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Simulating the Decentralized Processes of the Human Immune System in a Virtual Anatomy Model by Sarpe and Jacob - Article Example

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The paper "Simulating the Decentralized Processes of the Human Immune System in a Virtual Anatomy Model by Sarpe and Jacob" is a great example of a biology article. Problem statement: the article discusses simulations that take place in the decentralization of processes of the human immune system as to be in a virtual anatomy model…
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Simulating the Decentralized Processes of the Human Immune System in a Virtual Anatomy Model by Sarpe and Jacob
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The paper "Simulating the Decentralized Processes of the Human Immune System in a Virtual Anatomy Model by Sarpe and Jacob" is a great example of a biology article. Problem statement: the article discusses simulations that take place in the decentralization of processes of the human immune system as to be in a virtual anatomy model. 

Processes in the human biological system can be explained using models of large systems. The research focuses on the physical perspectives of the immune processes of human beings. The complexity of the immune system has always been a challenge to explain without referring to the spatial distribution of organs that relate to it. The research has incorporated different prototypes into one simulation of immune processes (Sarpe & Jacob, 2013). It has presented methodologies and modeling to depict a simulation system that is agent-based. The agents in the model include viruses, cytokines, and immune cells. In this case, the system interacts with its components in two different ways which include inside a lymph node and within the tissue.
The variables in the research are factors that make up the immune system. There is a clear description of how agents of the system interact. The research finds that agent-based simulations relate to the current simulations on human body immunity. The research has proved that the model can be used to demonstrate how connected simulations occur (Sarpe & Jacob, 2013). The situation can be prevented through the use of a network of computers. The research will have a positive impact on my profession. The model can be used as a tuning technique on the study of the immune system to help in understanding the processes. It would help in advancing the understanding of the immune system of the human body. Read More
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Library Learning Activities BIO 107 (ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY) Article.
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