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Huang, Hsing-Yi Contact number: 123456 (Change this (Change this ment of purpose I am Hysing-Yi Huang, a Taiwanese, and a marketing specialist by profession. I am a graduate of international hotel and tourism in my undergraduate studies, and business management in my master's course. My work experiences, training, and education have practically been on tourism and marketing.I have chosen to study marketing in the Ph.D. program in the earliest time possible, if in order. My inclinations are towards the mathematical sciences and I enjoy working with numbers.
At the same time, I am also interested in related sciences like marketing. I am the type that likes to take challenges, that is why I like puzzles. I do not easily give up until I am able to unravel them. I am more on the serious side than the one that prefers to relax. However, I enjoy travelling to places and seeing things that are exotic, which is why travel is very important to me. This is an activity that has given me much pleasure as well as lessons I could hardly get from other sources.
My principal research interests lie in the field of consumer behaviour and relationship marketing. I am particularly interested in consumer switching behaviour. If given the chance to be admitted to the Ph.D. program on Marketing, I shall focus on tourism and the travel sector. I project my career goal at the direction of tourism marketing for my country. Taiwan has a promising future in marketing that could be realized if its citizens, especially the professionals, bond together and focus on strategic areas.
Tourism marketing could be one of these that can give a boast to the national economy at the same time help other countries in terms of professionalized services. The United Kingdom is a fair country to learn these things, given the resources of this country and the mix of its students and professors.Given the time and chance to continue studying, I have done researches whether alone or with my major professor which findings I could still exploit. These researches have to do with airline business and computer and mobile telecommunications marketing that should be able to make a mark.
This time, in a doctoral program if in order, I would like to apply some concepts I have learned on procedural justice, distributive justice, and interactional justice, of response speed, compensation and apology. I am also interested in looking at other aspects of relationship marketing, customer commitment, and marketing trends in more sophisticated areas that could be explored. Over all, my new school could guide me on which step to take. There is no problem with language with me because I communicate well.
Thus, paper requirements in graduate school would not be much of a burden to me, granted that I do my part faithfully. When it comes to work, I have been used to the rigours of hard tasks from my background as an ordinary citizen. Thus, I also have the knack of knowing how to deal with classmates of different cultural background. Even with a change on environment, I know I shall be able to cope. Being relational in every way, especially in marketing, is very important. My work experiences have much to do with preparing me for advance studies.
I had been mixing with a lot of personalities, and I have matured with the wisdom of office work and the realities of life. Life is not always fun but sobering and fulfilling if responsibilities are fulfilled. This has been my philosophy ever since.I believe I can do fair work in a doctoral program. I have this much commitment and I look forward to learning all that I can. Hsing-Yi HuangApplicantCurriculum VitaeHuang, Hsing-Yi Contact number: 123456 (Change this!) Email Address: Hsing-yi@yahoo.
com (Change this!)Gender: FemaleNationality: Taiwan Date of Birth: September 17, 1976 Contact Address: 2F.No.5 Ren-Ai 2nd Street Kaohsiung City Taiwan R.O.C. Education Master of Business Administration (Global Marketing Group), National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology Kaohsiung, TaiwanSep 2003-Jun.2005Bachelor of Science (International Hotel and Tourism)International Hotel and Tourism College Weggis, Switzerland Dec 1999- Jan 2001 Hotel Operations Diploma Hospitality College Ltzelau Luzern, Switzerland July 1997-Apr 1998 Industrial Safety & Hygiene China Nan College of Pharmacy and Science Tainan, Taiwan Sept 1991-Jun 1996Employment Office AssistantNational Kaohsiung First University of Science and TechnologyKaohsiung, TaiwanOct 2005-Present[As Office Assistant of National Kaohsiung First University, I deal with data collection, acquisition and measurement of data, and maintenance of research data.
I am into teams managing research in science and technology.]Marketing Specialist Benesse CorporationJan 2002-Jun 2003 Marketing SpecialistDHL Worldwide ExpressOct 2001-Jan 2002[My stint in this job has enriched my experiences in maintaining customers, exploring new or potential customers and setting marketing strategies.] SupervisorLe Grill French RestaurantLinden Hotel, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.Apr 1998-Oct 1999[Supervising this restaurant taught me how to operate a restaurant in terms of cost control, training employees, and managing customer relationships.
]Publications and Awards Huang, Hsing-Yi. 2005, "A Research of Service Recovery and Perceived Justice on Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention with the Airline Industry," Proceedings of the 4th DeHann Tourism Management Conference, Nottingham University, United Kingdom, December. Dr. Hsu, Tsuen-Ho & Huang, Hsing-Yi. 2005, "The Impact of Relationship Commitment on Customer Brand Switching," Proceedings of the Enterprise Competitiveness and Business Management in Asia, National Chung Hu University, Chinchu, Taiwan, December.
[Consumer Switching Behavior may be interpreted as the Brand A loyalty customer choice to purchase Brand B Product (i.e., Before, Customer always takes Airline A company, now he takes Airline B Company.) More than ever before, managers in the service industry must understand their customers so that they can better meet their customers' needs and prevent them from switching to other companies. Any approach that addresses these issues is likely to meet with a great deal of interest, and relationship marketing has proven to be one of the most successful.] Dr. Hsu, Tsuen-Ho & Huang, Hsing-Yi.
2005, "A Study on Customer Switching Intention by the Viewpoint of Relationship Marketing," Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Distribution and Global Logistics, National Tai-Chung University, Taichung.Taiwan, Oct., pp.17-27. [Relationship marketing refers to marketing activities that attract, develop, maintain, and enhance customer relationships. Many firms have established relationship marketing (or loyalty programs) to foster customer loyalty toward their products and services with a marketing orientation from attracting short-term, discrete transactional customers to retaining long-lasting, intimate customer relationships.
] Awarded, Executive Yuan National Youth Commission College Students Service Industry Enterprise Planning Competition, 2003. [This award is about how to start an enterprise and create a marketing plan. I won this with my classmate. Our idea was to rebuild the prison into a hotel].Languages Chinese: Mother tongue English: Working knowledge of English German: Basic conversational ability. (Currently I am learning practical German) Japanese: Basic conversational ability. Submitted and prepared by:Hsing-YI HUANGApplicant
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