opt for Salad Bar then simple restaurants because there are many competitors in the restaurant segment, whereas good salad bars are few. Moreover, customers have been more health-conscious nowadays and are opting for healthy food in times of hunger. So the salad bar would be their obvious choice. The name of the salad bar would be “Salad Station”, where customers would find various different types of salads at affordable prices. The mission statement of Salad Station would be “To Offer Healthy, Tasty and Quick Serve Salad to Customers at Reasonable Price.

” In order to attain this mission, the salad bar would have to fulfill certain objectives, such as offer absolutely fresh ingredients, and tasty dressings, the price should be competitive, the customer service and ambiance should be effective, and excellent. The salad bar would be conducting business within the restaurant chain industry. It would also be consisting of a NAICS number of the business. The location chosen for the business is mainly London Ontario. The salad bar would be opened in a plaza building in the Masonville area, which is in the north of London Ontario.

The site expenses would be including the rental, and maintenance fees. Since the salad bar would be one of its kind in the London Ontario area, so the potential of attracting customers would be immense.

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