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AT&T Cooperate Social Responsibility - Essay Example

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Name: Instructor: Course: Date: AT & T cooperate social responsibility Formerly called American Telephone and Telegraph, the AT&T got incorporated on March, 1885. AT&T provides a wide communication products and services variety ranging from wireless to voice and data communications services…
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AT&T Cooperate Social Responsibility
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The current changing legal, economic, and social settings require ethics programs with the aim of protecting the corporation and its stakeholders, including customers, employees, stockholders, among others which can be achieved by proper corporate social responsibility (CSR) approaches. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) may be defined as the “legal, economic, ethical, and discretionary outlooks that society has on organizations at a given time" (Carroll and Bocholt, 36). The model of corporate social responsibility implies that organizations have philanthropic, ethical, and moral responsibilities as well as their responsibilities to make a fair return for stockholders and comply with the legal system.

A traditional understanding of the corporations proposes that its principal, if not exclusive, responsibility is to its stockholders, or owners. However, CSR obliges organizations to adopt a wider view of its responsibilities which includes not only stockholders or owners, but many other communities as well, including suppliers, customers, employees, the local community, environmental groups, state and federal governments, and other notable concerned groups (Carroll and Bocholt 13). . AT&T remains committed in making the sphere a better place by the implementation of proper corporate social responsibility, and they evidently get recognized for their corporate citizenship.

At AT&T, hundreds of thousands of staffs have long held their principal value that they do not simply support their communities but they remain members of them, too. That is why for over a century, they have helped shape these communities though their philanthropic efforts by volunteerism and giving to make their people “make a difference”. For over 26 years, the AT&T Foundation remains fundamental in enriching and consolidation the diverse communities they serve. The Foundation supports non - profit organizations and programs that nurture inclusion and create opportunities for the diverse population (Carroll and Bocholt 51).

AT&T diversity supplier program and its commitment to minority owned industries stand recognized nationally. The organization remains among the leading companies globally when it comes to realizing and doing business with different suppliers. Since 1968, the company Global Supplier Diversity body connects certified diverse minority, disabled and women veteran - owned business initiatives (MBE, DVBE and WBEs) businesses with opportunities to make available products and services to AT&T organization around the world.

AT&T Global Supplier Diversity Program started in 1968 with the foundation of AT&T MBE (Minority Business Enterprise) Program. In addition to this MBE Program, the WBE (Women Business Enterprise) Program got launched in 1980 and the Enterprise DVBE (Disabled Veteran Business) Program in 1993. These 3 programs have enabled the beneficiaries to

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