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Swine Flu Pandemic - Essay Example

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From the paper "Swine Flu Pandemic" it is clear that the emergence box also referred to as Wellness Kit offers family and individual protection over infections such as Swine Flu and Other Viruses. Individuals should take defensive procedures to diminish the likelihood of contracting influenza…
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Swine Flu Pandemic Name: Instructor: Task: Date Swine Flu Pandemic A pandemic refers to the global multiplication of a new disease. Similarly, Influenza, normally referred to as the flu, is a communicable disease caused by viruses referred to as RNA belonging to the family known as Orthomyxoviridae, also known as the influenza viruses that affect birds, as well as mammals (Dumar 2009, p.21). Research by the WHO has revealed that, chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness/fatigue and general discomfort are the most common symptoms of the disease are chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, Sore throat, fever and coughs. In extreme cases, influenza results to pneumonia, this is critical, especially for children and the aged. Although often people confuse it with other influenza related illnesses, particularly the common cold, influenza is significantly a rigorous disease than the common cold, and it can result from myriad virus. Influenza can generate nausea coupled with vomiting, especially in children (Dworkin 201, p. 133). Pandemic refers to a disease disturbing persons over an extensive geographical area; expansively epidemic. Significantly, it refers to a rampant disease throughout a whole country, continent, or the entire world; epidemic throughout an outsized area. An influenza pandemic crops up after the emergence; thus, spreading of a new influenza virus throughout the world, and nearly not everybody has immunity for the disease (Friedlander 2009, p. 60). It is worthwhile noting that, there is an outbreak of swine flu in Australia. Consequently, there is a need for the public to embrace the opinion of the health authorities in Australia as well as those from WHO officials. Significantly, it is critical to sensitize the public on how to prevent and prepare for the pandemic. Consequently, the public must get general information on the symptoms, warning signs and treatment of disease. Considerably, the public must get ready by getting a flu vaccine and having flu prevention supplies. The above preparedness entails the creation of Emergency Survival Kits, masks, and first aid products in order to provide critical disaster protection. In as much as prevention and preparation of the swine flu is vital, this document relies on the knowledge and principles gained from epidemiology about infection control to guide in creating an emergence box with apparatus that might help a family prevent and prepare for the disease. An emergency box is an essential part of an emergency preparedness plan. The emergency box is meant to help a family survive on its own during a disaster that requires the family to evacuate the affected area. An emergency box should contain at least enough supplies to serve all the members of the family. This might include supplies in a backpack, duffle bag, and/or a rolling suitcase. In the emergency box, each member of a household should have at least one kit appropriate for his or her needs. These kits should be easily accessible near and exit in the home. This way an individual will be able to grab them during a home evacuation and carry them with him on his way to a safe place. An individual might also consider storing additional kits in vehicles, at work, or in a child’s school backpack as appropriate (Frist 2002, p. 177). There are basic items that belong in an emergency box. At the very least, a kit should have enough water and apparatus for all the members of a family. Other items that contribute to safety and comfort might include ready flu wellness kit, disposable dust mask, N95 ready respirator, dust masks, wellness case, and medications (Siegel 2006, p. 65). Significantly, an emergency box offer protection for an individual and his family by providing the necessary supplies to prevent the spread of the bird flu, H1N1 virus (swine flu), h1n1 flu, influenza and other seasonal flu virus. Consequently, an emergency preparedness box should contain N95 ready respirators, with masks, hand sanitizer non-latex gloves and tissues. Facial Tissues are highly critical because when an individual to coughs or sneeze, he can use them to cover his mouth and nose. Additionally, the emergency box should entail at least Five N95 respirators to protect an individual’s airway against germs that result to illness and diminish the multiplication of germs. Moreover, the emergency box should comprise of about Five Surgical typeface masks in order to protect an individual’s airway from germs. Significantly, by inserting about sixteen alcohol hard surface wipes, enables a person to clean shared items like phones, keyboards, light switches and doorknobs. There is also need to put approximately five pairs of sanitary gloves; this is highly critical for personal protection. Lastly, the emergency box must contain about One 70ml bottle of hand sanitizer; these enables members of a family to Clean their hands frequently to reduce contact with or spread of disease. Significantly, the document has recommended that the emergency box must contain the above objects for the various advantages that accrue to the apparatus. For instance, dust Masks - Disposable Surgical Masks also referred to as disposable respirator/Procedure Mask, Pleated mask. It is worthwhile noting that, such masks are more comfortable for prolonged use and wear. However, the N95 mask contained in the emergency box filters more but may make it harder for the wearer to breathe. The above two should be put in a case with 90 of the 20 unit packs Total of 1800 masks, pleated, light blue/white tone. This guarantees protection during the swine flu, flu pandemic, and influenza outbreak. Secondly, it is highly important that a family recognize the role of N95 Ready Respirator in the emergency box. Notably, the respirator is often individually wrapped with a Set of 20 pieces. Significantly, the N95 respirator is a lightweight, disposable respirator intended to decrease the danger of inhalation vulnerability to H1N1 influenza and airborne viruses such as swine flu, as well as allergens and bird flu. The above-mentioned panel respirators are with regard to the N95 or globally corresponding standards suggested by the CDC for individuals who may contract the germs that result illness. They are also separately packaged to facilitate the prevention and protect against contamination. Additionally, an individual should use the above highlighted masks for suitable respiratory safeguarding. However, it is highly critical that a family purchases the brand referred to as NIOSH Jackson Safety Approved N95 Disposable Respirator Mask. It entails robust, straps with latex-free head for enduring tough use. They also comprise a flexible metal nosepiece to help in ensuring appropriate installation. Moreover, it is a Lightweight to guarantee comfort, as well as extended wear. Significantly, it is critical for protection over the virus causing swine flu, influenza along with other airborne. Additionally, as one prepares an emergency box it is highly critical to include a wellness kit. Significantly, it helps reduce the multiplication of flu and viruses responsible for cold: hence, an individual remains healthy and he is free from cold. The kit comprises about twelve weekly-prepared Flu kits with the essential products industry specialists have acknowledged as the preeminent defense against infections, germs and viruses. Apart from the above-mentioned components, the wellness kit must entail about twelve bottles of hand sanitizer. Significantly, the above-mentioned bottles enable an individual to clean his hand frequently to reduce contact with or spread of disease. Another critical object to place in the emergency box is appropriate medications. The WHO recommends treating serious cases immediately. The WHO has revealed that, Swine flu can be treated the same as ordinary flu. Consequently, the emergency box should comprise Antiviral medications and antibiotics in order for the family to be in a position to treat any complications as they develop. Significantly, if a member contracts swine flu he should get enough rest and take standard paracetamol-based remedies for cold in order to trim down their temperature and alleviate symptoms. Moreover, a child can take certain similar treatments given over-the-counter to adults: hence, help lessen the symptoms. However, an individual must adhere to the medicine instructions. Nonetheless, children below the age of sixteen should not take aspirin and any other prepared flu remedies with aspirin. Significantly, an individual should constantly understand the prescription or consult a pharmacist to know whether a particular medicine is fit for a child. It is worthwhile noting that the WHO recommends that apart from the creation of a family’s emergency box, it is highly critical to sensitize the members and the public at large about the general hygiene that would help prevent the spread of the disease. Firstly, one must caution the public on the need to avoid germs. The first step entails Washing hands properly and often. Significantly, proper washing of hands helps cut the risk of catching the flu (influenza) and other viruses. When an individual washes his hands, he must first wet the hands, liquid wash, lather and scrub for twenty seconds. Rinse for ten seconds, dry hands, and then turn off the tap. However, an individual must not forget to wash between the fingers, under the nails, and on the tops of his hands (Pursel 2004, p. 68). If an individual is not near a sink, he should use an alcohol-based cleaner to wash his hands and use enough to keep his hands wet for a minimum of 20 seconds. Additionally, he should rub his hands together as the cleaner dries. In addition, one should make sure that he rubs the cleaner all over his hands. However, he should Carry hand sanitizer with him and use it when he cannot wash his hands in a sink (Snooks 2002, p. 75).Other general hygienic measures entail Covering coughs and sneezes. An individual should Cough or sneeze into his sleeve, not his hand. If an individual coughs up mucus, he should discharge it into a handkerchief, dump it, and then wash his hands properly. Moreover, an individual should stay at home if he is sick. If an individual has flu symptoms, he should follow the following treatment advice for H1N1 flu. First, he should Use a regular household disinfectant to wash common surfaces every day. He should make sure that he washes counters, jericans and sinks in the family’s bathroom along with those in the kitchen. In addition, he should wash bedside tables, children's toys, computer keyboards, and desks and tabletops. One should also wipe surfaces with particular disposable towels or a cloth towel and wash it later. Additionally, one should utilize soap and some water to clean children’s toys and substances that they may insert in their mouths (Jeffries 2010, p. 536). In conclusion, in order to have a complete prevention and preparation for swine flu. A family must clean. If one of the members has a long-term lung disease like asthma or COPD, he should take special steps to control his symptoms and get ready for flu infections. Considerably, the document has also discussed the importance of an emergency plan for the family. Consequently, the document has highlighted emergency preparation that has discussed procedures for preventing and mitigating pandemic diseases, particularly the swine flu. Notably, making a plan takes short duration; however failing to create an emergency box makes it difficult as individual copes with an emergency disease. Finally, the document has explored the critical purpose of creating an emergency box. Significantly, in order to curb the current swine flu in Australia, each family ought to have an emergency box with enough supplies to cater for the members. Additionally, family members should follow the advice of the public health authorities in their locality. There is also need to obtain ideas from media sources and read Internet notices from health authorities in Australia and other local health officers. It is worthwhile noting that, having embraced the above precautions and preparation procedures, one’s family will be in a safe and health situation. Concisely, it is worthwhile emphasizing that the emergence box also referred to as Wellness Kit offers family and individual protection over infections such as Swine Flu and Other Viruses. Significantly, individuals should take defensive procedures to diminish the likelihood of contracting influenza, swine flu with an emergency box. The document has also discussed other preventative procedures such as improving hygiene, through hand washing and hand sanitizer. It has also emphasized on the importance of limiting vulnerability to Flu and other related germs. References Dworkin, M. 2010, Outbreak Investigations around the World, Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Dumar, A, 2009, Swine Flu 2009: What You Need to Know, Holicong, PA: Wildside Press LLC Jeffries, I. 2010, Political Developments in Contemporary China: A Guide Guides to Economic and Political Developments in Asia, Florence, KY: Taylor & Francis. Friedlander, M. 2009, Outbreak: Disease Detectives at Work Discovery! (Hardcover) Discovery! Series, Washington, D.C: Twenty-First Century Books. Frist, W. 2002, When Every Moment Counts: What You Need to Know About Bioterrorism from the Senate's Only Doctor, Summit, PA: Rowman & Littlefield. Great Britain: Parliament: House of Lords: Science and Technology Committee 2009, Pandemic influenza: follow-up, 3rd report of session 2008-09, report with evidence Volume 155 of HL paper Hl Paper, 3rd Report of Session 2008-09 - Report With Evidence House of Lords papers, NORWICH NR3: The Stationery Office. Pendergrast, M. 2010, Inside the Outbreaks: The Elite Medical Detectives of the Epidemic Intelligence Service, HAGATNA. GU: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Pratiyogita Darpan Sep 2009, Pratiyogita Darpan, retrieved 3 may 2013, <>. Snooks and Co. (rev.) 2002, Prevention for Swine Flu, 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd., Milton, Qld. Siegel, M. 2006, Bird Flu: Everything You Need to Know About the Next Pandemic, Dubai, U.A.E: Obeikan Bookshop. Purcell, P. 2004, Disaster Prep 101: The Ultimate Guide to Emergency Readiness, San Juan, PR: InfoQuest. The Cancer Council Australia 2007, National cancer prevention policy 2007–09, The Cancer Council Australia, retrieved 3 MAY 2013, ‹›. Read More

In as much as prevention and preparation of the swine flu is vital, this document relies on the knowledge and principles gained from epidemiology about infection control to guide in creating an emergence box with apparatus that might help a family prevent and prepare for the disease. An emergency box is an essential part of an emergency preparedness plan. The emergency box is meant to help a family survive on its own during a disaster that requires the family to evacuate the affected area. An emergency box should contain at least enough supplies to serve all the members of the family.

This might include supplies in a backpack, duffle bag, and/or a rolling suitcase. In the emergency box, each member of a household should have at least one kit appropriate for his or her needs. These kits should be easily accessible near and exit in the home. This way an individual will be able to grab them during a home evacuation and carry them with him on his way to a safe place. An individual might also consider storing additional kits in vehicles, at work, or in a child’s school backpack as appropriate (Frist 2002, p. 177). There are basic items that belong in an emergency box.

At the very least, a kit should have enough water and apparatus for all the members of a family. Other items that contribute to safety and comfort might include ready flu wellness kit, disposable dust mask, N95 ready respirator, dust masks, wellness case, and medications (Siegel 2006, p. 65). Significantly, an emergency box offer protection for an individual and his family by providing the necessary supplies to prevent the spread of the bird flu, H1N1 virus (swine flu), h1n1 flu, influenza and other seasonal flu virus.

Consequently, an emergency preparedness box should contain N95 ready respirators, with masks, hand sanitizer non-latex gloves and tissues. Facial Tissues are highly critical because when an individual to coughs or sneeze, he can use them to cover his mouth and nose. Additionally, the emergency box should entail at least Five N95 respirators to protect an individual’s airway against germs that result to illness and diminish the multiplication of germs. Moreover, the emergency box should comprise of about Five Surgical typeface masks in order to protect an individual’s airway from germs.

Significantly, by inserting about sixteen alcohol hard surface wipes, enables a person to clean shared items like phones, keyboards, light switches and doorknobs. There is also need to put approximately five pairs of sanitary gloves; this is highly critical for personal protection. Lastly, the emergency box must contain about One 70ml bottle of hand sanitizer; these enables members of a family to Clean their hands frequently to reduce contact with or spread of disease. Significantly, the document has recommended that the emergency box must contain the above objects for the various advantages that accrue to the apparatus.

For instance, dust Masks - Disposable Surgical Masks also referred to as disposable respirator/Procedure Mask, Pleated mask. It is worthwhile noting that, such masks are more comfortable for prolonged use and wear. However, the N95 mask contained in the emergency box filters more but may make it harder for the wearer to breathe. The above two should be put in a case with 90 of the 20 unit packs Total of 1800 masks, pleated, light blue/white tone. This guarantees protection during the swine flu, flu pandemic, and influenza outbreak.

Secondly, it is highly important that a family recognize the role of N95 Ready Respirator in the emergency box. Notably, the respirator is often individually wrapped with a Set of 20 pieces. Significantly, the N95 respirator is a lightweight, disposable respirator intended to decrease the danger of inhalation vulnerability to H1N1 influenza and airborne viruses such as swine flu, as well as allergens and bird flu. The above-mentioned panel respirators are with regard to the N95 or globally corresponding standards suggested by the CDC for individuals who may contract the germs that result illness.

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