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The theories of Organizational Behavior (F. Taylor and E. Mayo) - Essay Example

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The paper tells that organizational behavior looks into the persons and factions within a certain organization, as well as, their internal processes and undertakings with respect to the effects they convey to result in effectiveness for other individuals, groups and corporations. …
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The theories of Organizational Behavior (F. Taylor and E. Mayo)
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Task Organizational Behavior Introduction Organizational behavior looks into the persons and factions within a certain organization, as well as, their internal processes and undertakings with respect to the effects they convey to result in effectiveness for other individuals, groups and corporations (Lisa 2006, 1). Organizational behavior bears wide appliance in management by examining ways in which persons within an organization behaves. Organizational behavior is efficiently realized by use of certain conjectures developed within this field. Organizational behavior can be observed as a multidisciplinary aspect of management, given that it integrates principles, and thoughts from assorted disciplines that correlate with human actions and relations (Reddy 2004, 3). Organizational behavior seeks to comprehend the activities of members of a selected organization in an effort to generate competencies to envisage the probable ways in which these persons can conduct themselves (George & Jones 2007, 2). The acquired competencies can afterwards be exploited in the management of the envisaged behaviors that may encumber the accomplishment of the organizational goals. The development of organization and management goes along the commencement of conventional school, which afterwards evolved, into benevolent approaches concerned with organizational resourcefulness. This further interweaved with other approaches of the contemporary school to form a more pronounced approach than the earlier approaches. Currently, the scientific management conjecture gets used as an offshoot of administration development. The performances of the human relations functions as the organizational stimulator to offer the resourcefulness of employees in a conservative manner in order to encourage higher productivity in commerce and industry. F.W Taylor 'scientific management theory' Scientific management conjecture was prefaced in response to a scientific investigation concerning the resourcefulness of employees within a factory. Conversely, the conjecture got evaluated in a cruel way, since the researchers were required to examine the period movement on a sequence of job responsibilities restricted by the employees, which was the grounds of reimbursement (Thompson 2009, 14). The foundation organizational resourcefulness might participate alongside with the reparation and operation productivity of employees. Scientific management conjecture presents four principles, which are the science of management conjecture by substituting the rule-of-thumb occupation methods, practical mannerisms choose workers through scientific methods (Waring 1994, 5). The others are comprehensive instructional supervision on a certain undertaking via scientific edification, and development and proper relations with workers to make certain that they are willing to perform certain activities within the organization (Akrani 2011, 1). In relation to the scientific management conjecture, the initiative of the workers that are their resourcefulness, willingness and inventiveness is acquired with complete consistency. The managers to certain organizations hold the responsibility of assuming new-fangled inflictions, tasks and responsibilities that had never been anticipated in the precedent. These managers have to collect all relevant information on their areas of specialty. The information from previous workforce in the past has to be collected, classified and calculated to offer basis for the creation of rules and regulations that control a certain industry. The rules, regulations and formulae for conducting certain activities appear to be imperative in the functioning of the organization (Savior 2011, 1). According to Taylor, augmenting the efficiency of the workforce viewed in a scientific point of view, would lead to augment in the chances for more effort, and the actual prosperity of global economics (Bolman, Deal & Pfeffer 2004, 4). Consequently, contentment and other general enhancements in the lives of the workforce are realized. This implies that an augment in the productivity of the workforce leads to the augment in the quality of their lives. Currently, scientific management conjecture concerning the organizational resourcefulness may bear similar methodology in relation to concepts presented by Taylor. In order to realize organizational competence and effectiveness, workers execution in work and resources intensive venture is required. The competence and effectiveness is achieved in the mechanical apparatus and location of amenities, the transfer of employees, the quantity of the workforce, allotment of work and other individual variables. All labor-intensive industries such as manufacturing and building industries may require the institution of the concepts in scientific management conjecture to assist in the management of organizational productivity. According to ideologies derived from the scientific management conjecture, improved outputs are realized through inventiveness, intellectual and bodily awareness (Sandrone 1997, 5). However, the progressive outline in the supervision contemplation of the neo-classical and contemporary schools by means of the human association methodology may offer organizational productivity. However, the corporation and firms have greater regard, for the daily operation, to create more outcomes in the end than they previously produced. The merchandise point of reference in terms of excellence and the price has been the central component as to the aggression of the product towards other similar products. Consequently, the human relation ideologies function as the organizational stimulator, to present bodily and intellectual swiftness, to carry out a given as measured up with the Scientific Management conjecture. Work ought to be distributed among employees in a way that scheming, and scheduling of the work must be carried out by the administration, and its implementation must be done by the human resources devoid of further deliberation or inquiry. Various issues such as unemployment have confronted the UK at the current time, owing to the breakdown on matters of effectiveness and efficiency as presented by the scientific management conjecture. It is perceived that the principles or provision of the scientific management conjecture presents no relevance to employers and managers in order to effect organizational effectiveness and efficiency. The perception has been presented by the augmenting cases of job loss and high unemployment levels. This current trend prevalent in the UK has directed to the creation of more part-time jobs than to the earlier times in the country’s history. Despite the fact that the theory offered by Taylor has for a long time been successful, in addressing the issue of effectiveness and efficiency within an organization, it has failed to address the same in the UK case. However, the UK situation can be addressed through various issues that Taylor presented that bring massive impacts to organization. According to Taylor, managers and employers make risks in trying to transform the culture of the organization. Changes in the organizational culture lead to unexpected returns such as loss of employment (Husson 2008, 3). The unexpected outcomes originate from changes in the previous systems that work best to offer the required output. Transformation in the organization culture leads to disorientation of the attitudes and commitments and comprehensive organizational behavior. Changes in the organizational behavior lead to reduce efficiency and effectiveness in the conveyance of the anticipated services. Taylor stressed out the imperativeness of the management commitment and the necessity for gradual implementation of certain desirable changes and edification. This suggests that the prologue of changes within an organization has to be done, in a progressive manner, to prevent any undesirable upshots. Gradual implementation of certain concepts within an organization offers room for the workers to adjust to the presented changes in the running of the previous systems. This can be regarded as enough substantiation towards the escalating situation in UK. Currently, firms in the UK have been taking radical changes to their systems to beat the challenges that have been presented by tough economic eons. The notion that scientific management conjecture is irrelevant for managers and employers within the UK context in ensuring efficiency and effectiveness may be misguided since, the concepts of this conjecture have a direct relation with employment. Prologue of the principle of scientific management presents various pressures towards the employees’ attitudes, leads to attrition of employment mainly in established economies through assorted ways. Off shoring and computerization of activities within the organization often leads to attrition of employment, elevated unemployment levels and development of part-time jobs since organizations only require temporary employees to take care of some activities that cannot be automated. Computerization and off shoring have been realized through the knowledge transmittance. Transmission of knowledge among diverse departments assists in providing innovative solutions to problems. For years, information has been transferred to dissimilar populace regardless of their skills leading to transformations where individuals can work in any industry. This implies that labor has happened to be commoditized leading to battles, among workers in every industry around UK. The labor battles between individuals who possess an assortment of skills, concerning dissimilar company undertakings have presented depreciating wage rates, and poor job security for all employees. Off shoring or transfer of human tasks to components such as the machines, which can collectively be regarded as automation, renders human labor unimportant leading to unemployment issues. Scientific management concepts have led to a shift from unskillful labor to trained labor, and at advanced level, automation that has led to retrenchment of workers, in different workers around UK. The concepts of scientific management cannot be dismissed as irrelevant, to the existing situation of unemployment in UK, since it aims at appealing to supervisors, and employers on the necessity to plan economics within an organization. Consequently, the radical changes have presented adverse impacts to the firms that adjusted radically. Disorientation brought about by economic problems all around the globe have significantly hit UK leading to poor follow up of rules, principles and processes that govern certain industries. UK organizations have no yet discovered or developed adjustments on the current methodical study and analysis. The methods have to be discovered or developed accordingly and implemented by following the required guidelines to maximize efficiency in the conveyance of services. Proper conveyance of services provides the organization with a practical basis leading to success. Contrary to this, poor development and implementation of techniques maximized efficiency leading to fall of the company. The collapse of the company contributes immensely to loss of employment opportunities leading to unemployment to the previous workers. The collapse may also lead to the creation of part-time employment opportunities since the company’s output profoundly reduces. Similarly, implementation of the modification that is not satisfactory or a modification that has not taken all aspects into contemplation may lead to similar problems experienced in the UK. This can be utilized to substantiate that the scientific management conjecture is imperative to the current situation existing in the UK. However, the firms that have taken, on the gradual approach, to make changes to their system to fit in the current universal situation have only seen few problems. This is because change entails the complete transformation of the mental mind-sets and the behaviors of the persons involved in the administration, as well as, for organization’s workforce. This means that the presented notion that the scientific management inference is misguided since it has been clearly presented that the drastic changes have led to the unexpected upshots. The Human Relations Movements 'Needs Theories Human Relations Movement cropped up from the Hawthorne investigations that consisted of a faction of researchers led by Elton Mayo. The researchers from the movement presented the idea for the way people were treated had an imperative influence on functioning; personal and societal procedures performed a chief task in shaping employee mind-set and actions (Sonnenfeld 1985, 125). Hence, administration ought to be familiar with the imperative worker's requirements for acknowledgment and societal contentment. In relation to Mayo’s theory, the organization ought to comprehend and acknowledge the feelings, logics of appreciation and contentment of non-monetary requirements of the employees. In accordance to the movement, persons get encouraged through the provision of community needs, the goodness of the relationships that exist within the organization and excellence response to work-related pressures instead of the administration control actions. The movement also embraces that organizations are accommodating community system. The organization has the responsibility of satisfying the societal requirements of individuals within the organization. Productivity can be substantially augmented through the implementation of informal groups within the organization (Macefield 2007, 145). The employees concentrate on the satisfaction of their requirements rather than the monetary requirements of the organization. This depicts that employees prefer their requirements compared to the needs of the organization. In accordance to Mayo, the monetary recompenses cannot be regarded the sole way of providing motivation to the workers. The findings from the Hawthorne investigations reveal that the communal relations within an organization, are stronger than the monetary gains, meaning that factional interests are at certain periods appears above personal rewards (Sifwifwi 2009, 2). Groups within the organization, bear a powerful driving force in the realization of an organization’s aspirations or objectives, in circumstances where the group’s goal intermarry with the goals within a certain organization. The presented supposition can be considered the causative element to the failure of economic man, as Taylor depicts it as being indolent and taking action solely to financial enticement leading to the development of the societal man, who bears the aspiration of being closely related to the general populace (Barnat 2005, 10). The movement considers that the informal faction determines the productivity of the organization. In circumstances where employees value the esteem of the rest of the faction members and personal acceptance within the faction, they obviously tag along the predetermined factional customs of production. Therefore, they would toil towards reaching the target production, which other members have achieved within the organization. This implies that the organization gets build up with the assistance that emanates from its employees suggesting that human thoughts and mind-sets have to be put into contemplation. Treating the masses in a manner that depicts the way they should behave, and carry out their undertakings converts or rather renovates them into prominent and excellent individuals to toil, and achieve the projected goals of the organization. Investigations carried out by Hawthorne studies presented various light ideas regarding motivational shape-ups, occupation contentment, and opposition to transformations, group standards, employee participation and effective leadership (Richard 125, 1985). The Hawthorne investigation findings may have miniature or no appliance in the effectiveness, and efficiency in the current situation, in UK where it has been hit by a sequence of problems that arise from different sources. The study findings have had appliance in the past although the presented shape-up that existed is gradually wearing off with the continued failure of the concepts derived from studies. The influence that existed concerning the studies has worn off mainly due to vast studies in the contemporary world. The current investigation have proved to some extent that the concepts are not applicable to a certain situation concerning the social contentment of industrial, human resources and their work execution (Carey 1967, 403). Numerous alterations have been offered through current studies leading to better versions of the findings from studies on social needs and work performance. The presented evidence in support of the relative unimportance of monetary recompenses, with regard to the social rewards, can be considered to be deficiently substantiated, since the financial recompenses are influential or play a chief task in ensuring efficiency, and effectiveness within the organization. Therefore, the concepts derived from the Hawthorne studies cannot efficiently be linked to the effectiveness issues that have risen in UK leading to an array of social problems such as unemployment. The situation of unemployment that is prevalent in the UK cannot be associated to the HR movement conjecture, since changes have occurred throughout the globe where workers get motivated by financial incentives. The concepts of this theory cannot present any relevant explanation or substantiation for loss of jobs and elevated unemployment numbers. This theory has no appliance, since the country presents fewer jobs meaning job insecurity exists, and the workers cannot decline job offered to them due to social relations. The employees cannot concentrate on the social needs since the management constantly keeps the financial aspect as the forefront although they still take care of their human resources. Conclusion The notions that the two theories are irrelevant cannot be substantiated in the scientific management conjecture due to the relevance of its concepts to the existing situation in the UK. The conjecture offers the appropriate information, which may make individuals either lose their sources of livelihood or reduce the number of jobs available for human execution since most systems have been converted into computerized or automated activities. On the other hand, the needs theories from human relations movement bear no relevance to the situation that is prevalent in UK. The theory has lost most of its appliance in daily undertakings since it only applies to unique activities especially where individuals have job security. It cannot apply developed countries where off shoring and automation have taken effect owing to knowledge transfer from the scientific management concepts. Therefore, it implies that the concepts from scientific management can effectively be applied in the UK context since the country has acquired substantial knowledge to allow them run the most economical systems. This can be attributed to the necessity of excellence economic planning that allows for maximum profits with little concern on the human resources. The necessity for economic planning to allow the organization make reasonable returns leads to the need to retrench some employees, offer part-time jobs or totally cut off any further employment within the organization since only a little number of employees are required to operate machines. Bibliography Akrani, G. (2011), Frederick Taylor's Principles of Scientific Management Theory, Retrieved Jan 31, 2012 from: < > Barnat, R. (2005) The Human Relations Movement. 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Taylor & Scientific Management, Retrieved Jan 31, 2012, from: < > Savior (2011), The Scientific Management Theory of Frederick Winslow Taylor, Retrieved Jan 31, 2012 from: < > Sifwifwi, G. (2009), Contribution of the Hawthorn Studies to the field of management, Retrieved Jan 31, 2012, from: < > Sonnenfeld, J. A. (1985), “Shedding Light on the Hawthorne Studies," Journal of Occupational Behavior, Vol. 6, 1985, p. 125. Thompson, C.B. (2009), The Theory and Practice of Scientific Management, New York, NY: BiblioLife. Waring, S. P. (1994), Taylorism Transformed: Scientific Management Theory, USA: UNC Press Books. Read More
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