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Business & Society case Study - Essay Example

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These stakeholders can be categorized into market and non market stakeholders. The market stakeholders in this case have a higher gravity of impact due to the…
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Business & Society case Study
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Case Study of a Brawl in Mickey’s Backyard There are a number of stakeholders representing various interests,some conflicting and, at the same time, consistent. These stakeholders can be categorized into market and non market stakeholders. The market stakeholders in this case have a higher gravity of impact due to the financial and economic importance in the Disneyland in which there are various stakeholders having transactional and economic interest towards on the area (Post et al. 5).Market stakeholdersMarket stakeholders are involved in the economic activities as well as transactions with the relevant company underlying the case study.

Market stakeholders aid Disney Corporation in delivering its services to the community, notably the provision of job opportunities to the surrounding communities, though commuting from the less expensive surrounding community since the area is considered to being a business location and not for settlement. The first key market stakeholders are the creditors who play an important role in the day to day running of the business in most corporations as they provide the unavailable funds that companies and businesses require to invest in as the aim to boosts its business activities (James E. Post 6). Disneyland is a business location in which their major business is the tourist and resort centre which is a booming industry.

The creditors of the companies involved in the tourism and resort business are the major stakeholders because they have lent their money expecting the returns of capital principal as well as the interest (James E. Post 15).The second key stakeholder in this case study are the employees who contribute the relevant knowledge and experience as the workforce to the company in which, in return, they get wages benefits, salaries and the chance for personal realization and satisfaction. The third suppliers who are the holding key backbone on the going concern of the tourist and resort business in Disneyland, the suppliers supply services, energy, raw materials, other various inputs in return for payments.

The final non-market stakeholders are the wholesalers, distributors and the retailers who are the main chain of the distribution in the whole process thus aiding its movement to the final consumers (Post et al. 25).Non-Market StakeholdersIn this case, the non-market stakeholders are the surrounding society, the general public, media, non-governmental organizations and the business support groups. All of these non-market stakeholders are generally not affected by the economic exchange of the company.

It is important to note that the decisions of the company do not influence directly the operations of the non-market stakeholders (James E. Post 29).Stakeholders InterestsThe directors and the executive agents of the company are responsible for the integration and the convergence of the various own interests of the stakeholders in a society or a company. The above identified stakeholders have various interests putting into context the situation. The market and non-market stakeholders have different interests, some conflicting while others are consistent (Post et al. 17). The case study in a more critical observation has a great favor to the market stakeholders due to the economic and the marketing potential of Disneyland.

The tourism attraction and the hospitality industry is at boom in the area, therefore the opposition of establishing below market rate rental apartments will not have a significant effect on the increase of revenues. On the other hand, the non-market stakeholders in this case study have not been favored because nothing is changed and they will still commute for longer distances and they will strain more of their resources as the situation stands that they cannot afford to live within Anaheim and its environs (Post et al. 45).Powers of the Relevant StakeholdersThe above stakeholders strive to achieve the desired outcomes and these underlying types of powers include the economic power, political power, legal power and the voting powers.

With the voting powers the exerted gravity is directly proportional to the proportionate shareholding within Disney Corporation, notably the decision to oppose the establishment of below market rate apartments (Post et al. 63). The customers, retailers and the suppliers have economic power over the company as they can withhold supplies and the customers refuse to purchase the goods. Employees can also boycott going to work due to the poor conditions and other implications of the situation in the case study.

Possible SolutionThere might be possible solutions from the dialogue between the market and the non-market stakeholders regarding the conflicting interests with the Corporation. The local developer might be allowed because it is only 15% of the units which are not of a great significance. The workers union can be of great help in the dialogue process in the articulation of the workers rights because housing is one of the basic needs. In conclusion, conflict of interests among the stakeholders is common in most of the corporations and it is the obligations of the management team to have a mechanism through which such conflicts are solved (Post et al. 98).Works CitedPost ,James E., Anne T. Lawrence, James Weber and James Weber (S.J.).

Business and society: corporate strategy, public policy, ethics. Indiana: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2002. Print.

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