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Democratic Leadership Style and Leadership Abilities - Assignment Example

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From the paper "Democratic Leadership Style and Leadership Abilities", leadership is the various processes that people of authority practice to influence their peers or subordinates to agree and understand how to improve performance and interpersonal communication to achieve collective objectives…
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Democratic Leadership Style and Leadership Abilities
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? A Strategic Plan for Personal Development Outline I. Introduction II. Literature Review a. Process Versus Trait b. Emergent Versus Assigned c. Leaders Versus Managers d. Position and Personal Power III. Democratic Leadership Style IV. Current leadership Abilities V. Leadership Assessment Methods a. Birkman Method b. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator VI. Identification of Gaps in Leadership Strength VII. Leadership Plan, Objectives and Actions to Succeed in Leadership VIII. Measurements and Indicators of Success in Leadership IX. Conclusion Abstract Leadership can be defined as the various processes that people of authority practice to influence their peers or subordinates to agree and understand how to improve performance and interpersonal communication to achieve collective objectives (Jones & Goffee, 2007).Leadership in the contemporary society has various definitions that relate to good communication and achieving set objectives (Daft, 2011). Some leaders incorporate the use of psychological techniques such as emotional intelligence to impact good leadership abilities among employees. I desire to be a leader can influence other people towards goal attainment and shares the same objective with peers. Introduction I believe such leadership will help me motivate my subordinates towards attainment of common objectives and enhance interpersonal communications (Daft, 2011). Leadership process is either interactive or linear. An interactive process is a two-way communication where leaders and their peers or followers communicate by raising concerns and receiving a direct feedback. A linear leadership process is an authoritative form of leadership where leaders make decisions and implement changes without consulting their followers (Daft, 2011). Leaders influence their peers, subordinates and other stakeholders. Influence relates to the relationship between the leader and the followers, which has to be ethical and effective for people to listen and corporate. Leadership can only function within a group of people working towards achieving a common goal (Daft, 2011). Leadership also means that both personal and career goals are set for the leader, followers and stakeholders (Hollander, 2007). I want to be a leader who completes tasks within a given period using ethical means. Trait in leaders implies that some people have the right personality, values, motives and skills to be good leaders. Literature Review a. Process versus trait Process in leadership implies that skills and abilities are acquired through education, coaching and mentoring (Jago, 2006). Leadership process is available to all hardworking and reformed entrepreneurs willing to change their cognitive and behavioral aspect of life. Leaders can learn from other famous and successful leaders how to become the best in their organization. Emotional intelligence is also essential while learning how to become an influential and effective leader. Most business leaders shape their skills with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and changing their behavior to accommodate diverse culture and behavior exhibited by other people in an organization (Daft, 2011). Coaching and mentoring in a leadership process is very important because successful leaders shape the minds and behavior of young and aspiring leaders to become influential. Mentoring is a process where decisions are affected by the experienced leaders before any action is implemented. The mentor acts as counselor to an aspiring leader by listening and giving sound advice that is needed to achieve set objectives of becoming a good leader (Sindell & Hoang, 2001). Trait in leadership is an added value, which is innate in nature (Goffee & Jones, 2006). Some people are born with leadership personalities, values and physical characteristics. There are leaders that speak fluently and influence people with both spoken and written word. Some leaders are extroverts, which imply that they socialize with all employees, stakeholders and customers to acquire new views and concerns from different perspectives. However, leadership as trait is only limited to few people blessed with good and social traits that others lack and therefore, a weak basis to describe leadership in the contemporary society (Daft, 2011). b. Emergent versus assigned Emergent leadership occurs when one person from a group of people sharing the same goals is given leadership roles because of influencing other team-mates in an understanding and positive manner (Jago, 2006). An emergent leader does not have power or authority but is most influential among the group members. This form of leadership is exercised in organizations that a person single handedly asks for other team-mates opinions, counsels and help in the development of each person regardless of position in the organization. This leader is supported, respected and accepted by other members of the group. Leaders that are made through this method rely on years of positive interpersonal and communication with other members of the team (Sindell & Hoang, 2001). Assigned leadership is exercised in almost all contemporary companies and organizations (Goffee & Jones, 2006). This is a form of leadership where a person is appointed to hold formal and powerful position of authority in a company based on academic qualifications and experience. Assigned leaders can be people from different companies or those within the company. These leaders include Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of health facilities, vice presidents of higher learning institutions and plant managers among others.In most cases, assigned leaders in an organization may be unpopular with other members of the organization, which means that followers do not regard the leader as a role model or a representative of their small community (Goffee & Jones, 2006). Whether a leader is assigned or emergent, the most significant part of the leadership process is to use skills acquired to influence the cooperation among subordinates with the goal of achieving shared organizational objectives (Lee, 2003). c. Leaders Versus Managers Management and leadership are almost similar in the sense that both require a person to influence a group of people to work together and accomplish a united goal. However, leadership and management exist on different dimensions. Managers in an organization have studied in top universities to become reactive and willing to corporate with other employees in solving problems and administering organizational change (Jago, 2006). They work with employees with slight emotional connection. Leaders on the other hand emotionally invest their energy and time to shape and influence the ideas of other employees or peers (Sindell & Hoang, 2001). I believe that managers in a company limit the choice of solutions to problems while leaders seek opinions from followers to result to a large number of alternatives for the problems facing the company. Managers are strict and work oriented, which implies that they require employees to work as required and complete tasks within the set period. As a leader I want to work with employees through coaching and mentoring to change their f attitudes towards work, personal life and team building. I want to understand my peers’ individual cultures, values, ethnicities, personal problems and how all these aspects of life affect work (Goffee & Jones, 2006). Managers are known as people who focus on calculations, organization portfolio and function with numbers and words rationality. This implies that they expect to see the results as projected through the set objectives without considering the process and emotion to achieve the goals. Leaders use psychology to deal with an employee by leading with an insightful appearance. The face and gesture of a leader shows commitment, integration of all employees and displays uprightness (Daft, 2011). I believe that contemporary organizations require a blend of strong management and strong leadership to avoid companies that are under-led and over-managed and vice versa (Hollander, 2007). d. Position and personal power I want to be able to affect and influence people in a group to achieve desired results. Leaders have power when their actions and words affect people’s behavior, thoughts, beliefs and even attitudes. The two essential types of power in an organization include personal power and position power. Position power is derived from formal power such as top office, higher rank or top position in an organization (Jago, 2006).This power is important in a leader because people respect the authority of the position the leader has acquired. Many leaders lose focus while enjoying big offices or top positions thus ignoring the personal relations with other members of the company (Sindell & Hoang, 2001). I believe that leader’s personal power comes when he or she is regarded as likable and knowledgeable by peers or subordinates. This power results from positive interpersonal relationships with followers. Leaders need to acquire both forms of power to succeed in their endeavors. Few leaders in the contemporary society use force to impose their ideas and change in an organization (Hollander, 2007). This form of power is called coercion because the leaders’ influence comes from using biased rewards, punishments, penalties and threats. Strategic planning in an organization is essential for leaders to achieve their objectives. Personal and organizational goals must be written and made clear to direct all energy and performance towards the possible outcomes. Leaders must implement the culture of responsibility, where they are held accountable for the results of tasks and make sure that each employee is responsible for their individual actions (Sindell & Hoang, 2001). Democratic leadership style I aspire to be a democratic leader and engage my followers in tasks and decision-making to achieve the desired outcome. A democratic leader is basically a negotiator who values interpersonal relationships with followers or peers and strives to achieve security, stability and safety for all parties. This leader is supportive of innovation from followers and includes them in decision-making to incorporate different ideas that positively affects the performance of team members in an organization (Sindell & Hoang, 2001). Democratic leader forges unanimity through including all team members in participation and contribution in decision-making. This leader will ask followers what they think about an idea or policy before implementing it because the voice of the majority is more important than using coercion to reinforce change. The fundamental emotional intelligence of a democratic leader is derived from collaboration, communication and team leadership, which fosters competency and confidence among followers. I believe that democratic leaders are essentially the voice of other followers that lack the power and authority to voice their own concerns. These leaders participate in tasks assigned to followers and use mentoring skills to shape the attitudes and behavior of others. Democratic leaders are found mingling with employees and inquiring about their families and friends in an intention of creating a personal relationship that eases communication. During business or social events, democratic leaders do not sit in their offices and issue orders but help their followers in organizing, enjoying and cleaning up after others (Sindell & Hoang, 2001). A democratic leader is open-minded in the sense that he or she allows the followers to hold different ideologies and religious views because diversity in an organization motivates socialization, which implies that people will learn and enjoy different cultures. Current leadership abilities and strengths a. Charismatic I am charismatic, which implies that as a leader, I put the interests of other people before my own. Charisma is positively affecting and influencing the lives of followers, where a leader makes his followers feel motivated, encouraged and respected about their accomplishments, culture and personal goals. Learning about another person’s culture and why they exhibit their behavior creates a lasting affection between a leader and the followers because the leader has redirected praise and respect to the followers. When followers feel good about themselves and their beliefs, a profound outcome in work-setting is achieved in a long period. Team members will look forward to beginning new tasks and working as a group with a charismatic leader (Daft, 2011). b. Committed I am committed to my work, ideologies and service of other people. Commitment in the contemporary society separates leaders that are doers and the day dreamers. The proverbial fact that leaders are soldiers is true in the sense that, like soldiers, they help implement change in an organization realizing the risks associated with the changes and policies by working hard because everyone in the organization depend on their leadership. These leaders spend time working with their followers to complete tasks and solve personal or career problems that arise in the middle of a task (Daft, 2011). Committed leaders do not give up on their followers but offer skills that motivate innovation and creativity. The most significant part of being a committed leader is making all the plans and ideas public to followers and peers to ensure that progress is monitored and constructively criticized by followers (Daft, 2011). c. Effective communication As part of my studies in MBA, I acquire effective communication skills that allow me to relay messages, listen and incorporate other people’s ideas into my work and relationships. The most important aspect of leadership is effective communication, which implies understanding of the language and messages conveyed (Daft, 2011). Leaders use simple words to convey simple messages. Employees in an organization focus on how a message is conveyed. This means that the behavioral aspect of conveying a message should display respect and humility. Leaders dispatch the message themselves rather than using E-mails, notes or messengers. Personal communication shows how much a leader cares about his or her audience. Part of communication is telling and showing followers the truth by believing and living what a leader says. Democratic leaders with effective communication seek a response after conveying a message to the audience. This response from the audience is followed by a direct feedback from the leader. d. Competent and confident I am competent and confident in my leadership actions through working on tasks and leading by example. Competence means that a leader speaks about the task, and plans it and later with precision, does it in a manner that his or her followers will respect the skills and confidence used to achieve outcomes. Competency and confidence applies to going to work early and ready to work with employees (Daft, 2011). Leaders also continue learning, improving their skills and growing with their followers. Competence is seen through excellence and accomplishing great objectives, more than the organization expected and motivating the audience (Daft, 2011). e. Focused I am focused in my tasks and interpersonal relationships with my peers and audience. The key to being a focused leader is concentration and priorities. Many leaders fail in organizations because they are sure of their priorities but lack the concentration needed to accomplish tasks. As an aspiring leader, I acquire skills to prioritize my goals in life then concentrate on achieving single short-term goals. I focus seventy percent of my time and energy on the strengths I already have to achieve full potential. Twenty five percent of my time and energy is focused on new things that I have learnt from peers, followers and elders. Five percent of my time and energy is utilized to minimize and even eliminate my personal and professional weaknesses that deter my efforts from achieving my goals (Daft, 2011). f. Generous Generosity gives me a sense of humanity because I feel better by giving someone something that serves them more than it serves my needs. Giving is always rewarded because it shows self-less love, cares for other people and upgrading of the living standards of local members of the community when in a powerful position. Generosity in leadership is compared to using the leader’s candle to light the candles of his peers or followers where nothing is lost. The simplest way to cultivate the value generosity as a leader is by being grateful for all the things that money can buy and all those that are priceless. Generosity in leadership is putting people first, which means that giving followers rewards and bonuses to appreciate their value in an organization (Rothstein & Burke, 2010). Generous leaders do not let of their possessions have control over their lives because they have the power to replenish what was lost or rewarded as gifts. Money is considered a resource by generous leaders and by practicing their habit of giving; they add value to the lives of their followers and the less-fortunate in the community. g. Positive attitude I have a positive attitude towards and life and other people in my environment. Positive attitude means that a leader keeps positive thoughts about a task, employees and other organizational matter, which in turn affect positive action. Attitude is chosen, which implies that leaders that choose positive attitude get positive results from their actions. The audience also reflect a leader’s positive attitude by arrive to work in time, working towards set goals and effective communications. Leaders that maintain positive attitudes throughout their lives continue to experience abundance in work and relationships while those that change their attitudes face challenges in accomplishing the goal (Rickets, 2011). h. Great interpersonal relationships In my personal and academic life, I have discovered that people who get along with peers benefit both socially and in their career. My interpersonal relationship with teachers and students enables me to understand and appreciate each individual for their positive energy and reward my efforts with success. The most important aspect of creating relationships both personal and professional is recognizing the fact that people like feeling special through sincere complements and praises. A leader knows that his or her followers want and desire a better future, which should be projected by the leader through hopeful messages. People in an organization desire to follow in the right direction, which is provided by the leader. Employees, peers and other audience are selfish in nature, which means that the leader should address their needs and solve their problems first. Employees have low emotional intelligence and their leader is advised to encourage them on a daily basis (Yost & Plunket, 2009). Leadership assessment methods a. Birkman method The Birkman method of leadership assessment focuses on social perceptions and personality (Wadlington, 2008). This method shows that my behaviors as an aspiring leader are connected to the meaning of leadership in serving people rather than benefiting from the position. This method also allowed me to put important factors that affect my leadership abilities such as the absence of mental illness or personality disorders, which would otherwise affect my personality and ability to lead people in a group. This method of leadership assessment can be done individually because it entails responding to issues such as how I perceive myself, my perception of my social setting and lastly my opinion on occupational opportunities that are available (Tomlinson, 2004). The scale of the Birkman method includes my interests, common behaviors, environmental and interpersonal expectations or inclinations (Wadlington, 2008). My interests describe what motivates me to aspire to be a successful leader, which in turn changes my behavior and thought to suit my desires. My behaviors according to the Birkman method express my relationship with others: either formal or social (Lawson, 2008). b. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) The Myers-Briggs Type is a psychological method of measuring leadership qualities by placing individuals on two distinct types: introverts and extroverts (Wadlington, 2008). I used BMTI to assess my leadership abilities because as a leader, I have to deal with my inner and outer world. The first function of assessing leadership abilities with BMTI is sense. This means that I acquire information by seeing, listening and asking questions, which develops an effective communication and relationship. The second function is thinking, which involves judging and making proper decisions concerning ideas and concerns that have been voiced. The third function is intuiting, which requires me to think above and beyond the face value of ideas, concerns and relationships and observe the good from bad. The last function is feeling, which is how my emotional response to outside stimuli affects my work and relationships (Northouse, 2010). Identification of Gaps in Leadership Strength My leadership strengths have a few gaps that were identified from extensive research on successful leaders in the modern knowledge-driven market industry. A democratic leader is supportive and utilizes the participation of others to make important decisions. The gaps in my leadership strengths have few negative aspects which include; conformity, not assertive and agreeable. Conformism implies that I change my views to that of the majority even when my audience has misleading information. This is a weakness in my leadership because I will be accountable for poor outcomes. I am not assertive enough to implement the ideas and solutions to problems concerning my relationship with others. I prefer to ignore wrong-doings directed to me because I fear confrontations. My last weakness in character is that I am agreeable in nature. I try to incorporate different cultures, views and beliefs with the intention of fostering a good relationship with other people but fail to notice that some ideologies are harmful to my personality (Daft, 2011). Plan, Objectives and actions to overcome weaknesses and succeed in Leadership a. Leadership plan My plan to overcome my weaknesses and achieve set objectives is to determine my needs and those of the members in my group. This means that I collect the demands, interests and concerns that should be fulfilled. The next step is to seek elderly and successful leaders willing to help me minimize my weaknesses through coaching and mentoring. The third step in this leadership plan is to set short term and achievable goals. This means that I must redefine myself and clearly understand my visions as a leader (Daft, 2011). The next step is pursuing various learning opportunities that further my understanding and skills in leadership. The last step in this leadership plan is to evaluate myself by measuring the progress I have made towards achieving all the set goals (Ryan, 2012). b. Objectives and actions My objectives and actions in overcoming my weaknesses and success in leadership include realizing the qualities a leader should possess. I will acquire all necessary leadership skills and work with different groups (Avolio, 2011). Team building is an action that benefits everyone including stakeholders. I will develop responsibility and follow-through to ensure that work is completed. I will work towards gaining self-respect and self-confidence to avoid conformity, agreeability and non-assertiveness (Ryan, 2012). I will know when my objectives have been achieved after doing an evaluation of my progress while consulting my followers about my overall behavior as a leader. The most important aspect in achieving goals is to create lasting relationships with my peers, followers and superiors. The tasks that I will assign to my audience will be closely monitored and audience assisted in case of career problems and personal limitations (Hannum, Martineau & Reinelt, 2006). Measurements and indicators of success in leadership The Five Orientation Scale is used in measuring leadership success by checking emotive, social, process, control and change orientations (Wadlington, 2008). Emotive orientation refers to measuring levels of thought, activity and empathy in a person. The essential indicator in this scale is loyalty. A leader acquires loyal followers that allow to be influenced by the power the leader holds. Social orientation is a measured on a scale of esteem and acceptance (Wadlington, 2008). The indicator in this scale is personal satisfaction. Leaders that succeed in improving their personality and influence over a group of people derive self-satisfaction from achieving their goals and improving the lives of other people (Barner, 2011). Process orientation is the structure of how leadership will be achieved through communication, relationships and experience of completing tasks within a stipulated period (Wadlington, 2008). Control orientation in a democratic form of leadership implies that a leader has power, which a strong indicator of success in leadership. The change orientation measures leadership success by the number of people who are positively influence, accept and incorporate change rather than resistance (Wadlington, 2008). Conclusion I strongly believe that this plan to achieve leadership objectives and attain personal development will work because of the extensive research and leadership strengths. Part of my study is cognitive and behavioral psychology, which is important in the development of how I perceive myself, my actions and the people in my social and career context. The most important part of personal development in leadership is growing and influencing others to improve their living standards through coaching, motivation and mentoring. Working together with other people in a team and maintaining position and personal power, cohesion and cultural diversity, which is the essence of personal development. References Avolio, B. (2011). Full range leadership development. New York. Thousand Oaks. Barner, R. (2011). Accelerating your development as a leader: a guide for leaders and their managers. San Francisco. Pfeiffer. Daft, R.L. (2011). The leadership experience. Florence. Cengage Learning. Goffee, R.& Jones, G. (2006). Thought Leadership. What it takes to be an Authentic leader, 1, 1-18. Hannum, K., Martineau, J.W & Reinelt, C. (2006). The handbook of leadership development evaluation. Hoboken. John Wiley. Hollander, E. P. (2007). “Leadership, Followership, Self, and Others”. The Leadership Quarterly, 3(1), 43–54. Jago, A. G. (2006). “Leadership: perspectives in theory and research”. Management Science, 28(3), 315–336. Lawson, K. (2008). Leadership development basics. Alexandria. ASTD Press. Lee, G. (2003). Leadership coaching: from personal insight to organisational performance. Wimbledon. CIPD. Northouse, P. G. (2010). Leadership: theory and practice. New York. SAGE Publications. Rickets, C. (2011). Leadership: personal development and career success. New York. Delmar. Rothstein, M.G & Burke, R.J. (2010). Self-management and leadership development. Cheltenham. Edward Elgar. Ryan, R. (2012). Leadership development. New York. Routledge. Sindell, M & Hoang, T. (2001). Leadership development: management development. Alexandria. ASTD Press. Tomlinson, H. (2004). Educational leadership: personal growth for professional development. London. Thousand Oaks. Wadlington, P. (2008). A Comparison between the Birkman Method and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Technical Manual, 2, 1-18. Yost, P.R & Plunket, M.M. (2009). Real time leadership development. Malden: Blackwell. Read More
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