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Project and Feasibility - Term Paper Example

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Name> Draft data Table 1: Dependent Variable Country Fertility Rate 1  Luxembourg 1.7 2  Qatar 3.7 3  Norway 1.9 4  Switzerland 4.7 5  Australia 1.8 6  United Arab Emirates 3.4 7  Denmark 1.7 8  Sweden 1.6 9  Canada 1.6 10  Netherlands 1.5 11  Austria 1.4 12  Singapore 1.7 13  Finland 1.7 14  United States 2 15  Ireland 1.9 16  Belgium 1.6 17  Japan 1.4 18  Germany 1.3 19  France 1.7 20  Kuwait 2.9 21  Iceland 2.1 22  United Kingdom 1.7 23  Brunei 2.8 24  Italy 1.2 25  New Zealand 1.7 26  Hong Kong 1.8 27  Israel 2.7 28  Spain 1.2 29  Cyprus 2 30  Greece 1.3 Source: http://data.worldbank.or…
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Project Paper and Feasibility Paper
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30  Greece 40.86% Source: Table 3: Independent variable 2 Country Physicians/1,000 people 1  Luxembourg 2.7 2  Qatar 2.22 3  Norway 3.1 4  Switzerland 3.6 5  Australia 2.5 6  United Arab Emirates 2.02 7  Denmark 2.9 8  Sweden 3.3 9  Canada 2.1 10  Netherlands 1.4 11  Austria 3.4 12  Singapore 1.4 13  Finland 2.6 14  United States 2.3 15  Ireland 2.79 16  Belgium 3.9 17  Japan 2 18  Germany 3.4 19  France 3.37 20  Kuwait 1.

53 21  Iceland 3.62 22  United Kingdom 2.2 23  Brunei 1.01 24  Italy 4.2 25  New Zealand 2. 66,371 6  United Arab Emirates 63,626 7  Denmark 59,709 8  Sweden 57,638 9  Canada 50,496 10  Netherlands 50,216 11  Austria 49,688 12  Singapore 49,271 13  Finland 48,783 14  United States 48,328 15  Ireland 48,289 16  Belgium 46,989 17  Japan 45,870 18  Germany 44,111 19  France 44,007 20  Kuwait 43,723 21  Iceland 43,088 22  United Kingdom 38,811 23  Brunei 38,534 24  Italy 36,267 25  New Zealand 35,973 26  Hong Kong 34,259 27  Israel 32,351 28  Spain 32,077 29  Cyprus 28,670 30  Greece 26,735 Source: World Development Indicators database (2011).

Table 5: Independent variable 4 Country Urbanization Rate 1  Luxembourg 1 2  Qatar 2.2 3  Norway 0.7 4  Switzerland 1.7 5  Australia 1.2 6  United Arab Emirates 2.9 7  Denmark 0.5 8  Sweden 0.5 9  Canada 1 10  Netherlands 0.9 11  Austria 0.7 12  Singapore 1.2 13  Finland 0.8 14  United States 1.3 15  Ireland 2.2 16  Belgium 0.3 17  Japan 0.2 18  Germany 0.1 19  France 0.8 20  Kuwait 2.5 21  Iceland 0.8 22  United Kingdom 0.5 23  Brunei 2.6 24  Italy 0.4 25  New Zealand 1 26  Hong Kong 1 27  Israel 1.

7 28  Spain 0.9 29  Cyprus 1.3 30  Greece 0.6 Source: World Development Indicators database (2010). Table 6: Independent variable 5 Country Life expectancy (Years) 1  Luxembourg 78.7 2  Qatar 75.6 3  Norway 80.2 4  Switzerland 76.3 5  Australia 81.2 6  United Arab Emirates 78.7 7  Denmark 78.3 8  Sweden 80.9 9  Canada 80.7 10  Netherlands 79.8 11  Austria 79.8 12  Singapore 81 13  Finland 79.3 14  United States 78.2 15  Ireland 78.9 16  Belgium 79.4 17  Japan 82.7 18  Germany 79.

4 19  France 76.4 20  Kuwait 77.6 21  Iceland 81.8 22  United Kingdom 80.1 23  Brunei 77.1 24  Italy 82 25  New Zealand 80.2 26  Hong Kong 82.2 27  Israel 82 28  Spain

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“Project Paper and Feasibility Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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