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Internet Banking - Research Paper Example

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A random sampling of twenty university students was done to cover a wide spectrum of people from various walks of life. The categorization was done on the basis of: Sex, Usage of internet, place of usage and the internet bank usage. The reasoning behind the choice of people and their spread in each category is given below.
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Internet Banking Research Paper
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As to the exposure to the internet is concerned almost all those who said they did have exposure to internet for over a year also said that they had internet banking exposure for over a year which is very welcome since most of the people who are on the internet seem to be more inclined towards using internet for this purpose. Most people (40%) felt that the internet banking enabled them to do their job quickly and only 20% felt that it does not help them do their job quickly. Others felt neither or did not comment.

This indicates there is an overall speed increase in the process. This has also resulted in 40% of the people saying that their productivity has gone up and 45% said that their effectiveness in utilizing the services have gone up. The same is not the case with the utilization of banking services, which the respondents seem to feel is more towards disagreeing. 40% said the internet banking has NOT improved their services. Around 35% said they perceived an improvement in the service. Nearly 45% of the respondents also felt that it was not easy to use the internet banking facility.

This implies that the sites are not really user friendly and the usability factor of the websites has to be analyzed. The overall banking usefulness as percei. The overall banking usefulness as perceived was checked and was found to be more in favor of yes as shown above. The number of people who perceived that the internet banking is not useful was just 15%. This implies that the overall reaction of the people is towards satisfactory internet banking. The above pie chart shows that there are also undecided people of almost 45% of the surveyed lot who could be turned positive with a little effort.

TrustFrom the analysis of the survey results, it is found that the overall satisfaction levels in the case of trust is also in favor of the bank. However, some of the important questions in this regard, 'I feel trustworthy towards my bank' and 'Using internet banking is secure' has evoked a strong neutral stand from the respondents. This indicates that the majority of them are still in a dilemma as to use the internet banking or not to use it. This dilemma can easily be turned positive by suitable promotion and clarifications for the clients of the bank.

Another interesting point to note is the fact that nearly 40% of the people have said they may not trust the bank with their private information. This possibly stems from the idea that the respondents might be getting from the bank that they are sharing their personal information with others merchants. But the overall trust in the bank has not diminished as per the figure below.There are more people who are saying they trust their bank without any holds. There is also 40% of people who say that they are neutral; not saying no but at the same time not saying yes either.

This is a group that needs further analysis by the bank as to why this is happening and may be efforts to be taken to set this right.Perceived Ease

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