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Chick-Fil-A and LGBT Issues - Article Example

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The paper "Chick-Fil-A and LGBT Issues" states that it is essential to state that the CEO of Chick-Fil-A's remarks were about his lack of support for same-sex marriages. The CEO said that he did not support same-sex marriages and condemned gay relationships…
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Chick-Fil-A and LGBT Issues
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Following the CEO’s remarks against LGBT rights, a customer yelled at a drive-through employee telling her that he could not understand how she could manage to work at such a place. The customer seemed very angry and used abusive and threatening language. The customer was caught on video by a security camera and the matter was taken to the police.

The fate of the man
The man lost his job as the CEO of the firm he was working for and apologized for his actions.

Statements against or for special groups
The issue of making statements like these can be a very emotional one and can cause a lot of problems both for the person who gives such comments and for the public. The Chick-Fil-A case is a classic example of how random remarks on such groups can cause trouble. For instance, the CEO’s remarks on LGBT rights led to a lot of problems for the CEO as well as the Chick-Fil-A restaurants especially, considering that some municipalities threatened to deny operation licenses for Chic-Fil-A restaurant franchises.

On the other hand, the artist's act of vandalism in response to these remarks and the act of the man yelling at the drive-through employee are also classic examples of how such comments can lead to dire repercussions. Not only that but their actions did not help in improving the image of LGBT groups, and many LBGT groups have come to condemn the actions of the two. Although the artist was charged in court for his acts of vandalism, he was to pay a bill of $700 to paint the wall to remove the offensive graffiti on the wall.

The value of not putting personal information on Facebook

Facebook has been in the limelight about how the firm manages the privacy of users’ data. While the firm has improved the privacy mechanisms and privacy policies of the data it has about individuals, it is apparent that users’ ignorance of how to use these controls has been a major issue. Refraining from putting personal data on Facebook can be very useful because it is probably the only way to guarantee that users will not lose their personal information to other people. This is especially important considering that Facebook has been hacked by several hackers, who, while not able to retrieve data from their system, have been able to post annoying comments or photos on users’ profiles. This may mean that sooner or later, the hackers may be able to hack and retrieve data from Facebook, which can be detrimental to the privacy of users, especially those who upload their personal information on Facebook. Read More
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“Chick-Fil-As Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”, n.d.
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