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Biology in Everyday Life - Essay Example

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The article, ‘invasive species which can smother marine life in south Galway Bay’ by Lorna Siggins talks about Invasive species, Didemnum vexillum, which is threatening marine life in South Galaxy Bay. Also known as marine vomit, it is thought to have originated from…
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Biology in Everyday Life
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Biology in Everyday Life Introduction The article, ‘invasive species which can smother marine life in south Galway Bay’ by Lorna Siggins talks about Invasive species, Didemnum vexillum, which is threatening marine life in South Galaxy Bay. Also known as marine vomit, it is thought to have originated from Japanese waters by ships or in water. Although it is not confirmed whether it has a serious effect on Galway Bay’s shellfish stocks, herring spawning and shellfish farming could be vulnerable to it (Siggins, 2014).

Eradication is said to be expensive and almost impossible with Ireland’s best option being management requiring constant sampling and monitoring. With the awareness of the risks impacted by rapid spread of this species, marine ecologists strive to find out the most appropriate management response (Siggins, 2014). This specific invasive species is costing millions of money because of loss of biodiversity and impact on human health and economic activity especially in Ireland, where it has been reported in the article (Siggins, 2014).

The article sheds light on the spread of invasive species, which relates well to the course, which discusses invasive species. However, the course content does not expressly cover this specific invasive species, which can be explained by the fact that there are many invasive species in the world, which cannot be covered in this course. The course provides information on how invasive species affect other species in a given area, which has helped me understand the nature of the Didemnum vexillum, which is threatening to displace other sea species in the area and consequently have devastating effects on the environment and the economy (Hierro & Callaway, 2003).

The article caught my attention from the fact it is affecting ocean environment, which clearly shows how serious it is. Previously, I thought it was not possible to have invasive species in ocean since it is vast and hence cannot be easily invaded. The article has changed my perception and expanded my knowledge on invasive species which to be present in almost every possible environment (Hierro & Callaway, 2003). The threat to ocean is real from this invasive species and can indirectly affect me as it displaces valuable sea species, which contribute to economies of nations across the world.

The species also has enormous effect on environment as it affects the balance created by existing species where it colonises (Hierro & Callaway, 2003). Research on this invasive species should be increased to understand its nature and the best way of curbing its spread. According to the article, the species is not very well understood, as there has been limited research. However, the fact that it costs the economy €261 million, there is need to dedicate resources to research on the invasive species.

Such research should be funded by government, which should in the forefront in ensuring that the economy is threatened by such species (Siggins, 2014). The funding should be made available to Universities and government research institutions, which have the skills, experience and competency in such large scale and detailed research projects. The research should focus on way of preventing the spread of the invasive species. Currently, the only existing remedy is through management of the species, which has not been effective.

There is also need to have more research on the best ways of managing the invasive species in the event that ways of stopping its spread or eliminating it are not possible. ReferencesHierro, J. L., & Callaway, R. M. (2003). Allelopathy and exotic plant invasion. Plant and Soil , 256 (1), 29-39.Siggins, L. (2014, May 6). Invasive Species which can smother marine life spreading south galway bay. Retrieved May 7, 2014, from The Irish Times:

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