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Lung Cancer Physiology - Research Paper Example

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It consists of two broad types. These are small cell and non-small cell lung cancer. Lung cancer usually does not have to develop in the lungs. It can start from any other part of…
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Lung Cancer Physiology
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Lung Cancer Lung cancer is a disease that consists of unrestrained cell development in tissues of the lungs. It consists of two broad types. These are small cell and non-small cell lung cancer. Lung cancer usually does not have to develop in the lungs. It can start from any other part of the body and spread to the lungs. This situation is called metatsic cancer of the lungs. It is considered one of the fatal cancers among all the other types of cancers. Just like any other types of cancer, lung cancer can spread to other parts of the body.

Furthermore, lung cancer is a common type of cancer and considered the toughest to treat. In addition to lung cancer, being the most common type of cancer, it is also often tough to treat. This paper seeks to analyze the physiology of lung cancer, as well as the diagnosis and treatment process.Smoking is one of the major causes of lung cancer as it consists 80% of all reported cases of lung cancer. When smoking, an individual is considered to be absorbing more than 4000 cancerous chemicals. Even the nonsmokers are at risk of contracting lung cancer through passive smoking.

Second hand smoking is considered as bad as first hand smoking itself. Radon is also a leading cause of cancer (Sebti & Jove, 2010). Radon is a radioactive gas that is invisible and odorless. Radon is a chemical found on the surface of the earth. When anybody gets in contact with the chemical, the effect is the same as smoking itself. Other ways that people can contract lung cancer is through having contact with carcinogens. The diagnosis of lung cancer can be through physical examination and history.

In this, the signs and symptoms of lung cancer can be detected. The x-ray chest scan is the most common means of detecting lung cancer. The chest X-ray technique frequently encompasses an outlook from the back to the front of the torso as well as an outlook from sideways (Petricoin III et al, 2012). Computerized tomography (CT) and computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans may be done on the abdomen, chest, brain to check for metastatic, and lung cancer. The analysis of lung cancer constantly necessitates verification of malicious cells by a pathologist.

This is even when indications and X-ray examinations are apprehensive for lung cancer. Treatment of lung cancer can be done in many different ways. Lung cancer can be treated through surgery. Surgery is usually done in stage, one, and two. It is done through removal of tumors. Radiation therapy is also another form of lung cancer treatment. This can treat both SCLC and NSCLC. Radiation therapy employs high-energy X-rays to stop dividing cancer cells. Lung cancer can also be treated through chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy is the administration of medicines that kill the development of cancer cells. This method kills the cancerous cells and prevents them from dividing. New developments in the treatment of cancer include experimental therapies (Kronthaler & Nieswandt, 2009). Patients are put on experimental therapies that have not been ascertained to treat lung cancer.ReferencesKronthaler, U., & Nieswandt, B. method for the prevention and treatment of cancer by inhibition of gpvi." (2009) U.S. Patent Application 13/247,645.

Petricoin III, E., Wulfkuhle, J., & Zupa, "Identification and Treatment of Aggressive Lung Cancer Tumors." (2012). U.S. Patent Application 13/075,163.Sebti, S. M., & Jove, R. "Materials and methods for treatment of cancer and identification of anti-cancer compounds." (2010). U.S. Patent Application 13/209,937.

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