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Critical Review on Organic Aloe Vera Production around the World - Assignment Example

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The paper "Critical Review on Organic Aloe Vera Production around the World" is devoted to farming techniques across the globe, organizations that give financial and expertise aid to farmers who practice this mode of farming, methods used to harvest Aloe Vera in organic farms across the world.
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Critical Review on Organic Aloe Vera Production around the World
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? Insert of Insert Critical review on Organic Aloe Vera production around the world Insert Contents Outline of the report 2 Introduction 3 The Aims of the Report 4 Findings and discussions 4 I. Reasons and methods of organic farming 5 II. Organization which support organic farming 6 III. Major requirements and constraints for Aloe Vera Farming 6 Climatic conditions 6 Water 7 Soil 7 Temperature 9 IV Farm Inputs 9 V. Uses of Aloe Vera 9 VI. Diseases and pests 10 VII. Shortcomings and benefits 10 VII. Environmental benefits 10 Recommendations 11 Conclusion 11 Bibliography 11 Outline of the report Organic farming makes use of organic compounds when practicing and it does not necessarily need the use of chemicals such as fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides. Organic farming relies on techniques such as use of compost manure, rotation farming, green manure and pest control through the use of biological means. Farmers worldwide are embracing organic method of farming; this is because this mode of farming comes with more benefits both to farmers and the global economy as compared to chemical aided techniques which are non-environmental friendly techniques. This paper will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of organic farming more specifically organic aloe Vera farming globally; the report will also give detailed information on the products produced from processing of Aloe Vera plant. This report entails the various factors which contribute to the increased rate of adopting organic farming techniques by farmers across the globe. This research provides information on the methods utilized by farming in organic farming. The research will discuss the various organization which give financial and expertise aid to farmers who practice this mode of farming. Places whose soils are fertile and have the property of good drainage are the best for Aloe Vera farming; the plant does well in places with high light intensity and high temperatures. The research will investigate these conditions favorable for organic Aloe Vera farming. The daily test carried on Aloe Vera plant leaves to monitor the plant health, resulting to a great harvest when they are mature. The report will provide information on the methods used by to harvest Aloe Vera in organic farms across the world (Stewart, 2005) . Introduction Aloe Vera originated from North Africa and Middle East and is a succulent plant. This plant does well in arid areas in the world with its sap being the beneficial part commonly known as the Aloe Vera gel. This gel is the clear substance in the leaves of Aloe Vera plant, the organic Aloe Vera juice micro pulp which is almost pure barbadensis organic Aloe Vera is a main source of healthy beverage. Organic Aloe Vera plant is rich in polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins and protein lipids which when processed are important components needed in by humanly to provide vitality and improve the immune system various countries across the globe practice organic aloe Vera farming on organic farms that are met international standards. Harvesting of mature organic Aloe Vera leaves can be done manually and the leaves transported to the processing companies immediately for processing to maintain their freshness. This ensures that the freshness of Aloe Vera plant appears in the final product (Stewart, 2005). This paper gives a clear examination of the reasons which led to adoption of organic Aloe Vera farming all over the world, the organic methods that the farmers have adopted in Aloe Vera farming in the world. The gains brought about with the practice of organic farming methods and returns the farmers across the globe and the different products of Organic aloe Vera planted in the world is discussed in this report. Organic Aloe Vera has several medicinal benefits are analyzed in this report. Government and non-government organizations that assist farmers both financially and expertise wise in organic farming of Aloe Vera have been indicated in this report (Stewart, 2005). The Aims of the Report 1. To investigate and document the main reasons for the popularity of organic farming of Aloe Vera in the world. 2. Examination and discussion of the different methods used in organic farming of Aloe Vera in the world. 3. To analyze and document the support that Aloe Vera farmers receive from both their governments and non-governmental organizations. 4. To analyze and document the challenges that face Aloe Vera farmers. 5. To discuss different processed products made from organic Aloe Vera and their benefits to the human body. 6. To discuss the impacts that organic farming has on the environment. Findings and discussions Various countries embrace organic farming through the development of vast farms of Aloe Vera plantations in different states across the globe with Australia boosting of the largest organic plantations. Thorough monitoring of organic Aloe Vera plantations by the international organizations ensures that organic Aloe Vera farming meets the international standards. The farmers practice purely organic farming of Aloe Vera; this method ensures maximum harvests in regions with the favorable environmental conditions and availability of soil that is rich in nutrients which boosts Aloe Vera plant growth. Farmers do not use fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and insecticides (Lehman, 2001). In these large Aloe Vera plantations, the Aloe Vera plants are monitored daily to make sure that only plants that show high quality characteristics are harvested for processing. Harvesting of Aloe Vera plant leaves is done after close monitoring of their health. It is usually done manually to minimize contamination of the leaves since the Aloe Vera freshness is required even after processing. The leaves are certified for quality purposes after harvesting and then taken to the processing plants where they are used as raw materials in production of different products. Processing of Aloe Vera plant leaves is done the same day. This ensures that the final product of the processing contains the freshness together with the chemical activities of Aloe Vera (Lehman, 2001) . A gentle cold-extraction process is used during processing of Aloe Vera leaves; this process has been developed as the main Aloe Vera processing mechanism by farmers around the world. The leaves undergo multiple, thorough cleaning, preparation and extraction process during processing. This process involves extraction of the plants succulent juice which is normally known as Aloe Vera gel from the leaves, and it is meant to make sure that the gel that remains is fresh and pure always. The Aloe gel then undergoes a stabilizing process by passing it through a series of tested and proven processes so that its natural composition is not changed. The Aloe Vera processing plants under the laid procedures usually known as ‘Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)’ these procedures ensure that the process of processing Aloe Vera products meets the set international standards for ‘Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). These plants or facilities are also organic certified by ‘Australian Certified Organics (ACO). Aloe Vera gel after undergoing the above procedures ensures that the products are of high quality (Lehman, 2001). I. Reasons and methods of organic farming Organic products have found a wide area of application and their demand has been increasing tremendously in the recent years; hence organic farming is receiving a lot of attention across the world. Organic farming is also environmental friendly the effects of using chemicals in farming which includes; Global warming leading to climate change. Organic products processed from organic Aloe Vera finds most application in manufacturing of medicine, caffeine free and non-carbonated beverages. Organic Aloe Vera farming was the first to be started in the world in 1977. In organic Aloe Vera farms, prevention and elimination of weed is done organically by a method introduced by a farmer from Australia. This method uses a blast of water heater at very high temperatures (hundred degrees) and is mainly used to kill pesky weeds found in the Aloe Vera plants plantations. The steam unit is mounted on a tractor which then shoots steam from the spray balls maintained on the tractors front wheels (SENELWA, 2009). The weed in the farm withers due to the steam impact and dies within a period of two days. This method is cheaper and does not cause any harm to Aloe Vera or interfere with the farms soil composition. The farmers avoid the use of chemical fertilizers by embracing the use of green and compost. Green manure comes from the waste plants and kept until it decomposes and the applied to the crop. Compost manure comes from animal waste. These methods are economical friendly as compared to highly expensive chemical fertilizers and insecticides (SENELWA, 2009). II. Organization which support organic farming Several organizations that monitor the standard of the Aloe Vera produced in the world by outlining the parameters required for organic farming has boosted Organic Aloe Vera farming in the world. The organizations ensure that all organic farmers meet the set standards of Aloe Vera production. According to the information obtained from, some of these organizations which give the standards for organic farming are:” National Association of Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASSAA) and Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA)” (Stewart, 2005). An international body that regulates the activities involving organic farming, which known as, “Organic Agriculture Worldwide 2002 Statistics and Future Prospects” (Commonwealth of Australia, 2002). Organic Aloe Vera farmers receive financial support from government organization in the world. Currently government organizations are encouraging farmers by providing them with expertise support in addition to the financial support offered. Non-governmental organizations like the ones named above have shown a lot of interest in organic farming. These organizations provide farmers with loans at low interests to support organic farming. They also offer education services on organic farming to farmers especially in developing countries (Commonwealth of Australia, 2002). III. Major requirements and constraints for Aloe Vera Farming Climatic conditions Aloe Vera does well in a warm environment and has a standard amount of strong light. Several countries in the world experience such climatic conductions. The weather should be frosty free and have a substantial amount of humidity which favors healthy growth of Organic Aloe Vera without the use of chemicals. This implies that Aloe Vera requires warm, sunny and arid climate (Lehman, 2001). Aloe Vera plants are provided with the natural climatic conditions by planting them in green houses which makes it easy for farmers to control the environmental conditions under which the plant grows (SENELWA, 2009). Water Since Aloe Vera is a succulent plant, that is; it leaves have high quantities of gel which the main part harvested, implies that these plants require minimum amounts of water. The farmers in wetlands have developed the following measures to curve the issue of minimal water requirements (SENELWA, 2009). The soil should have good drainage properties so as to allow for maximum drainage of water during watering. This is because Aloe Vera plant naturally requires minimal water supply since its does well in arid and semi arid regions. In order to practice inorganic farming of Aloe Vera, The plants should be exposed to their natural climatic conditions. This is a significant constraint in countries whose climatic conditions are cool and wet. This implies the soil suitable for growth of Aloe Vera is volcanic which makes it ideal for harvesting the plant. Farmers overcome this problem by ensuring that the soil is properly drenched before planting the crop (Aloe Vera).The soil is completely allowed drying up before watering the plants again. Aloe Vera plant requires very small amounts of water for better harvest during maturity throughout the year. This because excess watering of Aloe Vera may lead to low harvests since most of the crop may dry as a result of excess water (Commonwealth of Australia, 2002)..During winter periods, less watering activities are involved since the crop requires less water, more so there should be no watering during winter seasons since there the presenter of water in the soil which is sufficient for the plant (Lehman, 2001). Soil According to Melco, the following soil properties must be met when practicing organic Aloe Vera farming. These properties are suitable for all species of Aloe Vera (Melco, 2013).The soil used in planting of Aloe Vera should be well drained, this ensures that after watering; only the amount of water needed by the plant is retained in the soil and the excess water is drained. This is because for better production of Aloe Vera, the amount of water provided to the plant should be limited. The soil should also contain the nutrients and minerals required by the Aloe Vera plant. Once the farm is used to plant aloe Vera, the level of nutrients in the soil depreciated or reduces, this problem is mitigated by adding compost pests and worms in the soil. This ensures that the level of soil is maintained at the required levels (Stewart, 2005). In places where the soil retains a lot of water, sand obtained from the river banks is added so that the soil is compatible with the natural environment for Aloe Vera growth. Sea sand does not provide these natural conditions hence it is avoided (Commonwealth of Australia, 2002). Soil fertility in organic Aloe Vera farms is improved by use of regulated organic methods which ensure that the Aloe Vera plant is maintained under an organic system. In this organic system, enable the Aloe Vera plant to gain from the microorganisms that could be interfered with incase of an inorganic farming. Organic soil is the home for bacteria, fungi, worms and beetles which enhance the fertility of the soil by providing proper soil aeration and mixing different components found in the soil (Stewart, 2005). The techniques used in improving soil fertility and drainage are described below. Soil fertility improvement methods The different practical soil fertility techniques endorsed by organic Aloe Vera farmers are: Compost: compost is classified as kitchen and garden waste, animal waste and green manure. Compost is used as a medium soil fertility improving technique. Compost is applied at the base of the of Aloe Vera plant, on the rows or over the Aloe Vera lawns. This organic compound feeds the soil microorganism and hence adding nutrients to the soil. Other fertility improvement methods classified as medium techniques are; Animal manure, compost from mushrooms, hay and warm compost. These components added in the soil by digging them in the soil (Stewart, 2005). Organic Aloe Vera farmers are advised ton avoid walking on the areas under Aloe Vera plantation, the reason behind is that stepping on cultivated soil makes in compact hence minimizing its aeration, growth of the plant roots and the number of microorganisms in the soil. This technique also improves the soil drainage which serve a big role in Aloe Vera farming, this is because aloe Vera plants do well in soils which posses good drainage properties (Stewart, 2005). Phosphate is added to the soil by use of bone meal, phosphates from the rock and fish blood, nitrogen is obtained from dried blood, horn and hoof obtained in the ground while potash is obtained from wood ash and weed meal from the sea (SENELWA, 2009). Nitrogen can also be added in the soil by planting cover crops along with the Aloe Vera plants which includes; clover or rye which grows very well with aloe Vera plant. During harvesting, the cover crop is cut down and dug into the soil to help in improving the soil fertility (Stewart, 2005). The use of chemical components which could kill these microorganisms found in the soil is not embraced by farmers who practice organic farming. Temperature Aloe Vera does well in temperatures which resemble those in arid places; these temperatures should be between above 10 degree Celsius. This temperature is highly high compared to level of temperatures experienced in most countries where organic farming is practiced and this count as a main constraint the farmers face when practicing organic farming of Aloe Vera (Melco, 2013). IV Farm Inputs The use of farm inputs is done carefully to avoid alteration of the soil composition in terms of its properties and nutrients. Application of these inputs is done when need arises to avoid contamination of the soil. A record of the amount and type of input applied is kept (Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, 2007). The inputs applied include: Animal manure and two applications of green manure Application of compost manure Minerals together with other natural elements are applied without the use of chemicals; this enables them to maintain their water solubility (Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, 2007). V. Uses of Aloe Vera Products of Aloe Vera are obtained from the Aloe Vera gel mainly found in the leaves of Aloe Vera plant. Once it is processed, this gel finds many applications in medicine and beauty industries. The gel is also extracted to make an Aloe Vera juice which is caffeine free. The medicine obtained from aloe Vera is used in treatment of the following disease among others (Stewart, 2005); Psoriasis Constipation Diabetes Frostbite Cold sores Skin damage In additional to the medical benefits of Aloe Vera given above, Aloe Vera also finds application in processing of beauty products which includes: face gels, lotions, air conditioners and other substances used in the beauty industry. More research is being carried out on other ways the Aloe Vera plant can be exploited (SENELWA, 2009) . VI. Diseases and pests Aloe rust: This fungus disease affects aloe leaves making the leaves to have black permanent spots. Basal stem rot: It is caused by damp condition and it affects the aloe Vera plant base. The major signs of this infection are a dark brown or red base. Bacterial leaf rot: This disease is caused by a type of bacteria called Erwinia chrysantemi and is characterized by dark green and water logged parts on the leaves VII. Shortcomings and benefits Limited resources appear as the principal shortcoming experienced by Aloe Vera farmers in the world since they are supposed to meet the set standards with limited resources. The companies should have sufficient finances to enable them meet their daily operations, which include; daily monitoring of the plant, training of employees, watering and appropriate drainage (Rhoades, 2013). Though farmers across the world experience these short comings, there are also benefits brought about by organic farming of Aloe Vera. Organic farming is the cheapest modes of farming hence the farmers make high profits by selling Aloe Vera. The plants products provide farmers with affordable healthy beverages and medicine which is purely natural (SENELWA, 2009). Insufficient funds are the principal shortcoming of organic farming globally but this mode of farming enables production of high quality Aloe Vera products (SENELWA, 2009).Farmers also face the challenge of lack of sufficient information on the ways of improving soil fertility without embracing the chemical methods. International non-governmental organizations across the world have set up ways of educating farmers on adoption of purely organic techniques in Aloe Vera farming. This has seen an increase in annual Aloe Vera production across the world (Rhoades, 2013). VII. Environmental benefits Manual harvesting of the Aloe Vera plant does not cause pollution. This is because there is no emission of gases like carbon dioxide as compared to mechanical harvesting Compost and green manure used in organic farming do not affect the composition of soil which is environmentally friendly. The organisms found in the soil remain un affected as compared to the use of chemicals which ends up killing most of the soil organisms Organic farming boost the natural ecosystems since it involves circulating of the ecosystem within the system like manure from animals goes into the soil as it should be naturally hence bringing a balance of the ecosystem (SENELWA, 2009). Recommendations Safe mechanical harvesting methods should be used for easy harvesting of Aloe Vera. Installation of cameras for surveillance purposes so as to secure the farms in places where security is an issue. External farm inputs should be used areas with low nutrient levels. These inputs include compost manure and green manure Conclusion The desire by farmers to adopt environmental friendly methods of farming contributes to the increased adoption of organic Aloe Vera farming. Organic farming of Aloe Vera improves the lives of farmers both health wise and financially from the sale of Aloe Vera products (Rhoades, 2013). Through research and the developed interest in Aloe Vera production, non-governmental organizations are being formed to help Aloe Vera farmers with the necessary information needed to cultivate Aloe Vera by use of organic methods (Rhoades, 2013) . The global warming is another factor that has led to increased number of countries that encourage their farmers to practice organic Aloe Vera farming so that they can adhere to the international regulation of minimizing global warming (Rhoades, 2013). Bibliography Melco, M. (2013, March 28), Aloe Vera Plants. Retrieved March 29, 2013, from Http:// Organic Farming Market Research Report. (2012, Oct 29). Organic Farming in Australia: Market Research Report. Retrieved March 29, 2013, from Rhoades, H. (2013, March 29). Aloe Vera Plant Care – How To Grow An Aloe Plant. Retrieved March 29, 2013, from The Henry Doubleday Research Association “Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening”; Pauline Pears, Editor-in –Chief; 2001 The Royal Horticultural Society’s “Essential Gardening Techniques”; Christopher Brickell, Editor-in-Chief; 2002. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. (2007), Organic Vegetable Production. Going Organic, 98. SENELWA, K. (2009, January 11). Aloe Vera growing takes root in Kenya. Retrieved March 29, 2013, from Stewart, R. (2005). Tread Lightly: A Guide to Travelling Green in Australia, Melbourne: Black Inc. The Finest Aloe Vera in the World. (2013, March 29). Retrieved March 29, 2013, from Commonwealth of Australia, (2002, June 20). Organic Agriculture, Retrieved March 29, 2013, from Lehman, M. (2001, October 07), The Medicine Plant. Retrieved March 29, 2013, from Melco, M. (2013, March 28), Aloe Vera Plants, Retrieved March 29, 2013, from Http:// Organic Farming Market Research Report. (2012, Oct 29). Organic Farming in Australia: Market Research Report. Retrieved March 29, 2013, from Rhoades, H. (2013, March 29). Aloe Vera Plant Care – How To Grow An Aloe Plant. Retrieved March 29, 2013, from Http:// Stewart, R. (2005). Tread Lightly: A Guide to Travelling Green in Australia, Melbourne: Black Inc. Read More
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